C99 Meetup @ Philadelphia Convention?
Submitted by joe shikspack on Mon, 07/04/2016 - 9:04am
Hey folks, Mark from Queens and I have been discussing a possible C99 meetup at the Philly convention, thinking that a lot of C99ers might be attending.
If you are going to Philly and are interested in a C99 meetup, please use the comment section to discuss when you'll be there and when would be convenient for all of us to meet.
The convention runs from Monday the 25th through the 28th and seeing as a lot of folks may be arriving on the weekend, perhaps Sunday the 24th might be a day for consideration, too.
I'll be out most of the day, but I'll be back this evening and I'll probably either repost this or put another notice like it on Tuesday so that we don't miss folks.

I am so scared I wouldn't say a word - but I would come/nt
Same here
It's in the cards, so far, but I'm not going beyond that. If I make it there, I'll ding somebody privately.
I thought for sure you'd be a loud mouth IRL just like I am, and I mean that in the best way possible.
I miss Colorado.
Yeah, I'm a loud mouth, too.
What's more, I've turned into something of a pontificator. Ugh. The good news is that I have whittled down the issues I care about to just a few. US Domestic issues were the first to go. Until Americans emerge from their coma and admit they do not live in a democracy, I am forced to assume they are getting exactly what they want, and what they most certainly deserve.
I've moved on to Geopolitics, which is my happy place.
China's remaking of the Eastern Hemisphere is exciting and truly visionary. Connecting three continents with high-speed freight and transportation that reaches all countries — even the landlocked ones — with opportunities for trade and lively cultural exchange, is the most impressive and enriching project for human progress in the planet's history. Plus, moving transportation and shipping inland to higher ground helps mitigates the impact of global warming in that hemisphere. As the world's expert and leading producer of solar technologies, China will be building out a solar technology infrastructure everywhere the intricate high-speed network goes. Another goal is creating transportation hubs where necessary aid can be quickly and efficiently delivered when needed. Africa will be the first continent to be developed directly into sustainable technologies. Within a decade, Africa will be power independent. Abundance and opportunity is an upbeat buzz.
It's awesome watching it come together geopolitically.
Oh, make no mistake
I have me a big mouth--it's just I gotta get to know ya first before I let it flap naturally and loudly
I will be there
starting on July 23rd for the People's convention event. Plans fluid after that. My duaghter will be with me. Would love to meet up.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Would be great to meet some C99ers in person in Philly!
That week in Philly is an opportunity for like-minded Progressive folks like us, disenchanted with the Democratic Party, to not only display a show of solidarity but also to help galvanize the massive movement Bernie helped coalesce so that we can take manifest all this amazing energy into something more tangible, like making our lives a little better. What a moment in history.
I hope some of you are also compelled to be there. Planning on making it down with my girlfriend and infant son.
Frankly, I can't think of a better scenario in which for some of us to meet for the first time at an East Coast C99. Seems a bunch of us line up on or around the Eastern Seaboard - let's do this!
Thing is for me, I have to work Monday night, which is kind of in the middle of things. That being the case, could either come the weekend before, perhaps Sat-Mon (23rd-35th)and be there for the People's Convention on Saturday, or could come Tues-Thurs (26th-28th).
What's the feeling among those who are thinking of going, to have a C99 meetup on the weekend or during the week?
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
I can't be there
So I hope that someone manages to get there and let the rest of us know what's going on. All The World Is Watching!
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
I would absolutely love to attend,
but I got no dough and I'm still watching my dad like a hawk. (He's recently had a couple of really awful health issues, like a coupla heart attacks and pulmonary edema and his kidneys almost completely failing). I can't even leave the guy for a night right now, let alone several in a row. Caretaking is a full-time gig, man.
I hope those who go have a great time! I have two good friends of mine going to Philly -- Bernie delegates, of course. We should do these c99p meet-ups more often and in other parts of the country. I'll bet there are a good lot of c99peeps in Cali and NYC, for example.
I'd love to host up a meet up in Green Bay, if anyone is cool with coming up this way. I could also go to meet ups in Madison, Milwaukee, Chicago, or Minneapolis.
Cheers and Happy Capitalism Day to all!
I miss Colorado.
Any Day Works For Me. I live here.
And Steven D and sprog are going to stay right next door. Oh! And SWPUWM is a restaurant expert.
Let's do this!
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