Biden news 1/24/2024

After Joe won New Hampshire with a write-in vote, Moon of Alabama gives a preliminary assessment of the election: Election 2024 - Preliminary Assessment. Trump will win, and not much will change. Meanwhile Biden's speeches are being interrupted by pro-Palestinian protesters. Not to worry, though. Team Biden is planning a strategy to deal with this reality. Does it involve getting the US out of the Mideast? Doubtful.

(Upon reflection, it seems indicative of Joe Biden's paranoia that he "won" New Hampshire even though his team's attempt to put South Carolina first on the primaries list got him kicked off of the New Hampshire ballot.)

Newsweek tells us that Joe Biden "Faces Growing Calls to Federalize Texas National Guard." I gather this is happening because Texas defied a Supreme Court ruling. A more conscious President would have done this already. Newsweek also suggests that Black voters are abandoning Joe Biden.

The Guardian published a concern that Joe Biden was planning a wider war against the Houthis. I suppose it could happen. As the Simplicius link above shows, however, an escalation would require a bigger commitment than what we've seen so far. Because nothing says "re-elect Joe Biden" like a wider war.

I know this is a couple of days old, but the headline deserves comment. "Watch AOC SHAME Disaffected Democrats into SUCKING IT UP & Voting for Joe Biden." Because nothing is as shameful as refusing to vote for a President who is a principal accomplice to genocide.

Sabrina Salvati skewers it too:

Politico continues to endorse the narrative that the economy is doing great. It's military Keynesianism I suppose. Is the working class getting any of this GDP money?

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get "kicked off" the NH ballot -- he never petitioned to be on the ballot after NH defied the DNC's new rule about SC, not NH, getting the #1 primary state slot.

The write-in effort was to avoid the embarrassment of someone other than Joe being declared the NH winner and also to promote the false notion of Biden being so popular that he won with a write-in vote.

Re Moon and similar takes, that certainly appear to be the case as of Jan 25, 2024. But this is an unusual year where either of two not farfetched major political earthquakes could upset the status quo -- Trump getting convicted, and the GOP delegate reaction to that, and Joe's decision to step aside before the August convention after months of D powerbroker concerns about his electability

And my overall take on the JB-DT outcome is only slightly different: with Donald, you get a greatly enhanced chance of a Civil War 2.0. With Grandpa Joe, you get a greater chance of the stubborn old fool bumbling the US into WW3. Pick your poison.

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Cassiodorus's picture

@wokkamile All of America will be in a Civil-War-level conflict over Donald Trump's habitual eating of junk food and participation in golf.

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"Forget the lesser evil -- fight for the greater good." - Jill Stein

@Cassiodorus had to worry about Trump being too lazy and self-indulgent. I would give him all the golf and tv watching and social media-ing he wanted so long as that ended up being the only major downside to his second term.

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The dems are have to find new sheep dogs as the polls seem to indicate young people not happy with Biden. Since Sanders threw his own movement under the bus, no talk M4A, student loan relief, etc. within Congress. Not even sure the race hustlers are doing that well either.

Such wasted efforts that could have done so much good.

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snoopydawg's picture


And wasn’t one of the reasons to vote blue no matter who was to give democrats control of the senate so that Bernie could be on the budget committee and then he would try to get the things you mentioned passed? And because he endorsed his good friend Joe he would be able to work with him and push him left.

Lol…I just read about all the things that Biden has done for us and I couldn’t stop laughing. He’s been the best president on climate change even though he’s opened up more areas for drilling than Trump or Obama did. Not to mention that he blew up nordstream which released tons of methane into the atmosphere. And he has the military pushing for war in how many countries and the military is the biggest user of fossil fuels and makes lots of pollution. But hey he rejoined the Paris accord. Yippee! Another worthless tool to make people believe that world governments are doing something.

On Covid he got more people jabbed, but no mention that we are on our 5th or 6th increase of the Rona infections and that he said that the epidemic is OVER…..good grief.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

Cassiodorus's picture

@snoopydawg Or renaissance, or cultural revolution, or transformation, or take your pick.

Currently, the main hindrance to any sort of real climate change mitigation is that oil and coal and natural gas interests are able to buy governments and keep things the way they are. Imagine a world in which all of the fossil interests were nationalized and all of the nations agreed to phase them out. That might work.

Gee, we'd have to end the endless war on the world to do that, wouldn't we? It's not going to happen as long as the neoconservatives are in power.

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"Forget the lesser evil -- fight for the greater good." - Jill Stein

The Liberal Moonbat's picture

...and they rhyme with "Marketed Banana-Rations, Most Reliable Mom Aside".

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In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!