Bernie's Political Revolution Will Happen
Have you wondered how Bernie would accomplish the political revolution? I’m a retired duffer long past the first flush of youth, but I bring news from the future. The political revolution is assured. Why would I be so confident? I think that the wave building underneath Bernie is so strong that it will sweep all before it when it hits the shallows of the beachfront.
Let’s orient ourselves to where we are here in sight of spring 2016. Bernie’s preparation phase in 2014 culminated in his entry into the primary race in 2015 at 3% in the national polls. He began the primaries with the dead heat stunner in Iowa and has consistently outmaneuvered Clinton because his trust in people unleashed a fabulous fountain of funding from people and the unlimited creativity of people. His candidacy created a seabed earthquake under the social ocean of American citizenry, which pulsed into being a rising wave of enthusiasm, such that his present campaigning across the Ides of March elections seems more like the triumph of a Roman conqueror, flowers strewn along the way. The enthusiasm for Bernie is now unmistakable in the body politic of America.
What lies before us? The second half of the primary marathon begins after 15 March, primarily in states that favor Bernie. Following the convention, we’ll enter the general, where the questions will be all about how Bernie will achieve his political revolution. The question of “How?’ will go from one primary talking point to a chronic question in the general. After Bernie assumes office, the issue will be acute, critical. Let me show you the beginnings of the how.
Republican pollster Frank Luntz, famous for his focus groups, wrote an article yesterday, entitled “Young voters spell doom for GOP.”
Now before this gets written of as more of the democratic demographic dreams, look at what he found. Democrats have long waited for the demographic dividend to vanquish the nutbar right wing of politics, hoping for a steady future stream of reliable Democratic voters. Heh, heh, heh, they might yet rue that wish. What Luntz found is a rising tsunami now approaching shore that will wash away the GOP. What he doesn’t realize is that this tsunami will also wash away the corporate Democratic Party.
Here’s an extract:
In our recent national survey of 1,000 first- and second-time voters ages 18 to 26, Republicans weren’t just off on the wrong track. They were barely on the radar with this Snapchat generation, as it is sometimes called.
Let’s start with the simplest question we asked: “Out of today's major political figures, who do you like and respect the most?”
Nearly one in three (31%) chose Bernie Sanders, followed by 18% for Barack Obama and 11% for Hillary Clinton. The highest ranking Republican was … Donald Trump, at a mere 9%. In fact, Sanders — who won more than 80% of young Democrats in Tuesday’s Michigan primary — scored higher than all the Republicans combined. This isn’t just a slant toward the Democrats; it’s a chasm of disconnection that renders every prominent national Republican irrelevant with the voting bloc that could control campaigns for the next 30 years.
The problem, or “crisis” if you're an active Republican, is in their political identification. Fully 44% identify themselves as Democrats, higher in my polling than any age cohort in America. By comparison, about 15% call themselves Republican, lower than any age cohort. The remaining 42% say they’re independent, but on issue after issue they lean toward the Democrats. It’s not that young people love the Democratic Party — they don’t. But they reject the Republican Party and the corporate interests it appears to represent. Democrats can live with this dynamic. Republicans might die by it.
So far so very good. There’s more:
If you want to understand today’s young Americans, consider this: 58% of them think “socialism” is the most compassionate political system, compared with just 33% who pick “capitalism.” Heck, 9% even voted for “communism.”
That’s right: Two-thirds in a poll I did last month say socialism or communism is more compassionate than capitalism.
Heh, heh, heh. Two thirds of our youth favor democratic socialism. They reject not only the GOP, but also the capitalist horse it rode in on. They will favor socialist Democratic candidates in most primary races up and all the down the ticket, from dogcatcher to sheriff to councilor to assemblywoman to governor to congress and in the presidency. “But the youth don’t vote.”
Tell that to Bernie. Truth-telling inspires youth to vote. Simple, really. Real solutions, democratic socialist solutions, inspire youth to vote. Just watch the youth vote number tick up across the primary race into the general and beyond. Their votes matter, of course, and greatly so. But their role will become central in the political revolution to come.
Right now, Bernie has a simple and true response to the “How?” question. All he says is that when millions of people demand change it will come. He knows full well that this is not the time to talk about how. That time will come in the general. I think the full extent of the how will make some supporters shiver with anxiety and others will prickle with excitement. See the wave that Bernie’s candidacy has pulsed into forming is the same Occupy wave that the corporatists quashed so easily. Remember how Occupy went global and then shriveled through lack of focus? The difference to come is that Occupy now has a focus – and a leader.
(By Source, Fair use,
When Bernie says that millions will demand change, he doesn’t say from where they will insist on their demands. Now is not the time. But the first place that people power gathers is the public square. Zuccotti Park comes to mind. People power makes it’s demands first within earshot of the windows and corridors of power. The tools and power of social media have come a long way very fast since OWS. Modern people power makes its demands in the time-honored way outside the windows of power and it communicates within itself through social media.
Furthermore, consider the forge that fired the steely candidate we adore.
You don't think Bernie learned a few things about people power back in the day?
Now is not the time to talk the strategy and tactics of people power. Now is for growing with the wave as it grows and rushes towards the beach. Work now to elect the focus and leadership of the people power to come after the inauguration. When worry about “How?” simply say, “Occupy” and keep working for Bernie. What if your worry becomes anxiety, “But what if Bernie loses the primary/general?” Then remind yourself that the tsunami doesn’t care about politics. The tsunami follows the laws of physics all the way to the beach and beyond. The political revolution will happen.
May peace be with us, if we work for it with peaceful hearts.

As many have noted...
the only way that the current political system can maintain is if Bernie loses and does NOTHING.
No speeches, no endorsement, maybe even doesn't finish out his tour in the Senate.
Because if the Democratic party makes him "Take one for the team" they will lose even the semblance of faith. A few party insiders and those making enough money will stick with em, but that's IT.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Too right, mate. The political revolution
revolt is the real Inevitability. Writing articles is tricky - I'm fighting with uploading an image. I'm from the seventies.
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
Convention nominates Bernie Sanders
Still see that as a real possibility.
Does anyone on this site read Bill Curry at Salon.
He was in the Clinton Administration.
In backwards date order:
Charles Fergusen:
Thanks, Caerus. Bill Curry sure gets it, from experience too.
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
Creating and Building the Vision
Victor Hugo: Nothing so powerful as an idea whose time has come.
How do we create an idea whose time has come.
President Kennedy gave us an example : "We will have a man on the moon, and return him safely to earth in this decade." When he said it, it couldn't be done. What do we need to do to create an idea whose time has come? Myriad things, NASA, astronauts, space capsules ( remember the first one with the monkey, poor monkey, no window) space suits, millions of things. Anybody still drink Tang? Or wear those insulating sliver sided insoles in their snow boots?
Some of the most important first steps, we know, are always the "It can't be done." "Why not?" "Well, blah, blah, blah." "Thank you, now let's do blah, blah, blah."
President Sanders: an idea whose time has come
Please Sign
Vital the DWS/DNC/DLC knows well before the convention in Philadelphia that we won't support anyone but Bernie Sanders.
This is growing - please share it in your personal networks - and add suggestions of how to bring it to attention of more media. Thanks
If you support Bernie Sanders and you won’t support Hillary Clinton then let the DNC know that by signing and sharing the petition below. This petition doesn’t necessarily mean you will not to vote for Hillary if she is the eventual nominee, but that she will not have your personal support in a general election, such as donations and personal advocacy. Better to let the DNC know now before the race is decided. Hillary is universally unpopular amongst voters 18-29 and independents, two demographics democrats need to win a general election, in addition she has an over 50% disapproval rating. Also Hillary is only winning in states that are not going to matter much in a general election while losing in those that are, by wide margins. Meanwhile Republicans are have broken records for participation in all of the first nominating contests. If Hillary and Trump win their perspective nominations then Trump could not only become our next president but he could also obtain super majorities in the house and the senate.
Brilliant. It's time the other side learns about consequences.
So far, Clinton's been gliding along on patronage promises. All her super delegates and elite supporters are angling for jobs and/or access for themselves or for their favourites. They have to realize that actions have consequences. It's time that Clinton, her election machine, and her nixonian masters of political dark arts grasp that losing is in fact a possibility and that dark arts have dark consequences.
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
The progressive vision so eloquently expressed by the Kennedy's was going to propel the country forward for the next 50 years. That is why they had to be silenced, along with DMLK and Malcolm X. Those who took the lives of these men, sealed the fate of this country up to the present day. When Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act, he said we would lose the South for a generation. It has been much longer than that because the rich and corporate have teamed up to keep people spun out of their minds for years about what this country has become.
Just having Bernie Sanders stand up there and articulate the need to go back to a progressive society not ruled over by the banks and multi-national corporations is a revolution in the political narrative. That we have made disasterous trade deals with the devil. The Overton Window has been shattered, with social media and alternate sources of information, the corporate media is losing it's grip on the young - and old alike. I finally got rid of Comcast and am a better person for it.
I have labored long to understand people my age who seem to lack the ability to remember what life was like in the 50's and 60's with the optimism that permeated everything we did. The was BR - before Reagan - who came in with his message of workers being greedy, unions being corrupt, trickle down economics and the we can't do anything anymore attitude of the conservatives. We were taken from a creditor nation to a debtor nation in one fell swoop as tax cuts were handed out to the rich and corporate. Reagan talked about the shining city on the hill, but didn't mention that the little people wouldn't be able to ascend the steps!
Excellent essay! nt
Thanks! I wrote a bit at DK, but this is easier because I can
say what I think.
If only I could figure out how to upload photos properly! I appreciate your kindness.
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
The revolution needs torch bearers
The biggest problem is getting people into offices that matter from city level to national level. Bernie is a great leader in that he is demonstrating how it is done. But as he says over and over he can't do it alone. And he doesn't just need the masses. washed or otherwise, he needs captains and lieutenants and people who will carry the message of those masses into the halls of power.
It seems to me the power of the GOP in the face of these startling numbers is they have so many willing torch bearers. Presumably paid for by corporate money. And if they are good they get to join the legions of lobbyists and the old boy network. Meanwhile the struggling masses continue to struggle and the idea of them volunteering or standing for office is seen as suspicious, unrewarding, and expensive.
And it isn't just starting - it has been building for some time. OWS was an attempt to make it happen, but apart from the
corporateofficial response which was to arrest, spy, infiltrate and undermine, OWS had no real foundation. Bernie is now out front leading, but I still feel there is a vacuum behind in him in elected office. Too many are sitting on their hands doing the third way thing. I would love to see Elizabeth Warren speak to this revolution, even if she doesn't endorse Bernie. It is actually her revolution too - she has lit a good number of fires with exactly the same truth to power talk. But I sense even she is hesitant because there needs to be more torch bearers."If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back" - Regina Brett
Great diary thanks Gerrit
Sanders is the real deal.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
I read Luntz in the original Pig Latin
It almost seemed as though he was wearing blinders. He was afraid to admit the obvious - the GOP has become a racist, sexist, anti-science, anti-rational, corrupt and bullying party of ye olde white, fat, growingly senile males who have trouble connecting the dots. They once heard sayings like "Better living thru Chemistry" and "What's good for GM is good for the country," and took them to heart.
They scoffed at warnings about cigarettes, decrying govt. regulation and interference with their pleasure. That was only compounded by no-smoking areas and public buildings. Today, they cough, not scoff, as their cardiac and pulmonary functions need to be aided by machines or drugs.
They laughed at asbestos, until people around them died from meso.
They now attack global climate change, because the folks they trust, the rich, the banks, the businesses tell them it is all bullshit, and besides, it would cost jobs if they tried to do something right.
They look at the millions earned (Sp?) by Hillary not with fear and loathing - a pay to play aspect of her that is frightening to a rational person - but with envy and a wish that they could do the same. (Markos is a great example)
The yute of this country, well, most of them, have access to information, ideas, science, and research. That access (unless they happen to be home skuled by a conservative christian cult) gives them ideas, and those ideas give them a far more liberal view than their parental units.
What scares me is that small, deluded, even dangerous segment of today's yute that so clearly miss the obvious. Groups like Young College Republicanists, or Trumpenstein supporters. For them, might makes right, something I may have once read in a history book.
Guns are freedom. Christian cult rules are intended to make people free, especially women. Free to follow their anti-female rules, that is. I cannot explain why most of the younger folks grasp the obvious about science, climate, education, social progress, and the like, yet this group (i am guessing 17%) continues down the wretched path chosen by their bible beating preachers, their Fox Gnus-based parents, and their beloved gun dealers. You know, because Murikka. Freedumb. Libertee. and Gawd.
The problem for Luntz is that this group of mental deviates and "morans" is so small, that the GOP in its current form, obese, aged, caucasian, ultra-conservative, hyper-christian, simply cannot survive the decade.
About that 17% guess, that seems to be the same as the ultraconservative, bible beaters, the ones who want to own your womb and to deny you birth control (But VIAGRA SHOULD BE FREE! FREE, I SAY! BECAUSE!) Pity that they lose all sense of empathy and responsibility once you escape mommy's tummy.
I read Luntz in the original Pig Latin
It almost seemed as though he was wearing blinders. He was afraid to admit the obvious - the GOP has become a racist, sexist, anti-science, anti-rational, corrupt and bullying party of ye olde white, fat, growingly senile males who have trouble connecting the dots. They once heard sayings like "Better living thru Chemistry" and "What's good for GM is good for the country," and took them to heart.
They scoffed at warnings about cigarettes, decrying govt. regulation and interference with their pleasure. That was only compounded by no-smoking areas and public buildings. Today, they cough, not scoff, as their cardiac and pulmonary functions need to be aided by machines or drugs.
They laughed at asbestos, until people around them died from meso.
They now attack global climate change, because the folks they trust, the rich, the banks, the businesses tell them it is all bullshit, and besides, it would cost jobs if they tried to do something right.
They look at the millions earned (Sp?) by Hillary not with fear and loathing - a pay to play aspect of her that is frightening to a rational person - but with envy and a wish that they could do the same. (Markos is a great example)
The yute of this country, well, most of them, have access to information, ideas, science, and research. That access (unless they happen to be home skuled by a conservative christian cult) gives them ideas, and those ideas give them a far more liberal view than their parental units.
What scares me is that small, deluded, even dangerous segment of today's yute that so clearly miss the obvious. Groups like Young College Republicanists, or Trumpenstein supporters. For them, might makes right, something I may have once read in a history book.
Guns are freedom. Christian cult rules are intended to make people free, especially women. Free to follow their anti-female rules, that is. I cannot explain why most of the younger folks grasp the obvious about science, climate, education, social progress, and the like, yet this group (i am guessing 17%) continues down the wretched path chosen by their bible beating preachers, their Fox Gnus-based parents, and their beloved gun dealers. You know, because Murikka. Freedumb. Libertee. and Gawd.
The problem for Luntz is that this group of mental deviates and "morans" is so small, that the GOP in its current form, obese, aged, caucasian, ultra-conservative, hyper-christian, simply cannot survive the decade.
About that 17% guess, that seems to be the same as the ultraconservative, bible beaters, the ones who want to own your womb and to deny you birth control (But VIAGRA SHOULD BE FREE! FREE, I SAY! BECAUSE!) Pity that they lose all sense of empathy and responsibility once you escape mommy's tummy.