
On the lack and/or inadequacy of medical professionals

We have an article at Stat about the shortage of medical personnel at the 30-plus gender clinics scattered across the country...pointing out the 4 month waiting list at Chicago's Lurie Children's hospital and pediatrician Dr. Johanna Olson-Kennedy at Children's Hospital Los Angeles, who is treating 500 trans youth patients by herself.

Bernie's Political Revolution Will Happen

Have you wondered how Bernie would accomplish the political revolution? I’m a retired duffer long past the first flush of youth, but I bring news from the future. The political revolution is assured. Why would I be so confident? I think that the wave building underneath Bernie is so strong that it will sweep all before it when it hits the shallows of the beachfront.

Let’s orient ourselves to where we are here in sight of spring 2016. Bernie’s preparation phase in 2014 culminated in his entry into the primary race in 2015 at 3% in the national polls. He began the primaries with the dead heat stunner in Iowa and has consistently outmaneuvered Clinton because his trust in people unleashed a fabulous fountain of funding from people and the unlimited creativity of people. His candidacy created a seabed earthquake under the social ocean of American citizenry, which pulsed into being a rising wave of enthusiasm, such that his present campaigning across the Ides of March elections seems more like the triumph of a Roman conqueror, flowers strewn along the way. The enthusiasm for Bernie is now unmistakable in the body politic of America.

What lies before us? The second half of the primary marathon begins after 15 March, primarily in states that favor Bernie. Following the convention, we’ll enter the general, where the questions will be all about how Bernie will achieve his political revolution. The question of “How?’ will go from one primary talking point to a chronic question in the general. After Bernie assumes office, the issue will be acute, critical. Let me show you the beginnings of the how.