Dirty Rice and Dominos; the toppling of Obama and the Democratic establishment has started
Now into to Day 4 of the Susan Rice unmasking story link we are learning more and more about what certain people and organizations stand for. A huge, and I am not exaggerating, dust cloud is gathering, just as the first shock wave from a nuclear explosion is nearing. That nuclear detonation came from the revelation that Susan Rice, and perhaps Evelyn Farkas, a former undersecretary of defense for Obama had individually (or jointly) conspired to release classified information, not only within the government but outside the government, to so-called journalists. The MSM shills carried the news (that the mainstream media considers fit for consumption). Witness Don Lemon's latest CNN tirade about not believing anything unless you see it on CNN--sounds just like Chris Cuomo's preaching a few months ago.
Background: Susan Rice was Obama's National Security adviser, whose office was just a few feet from Obama's in the White House (WH). She had the highest security clearance in the country, equalled only by Obama himself.
Susan is an accomplished liar, as was proven during the House Benghazi hearings, see linked article. However she is not a perfect liar, else she wouldn't have gotten caught. But Susan Rice doesn't give up easily, because after all, she is Dirty Rice:
Susan Rice, appearing on an MSM interview, in February 2017, boldly stated: "I know nothing" about any unmasking. Really Susan? Evidence exists to the contrary says Charles Krauthammer (4:10).
What is unmasking and why does it matter?
Unmasking is the release of a U.S. Citizen's identity during a surveillance in which the citizen is not the target and for which neither warrant nor probable cause exists for such unmasking. Obama progressively reduced restrictions on unmasking rules but still retained the feloneous nature of unauthorized disclosure of personal identities. Thus a small sliver of 4th Amendment protection survives the Patriot Act and FISA courts. This is probably the last privacy protection citizens have remaining (especially now that the FCC is gutting Internet Privacy rules).
Consider this: If the U.S. government can spy AND leak information about the President of the US and his inner circle, who else is free from the same interference?
Hillary Clinton, with her usual short-sightedness, tweeted a few months ago about intelligence agencies having information about Trump, implying that is was detrimental. How would she know?
More recently, General Flynn's conversation(s) with Russian Ambassador Kisylak were released in transcript form. One could argue that the release of such information was in the interest of "national security". Taking this as a starting point, Judge Joseph Napolitano (3:09), explains the intricacies of the law. Summary, Susan Rice is still in jeopardy of feloneous activity charges.
Of course, the MSM blows this off as a nothingburger (2:40). However the fact that CNN even mentions this Rice affair is indicative of how seriously even they, and by extension the establishment, are taking this.
Did Susan Rice have the right to unmask officials? (5:27). This is a partisan debate between a HillBot and a non-partisan reporter (a real reporter!) that recently was shown on RT. If anybody here guessed that the HillBot would mention Russia, you would be correct.
Also on RT was a debate about the importance of the Susan Rice "narrative" Framing the issue in that way diminishes its importance. Commentator "Lionel" thinks that this fracas is overrated and that Watergate itself was overrated. This is a GROSS misreading of history.
Watergate brought down Nixon. Watergate was not what we now call "a nothingburger". Back in those days of Vietnam and massive popular unrest, back when there was a more vivacious sense of morality in the public, Watergate and cover-ups mattered.
A Ring of Fire commentator gave a balanced view of this mess: delusional media and Trump-hate. (5:42)
While most of the attention is focused on Rice, and by implication Obama, we should note the role that Evelyn Farkas played in this. You won't find this video because the YouTube ministry of Truth has deleted it. But the next video repeats what Farkas originally stated. Evelyn Farkas was no longer in the Obama administration and yet was requesting unauthorized (to her) information to release it to legislators and government. I STRONGLY recommend watching this video, even if it is Hannity.
Why would Farkas throw herself onto the sword and then shortly thereafter try to extract herself from the self-administered skewering? Perhaps she saw the shitstorm gathering regarding Susan Rice's imminent legal troubles.
Troubles at the bottom of the pecking order
What's the deep state? Partly it is unelected executive department personnel, as distinct from Intelligence personnel, who persist in government through many changes of political regimes. What props up the elected government (or in the case of Trump undermines it)? Deep State.
Susan Rice was uppermost echelon of Obama's government. Evelyn Farkas was not quite as high but still a Deep Stater for both Obama and Clinton. We have discussed some of their woes above, and will return again to them later.
Question: how does one unbalance the famous Tower of Pisa? First of all, it's already unbalanced but in a state of, for now, stable equilibrium. Without using explosives or an earthquake, humans could collapse this unfortunate landmark through one of three ways:
1. Add weight to the top of the tower closest to the ground, thus creating an increased lever force to destroy the equilibrium
2. Undermine the foundation of the Tower, again most effectively under the side closest to the ground
3. Do both
This analogy is utilized to depict what is going to happen to the Obama/Clinton/Deep State apparatus by 2018. We have mentioned Rice and Farkas as placing strain at the top of the hierarchy. Now comes the case of Candace Marie Claiborne first appointed to the State Dept. by Bill Clinton in 1999 in a fairly important position in Eurasian affairs. She continued to serve throughout Obama's entire tenure in office. She didn't make it to the 100 day mark of Trump's administration. This point is important--more later.
Ms. Claiborne has been arrested by the FBI for espionage: selling secrets to the Chinese Government.
For those who would like to see it, here is the FBI criminal complaint.
Significance: Trump and Sessions are not afraid to start dismantling the Deep State. In fact, Tillerson has already fired many Set Dept. holdovers, almost all of whom can be expected to be Deep State/pro-Hillary and pro-NWO. Do not think Claiborne is the only one in trouble. This is the tip of the proverbial iceberg.
It isn't the crime, it's the coverup. (3:47). Democrats, despite all their greed have truly learned nothing. They failed to learn the lessons of Watergate. Now the price is being extracted.
Bob Woodward, who first gained fame as uncovering the Watergate coverup, is predicting criminal charges likely against Obama officials.
Net result: top Obama officials in deep trouble, and possibly Obama himself. More to come, such as John Brennan, former CIA director, and Lying Loretta Lynch (who recently approved of violence in the streets). We don't forget Loretta's adventitious (/s) meeting with WJC on the Phoenix tarmac. Brennan may also be guilty of illegally unmasking. This may be adjudicated. Certainly, I expect he will be forced to testify under oath.
Trump may be horrible, narcissistic, sociopathic, but he is not dumb. He is picking his battles. Now he and his minions will insert icepicks into Rice, Farkas, Claiborne. Plus more to come.
This is bigger than Watergate. It is not Watergate 2.0. This scandal will not fade away in a week or a month. The sharks smell blood in the water.
It is a sad thing that both sides of the odious duopoly a labelling the other's offensives as a deflection. The Russian hacking and the Trump surveillance do distract us from many social issues which are important, such as living wage, healthcare for all, clean environment etc. But, as much as I dislike Trump, the unfettered trampling of privacy enacted under the direction of Obama eats at the heart of what liberty we Americans still have remaining.
What happens when you throw a snowball from the top of a mountain?

This is the most important current event
in our country. If we remove the specter of black mail from government, we might become a more perfect union one day.
Just wait until Rachel does a 15 minute analysis! Oh! Never mind.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
This can't be right
I just checked over at TOP, and they don't even mention Susan Rice and this "nothingburger".
So it must not be important. /snark
This is proof of the 180˚ rule.
Hmmm?? I am just now catching up on this Susan Rice thing.
Would like to see more independent news sources comment on this. There is so much he said she said coming from all sides, it's really rather confusing.
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020
Refer back to my earlier essay about Rice cooking
In case you're looking for more Rice puns for future updates, please feel free to steal, Ed.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
NHK, I like your pun
"Let's make our skin crawl."
Interesting take on Rice-a-Phony
Speaking about skin-crawling, Mr. Hooker is right
[video:Tried to find out more about the Farkas story
Very few MSM have covered it. Most of the US MSM are in the very deep pockets of the Hillary cabal.
But, I did find some interesting reporting from a right wing Canadian web site that has a distinct American focus:
Thanks for the original research, CB
As I stated in my essay, it made no sense to me that Farkas would out herself, putting herself in real legal jeopardy, perhaps, for encouraging the possibly illegal dissemination of classified information within the Obama
conspiracygovernment. But, as many of us have pointed out in this forum, a lot of things the allegedly "smart" people do are incredibly stupid.