The Dose - 10-23-2021


A few articles of interest.

In the early 80's I read a fictional short story on computer automation of public records and have always been suspicious of computer records. A problem in a water bill reported through the automated customer support was misinterpreted. Through a series of interpretive errors over a year the customer was finally convicted of first degree murder and ordered to be executed, appeal denied.

This report on digital vaccine passport technology reported by wokkamile and Azazello this week leave me with the same sense of uneasiness.

These three heart-rending casualties were among a spate of deaths in rural India in 2017 which came as a direct result of the Aadhaar digital ID system.

With over one billion Indians in its database, Aadhaar is the largest biometric digital ID program ever constructed. Besides serving as a portal to government services, it tracks users’ movements between cities, their employment status, and purchasing records. It is a de facto social credit system that serves as the key entry point for accessing services in India.

Having branded Aadhaar’s creator, fellow billionaire Nandan Nilekani, as a “hero,” initiatives backed by tech oligarch Bill Gates have long sought to bring the “Aadhaar approach to other countries.” With the onset of the Covid-19 crisis, Gates and other mavens of the digital ID industry have an unprecedented opportunity to introduce their programs into the wealthy countries of the Global North.

For those yearning for an end to pandemic-related restrictions, credential programs certifying their vaccination against Covid-19 have been marketed as the key to reopening the economy and restoring their personal freedom. But the implementation of immunity passports is also accelerating the establishment of a global digital identity infrastructure.

As the military surveillance firm and NATO contractor Thales recently put it, vaccine passports “are a precursor to digital ID wallets.”
In the US, President Joe Biden is “moving forward with vaccination requirements wherever [he] can.” Biden, who declared that his “patience is wearing thin” with unvaccinated Americans, recently announced new federal requirements mandating that about 80 million Americans – including all those who work at companies with more than 100 employees – must either be vaccinated or get tested for COVID-19 weekly.

Biden has also mandated that those working at facilities which receive Medicare or Medicaid must show proof of immunity to keep their jobs. According to AP, President Biden is considering proof of immunity for interstate travel, a restriction his former public health advisor, Ezekiel Emanuel, has clamored for.
In the US, some states are already deploying the SMART Health Cards developed by the VCI. These SMART Health Cards have laid the basis for a de-facto national standard for vaccine credentials.

“If enough states embrace the technology, it could become a de facto nationwide standard and relieve the Biden administration of having to lay out federal requirements for domestic purposes,” Politico noted.


Exposed: How Pfizer Exploits Secretive Vaccine Contracts to Strong-Arm Governments

Pfizer has used its position as a producer of one of the leading Covid-19 vaccines to "silence governments, throttle supply, shift risk, and maximize profits" through secret contracts with countries around the world, according to a Public Citizen report published Tuesday.

"Behind closed doors, Pfizer wields its power to extract a series of concerning concessions from governments," report author Zain Rizvi, law and policy researcher at Public Citizen's Access to Medicines program, said in a statement. "The global community cannot allow pharmaceutical corporations to keep calling the shots."
Based on those contracts, the report identifies six tactics Pfizer is using to serve the company rather than public health in the midst of a deadly pandemic:

1. Pfizer Reserves the Right to Silence Governments
2. Pfizer Controls Donations
3. Pfizer Secured an "IP Waiver" for Itself
4. Private Arbitrators, Not Public Courts, Decide Disputes in Secret
5. Pfizer Can Go After State Assets
6. Pfizer Calls the Shots on Key Decisions
In response to Public Citizen's report, Sharon Castillo, a spokesperson for Pfizer, told The Washington Post that confidentiality clauses were "standard in commercial contracts" and "intended to help build trust between the parties, as well as protect the confidential commercial information exchanged during negotiations and included in final contracts."

Castillo also said that "Pfizer has not interfered and has absolutely no intention of interfering with any country's diplomatic, military, or culturally significant assets," adding that "to suggest anything to the contrary is irresponsible and misleading."

Meanwhile, Peter Maybarduk, director of Public Citizen's Access to Medicines program, accused Pfizer of "taking advantage of countries' desperation" with the far-reaching contracts.

Suggestions of Pfizer using Israeli population as a test group first surfaced in January 2021.
Israel agreed to be 'giant testing trial lab for COVID-19 vaccines'

Last week former Prime Minister Ehud Barak suggested that Pfizer and other drug manufacturers are using the Israeli population as a COVID-19 vaccine test subject, and that Israel has willingly made itself available for this purpose.

Globes Friday confirmed the details, writing that "Israel will act as a large world testing laboratory, with the results from this huge research serving to set vaccination strategies in the rest of the world."

September 2021 Pfizer Admits Israel Is the Great COVID-19 Vaccine Experiment

Pfizer admits it’s treating Israel as a unique “laboratory” to assess COVID jab effects. Whatever happens in Israel can reliably be expected to happen elsewhere, months later

Pfizer entered into an exclusivity agreement with the Israeli Ministry of Health, so the only COVID shot available is Pfizer’s. The Pfizer shot has a higher risk for heart inflammation among young men than some of the other COVID shots, but Israeli youth have no option but to get the most dangerous one

Pfizer’s shot went from a 95% effectiveness in December 2020 to 39% by late July when the Delta strain became predominant in Israel. In response to obvious vaccine failure, Israel started giving out third boosters at the end of July 2021

Vaccine failure is also evident in Israeli data showing fully vaccinated are at higher risk of severe illness when infected with SARS-CoV-2 or any of its variants than unvaccinated, and now make up the bulk of COVID-related hospitalizations and deaths

According to a recent Israeli news report, which I posted on Twitter1 September 13, 2021, Pfizer admits it’s treating Israel as a unique “laboratory” to assess COVID jab effects. Whatever happens in Israel can reliably be expected to happen everywhere else as well, some months later.

In other words, the Israeli population is one giant test group — without a control group, unfortunately — and as noted by the news anchors, the people really should have been informed that they were part of one of the biggest medical experiments in human history.

Pfizer entered into an exclusivity agreement with the Israeli Ministry of Health at the outset, so the only COVID shot available is Pfizer’s. As noted by the news anchor, we now realize that the Pfizer shot has a higher risk for heart inflammation among young men than some of the other COVID shots, but Israeli youth have no option but to get the most dangerous one.

October 2018 article Ten months after Israel began its coronavirus vaccination campaign, the Health Ministry announced Monday that some Israelis will for the first time be able to receive the AstraZeneca vaccine, starting from Thursday.

Ten months after Israel began its coronavirus vaccination campaign, the Health Ministry announced Monday that some Israelis will for the first time be able to receive the AstraZeneca vaccine, starting from Thursday.
Only Israelis 18 and up with a referral from a doctor will be eligible to receive the AstraZeneca vaccine, the statement added.


The Covid Resilience Ranking
The Best and Worst Places to Be as We Learn to Live With Delta
Sept 28, 2021
US is #23. The table may be sorted to review ranking of individual criteria.

The Covid Resilience Ranking is a monthly snapshot of where the virus is being handled the most effectively with the least social and economic upheaval. Compiled using 12 data indicators that span virus containment, the quality of healthcare, vaccination coverage, overall mortality and progress toward restarting travel and easing border curbs, the Ranking captures which of the world’s biggest 53 economies are responding best—and worst—to the same once-in-a-generation threat.
To capture which of the 53 economies are nailing reopening—an aspect of pandemic management that’s become key—we zero in on their progress on vaccination, the severity of the lockdowns and restrictions in place, plus two metrics tracking travel that were introduced in June. They form a gauge that assesses how far each place is from pre-Covid levels of normalcy.

Read about the methodology behind the Covid Resilience Ranking

Despite this focus on reopening, indicators that have always been part of the Resilience Ranking remain, with all 12 data points equally weighted. The Covid Status tab includes two death-related indicators: the case-fatality rate over the past three months and a measure of overall mortality through the whole pandemic. This means the U.S. having the highest recorded death toll globally still contributes to its current score.

15 users have voted.


in public health officials has been completely destroyed, good luck getting people to accept public health mandates. (Or anything else these people say). Vanity Fair reported yesterday that Rand Paul was on to something.

NIH admits funding virus research in Wuhan.

On Wednesday, the NIH sent a letter to members of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce that acknowledged two facts. One was that EcoHealth Alliance, a New York City–based nonprofit that partners with far-flung laboratories to research and prevent the outbreak of emerging diseases, did indeed enhance a bat coronavirus to become potentially more infectious to humans, which the NIH letter described as an “unexpected result” of the research it funded that was carried out in partnership with the Wuhan Institute of Virology. The second was that EcoHealth Alliance violated the terms of its grant conditions stipulating that it had to report if its research increased the viral growth of a pathogen by tenfold.

The disclosures of the last four months—since Vanity Fair was first to detail how conflicts of interest resulting from U.S. government funding of controversial virology research hampered America’s investigation into COVID-19’s origins—present an increasingly disturbing picture.

Thanks for the dose, it seems to me to have become essential reading. In my extended family there are multiple people with multiple medical issues. Every time I go to a doctor's office with one of them I am disappointed. I have become a very difficult 'patient advocate' as I have zero trust. I was extremely disappointed to learn that pediatricians receive $400 for each vaccine that they administer in their office. (Actually their nurse administers it and I'm sure she is not compensated in that way). It makes me wonder what other medications are tied to a similar compensation scheme.

13 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


that many prescription drugs provide doctor's kick backs upon writing the script.
They are also paid by big pharma for other promotions of drugs as well.

10 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

@Lookout , I checked out the pro-publica link that both you and SOE cited. It's a very good resource. Much appreciated.

6 users have voted.
studentofearth's picture

@randtntx only showing "conspiracy theory" sites which are easily dismissed as unreliable. Too important an issue to accidentally create plausible deniability.

Instead of helping to lead a search for COVID-19’s origins, with the pandemic now firmly in its 19th month, the NIH has circled the wagons, defending its grant system and scientific judgment against a rising tide of questions. “It’s just another chapter in a sad tale of inadequate oversight, disregard for risk, and insensitivity to the importance of transparency,” said Stanford microbiologist Dr. David Relman. “Given all of the sensitivity about this work, it’s difficult to understand why NIH and EcoHealth have still not explained a number of irregularities with the reporting on this grant.”

The disclosures of the last four months—since Vanity Fair was first to detail how conflicts of interest resulting from U.S. government funding of controversial virology research hampered America’s investigation into COVID-19’s origins — present an increasingly disturbing picture.

Could interpret "inadequate oversight, disregard for risk, and insensitivity to the importance of transparency," as unconcerned for human lives or quality of life.

Dollars to Docs data is from 2018. It provides a snapshot of Big Pharma money for drugs and medical devices paid directly to individual doctors, plus grouped by state and teaching hospital. There is a searchable function for information on individual doctors.

The dollars involved does include funds funneled by Prescription Benefit Managers to insurance companies related to preferred drug pricing.

8 users have voted.

Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

@studentofearth , that Pfizer can extract such unbelievable concessions from governments. They're making so much money from government contracts you would thing it would be the other way around...governments should be getting concessions from Pfizer for the privilege of giving them all that business.

Thanks for the propublica link and your work on this thread. I want to read your other column, but that will have to wait 'till tomorrow...must turn in.

7 users have voted.
Pluto's Republic's picture


From the beginning. The lying coming from the CDC, the FDA, and the NIH. It began with Fauci and the masks, and it has ended with Fauci and his bio-weapons research at Wuhan. In the beginning, I was very upset about the obvious lies about the masks. However, I didn't think the Americans people paid much attention. After all, Americans do not even try to wear masks that will protect them from infections. The cloth masks they favor stops their own spittle from flying, but leaves them completely vulnerable to any viruses in the air around them. Foreigners tend to wear protective surgical masks, often provided by their governments. They ask why a rich country like the US does not produce proper masks for their people. They rightly assume that ineffective masks are the reason Covid-19 is out of control in the US.

But an even better question is why there was no useful testing for several months while the virus was spreading in the US. All other countries were mass testing their people. I think we may finally learn the truth about that soon, which may blow the cover off of the Origins of the Pandemic.

I now believe that the Public Health organizations' early lies to the people were the catalyst for the profound mistrust of the vaccines. It is obvious that the government is pushing vaccine mandates for the sole purpose of enhancing the US economy. They don't really care so much about people getting sick and dying. They want their old economy back again. Maybe that's why people are walking off their jobs.

Anyway, the NIH lies and evasions about their work at the Wuhan Institute of Virology are really quite awful. They suggest a deep and ongoing conspiracy involving many people in high places. The Intercept has a major angle on this story focused on EcoHealth Alliance's missing or revised reports on their work for the NIH. It reveals previously unknown manipulation of data and is worth a read. Meanwhile, the current NIH director, Francis S. Collins, is stepping down. He made a public statement this week, declaring that the virus, SARS-CoV-2, is a naturally evolving virus in the world. Furthermore, he suggested that those who push the idea that SARS-CoV-2 was created in a laboratory, like the one at Wuhan, are the spreaders of misinformation. [See the excerpt below.]

Something to understand about the Wuhan Institute of Virology — it is China's first biosafety level 4 (BSL-4) laboratory, but it is an ongoing multinational project. The Institute was designed and built by France, who incorporated the world's most advanced safety protocols. It required ten years of steady construction to complete the building. On any given day, its many separate labs are occupied by dozens of scientific groups who have come from all over the world to work on their research projects there and collaborate with fellow scientists. The Wuhan Institute Lab is deeply interactive with the foremost labs in Canada and United States, and it is tightly connected with specific universities in the US and Canada. These relationships have not changed. Everyone is keeping their heads down until the pandemic blows over.

Of the various bat viruses that were tested at Wuhan for the United States, none of the viruses were related to SARS-CoV-2, which causes Covid-19. The world still has not been able to locate the bat colony that hosted this particular Coronavirus. So when politicians and pundits use the existence of a level 4 bio-lab in Wuhan to blame China for starting the pandemic — in order to start World War III — intellectually honest people reject their message.

On that note: This week, the NIH dropped another important study: Americans were sick with Covid-19 even before it was identified in China. I've long suspected that Covid-19 was the mysterious Vaping Disease that began the in the summer of 2019 in the US and continued on until the Chinese discovered and sequenced the virus' DNA. It was then that Vaping disease abruptly disappeared, never to be seen again. If I am right, then we've barely scratched the surface of the lying and deception in the US. This government will continue to ignore or redact FOIA requests and block investigation requests, and hide behind walls of classified documents. The political damage in the US may be past the point of no return for Americans who can think without fear.


October 20, 2021

Statement on Misinformation about SARS-CoV-2 Origins
from Outgoing NIH Director, Francis S. Collins:

To date, the origin of the SARS-CoV-2 virus that caused the COVID-19 pandemic has not been identified, despite intensive efforts to do so. This is not unusual — confirming with 100% certainty the origin of a virus is a long and complicated process. It took 14 years for scientists to find a single bat population that contained all the necessary genetic components of SARS-CoV, the virus that caused the 2003 SARS epidemic. We still do not know the origins of the 2014 Ebola outbreak.

Unfortunately, in the absence of a definitive answer, misinformation and disinformation are filling the void, which does more harm than good. NIH wants to set the record straight on NIH-supported research to understand naturally occurring bat coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, funded through a subaward from NIH grantee EcoHealth Alliance. Analysis of published genomic data and other documents from the grantee demonstrate that the naturally occurring bat coronaviruses studied under the NIH grant are genetically far distant from SARS-CoV-2 and could not possibly have caused the COVID-19 pandemic. Any claims to the contrary are demonstrably false.

The scientific evidence to date indicates that the virus is likely the result of viral evolution in nature, potentially jumping directly to humans or through an unidentified intermediary animal host. Historically, many viruses have emerged from animals to cause epidemics and pandemics, including influenza, Ebola, Zika, West Nile fever, SARS, and more. Importantly, after an intensive investigation, agencies in the U.S Intelligence Community agreed that the virus was not developed as a biological weapon and most agencies assessed that SARS-CoV-2 most likely was not genetically engineered.

9 users have voted.
Populations don’t like wars. They have to be lied into it.
That means we can be “truthed” into peace. — Julian Assange
Lookout's picture

@Pluto's Republic

It leads through a web of lies. However, without a doubt US policy was to maximize profit for ppe, big pharma, privatized health care, and so on.

my primary pondering centered on why simple preventative measures were never promoted...from Vit D, IV vit C, to simple nasal sprays and mouthwash to prevent spread. We simply didn't try...TPTB have captured the MSM, Health reps, and more to carry their water and insure our compliance. Sad state of affairs, but here we are.

8 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Pluto's Republic's picture


— using new scientific data — many times. I think we agreed very early on that an important body of scientific knowledge was omitted and ignored by both the Medical Journals and the Public Health agencies. It wasn't ignored academically, but students proposing Covid-19 studies in prevention or repurposed drug treatments were not pulling in grants. Only two small areas of medical science have embraced the infection-blocking studies that were completed during the pandemic — Head and Neck Surgeons and Oral Surgeons. One would need to read their specialized journals to learn about modern preventives and applied techniques that can reverse exposure to the virus (first aid).

Today I was looking through my online health records and I found an old letter from my primary care physician, written on March 27, 2020, at the beginning of the US Pandemic™. I never discussed my Covid research with my doctor. I realized that the science involved would have no context for her without a massive political reorientation. She is careful, and seeks permission from US Medical Institutions to think scientifically independent thoughts. This was clear in the way she practices medicine, for example, refusing to write any off-label prescriptions. When she wrote this letter, she seemed adrift, perhaps for the first time in her career:

Coronavirus 2020


We hope you are able to stay healthy and secure in the current pandemic. Please know that we have instituted telemedicine visits for some types of visits. Not all visits will be able to be accomplished in this manner, but many visits will work well in a telemedicine format. We will walk you through the process, it is very simple.

The scarce supply of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is limiting our ability to care for patients. WE ARE SEARCHING FOR ANY SOURCES OF AVAILABLE MASKS. If you know of anyone, who would be able to donate masks or sell us masks, please have them contact the office. We are looking for the surgical masks which are usually yellow or blue, and we are looking for the N95 masks. Sometimes mechanics, painters, gardeners, landscapers etc. have stocks of these masks. Please let us know if you have access to any of these, they should be unused.

Please call if we can help you. Our goal is to keep the office open during the pandemic.

We will keep you all in our thoughts and prayers, please continue to keep our staff and providers in your thoughts and prayers.

Thank you, Healthy Medicine.


I felt sad, and a bit apprehensive, reading that message from a US physician.We were at the very beginning of a global pandemic and the US was already experiencing a massive supply chain collapse. It was like the Titanic hitting an iceberg.

The active suppression of new preventive advances — to say nothing of the suppression of any form of treatment for Covid-19, and the rejection of any effective hospital protocol that involved off-label medications — has been a life lesson I wish I had learned a long time ago. I would have invested in my fears instead of my dreams. Fear of Russia, fear of China, fear of losing the global game of Monopoly — that's where the money goes. This seems to be the natural characteristic of Homo sapiens, who evolved in Times of scarcity, competing to stay alive. Now we have finally entered a future where we can see this flaw clearly.

The last time I checked, a majority of scientists, when surveyed, calculated that human extinction will likely occur in mid-2400. I'd place it at late 2200, at the very outside. Did we really have the power to stop it? Or was that just an illusion?

7 users have voted.
Populations don’t like wars. They have to be lied into it.
That means we can be “truthed” into peace. — Julian Assange
Lookout's picture

@Pluto's Republic

sliding downhill on ice. I see the end point much closer because of our consistent underestimates of the rate of change. Our lack of multi-variant research (requiring one testing factor at a time) means we miss synergistic effects.

As I'm fond of saying, - treasure everyday, tell your friends you love them, and enjoy what we still have.

All the best to all of us!

5 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Due to falling levels of vaccines ability to protect from infection and transmission due to Delta variant(s), these injections are better described as therapies. Historically vaccines prevent both illness and transmission over a period of years or decades. Rather than admitting the failure of these ‘jabs’ to either protect against illness and spread they are going to consider redefining the meaning of ‘vaccination’.

CDC Director: We May Have To Change The Definition Of 'Fully Vaccinated' Because Of Boosters


Rather than address the problem, they’re looking to rebrand the word.

10 users have voted.

“ …and when we destroy nature, we diminish our capacity to sense the divine,and understand who God is, and what our own potential is and duties are as human beings.- RFK jr. 8/26/2024

@ovals49 We are drowning in Newspeak.

9 users have voted.


snoopydawg's picture

According to the latest VAERS report vaccine injuries out number the reported number of deaths from Rona. Some are mild injuries, some are devastating. Reported deaths are below 15,000, but…

It should be noted that some years ago a Harvard study found that the system could be undercounting by a factor of 10 to 100.


In 2020 CDC issued new instructions for medical examiners, coroners, and physicians to give more credit for COVID as the cause of death. Pre-existing conditions or comorbidities were to be recorded in Part II rather than Part I of death certificates.

This was a major rule change from the 2003 handbooks to be used for reporting deaths. This single change resulted in significant inflation of COVID-19 fatalities by instructing that COVID-19 be listed in Part I of death certificates as a definitive cause of death regardless of confirmatory evidence, rather than listed in Part II as a contributor to death in the presence of pre-existing conditions, as would have been done using the 2003 guidelines.

The result was significant inflation in COVID fatality totals by as much as 1600% above what they would be had the CDC used the 2003 handbooks. It comes down to what many people now understand, namely so many people die with COVID but not FROM COVID.

I highly recommend reading this, but horses and water.

The irony of Israel’s being the testing group for Pfizer. Has the population been informed of that?

10 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

CB's picture

manipulated the data on cause of death to ensure the cause of death would be COVID. I had previously posted this. The entire video is very informative.

In 2020 CDC issued new instructions for medical examiners, coroners, and physicians to give more credit for COVID as the cause of death. Pre-existing conditions or comorbidities were to be recorded in Part II rather than Part I of death certificates.


8 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


There has been so much information posted for 18 months it’s hard for me to remember it.

I’m really bad at math so someone help with the 730,000 being 1,600% inflated and what the actual number of deaths actually are. If this is true…

6 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

CB's picture

730,000/(1600/100) = 45,625 actual deaths FROM COVID. The others died WITH an average of 4 comorbidities. Most of these people were going to die early in any event.

Shocking American Health Statistics

  • More than 70% of adults across the United States are already being diagnosed with a chronic disease and more than 75% of the nation’s healthcare cost being spent on managing and treating these conditions.
  • Several chronic conditions can be controlled and avoided with healthy lifestyle and exercise, including: cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, infertility, hypertension, sleep apnea, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, depression, anxiety, stress, and many more.
  • The treatment of the seven most common chronic diseases, coupled with productivity losses, costs the U.S. economy more than $1 trillion dollars annually.
  • Columbia University researchers project that there will be $48 – $66 billion added to current health care costs each year between now and 2030.
  • Being overweight and obese is a real problem- 250 million Americans fall into this category and 360 000 Americans die every year from diseases directly related to obesity and unhealthy lifestyle.
  • Heart disease is the leading cause of death among men and women in the US.
  • Domestically, over 1/3 of American children are overweight or obese.

COVID-19 almost pays for itself by culling the sick and aged, saving a fortune on health care and pensions. /S

8 users have voted.
studentofearth's picture

@snoopydawg It was not public information originally and reports were dismissed as conspiracy by Antivaxers if I remember correctly.

They were the first country to roll out Vaccine Passports. (12-14-2020)

Israel will be the first country to issue a "green passport" to residents who have received the COVID-19 vaccine. The passport will lift some restrictions, including mandatory quarantine following exposure to an infected person, and offer access to cultural events and restaurants, according to Israel's Ministry of Health.
The green passport would allow residents to travel abroad without having to be tested for the virus, as currently required, Israeli Minister of Health Yuli Edelstein said.

He explained the green passports are not aimed at offering benefits to those who get vaccinated, but that "those who are no longer in danger of being ill with the coronavirus can do things that others who are still in danger of the virus can't do."

Carrot and Stick motivation technique.

9 users have voted.

Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

Azazello's picture

From WSWS: A global tragedy: Up to 180,000 health care workers have died from COVID-19
Vaxxophobes in Singapore: Highly vaccinated Singapore sets a worrying example

A large proportion of severe outcomes and coronavirus deaths have since been linked to unvaccinated seniors, who are proving to be the Achilles’ heel of the city-state’s pandemic response. Unvaccinated patients made up 54.7% of 495 severe cases recorded in recent days, with others being vaccinated but with co-morbidities, said the MoH earlier this week.

And in Russia: As virus cases rise, so do pleas for Russians to get vaccine

“I can’t understand what’s going on,” President Vladimir Putin said, a rare admission of bewilderment from the steely leader. “We have a reliable and efficient vaccine. The vaccine really reduces the risks of illness, grave complications and death.”
At Nizhny Novgorod’s Infectious Hospital No. 23, where the seriously ill patients lie in wards with little space between their beds, Dr. Natalia Soloshenko is battered by the onslaught.
“I can tell you that out of every 50 admitted, only one or two of them are vaccinated,” the chief doctor told The Associated Press. “The whole ICU is full of highly critical patients; all of those patients are unvaccinated.”
“To be honest, we’re not even outraged anymore; we just feel sorry for these people,” she said.

9 users have voted.

We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.

studentofearth's picture

@Azazello @Azazello vaccination rates with mRna vaccines are having significant surges in COVID cases similar to Russia with a 30% vaccination rate with a killed virus vaccine . (same Bloomberg link from above) Not sure if they are using the current CDC definition of unvaccinated.

Death rates vary greatly. I have not taken time to drill down into the data to see any possible patterns.

(additional info)

Sputnik V Vaccine Description

It is a vector vaccine based on adenovirus DNA, in which the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus gene is integrated. Adenovirus is used as a "container" to deliver the coronavirus gene to cells and start synthesizing the new coronavirus's envelope proteins, "introducing" the immune system to a potential enemy. The cells will use the gene to produce the spike protein. The person's immune system will treat this spike protein as foreign and produce natural defenses, antibodies, and T cells, against this protein.

edited to correct Sputnik V information

7 users have voted.

Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

CB's picture

is a viral vector adenovirus vaccine, the same as AstraZeneca and Johnson&Johnson vaccines. Pfizer makes a mRNA vaccine. All these vaccines get your cells to make a modified spike protein that are then presented outside the cell for detection by antibodies. These vaccines are better called gene therapies.

The only killed virus vaccines (eg. measles and polio) are the Chinese Sinovac and Sinopharm.

How are COVID-19 vaccines made? An expert explains

First, are all the vaccines the same?

No. Different COVID-19 vaccines use different technologies, or “platforms”. The most conventional one is the inactivated vaccine. It contains dead virus. Because the virus is still whole, it has all of the parts, in the correct shape, that can stimulate a response from the immune system – what we call the antigens. The immune response can be against multiple antigens.

The Chinese vaccines – from Sinovac and Sinopharm – are the main ones using this platform. It’s a great technology, it works for some human and veterinary vaccines. The same approach was used for seasonal flu vaccines some years ago.

Then there are the viral-vectored vaccines, such as the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine and the Sputnik V vaccine from Russia’s Gamaleya Institute. This is where you take a harmless virus, such as a virus that gives you a cold, and you alter it so that it can infect one cell, but can’t reproduce and go on to infect other cells.

You then get that virus to carry the gene for a protein of interest, such as the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2, with the DNA sequence for the spike protein combined into the virus’s DNA. The virus is thus a vehicle for bringing the genetic instructions on how to make the spike protein into the body.

When you vaccinate someone with this harmless virus, it infects cells. The cells then read the gene the virus is carrying and start producing the spike protein, and the immune system mounts a response against this. And because the body recognises that there’s a virus present, the response it mounts is very strong to the protein of interest and also to the viral vector.

The final vaccines authorised are the new kids on the block, the nucleic acid vaccines from Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna. These are just a sequence of RNA wrapped up in a lipid droplet to stop it being degraded in the body and help it get inside a cell. RNA is a really sensitive little molecule and is chopped up very easily and quickly if not protected. Once the RNA gets into a cell, again, it instructs the cell to make the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein for the immune system to respond to.

10 users have voted.
studentofearth's picture


4 users have voted.

Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

on the Singapore example @Azazello , gives a 271 to 224 to the percentages.
I’ll take those odds without the jab.

I gotta get the fucking bug first, either way!
Since the vax Doesn’t prevent transmission, nor infection, but Without the vax I can Guarentee no adverse effects and there’s Only a 10% difference between the two groups in severe illness?!?

I’ve given up on irritation, exasperation, frustration and aggravation:

I’m going for amusement and humour from now on. Hopefully I can avoid ridicule. That being written, I Do have a twisted sense of humour.

When only 5% died OF rona!?! Fuck That Shit dude.
Do the fUCKing math.(the Royal you)

With an Average of FOUR(4) co-morbidities? Growing up we called people like that one foot in the fucking grave already!

Hell, I got vaxed peeps All Around Me and They’re more worried about Spreading rona than I am about Getting it. Yet They demand I get vaxed as well?!?
That makes No Fucking Sense st All.

If we Don’t chase these fuckers down in the streets and Hang Them(GHWB) then we deserve everything coming.

13 users have voted.

Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .

Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .

If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march

snoopydawg's picture

@Tall Bald and Ugly

Must click the link to take you to Vimeo to watch it. Israeli doctor says that 60% of hospitalized patients were fully vaccinated. 40% in Maryland. And more…

7 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

Lookout's picture

@Tall Bald and Ugly @snoopydawg
NY Times Wildly Inflates COVID Numbers For Children
Max nails it on the comorbidities. Hope you find it entertaining too.

Be well!

9 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

snoopydawg's picture


for vaccinating kids when there isn’t an emergency? I do wish that more parents would ask that question instead of rushing out to get their kids vaccinated. But they are. The childhood vaccines were tested for up to 4 decades before they got authorized to be given. That’s the difference between them and Covid ones. Plus they are sterilizing vaccines while these are not.

9 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

Lookout's picture


Vax RX s more likely than prevention of serious disease.

Pfizer and BioNTech revealed vaccine safety data before it will be sanctioned nationwide among children aged from 5 to 11. According to the report, only 90.7 percent of experimental children in the control groups did not show adverse reactions.

Which means..

About 10% of kids from 5 to 11 will suffer adverse reactions of Pfizer vaccine

Previously, it became known that the side effects of the vaccine are as severe in children as in adults. One of the victims of the vaccination was Maddie, 12, from Cincinnati. Her mother is fighting for the health of her daughter, but doctors refuse to admit that it was the vaccine that undermined the girl's health.

Other studies suggest many more adverse RX...
Of the 1,127 children who received a first dose of the jab a shocking 86% experienced an adverse reaction. Of the 1,097 children who received a second dose of the jab a shocking 78.9% experienced an adverse reaction.
....But are you aware that the clinical trials carried out by Pfizer on children aged 12 – 15 reveal that 86% of children who were given at least one dose of the jab suffered an adverse reaction ranging from mild to serious?

8 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

CB's picture

@Tall Bald and Ugly
the virus was simply a trojan horse to usher in a complete surveillance state!

5 users have voted.

@Tall Bald and Ugly @Tall Bald and Ugly

What are the chances of becoming seriously ill or dead from the Asteroid Virus?

The Wurlitzer Organ of Scientific Proof never even tried to offer a coherent answer. Well, a year and a half later, and the answer is now clear. Ignore all the soft spots in the story and take the published numbers of "covid" deaths at face value. As of now, less than one quarter of one percent of the American population has perished from "covid." It is much more difficult to find out how many serious bouts of "covid" have occurred, but no matter how you go about estimating this figure, there is no way it adds up to the 3.3 million near death experiences that would be reflected by a one percent chance of death or serious illness.

The vaccine? Or whatever the scientific name for a treatment that does not provide immunity nor prevent the spread of the virus? The liars say it is Perfectly Safe and Effective. Those lies are so silly that what little chance I ever had of wanting to be "protected" by "science" evaporated. Although that Safe and Effective song and dance is total bullshit, a lot of the published information strongly suggests that the treatments do reduce the severity of the sickness and the chance of fatality, for some number of months -- as yet still unclear how many.

The big unknown in that equation is how many vaccinated people will experience serious side effects. I could just scream every time I hear somebody say, "I took it and I'm OK." I certainly hope those folks STAY ok, but they have no fricking idea how much of a chance they took.

My uneducated opinion is that the chance is small. How small? Smaller than the chance of losing your life from "covid?" Nobody knows.

Excellent post.

5 users have voted.

I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.

CB's picture

6 users have voted.
CB's picture

5 users have voted.
CB's picture

Of Serious COVID Than Vaxxed 70 Year Old


6 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

or at least let parents know about the risks.

When Stephanie and Patrick de Garay enrolled their 12-year-old child Maddie and her two brothers in Pfizer’s Covid-19 clinical trial, they believed they were doing the right thing.

That decision has turned into a nightmare. Maddie, a previously healthy, energetic, full of life child, was within 24 hours of her second dose reduced to crippling, scream-inducing pain that landed her in the emergency room where she described feeling like someone was “ripping [her] heart out though [her] neck.”

Over the next several months the nightmare continued, during which Maddie was hospitalized several times and suffered numerous systemic injuries, requires a tube through her nose that carries her food and medicine, and a wheelchair for assistance.

Ms. de Garay documented every detail of Maddie’s injury and reported it to the principal investigator for the Pfizer trial at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital where the vaccine clinical trial was occurring and where Maddie was treated and admitted. They first tried to treat Maddie as “a mental patient,” telling the family it was psychological and in Maddie’s imagination. Then they claimed it was unrelated to the vaccine (copy of recording with hospital below), and when that argument failed, Pfizer listed this traumatic adverse event as “functional abdominal pain” when reporting to the FDA.

Ms. de Garay reported what occurred to the CDC and FDA through VAERS in June 2021 but nobody from these agencies sought additional information or followed-up with the de Garays. Ms. de Garay also reached out to Dr. Nath, a Chief in the NIH’s National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, responded by stating he was “Sorry to hear of your daughter’s illness” and that “We have certainly heard of a lot of cases of neurological complications form [sic] the vaccine and will be glad to share our experience with them.” (Copy of this email is below.) Unfortunately, other than a call arranged by Maddie’s neurologist, there was no follow-up or response from NIH or any other federal health agency. Even after Ms. de Garay did a press event on June 28, 2021 with Senator Ron Johnson, neither Pfizer nor any health agency reached out in any manner to address Maddie’s injury or obtain any additional information.

For a virus that rarely harms children, the need to assure safety of the Covid-19 vaccine is high. A study with only 1,131 children is underpowered. (understatement IMO-sd) It will not pick up anything but the most common adverse events. If what Maddie suffered will occur in 1/1,000 children, that would result in 75,000 children in this country suffering this serious injury. If it happens 1/10,000 children, that is 7,500 suffering this serious injury. It could be that the cure is worse than the disease. But that will only be known if there is a properly powered (a.k.a., sized) clinical trial with children.

The real lesson is that civil and individual rights should never be contingent upon a medical procedure.

It violates our right to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness which is inalienable. That Maddie's hellish condition is being ignored by Fauci, Walensky and Woodcock and their continuing to say that vaccines are perfectly safe is beyond words and contempt. Plus they are ignoring all the cases of myocarditis and deaths and giving people a false sense of security that there are no risks to getting the vaccines.

Here is that one website of people who have had adverse effects.
Anyone who is in favor of mandatory vaccines should have to read at least one page and see what they want people to risk.

7 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt