Judicial Watch

This Socialist is Now a Part of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy

I think of myself as a socialist, and would be called such by most people, but this is the most sane video I've seen today, and it was posted by a user called "The Right Wing Conspiracy". I really didn't want to post this video I found linked from reddit, I feel embarrassed, but I wanted to share this with y'all. It's actually a decent vid, but I feel like apologizing for posting it.

SUE Comey & IMPEACH Hillary: Full Investigation Of Clinton Foundation Corruption & Email Server

Hillary in the corner: the three pincers closing in on her.

The three pincers:
1. Nascent Congressional perjury investigation--she won't be able to easily squirm out of this one because her Benghazi was made under oath. For all his verbal tap-dancing, Comey specially responded to Rep. Gowdy about each of her lies during the FBI interview.

Judicial Watch: why Hillary needs to be deposed

For those of you who patiently waded through the 7 emailgate deposition summaries posted here by me, you may recall that in at least one of them I predicted that Medusa would have to testify under oath. That truth may be aborning. According to another JW release, Hillary will likely be deposed and fairly soon.

Emailgate, round 7--Patrick Kennedy

Good day, once again, deposition fans. This essay concerns itself with tales (some of which may actually be truthful) rendered by one Patrick F. Kennedy, who was number 4 in the Department of State (DOS) line of command, with Medusa being the top Banana (she is yellow and prone to mold easily, especially when exposed to heat).

Introduction to an Operatic aria to be sung by Huma Abedin

Ladies and gentlemen, knowing that many of you are fond of music, be pleased to learn that in just a few short hours we shall the pleasure of listening to Soprano Huma Abedin emote on travails experienced wandering through the quicksand in search of...oh, I forgot what she was searching for--but I do know on whose behest she was searching. As in a Wagnerian opera, which typically last far too long, Ms. Abedin will sing arias worthy of Der Meistersinger.

State Department's knowing complicity with HRC's server.

Emailgate--the gift that keeps on giving! One of the gifts for which I am hoping is an orange pants suite for Medusa. As you are aware, Judicial Watch (JW) has been conducting multiple FOIA-based lawsuits against the Clinton-era State Dept. (DOS).

Emailgate, round 4--Deposition of Karin Lang, DOS spokesperson

Good day, deposition fans. If you want to learn the latest on Medusa's email controversy, you're in the right place. Today's topic is the deposition of DOS factotum, Karin Lang, spear carrier for the incompetent DOS, at least during the Clinton maladministration of that department.

Prelude to tonight's latest emailgate deposition summary:

As any great piece of orchestral music deserves, a fitting musical prelude, generally echoing the melody of the subsequent major presentation: So, I wish to call to your attention, a small precursor to tonight's later scheduled oratorio. I have titled this piece, submitted for your reading pleasure, Opus 2 of Composer Brian Pagliano, entitled: "How high can we pile the Offal?" The piece will be of course sung by Mr.

Emailgate: round 3 --Deposition of Stephen Mull

Hello, deposition fans! Here is the third released Journal Watch (JW) deposition related to multiple FOIA-associated lawsuits. The batter in third place is (was) a power hitter in the Hillary line-up, Stephen Mull (SM). He was in charge of cybersecurity in the State Department (DOS) during most of the Queen's reign of terror at Foggy Bottom.
