I'm a Script Kitty: could be sung to the tune of I'm a Believer
Submitted by PriceRip on Tue, 05/31/2016 - 5:32pm
A short time ago I saw a comment with a survey in one of the C99P article. I thought, "I should check this out."
So if you are so inclined: Listen to the Monkeys, and/or read what I found out.
I went to the poll-maker site to produce a survey.
I took a look at the code to see how it works. The code now residing on the C99P server accesses an offline script ("scripts.poll-maker.com/3012/scpolls.js") to process survey (ID "qp_all707240") data and stores the results off site (www.poll-maker.com/results707240x75724907-29) for display on your browser.
Is this a good idea?

That was fun. I voted three times.
And now they know where I live.
The other voters are in Battle Creek, MI, and Washington DC, and Hudson, FL (near Edna off I-19)
The people, united, will never be defeated.
PS Are you aware that the Monkees
are on tour with their new album "Good Times"?
The people, united, will never be defeated.
I did not know that.