Accidental Photography (Photo Diary): Street Prophets Sunday All Day Brunch
Welcome to Sunday Brunch. This is an open topic thread so help yourself to the goodies and sit a spell and let us know what is new with you.
I got my first camera in my early teens a Brownie Starlite. I graduated to a Kodak AI 35mm camera and a few years ago went to a digital camera. I got some great shots with my Canon Power Shot A2000IS. My late brother Mike bought me a Canon Rebel XS digital camera and that is my go to camera now. The nice thing about a digital is you can press that button hundreds of times during your shoot and you are never quite sure what you have until you pull it up on the computer screen.
My favorite pictures are the ones that somehow you weren't planning on but come out great anyway. I call these my accidental photographs. Here are a few of my favorites.
It had been snowing heavily and this was right outside the screen door. The plant was dormant in the winter and became my alien plant monster.
I didn't realize that this Rose of Sharon had a bee inside of it until I pulled the picture up on the computer.
One of the neat things about setting everything to automatic is that you never know what settings the camera is going to choose.
I walking on a Spring day and the leaves covered the sidewalk so I just tilted my camera up to get this shot. I had no idea that the bird that had flown ahead of us had landed.
This was one of those shots where nothing was planned but the clear blue sky and the one bird on the wire came out perfectly.
This is one of my favorite shots. The way the sun hit inside the flower just made it glow.
The nice thing about the close-up button is that it will reveal things you were not aware were there such as the hitchhiker of these mushrooms.
Autumn in the Midwest can bring truly gorgeous pictures. The moon in the sky was a challenge but I pushed the close-up button to its fullest and was rewarded with this photograph.
I love these type of flowers. They are beautiful on their own but sometimes I feel like they are posing to see what kind of picture we can come up with.
This was another picture where I just pushed the close-up button to the fullest and was thrilled with the results.
The close-up button is your friend during the times the bees are busy.
This was another one where I counted on the extreme close-up to give me a great shot.
Right after a rain and before the flowers dry off is a great time to get photographs.
This while a dramatic shot is also sad because of a huge storm the night before had caused lightning that killed several old trees.
One thing I do is check the ground by my feet. Sometimes you can get pictures such as the contrast of an oak leaf and concrete.
We had lots of animals that were around my Mom's house and this one walked around the newly fallen snow.
What made this picture interesting to me was that a small wind was blowing and you could see the pollen of the Rose of Sharon leaving the plant.
I took this picture the day after I lost my Mom. I was walking and just turned the camera to the sky.
The sun is an ally in making memorable photographs.
Clouds are wonderful for giving you that elusive shape and letting you decide latter what the shape reminds you of such as a hand here.
I have just started to receive the first of the many bills from my July hospitalization for pneumonia. Needless to say I can't pay these. Any help you can provide by buying my art and jewelry and scarves would be greatly appreciated.
You can find prints of my artwork and photography on my Fine Arts America account.
You can find my jewelry for sale here.
You can find my scarves for sale here.

Great photos!
I have a regular Friday gig and miss the photo journal, so I enjoyed seeing your pictures today.
Here's a shot of the blood moon eclipse last fall near Moab. The last shot I stole off the internet.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Red Moon Airliner
While photographing a lunar eclipse, I heard a large commercial jet approaching.
Realizing I had a delay set on my camera & a few second exposure for the aperture I had to decide when to hit the shutter button, not wanting to miss the airliner in the shot.
I anticipated its approach & guessed.
The airliner was on this strange approach (I`m positive) to allow the passengers to view the eclipse.
Here`s what I captured.
Red Moon Airliner
You can see the long exposure (a few seconds) by the wing-tip lights at intervals in the passenger cabin light stream.
I`m already against the next war
That's a cool shot
good job knuck. Here in the SE it wasn't visible. Great views out west though.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Moon on the wire, almost or after. Nice.
Beautiful pictures!
Years ago I inherited an old Nikon F-type camera with a macro lens, and had a wonderful time discovering the world of the small. It's been a long time since I picked it up (think it's still in a closet somewhere...) and I don't take photos anymore, aside from a few Iphone snaps. But thank you for sharing these beautiful pictures. They're almost like meditation for bringing us out of the chatter of our heads, into the wider world.
Please help support caucus99percent!
Those are great pictures. I am hoping to get a much better digital camera at some point. I would love to make quilts from my own pictures.
I hope you are much better health wise. I was worried about you. Remember to be kind to yourself. You do so much for others, please remember to do good/happy things for yourself too.
Love, hugs, and scritches (Miz Pixie)
From Catnip Manor
These are some gorgeous images! I want a camera like that!
Have you looked into putting these on T shirts and such? Jan4Insight introduced me to a new easy-to-use site for that, Teepublic. Go there using my link, and I'll get a referral fee every time you make a sale!
I have tried several T shirt sites and this is the easiest. Just have a 300 dpi image (png)that's big enough for an art print (about 6000px) and load away! Such large files take a little time to upload, but the rest is easy.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Thank you for the beautiful pics, Michele!
Hope you are feeling better, but sorry you have the bills. For some reason I thought you had Medicaid.
I'm having a relapse. It was diagnosed as acute bronchitis 2 weeks ago, but no testing, just listening to my lungs, cough, and me. Ugh, I don't want to do this again.
Anywho, I appreciate your pretty pictures. Takes me away from the bickering here lately. Gonna finish my laundry, eat something even though I'm not hungry but lost 10 lbs 2 weeks ago with this crap, then read myself to sleep with some nice fiction.
Stay strong, Lady!
So beautiful, reminds me that nature produces beauty
accidentially too.
Something good is in the air and I think I will be so happy that I start to get out my camera and try something. I am a newbie to photos and all of what I get will be accidents ...
Thank You, a nice relaxing moment to look at your photos. I really needed that tonight.
Beautiful michele.
I especially like the mushroom photo. It is very magical looking, and you can feel the warmth of the light.