Bernie Tears Hair Drumpf A New One. (Must watch :-)

Here's Bernie talking to George the Clinton Wonder Boy. Watch our Bernie calmly (with a peaceful heart) take Drumpf apart. The clip begins with a few seconds of Hair Drumpf in primary school...:-)

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Which candidate will Dem voters want on Tuesday? The appeaser of fascists or the one who stands toe to toe with Hair Drumpf? The difference between Clinton and Bernie is now clear as day for Dem voters. One fights; one appeases.

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grapevines's picture

Bernie makes trump and his entire campaign very nervous...and they should be. Bernie will mop the floor with him in the General.

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People Before Profits

Gerrit's picture

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Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.