Coup vs. countercoup?

For what it might be worth:

Kinds of reminds of the old Spy vs. Spy cartoons in Mad Magazine. But, this election does seem to be taking place in an alternate reality.

I am having oral surgery this afternoon, and my daughter, a certified surgical technician, is threatening me with massive painkillers, so I might not be able to respond to any posters till tomorrow.

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riverlover's picture

Good surgery!

I also think there is an internal war going on now.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

Oldest Son Of A Sailor's picture

The OP provided...
This guy has been called a RWNJ and I have no opinion on the video other than embedding it here...


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"Do you realize the responsibility I carry?
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."

~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,

From a linked article in the Inquisitr piece posted downthread:

Steve Pieczenik: U.S. Intelligence Waging Coup Against Corrupt Clintons

[video: width:420]

And another video about Huma Abedin posted in the comments of the above article:

[video: width:420]

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"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti

I might have known that our our bestest and brightest, Caitlin, would be on this story:

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Mary Bennett

and I found a post where he is celebrating George Zimmerman's acquittal. He talks about how he had to carry weapons to defend himself from the "black hoodies" (he actually used that term) while growing up in Harlem, NY. And I found another where he is defending the value of the confederate flag by claiming that Abe Lincoln was a flaming racist, and sure that might be true, but still. From my very brief googling, it seems like he's one of those right-wingers that doesn't think they're racist, but they're actually racist as hell. This guy might or might not be right about the Clintons, etc., but he's not an ally of us progressives, and we should be careful and reserve judgement on what he says.

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Pieczenik doesn't have to be an ally of progressives on any issue but this one.

The places he's worked--high levels of government and the intelligence community--aren't magnets for peace-love-weed hippies or folks who are strongly to the left on the political spectrum. But we find ourselves at this time in a world of tremendous flux across spectra, political and otherwise, and that makes for common cause with unlikely allies.

Pieczenik might be every kind of kook. Even if he is, his cred in the area of which he speaks here is solid. Can he still be in orbit on this one? Sure. So we'll stay tuned. The following I know to be true.

Our government and our intelligence agencies draw people we may label conservative and right wing. Nevertheless, many of those people enter government service with a deep belief and pride in the Constitution and the laws of our country. And they care. They care passionately about crime and punishment, right and wrong, a government of law. It's not far-fetched that a group of such people, who see themselves as patriots and take their oaths of office seriously, would band together to expose high-level corruption and protect their country as they deem necessary.

Would we sing the same songs at a campfire? Questionable (Kumbaya's probably not in their repertoire). But I find the premise of Pieczenik's claim of a soft coup and countercoup well within the sphere of possibility. As I do the notion that most of us will never really know how the world is run or who runs it.

Pieczenik and his pals need not sign on to Bernie Sanders' issues or to Susan Sarandon's reasons for endorsing Jill Stein.* For the aim stated by Pieczenik, many of us can sign on, even if the result is a President Trump--an unforeseen consequence of the attempted coup by the Clintons. Who often fail to foresee consequences.

*Sarandon's letter of endorsement:

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"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti

I'm staying tuned . . .

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gulfgal98's picture

that I used to preach about over at Orange State (which of course fell on deaf ears). Generally, regardless of our political affiliations, we the people have far more in common than that which divides us. Bernie preached that himself. We need to make alliances when they are mutually beneficial. In this case, it appears that allying against corruption in our government should benefit all good people.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

the time-tested device of divide and conquer. "Libtards" and "Rethugs," now those are handy little tools of the divide-and-conquer trade. Along with "othering" and demonizing of those who don't meet some imaginary (artificial?) measure of "like me." The powers that be can't have that, you know. Because, as Bernie Sanders correctly said,

"Together, we can make a political revolution, and create an economy and democracy that works for all, not just the powerful few."

And the powerful few are keenly interested in maintaining a world that works just for them. They have the advantage over principled people of not being hindered by scruples themselves, so our combined forces must be large and strong and determined. It really is, at the simplest level, a power struggle, and power struggles define pivotal moments throughout recorded history.

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"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti

thing. I had a clearance in the Army. I didn't have a military intelligence job title but was an admin and needed a clearance to work in a SCIF. We had one guy, counter-intelligence specialist- who overheard my political stance on Grenada, of all things. I said at the time I thought it was a PR stunt, and I believe it actually really was, but I really didn't know that much then, just enough to be disgusted with Reagan really. He did NOT want me to have a clearance, from that snippet of conversation he decided I was probably a commie. I still laugh at that to this day, but he was very earnest about it.

My point is he and many in that group are right wing but also staunchly defensive about keeping their secrets. There are words to this day I will not say because I swore not to. I think that may be what's going on with the FBI and I'm not shocked to see it happening on the "spook" side. These people can be nutty, but they take that shit seriously. And yes, they're already predisposed to despise Clinton, and we can hardly blame them for that given what we know now.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

I tried listening to the video - Black Lives Matter and Russian nonsense, Clinton a 'Chinese operative' (not that she wouldn't do anything for money, but jeeze!) - mention of a humanitarian emergency with it said that a half-billion Chinese people have no water??? with me going OMG! - and they're saying they can 'take them down'???

Pretty sure this is just a competition as to which corporate party gets to deal with the transition to totalitarian global corporate/billionaire control, whatever the other FBI guys in this might be hoping to achieve.

Getting the truth out there includes that of the necessity for voting against the hostile corporate take-over by not voting for those who will support it and are not all eager to attack other people's countries to kill them and take their stuff!

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Citizen Of Earth's picture

Interesting comments from 11-time Pulitzer nominated author and journalist Robert Scheer about how people will respond once this election is over.

Preppers, time to ready the bug out shelter. Wink

Length 4:38

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Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.

“The only thing they have to offer you in this election is fear. The moment you stop being afraid, they become afraid.”

A simple but big statement.

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"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti

Wages of Rebellion right now, and finished Empire of Illusion last weekend. My new favorite. Not always easy reading, I have been brought to tears a bit, but he's just awesome. Makes me think, great logic and I wish I thought my friends would read him. Oh, now I try to share lots of books, I am a reading nut and since I have no kids and only pets, I have the time to do it. They don't. But even a few who do most likely won't read books like that. Not yet anyway. As things get worse they might be more open to finding out just how they got here.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

with some of his video segments? Search his name on youtube. Lots to pick from. Less of a time commitment and easier to digest.

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"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti

has some time, and spends quite a bit of time on youtube! I don't so I never think of those, but she would love it I believe. She is on disability and watches a little too much MSM, but really, what else is there sometimes? But this might just do the trick. She is writing in Bernie in CA from what I last heard, tried to sway to Stein and she just might.

And Hedges I can't say enough about right now. I was reading him this last weekend when a Democratic GOTV came to my door. I had a Bernie shirt on by chance, but I made sure to tell him I voted Stein. And I did manage to ask him, even if these emails are just evidence "they all do it", when do we stand up and say no more? He had no answer but maybe just reading Hedges and already being sort of primed, I was nice and polite but firm on my stance. I would love to think I planted a seed of doubt, but I'm sure he already voted Shill.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

for a challenge to the vote in NC if HRC loses. The NC Republicans have so over-reached with their voter purge that the NAACP has filed suit in federal court backed by the DOJ.

It sounds like the judge, who heard arguments on a motion for a preliminary injunction earlier today, is very inclined to go along with plaintiffs, but I don't find any news that she has actually ruled yet.

My questions:

1) What sort of relief can a judge grant at this stage that would possibly eliminate the impact of these purges?

2) If Clinton loses NC and the Electoral College, will she challenge the results from NC even if they're not within the statutory recount range?

My own preliminary answers:

1) No kind of relief that could be granted could eliminate a future argument that the possibly unconstitutional purge affected the ultimate outcome in NC. Even if the judge orders the counties included in the motion to go back to pre-purge voter lists, people will have been turned away and discouraged from voting already. No method of informing the public can possibly catch all these turned-away voters.

2) If we thought 2000 was crazy, remember that it was ostensibly only about the vote count. There were issues with purges then too, but Gore chose not to include those in any kind of court challenge to the election. He just wanted a recount in Florida. A challenge to the constitutionality of voter purges after the fact of an election would be wild.

It would really be irony if Clinton loses and then challenges the results on the basis of tampering with voter roles.

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bondibox's picture

My spidey senses have been telling me that Comey's announcement on Friday was pushback against having been forced by the AG into not prosecuting Hillary in July. He allegedly defied the AG when he released that letter to Congress. Whether or not he was in on the countercoup remains unknown. He did say in July that if any new evidence were to come to light, he would update the Congress at that time. Now was that him just being thorough or did he say that as insurance, because he was being strong-armed?

Both in July and on Friday there were reports that people at the FBI were furious about the announcement. Well, obviously, there were both Clinton supporters and Trump supporters working there. So where's the truth? Which decision angered the independent employees? My money is the one in July. The only sites claiming the same on Friday were the usual Democratic propaganda sites.

As far as the NC purge goes, the one thing I've noticed about any and all voting shenanigans since 2000 is that nothing ever happens. At most there will be a resolution or a bill in the legislature and next time things will be different. That has been the M.O. for the past 4 presidential elections. I seriously do not think there is any available recourse to the disenfranchised.

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“He may not have gotten the words out but the thoughts were great.”

Hillary having sex underage girls doesn't pass the smell test to me. Not every allegation made has a basis in fact. Atleast Assange doesn't just vomit allegations, like Alex Jones does.

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seems a bit far fetched to me also.

I would have thought Hil is more the romance/porn novel and dildo kind of girl.

She is still culpable for enabling Bill, however. We should also remember that Epstien's role and assignment was to entice important people into compromising situations.

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Mary Bennett

Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

for years. Back in 1992, I think voters just assumed he would stay decent while in the WH--respect for the place and the Presidency don't you know? Were we ever wrong!

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Mary Bennett

You do find some weird stuff on the far fringes of the internet, but then the lamestreamers are getting pretty weird lately also.

Describing Hil as a "Chinese operative" may be an exaggeration if you understand the word 'operative' as someone who directly takes orders from a handler. However, is anyone here prepared to assert that:

Mme. C. has not benefited from Chinese, along with other foreign money?

That she is not prepared to sell swaths of American public land to the Chinese govt., either outright or masked as a "private" business.

Does anyone think she will impose tariffs on Chinese manufactures. Or even inspections to enforce existing health and safety regulations. No? Me neither.

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Mary Bennett

would have been getting plenty of pushback within and outside his agency, I have not heard of anything about him which would lead me to believe he is not for sale. For me, the simplest explanation is that someone outbid whatever he got from the Clintons. I just wish whomever hadn't waited so long.

There is another internet rumor, for what it might be worth, that a Lady Rothschild, of unlimited checkbook, who gave generously to Killary, even to the extent of hosting $100,000 a plate fundraisers, was furious over disparaging remarks made about her by some Clinton staffers, as exposed by wikileaks. I have to say that the level of self-satisfied incompetence among Clinton staffers which wikileaks exposed, is hardly surprising. The notion of circumspection seems to be unheard of in Hillaryland. I don't want to think about this crowd of flapping mouths being given diplomatic appointments, and their vanity will likely be satisfied with nothing less.

It may be, that the noises of restless crowds have finally penetrated elite sanctums, and some among them are beginning to fear that they might all be going down.

Of Two Minds has had some recent articles about how Smith thinks segments of the Deep State have decided Mme. Cl. is a danger to their interests. Some of those actors might be using this Piezenik character for a mouthpiece.

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Mary Bennett

That'd make sense, even if this would be a belated judgment. Hillary's really as much of a loose cannon as is Trump and has about as much connection to reality/sense.

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.