Dem Party election fraud caught in real time?

So here is a screen grab of NPR's coverage of tonight's New Hampshire Primary.

Bear with me as I explain why I find some of these numbers to be sus.

I'm looking at you Dem Party.

This picture shows 82% of the Dem votes are in. They total 43,700 votes. So 100% will be 53,300 votes. Only 9,600 votes remain to be counted. It seems to say that unprocessed write ins are at 36,408 but as that number increases as more votes come in what it is really saying is how many PROCESSED write in votes there have been. Which would mean write ins are 83.3% of all votes cast in the Dem primary.

Or they're not counting non write in votes. There are currently @303,000 registered Dem voters in New Hampshire, 298,000 Republican voters and 400,000 unaffiliated. Now note that the vote count as it stands would mean only a 17% Dem turnout. And it would mean the Dems got no independent votes. Meanwhile, the Republicans had 83.3% turnout.

I don't buy it. The Dems aren't counting all the non write in votes to make Biden appear to have won.

Now notice this just now updated NPR report:

5% more of the votes are in. The Dems vote total is now 52,607 an additional 8,907 votes. That should have put us at 98.7% of the total vote. There should only be 693 votes left to count. Instead, it would seem, there are still 7,861 votes to be counted.

About 600 more write ins have been counted, reducing that remaining number to 41% Which brings up yet another problem: If there's still 41.4% of write ins to be counted, then 37,093 write ins counted represents 58.6% of the total, bringing total write in votes to 63,300. That means there's still another 26,000 write in votes alone still uncounted.

So now way in hell do these numbers actually add up.

But here's the smoking gun: earlier, Biden had 18528 votes with 36408 write ins counted. In the second screen grab, there have been 37,093 write ins counted. An additional 685 votes. Yet, despite Biden only being able to receive write in votes, he gained 6252 votes. Well over 5000 more votes than write ins that were counted.

This is election fraud, caught red handed.

Now I'm going to update again:

Here's the NPR results as of this moment:

36.7% of the write ins remain. The total is now 33,718. We went from 36,000 votes to 37,000 votes down to 34,000 votes. The % of unprocessed write ins steadily goes down, but the total jumps all over the place. Now they're reporting only 84% of the vote is in. So that's going all over the place too.

Meanwhile, Biden has increased another 4368. Write ins are the gift that just keeps giving.

Let's look at Dean Philips and Marianne Williamson during this span in which Biden inexplicably and mathematically impossible managed to shoot up 11,000 votes.
82% of vote counted:
Dean Philips had 16786 votes
MW had 4233
at 87% counted:
DP had 18279
MW had 4473
at - ahem - 84% of vote counted 18 minutes later:
DP had 18423
MW had 4540

During a span of roughly one hour, NPR is reporting that Biden gained approx 11,000 votes while Dean Philips gained less than 2,000 votes and Marianne Williamson gained a meager 200 votes. This sudden, inexplicable "landslide" can't be accounted for in Write in votes, of which only 5% were counted according to NPR.

There simply are no 11,000 votes available to Biden during that span.

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Here's a pic at 930pm PST

Now the results are back to 87%.

I'm beginning to think that the Write in count is the total unprocessed, not processsed because it has now been steadily decreasing whereas before it was steadily increasing. This would mean between this screen grab and the one I took 15 minutes ago, the unprocessed write ins went from 33718 to 31451. They counted 2,267 write in votes.

Biden's total went from 28,148 to 33,571, an increase of 5,423. this is nearly twice as many votes as there were write ins counted. Blatant fraud.
DP and MW, meanwhile, only managed to gain about 700 votes.

Are the electronic voting machines counting votes for Biden even though he's not on the ballot?

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shenanigans with regards to the outcome. Using this as an example.

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My final screengrab.

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TheOtherMaven's picture

Of course they would! It's become their standard Modus Operandi.

The US cannot stand four more years of a brain-dead zombie figurehead President - but that's not going to stop the Bastards In Charge. Not unless he publicly drops dead before Election Day - and maybe not even then. Blum 3

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

Go back and look at that first screengrab at 8pm. Six hours later, nearly every single vote went for Biden. Yet he had to be written in, which made that mathematically impossible.

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snoopydawg's picture


NH has a rule that allows people from the other party to vote for the other party’s candidates and so lots of democrats crossed over to vote for Nikki which should mean that they couldn’t vote for Biden. So how’d he get that many votes?

I can’t follow the numbers you posted here because numbers make my brain hurt.

This guy wrote about the primary and maybe someone could look to see if I’m making any sense.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

@snoopydawg It's really simple math here Snoopy. Over the two hours that I screen captured the AP's numbers, Biden jumped almost 20,000 votes, yet the write in ballots barely had 6000 votes counted. Since write ins were the ONLY way for Biden to receive votes then something fishy is going on here.

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Cassiodorus's picture

They are not accountable to you, me, or anyone. This was decided in a court of law. They can rig "elections" as they please.

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"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo