"COVID Vaccine Market"

This Ominous Warning From Moderna Could Shake Up the COVID Vaccine Market

Last week, Moderna held its fourth annual Science Day. In this virtual event for investors, the company laid out its research and development plans. But the biotech's top scientists also sounded an alarm reminiscent of Paul Revere's famous call that the British were coming. In this case, though, Moderna's warning was that new COVID-19 waves are coming.


What does all of this mean for Americans and for the COVID-19 vaccine market? The bottom line is that booster shots and new vaccines targeting the variants will likely be needed.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, chief medical advisor to President Biden and longtime head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, thinks that we won't know for sure if booster doses are needed until the fall. Moderna's research appears to indicate that it's not a question of if but when booster shots will be required.

The emergence of potent new variants could alter the dynamics in the COVID-19 vaccine market. Companies that have focused all of their efforts on developing vaccines targeting the original coronavirus strain could be left behind if they don't quickly pivot to developing variant-specific vaccines.

There are two primary challenges at play for vaccine makers. First, the rapid coronavirus mutations mean that drugmakers must have a technological approach that lends itself to quickly developing variant-specific vaccine candidates. Second, companies will need the financial resources not only to develop these new vaccines but also to conduct clinical studies.


The article goes on to relate how much money these as yet to exist new vaccines and booster shots will make for the manufacturers of this still unapproved group of medications that are undergoing clinical trials.

We are a nation of consumers at the mercy of sellers.

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that all that have been vaccinated are "chumps", including those on this site? If so that is quite inflammatory and could be construed as an insult to our vaccinated members.

I have made it clear that our DBAA (Don't Be An Ass) rule covers both individual and site-wide insults to our members. I remember warning you specifically of this very thing not too long ago.

In my opinion, that last sentence was meant to stir the shit.

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That is not what I intended with that comment. But I can see how one could read it that way.

I will delete it.

I meant that as a society we are chumps to allow these companies to profiteer off of the vaccines.

Personally, I believe that people should make up their own mind about whether to participate in the clinical trials. I can see a very compelling reason to take the chance on a shortened review period as the treatments do appear to be effective at reducing the damage that the virus can do.

I object to people being intimidated into taking any medication -- let alone ones that have been "authorized" at warp speed.

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I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.

rather than multiple vaccine updates. The primary drug is the anti-viral Ivermectin and includes vitamins. Dosages are adjusted for prevention, early at home treatment and to prevent spreading within a household. It seems like a reasonable alternative to me, in spite of the NIH’s reluctance to endorse this off label use for a well known and extremely safe drug. They did, however take it off their “no-go” list. Now all that’s required is a Dr.’s prescription. Link to FLCCC recommendations.

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“What the herd hates most is the one who thinks differently; it is not so much the opinion itself, but the audacity of wanting to think for themselves, something that they do not know how to do.”
-Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)

overpopulated and made intrusions into the natural world that have released and grown viruses and other germs that have and will increase making us sick.

I'm not a fan of drug manufacturers and the pharmaceutical industry. I think they are constantly manipulating us into drug usage etc. etc. And I think they are overall just money grubbing whores.

BUT, Moderna and Pfizer and that other companies that have worked on mRNA delivery systems for treatments for over the last decade were able to step in and rescue us this time, and we may need them more and more into the future. If they make money doing it, so be it.

And if we don't learn to share this medical knowledge with the rest of the world, post haste, we will be the only ones responsible for future waves of new viruses.

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"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

Pluto's Republic's picture

If the emerging virus war is perceived as nefarious profiteering, people will resist the efforts of epidemiologists. Scientists are bought and paid for, just as politicians are. Both use the Pandemic as a patent farm for growing medical monopolies, while allowing the virus to evolve into an infectious monster in poor unvaccinated populations of the world.

As I have said from the beginning of vaccine development, if they don't finish the job and produce an oral vaccine — requiring no refrigeration, no syringes, no elaborate distribution channels, no waste, no army of health care technicians — then they were not serious and were in the game for profits. This is existing technology, there are three biomeds I am aware of that were pitching oral vaccine production, but the profiteers didn't want to share their sure-thing winnings. They also wanted to keep the distribution barrier high so they could monitor the cash registers and track their profits.

The entire world could be vaccinated this year. But that was never the object of the game.

If our species is weakened and wiped out by successful viral epidemics. the blame can be laid squarely on Capitalist Eugenics.

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The political system is what it is because the People are who they are. — Plato

Well worth the investment.

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