The Evening Blues - 12-10-21


The day's news roundup + tonight's musical feature: Slim Harpo

Hey! Good Evening!

This evening's music features Louisiana swamp bluesman Slim Harpo. Enjoy!

Slim Harpo - You Can't Make It

“Only six people in the Galaxy knew that the job of the Galactic President was not to wield power but to attract attention away from it.”

-- Douglas Adams

News and Opinion

U.K. Court Clears the Way for Assange Extradition to U.S.

High Court Allows Assange Extradition, Quashing His Discharge

The High Court in London on Friday ruled in the U.S. appeal against a lower court decision not to extradite imprisoned WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange by sending the case back to Magistrate’s Court with instructions to send the case to the secretary of state to decide on Assange’s extradition.

The matter is now in the hands of the home secretary, Priti Patel, unless Assange’s lawyers appeal the decision to the U.K. Supreme Court, which they have said they will do. If extradited, Assange faces up to 175 years in prison on charges under the Espionage Act and one count of conspiracy to commit computer intrusion. Assange is the first journalist to be charged with espionage by the U.S. for obtaining and publishing state secrets.

Lord Justice Timothy Holroyde, who read the High Court’s summary decision in court in nine minutes, said the order by a lower court to discharge Assange was overturned and that he was to remain on remand in prison. Holroyde said that the High Court had accepted the U.S. assurances that Assange would not be kept in harsh prison conditions in the U.S. He called them “solemn undertakings from one government to another.”

The High Court was satisfied, Holroyde said, that Assange would not be held under Special Administrative Measures or sent to ADX Florence maximum security prison in Colorado, that Assange would receive adequate medical treatment while incarcerated and that he could serve his post-trial and post-appeal sentence in his native Australia.

“The court rejected various criticism argued on Mr. Assange’s behalf …that the assurances …were not sufficient,” Holroyde said.

“The Forever Prisoner”: Alex Gibney on Abu Zubaydah, Held in Guantánamo Without Charge Since 2006

Iran nuclear talks pulled back from brink as Tehran shifts stance

Efforts to revive the Iran nuclear deal have been hauled back from the brink of collapse as Tehran revised its stance after pressure from Russia and China and clear warnings that the EU and the US were preparing to walk away. The cautiously optimistic assessment came at the start of the seventh round of talks on the future of the nuclear deal in Vienna. It follows what was seen as a disastrous set of talks last week in which the US and the EU claimed Iran had walked back on compromises reached in previous rounds.

The Russian ambassador to the talks, Mikhail Ulyanov, said: “We managed to eliminate a number of misunderstandings that created some tension. Everyone confirmed their commitment to productive work [to restore the nuclear agreement].”

Nevertheless, Joe Biden warned that the United States was preparing “additional measures” against Iran, amid lingering fears that the talks could still fail. “The president has asked his team to be prepared in the event that diplomacy fails and we must turn to other options,” said White House press secretary Jen Psaki.

More than half of Israelis support attacking Iran without US backing, poll says

Slightly more than half of Israelis say they would support their country attacking Iran without a "green light" from the United States, according to a poll released on Wednesday by the Israel Democracy Institute.

Israeli and US defence chiefs are expected on Thursday to discuss possible military exercises that would prepare for a worst-case scenario to destroy Iran's nuclear facilities should diplomacy fail and if their nations' leaders request it, a senior US official told Reuters.

Ukrainian crisis | US senator threatens Russia with NUKES

Pentagon orders study to ‘identify critical questions’ on role of nuclear weapons in US defense

The Pentagon has asked a Washington thinktank to draw up a report on the future of the US intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) programme and deliver it before the end of January. The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (CEIP) will present options based on three rounds of virtual consultations, which began on Tuesday, between Pentagon officials, nuclear weapons experts and arms control advocates.

Critics say the Carnegie Endowment consultations and its final report fall far short of an independent assessment that some congressional Democrats had demanded, scrutinising the main options: extending the life of the current ICBM, the Minuteman III, for a few years; or developing a totally new $100bn missile, known as the Ground Based Strategic Deterrent (GBSD). ...

Arms control advocates fear that Biden will not keep his pledge to reduce the role of nuclear weapons in US defence planning, and that the president will be boxed in by a set of options drawn up by nuclear hawks in the Pentagon in the 2022 Nuclear Posture Review (NPR).

The role of the CEIP was laid out in a letter from Colin Kahl, the undersecretary of defence for policy, to the Democratic senator Ed Markey, and a series of Pentagon responses to Markey’s follow-up questions about the NPR. “The department has … tasked the Carnegie Endowment to conduct an external study of diverse views on the intercontinental ballistic missile leg of the nuclear triad to inform the NPR,” Markey was told.

However, by the time the Carnegie Endowment delivers its report, in late January, the NPR is due to be delivered to the White House, raising questions on whether its findings will have any influence on decisions about the future nuclear arsenal.

Record-Breaking $788 Billion Defense Budget Passes House

Biden promises eastern Europeans support in event of Russian attack on Ukraine

Joe Biden has phoned the leaders of Ukraine and nine eastern European Nato states promising support if Russia attacks Ukraine and pledging to involve them in decisions about the region.

After a 90-minute call with Biden late on Thursday, Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskiy said on Twitter that the two “discussed possible formats for resolving the conflict” in eastern Ukraine, where Russian-backed separatists have carved out a self-declared state.

After Zelenskiy, Biden spent 40 minutes talking to the leaders of Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and Slovakia – all of which, unlike Ukraine, joined Nato in the wake of the 1991 Soviet collapse.

Biden reassured the leaders that nothing would be agreed with Russia about the region behind the backs of its countries, an adviser to Lithuania’s president told reporters. ...

Officials in Poland and other eastern and central Nato countries have privately bristled at Biden’s description of seeking an “accommodation” with Russia, worrying that any trade-off could increase the danger they face from an expansionist Russia.

Is Russia really planning a war in Ukraine - or is Washington?

Germany’s foreign minister under pressure over Nord Stream 2 sanctions

Germany’s new foreign minister, Annalena Baerbock, has been caught a diplomatic vice days into the job, as US puts pressure on the coalition government in Berlin to vow to block the Nord Stream 2 pipeline in the event of Russia invading Ukraine. The controversial pipeline project, which runs from Ust-Luga in Russia to Lubmin in north-east Germany, is also likely to be the first test of the new German government’s unity of approach.

Baerbock, the 40-year-old Green co-leader, has long opposed the near-complete giant pipeline, but the German coalition programme is silent on the issue, due to support for the project from the new German chancellor Olaf Scholz’s Social Democrats. ...

The energy link is not only supported by former chancellor Gerhard Schröder, now chair of Nord Stream’s board of directors, but also the centre-left party’s branch in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, where the local population hopes to draw economic advantages once gas starts running underneath the Baltic Sea.

Scholz indicated that he would not leave it to his Green coalition partners to dictate his government’s language around Nord Stream 2. “The whole country is being watched by the world,” he said. “That’s why we as a government will act in unison – and that starts with the head of government.”

“We have a very clear attitude: we want everyone’s borders to be respected,” Scholz told Die Welt newspaper on Wednesday. “Everyone understands that there will be consequences if that is not the case.” The new chancellor did not go as far as spelling out a threat to abandon the project.

6 LIES Media Is Telling On Inflation

An excellent article detailing (some of) Brandon's corruption. It's worth a click and a full read, here's a bit to whet the appetite:

The Biden White House purports to be worried about corruption — just not the kind now dominating American politics

“Corruption robs citizens of equal access to vital services, denying the right to quality health care, public safety, and education,” the Biden administration wrote Monday, adding that corruption “has been shown to significantly curtail the ability of states to respond effectively to public health crises.” These were the key findings of the first-ever “United States Strategy on Countering Corruption,” coordinated by President Joe Biden’s National Security Council. But the strategy paper noticeably avoided mention of a particular form of corruption: corporate capture, where companies and their financial interests completely dominate the policymaking process.

The Biden administration, as it turns out, is a perfect example of this: Every policy solution they propose involves some sort of corporate giveaway. This is the kind of institutionalized and legalized bribery that’s almost never discussed — the corruption that’s responsible for high health care costs and poor health care outcomes in the U.S., and that has made it effectively impossible for lawmakers to rationally respond to the COVID-19 pandemic here and around the globe.

As if to drive the problem home, within hours of releasing their corruption report, the Biden White House was flailing on TV trying to defend an overly complex COVID testing plan that will keep Americans paying inflated retail prices for at-home tests with the hope that their health insurer will agree to reimburse them at some later point. This plan is wildly impractical, but it would be a boon for the same testing manufacturer that just so happened to start paying Biden’s former top aide shortly after Biden was elected president. The proposed strategy is just the latest example of the Biden administration’s preferred approach for dealing with virtually every health care problem: funnel it through health insurance corporations that bankroll Washington politicians. The situation will continue to drive health care disparities and pad profits in a health care sector that helped finance Biden’s presidential campaign.

Progressives Introduce FOUR-DAY Work Week Bill

Columbia University threatens graduate workers with replacement if they continue strike

About 3,000 graduate workers at Columbia University in New York City, who have been on strike since 3 November, recently received an email from the university human resources department threatening the workers with replacement if they continue striking. The strike is the largest active strike in the US. The email, sent on 2 December by Columbia University human resources vice-president Dave Driscoll, informed workers their positions would be replaced if they continue striking past 10 December.

“Our interpretation of this email is that it’s basically a threat. They are saying here’s the date, December 10. If you’re still exercising your right to engage in protected activity on or after December 10 there’s no guarantee that you’re going to get your job back. So we think that’s the intention of the threat, but we also think that what they’re doing is unlawful,” said Ethan Jacobs, a graduate student worker in the philosophy department at Columbia University and a member of the GWC-UAW Local 2110 bargaining committee.

Jacobs described the unfair labor practice charges filed by the union against the university with the National Labor Relations Board. They include the university enacting a wage freeze and changing wage disbursement schedules earlier this year without negotiating with the union after its members rejected a tentative agreement after a strike in the 2021 spring semester.

According to the National Labor Relations Act, workers who strike to protest unfair labor practices cannot be discharged or permanently replaced. Jacobs expressed the union’s intent to file additional charges with the NLRB over the university’s threat to replace workers on strike.

Starbucks workers’ efforts to unionize finds success in Buffalo, New York

Starbucks workers have voted to unionize at a store in Buffalo, New York, over the company’s objections, pointing the way to a new labor model for the 50-year-old coffee giant.

The National Labor Relations Board said Thursday that workers voted 19-8 in favor of a union. The board is still counting votes for two other stores.

If the labor board certifies the vote – a process expected to take about a week – it would be the first Starbucks-owned store in the US to unionize.

Starbucks has actively fought unionization at its stores for decades, saying its stores function best when the company works directly with employees, whom it calls “partners”. ...

The “Yes” vote is likely to accelerate unionization efforts at other US Starbucks outlets.

the horse race

Court rules Trump cannot block release of documents to Capitol attack panel

Donald Trump, the former US president, suffered a major defeat on Thursday when a federal appeals court ruled against his effort to block the release of documents related to the 6 January attack on the US Capitol.

Trump is expected to appeal to the supreme court.

A select committee in the House of Representatives is investigating the events on and surrounding 6 January, when a pro-Trump mob stormed the Capitol in a bid to disrupt the certification of Joe Biden’s election win. Amid scenes of violence that shocked America and the world, five people eventually died and scores were injured.

Trump and a clique of his close advisors have repeatedly engaged in legal action over the committee’s investigations, including refusing to cooperate with it.

But in a 3-0 decision, the United States court of appeals for the District of Columbia said there was a “unique legislative need” for documents that the committee has requested but whose release Trump has sought to keep secret through executive privilege – a legal doctrine that protects the confidentiality of some White House communications.

the evening greens

Chevron foe Donziger released from prison under COVID waiver

Donziger tweeted Thursday afternoon: "Danbury prison officials released me this morning to serve the rest of my sentence (136 days) at home."

Donziger's legal team had requested his release under the CARES (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security) Act, said Martin Garbus, one of his lawyers.

The Federal Bureau of Prisons did not immediately reply to a request for comment nor did it respond to a phone call.

Donziger began serving his sentence at the Danbury federal prison on Oct. 27. A prison staffer contacted by phone could not confirm his release.

Navy Fighting Health Department Order to Drain Fuel Tanks over Tainted Water Concerns

The Navy is fighting an order from the state of Hawaii's government to stop using and drain the fuel tanks at its underground bulk storage facility on Hawaii near Honolulu.

The Hawaii Department of Health issued an order to the Navy on Monday to suspend operations at the Red Hill fuel facility, treat contaminated drinking water, and remove fuel from its 20 underground tanks.

But in a letter to Hawaii health officials and others Tuesday, a Navy attorney said the service is contesting the order. He gave no reason why.

Updated Extinction Assessment Drives Fresh Call to 'Save Life on Earth'

The Biden administration was told Thursday it must act urgently to address the biodiversity and climate crises following the release of an updated global assessment that showed the number of species at risk of extinction now tops 40,000.

"Every new look at extinction shows that we're running out of time to save wildlife and ultimately ourselves," said Tierra Curry, a senior scientist at the Center for Biological Diversity.

The update of the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species documents a decline in Earth's dragonflies and damselflies, finding 16% out of over 6,000 species are at risk of extinction amid a deterioration of their freshwater breeding grounds in Asia, the Americas, and Europe. The report says the losses are driven by numerous factors including the climate crisis and land clearance for construction and agricultural crops like palm oil.

Out of the 142,577 species evaluated in 2021 by the IUCN, the analysis found an estimated 28% are threatened with extinction.

As Dr. Ian Burfield, a global science coordinator for BirdLife International, noted in a statement, "The plight of dragonflies is indicative of a wider crisis threatening many wetland species," including major declines in wetland birds over recent years.

Curry similarly called dragonflies "not only gorgeous" but "indicator species that tell us a lot about the health of rivers and wetlands. The serious threats they face are a huge red flag that we have to do better."

"The ongoing damming of rivers and loss of wetlands," she said, "wipes out wildlife and harms humans with increased risks of flooding and diseases."

The plummeting numbers of dragonflies and damselflies is perhaps unsurprising in light of the vast scope of wetland destruction. Despite their crucial role the water cycle and biodiversity, approximately 85% of the world's wetlands have been lost over the past 300 hundred years. That same percentage of loss is true for the U.S. and Canada, though the rate of loss appears to be on the decline.

"The loss of these critical habitats," Dr. Thomas E. Lacher, Jr., Professor Emeritus at Texas A&M University, said of wetlands, "will have severe impacts on amphibians and migratory birds globally," noting their "exceptional levels of biodiversity in an extremely small land area."

With the new 'Red List' data—and in light of ongoing threats including the climate crisis and toxic pesticides driving an "insect apocalypse"—Curry said President Joe Biden must urgently set the U.S. on a new course in terms of energy production and environmental protection.

"The Biden administration has to muster the political will to move away from dirty fossil fuels, change the toxic ways we produce food, curtail the wildlife trade, and halt ongoing loss of habitat," she said. "We actually can do these things."

"We can and must save life on Earth," Curry added. "In the face of the federal failure to act while the planet melts down around us, individuals, cities, and states have to protect wildlife and fight climate change."

Tropical forests can regenerate in just 20 years without human interference

Tropical forests can bounce back with surprising rapidity, a new study published today suggests.

An international group of researchers has found that tropical forests have the potential to almost fully regrow if they are left untouched by humans for about 20 years. This is due to a multidimensional mechanism whereby old forest flora and fauna help a new generation of forest grow – a natural process known as “secondary succession”.

These new findings, published in Science, could play an important role in climate-breakdown mitigation and provide actionable advice on how to act next. They also suggest that it is not too late to undo the damage that humanity has done through catastrophic climate change over the last few decades.

“That’s good news, because the implication is that, 20 years … that’s a realistic time that I can think of, and that my daughter can think of, and that the policymakers can think of,” said Lourens Poorter, professor in functional ecology at Wageningen University in the Netherlands and lead author of the paper.

This idea of natural regeneration is frequently disregarded in favour of tree plantations, but according to Poorter, the former yields better results than restoration plantings. “Compared to planting new trees, it performs way better in terms of biodiversity, climate change mitigation and recovering nutrients.” The takeaway message is that we don’t necessarily need to plant more trees when nature is doing it by itself, Poorter said.

Also of Interest

Here are some articles of interest, some which defied fair-use abstraction.

'Pool of blood': US drone strike hits Syria family

‘Warehouses in their backyards’: when Amazon expands, these communities pay the price

US Supreme Court Poised to Retract a Fundamental Right

Big Business Lobby Taps Trump's 'Chief Union-Buster to Kneecap' Worker Rights

The Fed Pulls a Dark Curtain Around Former Dallas Fed President, Robert Kaplan, and His Trading in S&P 500 Futures

CNN Asks Sinema No Questions About Conflicts

Extreme Weather and Pandemic Help Drive Global Food Prices to 46-Year High

World Screams In Anguish At News That Olympics Won’t Be Attended By Some Western Diplomats

Marco Rubio LAMBASTS US' Economic Love Affair With China, Calls For Working Family-First Capitalism

A Little Night Music

Slim Harpo - I'm a King Bee

Slim Harpo - I Just Can´t Leave You Baby

Slim Harpo - Dynamite

Slim Harpo - Boogie Chillun

Slim Harpo - Moody Blues

Slim Harpo - I Got Love If You Want It

Slim Harpo - Folsom Prison Blues

Slim Harpo - Little Queen Bee

Slim Harpo - Te-Ni-Nee-Ni-Nu

Slim Harpo - Shake Your Hips

16 users have voted.


mimi's picture

Thanks for the EB, gpes without saying.

I think I am going to say some prayers for some people this night. Probably the night is not long enough to fit them all in.

Good Night. Don't give up.

9 users have voted.
joe shikspack's picture


have a great evening!

3 users have voted.
Shahryar's picture

Top 20 in pop, #1 in r&B 1966


7 users have voted.
joe shikspack's picture


heh, i remember that world with a certain fondness. that time like everything that came before and after it had its problems, but the music was really great. Smile

5 users have voted.
dystopian's picture

@Shahryar Great call Shahr! I loved that song... was 11 when it was being played multiple times daily on KRLA in L.A., one of the big two AM pop stations. KRLA put out a double LP record of 44 hits my brother got that had this on it. GREAT song!

4 users have voted.

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein

ggersh's picture

great weekend.

Our fucking government fucking us once more

5 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

QMS's picture


last year the wiper blades on my truck were 1/2 the price of today
can anybody in the present executive / congressional delegations
spell inflation? Yet it is the devaluation of the petroleum dollar that
is forcing us to pay more for food, energy, commodities and basic needs.
Shh, don't let that cat out of the bag!

Thanks for the EB Joe.

9 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

joe shikspack's picture


so, the bureau of labor statistics has a misplaced nostalgia for a happier time. go figure.

have a great weekend!

5 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

Angel’s landing in Zion

Talks about how many people are hiking the trail these days. I get that weird reaction when I’m high up to jump off the edge. I read that it’s a natural phenomenon humans have for some odd reason and I have a lot of it. Nope, nun-uh, no way Jose! Just watching the video does something weird to my nervous system. Couldn’t watch it all.

I’m refraining from saying LOTS OF BAD WORDS on the Iran deal fiasco. Why doesn’t Russia and China stick up for Iran and tell the FUKUS that all that’s needed is just for the US to drop the sanctions they illegally placed on them and return to the original deal? Why after we broke it for no reason is it up to Iran to make more concessions to us in order to return to the deal. We are the biggest terrorist organization in the world and every country has the right to defend itself and their allies, but it seems that isn’t acceptable to us and wants Iran to stay home and just watch their allies get pummeled by the murderous NATO alliance. I’d sure like to know why Russia allows Israel to bomb Syria at their whim. Aren’t they supposed to be Syria’s ally? I can imagine if that shoe was on the other foot and Syria started bombing Israel and calling it self defense. It goes beyond saying what we’d do if Iran joined in with or without them.

Oh goody another $100 billion not spent for the American people. Hey Mamchin, what will that do for inflation? Don’t you think the pentagon should be means tested before just giving it more money? How can we possibly afford it?

Happy Friday. Another week of news that was worse than the previous week. But thanks anyway Joe for bringing it.

We got feet’s of snow today. I’ve got half a foot, but the mountains got enough to open ski resorts. But there’s a heat wave coming next week. In the high 40's.

10 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

joe shikspack's picture


heh, i was in zion back in 2016 but i knew better than to hit that trail. i was just as happy meeting the squirrels along the river trail and the climb up to weeping rock was quite enough for me.

i don't have a good answer for you about why russia is so accommodating towards israel, etc. i am guessing that russia and china are playing a longer game and trying to avoid a military confrontation. i suspect that they would rather that the confrontation take place in the economic and/or diplomatic realm instead.

6 users have voted.
enhydra lutris's picture

A very interesting news mix, but maybe good news, for now, from Tehran.

be well and have a good one, as well as a wonderful weekend

5 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

joe shikspack's picture

@enhydra lutris

good to see you, have a great weekend!

4 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

Not much new to add just his perspective. He says it could still take years before he gets extradited here, but does Julian have years left? I cannot imagine how soul crushing this verdict is for him. Sad

10 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

joe shikspack's picture


a good piece, with an excellent conclusion:

No matter the outcome of further proceedings in this case, today's ruling means that the U.S. has succeeded in ensuring that Assange remains imprisoned, hidden and silenced into the foreseeable future. If they have not yet permanently broken him, they are undoubtedly close to doing so. His own physicians and family members have warned of this repeatedly. Citizens of the U.S. and subjects of the British Crown are inculcated from birth to believe that we are blessed to live under a benevolent and freedom-protecting government, and that tyranny only resides in enemy states. Today's judicial approval by the U.K. High Court of the U.S.'s attack on core press freedom demonstrates yet again the fundamental lie at the heart of this mythology.

9 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

@joe shikspack

I’m guessing that option is going to be rescinded just as soon as his feet hit America’s shores. Britain can see that the goal is to see him dead. As everyone knows we planned a kidnap/execution if the logistics worked out, but the judge thinks that we will honor our promise not to stick him in some dank, dark hole? Daniel Hale just got sent to one, but sure trust us to uphold our promise not to put Julian in one. What bugs the hell out of me is how many shitlibs are cheering the decision. "He cost Hillary the presidency! and deserves whatever is coming." Idiots don’t know that he hasn’t been charged for anything to do with the Russia Gate farce. No one was.

The shitlibs are giving high 5's to Schiff for winning an argument today on proof that Mueller found Trump guilty of collusion. He brought up how many people got sent to prison for it. I’m sure that he knows none went for anything to do with it and were only guilty of process crimes. He also said that Manafort gave Kimilick polling data. You know ..the data that had been public for weeks already.

SL 1: "WHY hasn’t Garland gone after Trump for what Mueller found yet?"

SL 2: "I’m sure that Garland is busy sifting through all the information so just be patient. It’s coming."

Me: "Good lord get a life. No president will ever be held accountable for anything they do whilst playing president. It’s all scripted. Fitzmas will never come."

Heh..I remember falling for that the Fitzmas scam once. I had little HOPE that Obama would do something about Bush/Cheney. Max and Jimmy talked about how Bill Crystal has been rehabilitated cuz he said something mean about Trump. So has David Frumpy and Nicole Wallace who used to be Bush’s mouthpiece remember? She’s my uncle’s 2nd favorite news person. He used to rail against way back then. Guess who is #1?

4 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

The Seattle Times shows it hidden bias in its reporting.

Seattle City Councilmember Kshama Sawant declared an “apparent victory” on Friday over an effort to recall her, but expanded her lead only slightly to 249 votes in the fourth day of ballot counting.

Even as hundreds of challenged ballots remained to potentially be counted in the coming days, she told supporters Friday morning that she expected to beat the effort to remove her from office.

“It appears we have defeated the combined efforts of big business, the right wing, corporate media, the courts and the political establishment who sought to remove our socialist council office by any means necessary,” Sawant said to a crowd of supporters.

Though she trailed by about 6 percentage points when the initial count was posted late Tuesday, about 60% of the votes counted in subsequent days have been “no” votes in favor of retaining Sawant. Now, she narrowly leads with 50.3%, a margin of just 249 votes.

With the bulk of ballots counted, King County Elections reported just 87 new counted ballots on Friday, of which 52 were against the recall and 35 were in favor, showing that both sides still have ground to gain among uncounted ballots.

Still, Henry Bridger II, leader of the Recall Sawant campaign, hinted at a concession in an emailed statement after the new votes were posted Friday.

“While the ultimate outcome will likely fall short of removing Sawant from office, the results of this election ought to ring out like an alarm to Councilmember Sawant and those dealing in her style of divisive politics,” Bridger wrote.

Savant was not impressed by Bridger's comment.

“We won because we did not back down,” Sawant said.

“We did not back down one inch in our socialist election campaign to defeat the racist, right wing, big-business-backed recall.”

A bonus tweet.

8 users have voted.
joe shikspack's picture


more good news. i am still keeping my fingers crossed that the result holds up.

have a great weekend!

8 users have voted.

Have been on the road heading from Santa Fe to outside Austin. Away from the news but got on tonight and news still bad but the blues were great! Came from that part of the country and the music was very familiar.
Left Santa Fe a day early to miss the blowing rain and snow that was predicted for Friday in Santa Fe.. No problems from Santa Fe to Lubbock for my first day drive. Today got to experience something I hope I never do again. Was in a two hour drive through 30 mile a hour wind blowing across my car and with it blinding sand and blowing tumbleweeds. Was so glad to get off the road in Sweetwater and for the rest of the trip 15-20 mile an hour winds.
As I got deeper into the “Trump territory” I unfortunately have my cabin, saw my first Trump/Brandon flog flying. Sheesh.

Am home now, unloaded and ready for some calm and quiet. Hope all have a pleasant evening.

8 users have voted.

Life is what you make it, so make it something worthwhile.

This ain't no dress rehearsal!

joe shikspack's picture


glad to hear that you made it back home safely despite texas' best efforts to blow you off course. Smile

enjoy the music and have a great weekend!

7 users have voted.

7 users have voted.

8 users have voted.

10 users have voted.
joe shikspack's picture


hard-earned happiness happen.

5 users have voted.
dystopian's picture

Hi Joe! Hope everyone is doing well! I love Slim Harpo. Don't know what it is about it that strikes my soul the way it does... maybe the simplicity and rawness of it. Pure and easy, just right. Great sheet mon! Was this the first Boogie Chillin'? I think there was an earlier one, right? I liked ZZ's take on it on Fandango. Slim was a big influence on many.

That Mississippi Fred was awesome too. He was a great player too.

I really like how the Stones cover of Fred's "You Gotta Move", and their cover of "Shake Your Hips", were soooo faithful to the originals. They really nailed them both in more modern way. Very well done.

Thanks for the great soundscape Joe! Have a great weekend!

Y'all be well out there, hear?

6 users have voted.

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein

joe shikspack's picture


i believe that john lee hooker was the originator of boogie chillun as we know it. he first recorded it in 1948. i've always liked zz top's take on it, too. one of my favorite takes on it that's clearly influenced by zz top is zydeco artist beau jocque's zydeco boogie woogie:

have a great weekend!

3 users have voted.
dystopian's picture

@joe shikspack great tune Joe, THANKS! Loved that! And yeah man, John Lee Hooker was the one I was thinkin' of, thanks again blues doctor...

2 users have voted.

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein