A Cat's Idea of Helping: Street Prophets Thursday Coffee Hour
Just in case you need a break from shills or politics or just plain like cats here is my diary for today. Feel free to post pictures and stories of your pets or in case of cats the cats who own you. If you are looking for dinner ideas this is what we are having tonight. After all I just live in the South now I haven't turned to cooking totally Southern. Yankee Pot Roast
Welcome Thursday Coffee Hour. This is an open topic thread so help yourself to the goodies and sit a spell and let us know what is new with you. My little black cat Pixie loves to help me. Now the dictionary defines help as giving assistance. I’m not sure Pixie quite has that concept down. Her idea of help and my idea of help don’t exactly mesh.
On Saturday I do the laundry. I start by changing the sheets on the bed. For some reason Pixie thinks helping with the bed is to “artistically” rearrange the sheet that I had just got pulled up and straightened either that or to sit right where I am trying to pull up the blanket.
I knit scarves to sell. Pixie has been helping me which is the main reason that I am unknitting as much as I am knitting. She helps by pulling the needle out of my hands which of course makes the yarn fall off.
Pixie also likes to help with the litter box. I scoop it every morning and sweep up the litter from the floor. She will immediately go even if she has to squeeze out a couple of drops and scatter more litter on the floor.
Pixie is the most “help” when I am trying to wrap packages. You can always tell my packages at Christmas. They are the ones with kitty teeth marks on the ribbon.
We can’t forget her help in making jewelry. She tugs at the string, bats the beads, takes off with bead I need at the moment, and generally is a nuisance.
Of course when you are as cute as she is you get away with “helping.”

She is a darling cat!!!!
She is a darling cat!!!!
With a petite Tuxedo!
You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again you did not know. ~ William Wiberforce
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Awwww. Too cute!
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
all for art...
My Jellybean (all black kitty like yours but no chest-patch) considers my husband's sock drawer as her artistic medium. She fishes the socks out, separates them and arranges them across the floor. She's not just playing, she's creating. Once she made a sculpture--a pile of socks draped over my husband's slippers. The socks were criss-crossed and piled 8 or 10 high. At the very top, she placed a feather from one of her toys.
I wish I'd taken a picture of that sculpture! What a mysterious thing, that she would do that!
As far as helping, she is also very good at that. Especially with re-arranging fabric squares or afghan squares that I am trying to lay out. It may be, she has creative differences with my ideas?
Pixie is adorable, I can see why you let her help!
Ginger sometimes really does help. Oreo has never entirely understood the concept of the litter box. He digs a nice deep hole for his poo - then deposits his poo on the top of the resulting mountain and leaves the box! Ginger then goes into the box, rolls the poo down into the hole and covers it up.
She also helps me find things. She has found my keys, my glasses, particular newspapers, and since she does it so frequently, probably has found more of my things than I can remember!
She also alerted me last time Oreo went into diabetic crisis. Sometimes I think she's smarter than me!
OTOH, she "helps" me slow down and enjoy life by walking between my feet so that if I move too fast, I will trip over her.
"All you haveta do is watch where you're walking!"
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