"This Scandal was not a Republican hit-job ..."
This scandal wasn't a Republican hit-job. It wasn't from a vast right-wing conspiracy. This news segment wasn't from the hacks at Fox News.
It was all of Hillary's doing. It's too late for her to simply own up to it. The only way for her to fix this for the Democratic Party is for her to bow out gracefully. Now, you and I know that's not really the Clinton way, but we are all faced with the painful reality that this scandal makes her that much weaker against Donald Trump. In the days ahead, the polls will no doubt show as much.My sincere guess is that Clinton and the Democratic establishment will do nothing to own up to this. They're in so deep to one another that they couldn't see a way out if they tried.
-- Shaun King, New York Daily News -- May 27, 2016
KING: Hillary Clinton should quit presidential race as email scandal engulfs her campaign
Former Daily Kos staff blogger Shaun King, goes on to explain how this email abuse and overreach, is really Hillary's own damn fault -- with this short declarative statements of Facts ...
It was not above board.
It was not approved.
It was not, as one of her staff members told two people who reported concerns about her system, "reviewed and approved by department legal staff."
Every email was not turned over to the State Department. She was the only secretary of state who refused to be interviewed. Seven of her staff members refused to be interviewed. [...]
If only mainstream journalists would follow up on this vast right-wing conspiracy "rules don't apply to me" scandal -- with the same moral clarity and specificity that Shaun King just has.
If only ...

Here is the interview
that Shaun was talking about:
Wake Up Democrats! h/t: Kossacks- for- Sanders
by Caerus --05/27/2016
Clinton will sink The Democratic Party
[video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cUTEIgkOEuQ width:640 height:480]
Is Clinton ready to handle an email at 3:00 am
with a world waiting?
from a reasonably stable genius.
Is she ready
Is she ready to handle a factual and critical Report
that documents ad-nauseum, her very own deliberate wrong-doing?
MIA appears to be more her MO response.
I see another verbal meltdown in her future.
Brought to us by the Cackle Channel.
from a reasonably stable genius.
No. Huma mentioned in an email that Clinton is often
confused in the morning.
Probably due to a certain medication
Wouldn't want her to stop taking it, but yes, it shuts down the production of a very important "thing" needed for brain function. Advised to be taken at night. Over prescribed here in the U.S. (shocker).
P.S. I LOVE your Avatar avatar! One of my favorite movies ever!
Your avatar's pretty awesome too. Omg.
Which med
is she taking?
Not sure which med she's taking
But, I've noticed my own mom having cognitive issues after she was prescribed a statin. Which one? I don't know. She hasn't deteriorated to the point I would know yet.
Unfortunately, too many people refuse to question their doctors, and the overly prescribed, often unnecessary drugs like statins. Mom's one.
Btw, they block (COMPLETELY BLOCK) natural production of your body's ability to produce something your brain requires for cognitive functionality, called cholesterol. Period. Really scary, if you think about all the ads. Cholesterol is not poison. It's necessary.
Yes, indeed. Statins can have severe adverse effects
Vitamin K (K1 and K2) is much better for cardiovascular health without the terrible adverse effects of statins:
Wow, I had never heard this
This to me is very scary. Would the Clintons hide an illness from the public, absofuckinlutly.
I would like to hear and learn more about this. We need a President who is sharp from the moment they awake to the moment they go to sleep.
she never was ready, may the flying spaghetti monster protect
us all. She's the Peter Principle in action: promotion beyond her level of competence (like Bush II).
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
And, over and over again, from statements by
her staff and her own quotes, her Biggest Concern is that she didn't want her private emails to be commingled, or accessible to 'anyone'.
She showed not the slightest scintilla of care or concern about her 'official', i.e. Dept of State, communication's security... She was only, seemingly, worried that her personal communiques must not be compromised or accessible.
Which kind of BEGS the question, wtf is In her private/personal email,that she's so f'n worried about?
"When the powerless are shut out of the media, we will make the media irrelevant" ~Anonymous~
Actually, it RAISES the question. "Begging the question" ...
... is a logical fallacy where the conclusion is the same as, implicit in, or essential to the premise. But yeah, I agree. Those 30,000 deleted emails ...
"Not me. Us."
Not if it comes in
on a desktop computer she isn't.
Even the smallest person can change the course of the future
Hillary has a persecution complex.
What she fails to realize is that if she stopped doing evil crap, people would stop wanting her to be punished for it.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
When will she realize
she has enough "loot"
to retire in peace and security the rest of her live-long days?
Funny how Type-A personalities,
have a very different "formula for success"
than the rest of do.
(for them, Enough is never Enough ...)
The Clintons have long since joined the ranks of
those sociopathic elites for whom, as Orwell tried to explain, the object of power is simply the exercise of power.
They don't crave power so they can "improve" the world -- not even in some very broken understanding of what might constitute improvement.
They don't crave power so they can cynically transform it into more money so they can buy more things, and thus have bragging rights amongst the gazillionaires with whom they socialize.
HFK's odious insight notwithstanding, they do not crave power so they can indulge their worst and most excessive sexual appetites.
No, they crave power simply so they can exercise power, with no other object. That is all they are, it is the aggregate sum of their beings: the exercise of power in the pursuit of power, which they will then exercise in the further pursuit of power.
The universe did not emerge and develop -- and nor did humanity -- so as to manifest human happiness and wellbeing. Even without the savage predations of these severely damaged psyches upon the rest of us, there would be plenty of suffering and deprivation, on the small and individual and mostly private scale upon which most of us tramp out our flashing brief existence as conscious beings.
Nonetheless, we would all be so, so very much better off if we could somehow either repair or defang these maniacs.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
"the object of power is simply the exercise of power"
i often compare the brains of these people to drug addicts... and their need for more is simply trying to continue to "get off" but their receptors are so blown, all they can do now is cause death and destruction as the expression of the "true" power.
it is pathetic. she and every one like her is pathetic. and accountability is our only defense to stop these monsters. truly. that is the other component... i ask myself: why wasn't Gov. Snyder worried about Flint? because he truly thought he and his ilk, being above the law, would never see any consequence. To date, he'd be correct.
“There are moments which are not calculable, and cannot be assessed in words; they live on in the solution of memory… ”
― Lawrence Durrell, "Justine"
Who's HFK? (n/t)
"Not me. Us."
Henry Fucking Kissinger, who observed, decades ago,
that "power is the ultimate aphrodisiac".
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
With "only" $50 million saved
in cash and liquid investments, of course she doesn't have enough loot yet. You certainly don't expect her to live off her and Bill's high six figure pensions, now, do you?
Even the smallest person can change the course of the future
I agree with King here.
However, HRC will not drop out. The presidency is her white whale.
My pessimistic view of the situation is that she gets a slap on the wrist, even if the Villagers (who have not covered the real issue here, the Clinton Foundation--where all of the bodies are buried).
In my optimistic view of the situation, she gets indicted, the Villagers go nuts, and the mess gets so close to YOLO Obama that he starts putting feelers out as to what the reaction would be to a Biden being helicopter dropped in at the last minute, with the VP spot offered to Sanders or one of his surrogates.
Clinton, being as paranoid as she inherently and justifiably is, should have just played by the same rules as anyone else. I don't understand where she gets this sense of entitlement from--the rules apply to everyone, slap on the wrist or trip to the gallows nonwithstanding. If she wins the nomination, and she gets pinched, it's all on her and her camp of entitled wankers. Obama is probably sitting at the Resolute Desk thinking about Hillary, "What a dumbass."
I agree, the Clinton Foundation's
use of the SoS emails is where the ugly "pay to play" stuff can blow up in the near future. Where I find difference is that Obama couldn't have been so deferential to Hillary that he ignored the $$$ headed to the Clintons after SoS directives. Whose foreign policy has this been? Clinton's? Something really smells here.
Bill Clinton's speaking fees draw new attention as they line up
with actions his wife's State Department took between 2009 and 2013
[repost of something I put on the reddit subthread]
"A Clinton campaign spokesman told the paper that 'no evidence exists' of any quid pro quo between the companies' interests at the State Department and the fees they paid the former president"
That's their defense: "you can't prove it." Especially hard to prove when Hillary Clinton as Sec of State deleted 30,000 emails from a home server that wouldn't have been approved if she had informed proper authorities about it. Which she did not. And when the Clinton Foundation's finances seem designed to prevent transparency:
After more than a year of research, a Wall Street analyst is arguing the Clinton Foundation's books are riddled with financial inconsistencies that rise to the level of "fraud." Charles Ortel, who gained recognition for correctly identifying problems with General Electric's financial statements in 2008, has prepared 40 reports highlighting discrepancies that he said proves the Clinton Foundation has covered up cash flow since 1997. The financial whistleblower said his 15 months of research revealed gaps in the amount of money donors claim to have given and the amount of money the foundation claims to have received. […] The pattern extends to smaller charities linked to the Clintons, Ortel noted. One organization founded by former President Bill Clinton, the American India Foundation, has problems that stretch around the country. http://townhall.com/tipsheet/mattvespa/2016/05/17/oh-my-financial-analys...
See also: "Getting rich isn’t a crime. But it might be if you did it in the guise of being a tax-free humanitarian charity, interested only in the betterment of humankind." http://www.investors.com/politics/editorials/clinton-scandals-is-the-fam...
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
To be fair,
The president has a few other things on his plate. Also, and I don't remember the link, the Clinton's did not disclose the donations to the Foundation iaw the terms of the MOU they entered into before she was confirmed.
And the foundation refiled 6 years of taxes to "amend errors"
Excerpt from that story:
The Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation and an associated charity refiled tax returns for six years with the U.S. Internal Revenue Service to amend their reporting of donations from foreign governments and other errors, the charities said on Monday.
The foundation refiled its Form 990 tax returns for 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013, while the Clinton Health Access Initiative refiled its returns for 2012 and 2013 after Reuters discovered errors in the forms earlier this year. [NOTE: Reuters found the "errors"/omissions]
The charities said they were not legally required to refile the forms and were only doing so in the interest of transparency following what the foundation’s president, Donna Shalala, called an “exhaustive review.” [NOTE: The foundation's finances are designed to repel invading transparency-seekers; see link in my earlier comment. Weighty evidence contradicts the Clintons' claims of transparency about many things. See, e.g., doubling down on lies about the home server, materials that passed through it, records turned over to proper authorities, and cooperation in the IG investigation, all refuted by the IG's report.]
The Clintons embody conflict of interest.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
Yes, Moby Dick.
Hillary is obsessed with becoming president and neither logic nor honor will cause her to change her ways.
If Obama really wants to save his "legacy," he'll instruct the DOJ to indict. But I truly have no idea what he will do, if anything.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
Obama Will Do Nothing Against Hillary
Valerie Jarrett will spank him and send him to bed without any dinner if he dares.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
You mean the wannabe Mrs. Obama
She would search for pearls in Obama's ordure.
from a reasonably stable genius.
To flush Her Highness is to flush his Legacy.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
that could cost him billions in future indulgences
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
A question I asked long ago
and one I have never seen answered is why does she want for us to elect her President? By that, I mean, has she ever actually articulated good reasons why we would want to vote for her and what are her proposals to benefit we the people?
If you analyze her entire campaign, she has never given the people a truly compelling reason, policy wise, to vote for her.
She's inevitable, it is her turn, the Republicans are worse, or the first woman President are not compelling reasons for a thinking human being. It is all pablum and I outgrew pablum decades ago.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
To "be" president,
In hopes that that identity will fill an emotional black hole...the kind narcissists never patch through growth & internal healing, instead vampiring & gaslighting others. Her thralls AreWithHer, they are eclipsed by her dark celestial mass.
Contrast Bernie, he wants to *do* things as president, UsNotMe style.
The paranoia, the secrecy, the lying, the rules-skirting
I honestly think that if this is her style in office we could be looking at Dick Nixon in a pantsuit if she wins the White House. She's beginning to scare me almost as much as Trump.
Please help support caucus99percent!
I read an article over a year ago
that called her a Democratic Nixon. This was before any reports about emails. It was based on her personality and tendency to stonewall.
I am more afraid of Trump, but she has real problems. If elected, I think she will be a one termer.
Right now, I just want Bernie to win California. It's a big statement.
Even if Bernie does not prevail with the nomination, his candidacy has exposed so much.
With no help from The Press.
None. Bernie's campaign was and is a Yuuuge F'ing Deal. Yuuuge.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Hi Wink,
I'm sorry for being off topic. I can't help it
Why were you banned for 3 months? Is netroots radio affiliated with that other place?
'Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty five years, Doctor, and I’m happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd "
Dunno. It might have been
the granny panties, or maybe, "you're backing the wrong horse, kos... " or... or... I tried to keep within the kos limits on trashing Her Highness, but there were times I just had to tell it like it is.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Oh, and Netroots Radio has
zero connection with anyone, other than we provide the platform for KagroX to run his morning Show.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
In modern history,
One term for HRC could mean that an R will win in 2020.
1948 Harry Truman (followed by Ike)
1960 John Kennedy (died)
1964 Lyndon Johnson (followed by Richard Nixon, ugh)
1976* Jimmy Carter (followed by Reagan, ugh)
1988* George H.W. Bush (followed by Bill Clinton)
* Ran and lost
i think it's a twofer
it really is about national security of classified materials and the server. then there is the Clinton Foundation, pay-to-play, both for influence peddling and as a threat to national security.
her big mistake was that server as it created the condition she wanted to avoid at all costs: scrutiny of her "private" e-mails... because those private mails were on the same server as her SOS work, she was required to turn over EVERY LAST byte from that server to the gov't... she wasn't free to decide nor were her lawyers free to decide what was and was not personal. at that point, it was the gov'ts.
and perhaps any long winding investigation of the Clinton Foundation got a boost from this and legal access to those private mails.
“There are moments which are not calculable, and cannot be assessed in words; they live on in the solution of memory… ”
― Lawrence Durrell, "Justine"
Some Needs To Tell Hillary
We don't give a shit about your personal emails. You had every right to maintain your own server for your personal emails. The problem is that you had absolutely NO RIGHT to put your work emails on that server and once you did 100% become public property
There is a certain
arrogance that often comes with power - the arrogance that says that normal rules, ethical. legal. and moral boundaries etc are for the little people. Unfortunately that thinking has become acceptable to the elite in this country which is why Clinton will skate.
Until we have a justice system that treats rich and poor, powerful and the powerless, alike she, and others like her will always be beyond the law.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
As always
you provide a very clear eyed analysis of the situation. Sadly, this is probably the scenario that will play out and as a result, overt corruption will now be normalized.
I do find it amazing that she has already stated that the Clinton Foundation will continue just as it has should she win the Presidency.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Agree with one change
Bernie has earned the slot to be President after Hillary is taken away in cuffs (I know this will not happen but it should).
BTW - Have no idea how many $ millions this investigation has cost but if they end up charging her and finding her guilty, she should repay the government for the entire cost of the investigation. She has the $$$ and if not Goldman Sachs will lend it to her at 1% interest payable in 100 years
thanks cybrestrike
though I am loathe to admit it, (that she won't face justice),
I think your take on how DNC/MSN/Villager events will unfold, sounds very likely.
Why the Clinton Foundation remains the Money Pit that is beyond reproach,
is something I never will understand.
Because so many donors of the party
Are tied to it. If the clinton foundation goes down, they wil take a hit for their associatin with it and the Clintons. At that point a large number of Democratic donors would jump ship, and just cut off funding the current iteration of the Dem Neo-liberal Party and all those who earn their livelihoods being political operatives for Dems. The current party relies solely on the money that those donors bring in. And the Clintons were the ones that created that model and infrastructure.
But what do I know. I'm just a dumb poster on a blog.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
You are far from "just a dumb poster on a blog", Steven.
I always want to see what you have to say. I believe you, and have learned from you.
I hadn't thought about the donors jumping ship. It makes perfect sense.
This campaign of hers is so totally nonsensical it makes my head spin.
'Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty five years, Doctor, and I’m happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd "
Has she actually "refused" to be interviewed?
I haven't read any quote of hers or a surrogate that has said this.
And can I ask, since this is my first post - does TOP = DK?
acording to the SOS IG Report
OK - that is so not what I've read
I could have sworn that I read many articles (maybe in an interview with her?) where she's said or implied that she hasn't been asked, and that she is certainly willing to be interviewed. Maybe I'm imagining it.
So MANY unforced errors. It's astonishing for a woman, who knew that she'd be running for president again, to be so stupid. This and the stupid, stupid, stupid speeches.
Thanks jamess
I think it is arrogance. Won't happen to me.
I often wondered how Bill could be stupid enough to dilly dally with Monica. He knew how much the GOP hated him. Why would he take such a risk?
I have read serveral places that Hillary and her staff declined interviews. Some even walked out during interviews.
IMO Hillary lies as much if not mor than Trump. It is why people do not trust her.
In a brand new Washington Post-ABC News national poll, just 37 percent of people believe Hillary Clinton is honest and trustworthy while 57 percent say they don't think she is.
The FOIA part of this is the crack that will be used to get to the Foundation. After what the banks got away with and Bush/Cheney, the Clintons not being held accountable for their corruption would be the last straw.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
What BS
that Fallon person was laying on Blitzer. Even he's not that stupid as to swallow that. Well, the again, it is Wolfie we're talking about ....
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
A pile of lies.
They lose count they care so little about the truth. It was her spokesman confirming she did not testify.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
not quite
She claims she has not yet been contacted by the FBI with regards to being questioned. What she and her staff refused were meeting with the State Dept IG and his investigatory staff. It's the IG report that was released this week. No word from the FBI yet.
(P.S. there are also at least 2 civil trials going on where questioning the same players is also an issue. It can be confusing.)
If you don't know what you want, you deserve what you get.
claims she hasn't been asked by FBI
Three separate battle fronts: IG review, she declined while every other living SofS gave interview.
FBI - news reports are that it is being arranged but she says they have not contacted HER, which means, they talk to her attorney so she can claim plausible deniability. Nixonian.
Judicial Watch lawsuit: State is trying to keep her from having to be deposed. They can try but probably enough will come out from her aides that it will force the issues.
You're thinking of the FBI interview.
There are multiple investigations
that have been going on, so that may be what is confusing. The Office of Inspector General of the State Department just recently issued their report and this is the one that Clinton and her staff declined to be interviewed for. I suspect they do not have the power to compel persons to be interviewed. As I understand it, this reports covers the internal policies and procedures and how Clinton and her staff did not follow them.
The FBI is conducting a criminal investigation into the emails and that investigation may have more power to compel Clinton and her staff to be interviewed. Hillary Clinton, Cheryl Mills, and Huma Abedin have all hired the same attorney to represent them. In addition, Cheryl Mills who was Clinton's chief of staff at the State Dept. is also Clinton's personal attorney, so she can decline to answer questions based upon attorney/client privilege. The whole thing has an odor about it IMHO.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
She claims that the FBI has not asked to interview her
yet. Who knows? Maybe it's true, but you can't take anything she says as true. Look at all the claims that she's made about the Inspector General's report that are flat out false.
Even the smallest person can change the course of the future
Lying Plus Confusion
She lied and said of course she'd be interviewed by the IG. Then she refused. Meanwhile, she can't get out of being "interviewed" by the FBI, but she also lied about that and told Andrea Mitchell (IIRC) that she hadn't been asked when she already had. And then there are the Judicial Watch lawsuits, which the DOJ is trying to get her out of being deposed for. And there are OTHER FOIA lawsuits going forward, with possible depositions down the road.
So it's hard to keep track of which legal proceedings she is lying about agreeing to be interview for, which she can't refuse but is lying about being required to do, which ones she's hoping to use her connections and power to wiggle out of, and which simply aren't that far along yet.
do you think that "declined to be interviewed"
is a euphemism for "pled the 5th"?
Or can one actually just decline?
Since she had no legal obligation to comply
Like a subpoena, it wasn't a 5th amendment issue with the OIG, but in a practical sense it is equivalent as any statement she or her aides made to OIG could be used against all of them by the FBI and DOJ when they have to be interviewed.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Declined to be interviewed =
Interviewer: I'm here to ask some questions about the email serv…
Hillary Clinton:
Do you know what I can do to you?
Do you know who I am?
All I have to do is make a phone call.
This could be your job, do you want that?
You should leave.
I'm Hillary Clinton you idiot. In case you don't know what that means, let me spell it out for you. I AM ACCOUNTABLE TO NO ONE.
Now stop acting like an idiot voter, decide to keep your job, and leave.
The average citizen couldn't just decline. The average citizen, depending on situations/circumstances can be held for a period of time, not that they have to talk. Odd are, Shillary wasn't held anywhere either.
And of course, the average citizen couldn't just ignore this and avoid the consequences is mistakes and/or wrong doing were proven.
And now we understand why Hillary likes things the way they are. She thinks she deserves not to be held accountable for her decisions. The rules and laws apply to others, not to her.
Not even
She didn't even deign to speak personally with an interviewer. She had her attorneys communicate that fact that she and her aides refused to cooperate.
Her aides are using the same counsel as Clinton. In addition to it being a conflict of interest problem for the attorneys, I hope the aides realize what they are getting into. Yes, it's nice to have the Clintons pick up the legal bills, but if it comes down to it she will sell them out in a New York minute to save her own skin.
Even the smallest person can change the course of the future
I realize what her history is. That acknowledged, I see her now as wounded, isolated, toxic.IMO, No one in power , no one with a good relationship to msm, will want to be anywhere near Hillary. When Mika and Joe let the "lie" word rip, Hillary has been seriously damaged. And, everyone knows this is tip of the iceberg, which means (to me) that her hull is already punctured and the SS Hillary is taking on water. The FBI knows much, much more than the IG for State, who's report has already knocked her sideways. Then there's Trump who will hammer this one relentlessly. Then there's her primary opponent breathing down her neck, while planning to speak to 200,000 people in CA! Liepar Destin's excellent BNR is no longer the only news entity seeing all this. Every day this plays out much more against her,much more for Bernie, and gives Trump fodder that she cannot counter in any real way. I feel she's so politically wounded that the insider people are backing away from her in larger numbers daily - they see it and smell it. I've felt for a long time that Comey has reported to Obama, laid out in detail what they have on her, which , I feel, is unimaginably bad - bad enough that even Obama's head is exploding , and that Obama will work a deal with Hillary that takes her out of the race, for some sort of amnesty. BUT, there's still the Rs , who will hound her to her dying day. I just don't see her skating on this one. I understand I'm going against history, but....I've never seen anything like this. ??
I think
TOP stands "The Other Place"
although I've yet to read about its origins,
or definition.
Ah - LOL
Would never have guessed the exact words, but sure is appropriate. :o)
nice to see you, Terre
I've missed you
And yes, you are correct,
TOP is The Other Place or That Other Place (dkos). Good to see you here, Terre.
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
TOP refers to That Other Place.
And GOS means Great Orange Satan.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
Welcome, Terre
Yes - you surmised correctly - TOP stands for "The Other Place"
on my tv the other day, she said
blablabla (a la Charlie Brown's teacher) claiming Everything Is Just fine, I Did Nothing Wrong...then closed with her standard: "In hindsight, it was a mistake. If I had it to do over, I'd do it differently" (my paraphrase) .... typical doublespeak.
Just HOW MANY TIMES are we supposed to 'forgive' her phenomenal errors in judgement? Not that that's what it was of course but ... this idea that your ability to acknowledge your mistakes and fauxpologize for them and 'evolve' only when your back is up against the wall is NOT my idea of someone I'd want for POTUS. Like ever. Or any position of power really. Not Dog Catcher even.
We really don't have time for this shit.
for being
for being such a super-smart politician,
Hillary sure make a LOT of super-dumb politician mistakes.
Arrogant she is
Super smart.............. I think that's very much an open question.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Hey Bollox,
I have never seen her as very intelligent. She is merely conniving if you ask me. I am baffled by damn near everyone proclaiming how brilliant she is. Really?
I picture she and Bill as Boris and Natasha Badenough (from Bullwinkle) with the roles reversed.
'Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty five years, Doctor, and I’m happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd "
I always define "Mistakes" as errors you don't correct.
Hillary is great about acknowledging her mistakes. It prevents her from ever doing anything about them.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
There are some rumors around that she isn't as smart
as she used to be. And that Huma is not her lover but her nurse, her keeper.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
Those two positions
aren't mutually exclusive.
Maybe it is a right wing hit job.
She started out as a Goldwater Girl.
She exposes her pride in her conservative beliefs.
The Clinton third way is a center right political machine.
Even when she screws herself over, it's a right wing hit job.
And she can say she honestly believes that because it came out of her mouth and she can rationalize anything whenever necessary.
She's also really good at this interwebz stuff. When someone told her about the problems with her server at home, she did all the troubleshooting and traced down every single issue.
Then she notified people at the state department because she had been lied to in a vast conspiracy to bring her down and make her look bad.
It also reminds of that trip to Bosnia when the sniper fire created a very dangerous situation. If it hand not been for her, her team would have died when the plane was shot down.
Just ask Brian Williams. He can confirm that shit. He was there with her.
My favorite description of the liars
I've posted this several times at GOS.
Still my favorite description of the Clintons: the words of David Geffen in 2008
"“Geffen, a big fundraiser for the Clintons in the past, called Obama "inspirational" and dismissed Hillary Clinton as "overproduced and overscripted." As for her husband, Geffen suggested that his bad-boy days are not behind him: "I don't think anybody believes that in the last six years, all of a sudden Bill Clinton has become a different person." And to top it off, he said this about the two of them: "Everybody in politics lies, but they do it with such ease, it's troubling."
Pardon me if you've seen this, but...
A bunch of retired intelligence officials are weighing in on this with a Letter to the President. They urge the President to take the matter seriously, saying
Now interviewing signature candidates. Apply within.
I've been posting links to that letter all over the place.
I particularly like this paragraph:
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020
'A charitable explanation'
is my favorite euphemism for they are/were lying through their teeth.
Anothjer quick thought - being on the same side of an argument as Natsec people is a very weird feeling.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
I urge everyone to read the link you provided
This letter is truly compelling, not only because of who sent it, but also because the rationale provided within the letter basically kills any excuse for what Clinton did. The comparison to Jeffrey Sterling's case is another compelling reason.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
SEXISM!!! This is always the rallying cry from the Cult Of Clinton™. I heard one democratic official say if this happened to a man, this investigation would never have happened. I almost threw something into my TV. I can't believe if this happened to Bernie Sanders, the media wouldn't be on this like white on rice. It's almost reverse sexism, like Bernie Sanders wouldn't be worthy of an investigation because he's not as special as HRC. Or would that blow too many people's minds?