How do you like your Rice cooked - or - the Unmasking of Susan Rice.

Rice comes in all varieties, including black, also known as Imperial rice.

There is at least one variety, found in Washington D.C. that you won't see in your local grocery store: crooked Rice. What's crooked Rice? Anybody who was following the interminable Benghazi hearings (which, for your info ain't over yet) may remember Susan Rice of the National Security Apparatus (Obama's and Medusa's chief henchperson on national security matters). Susan Rice went on all 5 of the MSM Sunday talk shows days after the attack and knowingly lied about the cause--i.e., stating it was due to Islamic rage about an insulting video to the Prophet. She did this with a straight face, full of earnestness and conviction.

Trey Gowdy eliciting evidence of Rice's lies during one of the Benghazi hearings:

It wasn't until months or years after the fact that it was revealed what an accomplished liar Susan Rice was, and still is. I use the present tense because of the recent "unmasking" of Susan Rice for showing what she does--and of course lies about it.

H.A. Goodman:

Unmasking: revealing the name of a U. S. citizen whose identity is captured incidental to surveillance of a foreign power. This is a limited power of the higher echelons of the intelligence agencies--and the White House. Each intelligence collection agency has a certain but limited number of persons authorized to "unmask", i.e., reveal true identities of the U.S. citizen(s) involved. This is supposed to be done in the case where either a crime has been committed or illegal activities occurs between U.S. Citizen 1 (the "masked" name) and a foreign government or individual. To unmask a person's identity without expectation of revealing either a crime or foreign collusion is a felony.

Trump, as much as I dislike him, is still an American citizen, subjected to and protected by the same laws as the rest of us. About 6 weeks ago, he said inartfully, the Trump Tower was wiretapped. Fake News! Fake News! screamed the MSM. Crazy Trump! (That appellation may be fitting but doesn't mean he was incorrect about the claim.)

In fact, the cry of Fake News was repeated on '60 Minutes'. Oops! Then the other shoe dropped.

Reporter Cernovich scooped the Nation, giving the facts of the discovery of the unmasking and naming the perpetrator as none other that Seditious Susie Rice.

The information he released was already known by reporter Eli Lake of Bloomberg who just "sat" on it. This is a euphemistic way to say that Lake wouldn't have released the story until much later if at all.

Rice's involvement involvement came to light when a Trump staffer was checking on unmasking policies about the time Trump made his surveillance charge. The staffer noted that an unusual pattern of requests for unmasking had come from National Security Adviser Susan Rice. This was reported to superiors--and the information was leaked to Devin Nunes (R-CA), chairman of the Intelligence Oversight Committee. Then the news was presented to Trump at the WH. It is unclear whether Adam Schiff (D-NY) was to be notified about this although that is highly doubtful. Mr. Schiff, like most politicians, is an accomplished liar.

Cohen-Watnick was in the news last week after it was revealed that he was one of the White House officials who was in contact with House Intelligence Committee chairman Devin Nunes about surveillance that may have been conducted against Trump’s campaign. While Nunes has been heavily criticized for withholding information about his interactions with the White House, Rice’s involvement in the unmasking request does appear to support his concerns about potentially improper meddling by the Obama White House.

The question that now needs to be answered about Rice’s requests is whether she unmasked the Trump advisers out of legitimate national security concerns or for political reasons.

Joseph diGenova, a former U.S. attorney, believes it is the latter.

“This is now at a point where Ms. Rice and three other people are going to need lawyers. This is going to make the General Flynn look like a picnic. These folks are in very, very serious trouble,” diGenova said during an interview with WMAL radio station. Read more:

Tucker Carlson has a nice summaryof the Watergate-like importance of this felonious activity.

Eli Lake was interviewed by Hannity (10:01) on background and ramifications.

[video: width:450]

Let's travel in the Wayback Machine to the time of R. Nixon and Plumbers and Watergate. Watergate is the name given to a break-in at George McGovern's campaign headquarters in the Watergate office/apartment complex. The theft was discovered when one of the burglars forgetfully left tape over a door lock after the deed was done.

The amount of information yielded by the actual theft was trivial as was its importance. But it was the cover-up which brought Nixon down.

The Trump surveillance, by which I include his transition team, is far more complete and revealing than anything the Plumbers gleaned.

"It isn't the crime, it's the Cover-up." This is what is going to happen again. Can anyone believe Opaque Obama and Lying Loretta Lynch or Eric Holder or Hillary Klinton on anything they say will mitigate the mounting tidal wave about to smite Obama and his precious, illusional, legacy (other than ACA)?

These are indeed "interesting times". It is not unreasonable to assume that Trump is so enraged, that he will push Sessions into an investigation which will make Benghazi look like a game of hide and seek? Comey is a weak, opportunistic, self-important man. At the first sign of Comey's foot dragging on this coming investigation, Trump will promptly replace him with Trey Gowdy, whom it is rumored will replace Comey next year.

Rice's head will be first, but not last, on the block. Now that no one in the upper echelons of government can rely on Barack's Benevolent Bullshit obstruction, the fall out will be allowed to proceed without effective opposition. Democrats, you have done it to yourselves. Attrition has so depleted their numbers that the House of Representatives is under the complete control of Republicans. The Senate is a bit better. But not much.

Republicans, even anti-Trump Republicans, will relish the opportunity to drive knives into the Democrats. After skewering their ineffective opponents, Repugs will go back to their internal quarrels. Democrats should not mistake Republican disunity as a sign of growing promise for the Blue Team. The Democrats could possibly be wiped out. (yay).

Question: who was Susan Rice's boss?

Answer: that was a rhetorical question.

It IS WITHIN the realm of probability that Obama, while no longer in office, could be impeached. Impeachment is a punishment not only for serving governmental officials but also those no longer in government persons. Where is the love lost between Trump and Obama: maybe the Hubble telescope can detect it. It would take the massive radar telescope array in Arecibo to detect any positive sentiment between Trump and Clinton.

So Susan, how does it feel to be unmasked?

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Big Al's picture

Then again, they can't really tell the truth about what they're doing, that wouldn't get them anywhere but prison.

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@Big Al Are narcissists, sociopaths or narcissistic sociopaths. Imo its their nature ( brownie points, self advancement ).

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Alligator Ed's picture

@Big Al Lie like a rug and you're okay

Tell the truth--go to prison


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dervish's picture

@Big Al is exactly what's needed to stop this sort of thing, but I doubt that it will ever happen. The elites of all factions have complete immunity, apparently.

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"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."

Steven D's picture

that was done under the Obama administration anymore when it came to surveillance and violation of the 4th amendment.

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"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott

anymore! Sort of snark but not really. And yes, they have NO ONE to blame but themselves but will keep on trying for sure.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur


Lol, having no-one to blame but themselves certainly explains them blaming everyone else.

When in panic or in doubt,
obfuscate, and cheat it out.
The more fake suspects, where you've lied,
the more you have to hide behind.
When people know what's really true
And they can see though what you do,
The more ghost 'covers' you pursue
The more the whole world laughs at you.

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Alligator Ed's picture

@Ellen North Clapping

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"The question that now needs to be answered about Rice’s requests is whether she unmasked the Trump advisers out of legitimate national security concerns or for political reasons."

For Susan Rice and for a large segment of the IC and the Deep State, Trump is himself a legitimate national security concern. From their perspective, there is little difference between protecting America's security, and taking down or at least neutralizing Donald Trump. I think they've been mixing national security procedures and politics together, as if one were of a piece with the other... and I think this conflation sets a dangerous precedent.

I suppose an argument can be made that Trump is in fact a threat to national security. For example, he has suggested that bombing North Korea might be advisable, and no one knows for sure, how serious his threat might be. Trump likes to say scary stuff.

But using the increasingly powerful tools of the US national security apparatus to surreptitiously undermine the power a legally-elected President, strikes me as being an extremely ill-advised counter-measure -- to a perceived threat. In fact, I think using the IC in this way is even more hazardous than whatever risks Trump himself might pose to the nation.

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Alligator Ed's picture

@native Had Medusa been elected, then we'd be talking about bombing Russia. Why is the outlook so disjointed that the errors of one narcissistic psychopath are considered worse than another narcissistic psychopath? If she were honest, a virtue of which she is incapable, Susan Rice should regard Barack and Killary as unstable and monitor them.

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Well, I'm hardly qualified to comment on the meat of your comment, (although they all seem to be a threat to American's national security) but threatening to bomb countries - as Hillary also did, for donor cash - is a bad idea, period. It's not something that sane people do. Unfortunately, the Deep State seems to want everyone bombed, or there wouldn't be so many dropped on other people in their own countries...

The whole mess is making life on the planet insecure and needs to go before everything as does... All I can say is, never vote for evil again! If we'd all entirely stop voting for it, and very obviously landslide-vote for anything better than a global death-sentence, it would go away, provided that they weren't stupid enough to try faking it even implausibly, which they likely are.

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

@Ellen North

between a rock and a hard place. At this time, the Duopoly offers Americans no path forward that does not lead to ever-increasing militarism. So far at least, most Americans seem to be tolerant of the situation -- they either support it, or they don't believe it can be changed, or they just don't think much about it.

But this ambivalence could change, if current US war-making plans are effectuated and result in truly disastrous consequences -- as well they might.

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Alligator Ed's picture

@native but like the melting of the icebergs, it has only been slowly noticed. Obama's war debt has been squeezing the economy dry--Trump is only making it worse.

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@Alligator Ed
But I meant something precipitously disastrous, like a hot war with Iran or Russia for instance. Something it would be impossible for even dozy Americans to ignore or to sleep through.

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And the automated propaganda mill would probably outlive even the cockroaches... in which I include the Parasite Class/PTB, of course.

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Alligator Ed's picture

That was the brainchild of Wall Street toady Eric Holder who knows nothing about integrity or common sense. The purpose of the program was to give automatic and other weapons to the Mexican cartels so we, the U.S., could trace where they went to. A harebrained idea if there ever was one? A border patrol agent was killed with a Fast and Furious-Supplied weapon. That evoked Holder's "Oh shit!" moment. Why wasn't he at least fired on the spot for such stupidity? We don't have to ask, really.

Now, the Democrats are getting a taste of their own Fast and Furious. The shitstorm is rolling out in a tidal wave. Just a few hours after I published this essay, YouTube is loaded with videos calling for Susan Rice's head--and maybe Barack will be added for good measure.

Here is a random sample of links:

Calling for Susan Rice's arrest.

Rand Paul wants Rice's testimony under oath (2:51)

H.A. Goodman with interesting questions for Rice (4:59)

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snoopydawg's picture

Remember that campaign promise he made about legalizing what Bush did unconstitutionally?
And remember the excuses people gave him for voting for the bill instead?
Many were in the vein of "He had to vote for it in order to become president but after he was, he didn't roll it back did he?
Nope. He pushed for over 800 private contractors to get in on the still illegal spying on American citizens without a warrant. I don't care how many congress members voted for the bill, it's still goes against the 4th amendment right we are supposed to have under the Bill of Rights.

Under President Obama, the unmasking rules were changed. Circa originally reported:
As his presidency drew to a close, Barack Obama’s top aides routinely reviewed intelligence reports gleaned from the National Security Agency’s incidental intercepts of Americans abroad, taking advantage of rules their boss relaxed starting in 2011 to help the government better fight terrorism, espionage by foreign enemies and hacking threats, Circa has learned.

Good thing that we elected a constitutional lawyer to uphold the constitution after Bush said that it was just a damned piece of paper.
Or was he playing more 11th dimensional chess?

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Pluto's Republic's picture

…chemical attack in Syria. Because I feel like it.

A. Only the US Neocons have anything to gain from it.
B. Susan Rice is a Neocon tool.
C. Therefore Rice did the attack.

I'm starting to use logic just like the Pentagon does.

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Alligator Ed's picture

@Pluto's Republic back when I was young, nipping at the heels of Socrates, I learned something invaluable to me as a young gator, which has helped me make a success of life. I will impart to you an updated example of his wisdom (unfortunately I no longer recall the original Greek):

1. All alligators are Green
2. Jill Stein is Green
3. Therefore Jill Stein is an alligator.

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Centaurea's picture

@Alligator Ed Actually, *cough* *ahem* alligators are black. Crocodiles are green.

Which gives rise to this bit of logic:

1. Alligators are black.
2. Black lives matter.
3. Therefore, all(igator) lives matter.


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"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."

"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone


Alligators are not reflective creatures and rarely use mirrors? Or smoke...

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Pluto's Republic's picture

@Alligator Ed

Thank's for the mentoring.

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mimi's picture

There are enough crime thrillers in German TV's various programs, which make my sister and me watch to ask each other at the end: "Did you understand what was going on?" ... Ha. Guess the answer and I send JtC a check.

Spy novels. Who of you are writing them? Script writers among us, beware! Dangerous people among us!!!!

I guess all I understand is that clan, family, ethnic loyalties always win, no matter how much lies are told and written about.

No chance to know the truth. And so they lied happily ever after. "Grimm's" fairy tales.

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