Open Thread 07-19-15
Good morning 99percenters!
Morning news dump and music by The Eagles.
Hacking Team and Boeing Subsidiary Envisioned Drones Deploying Spyware
There are lots of ways that government spies can attack your computer, but a U.S. drone company is scheming to offer them one more. Boeing subsidiary Insitu would like to be able to deliver spyware via drone.
The plan is described in internal emails from the Italian company Hacking Team, which makes off-the-shelf software that can remotely infect a suspect’s computer or smartphone, accessing files and recording calls, chats, emails and more. A hacker attacked the Milan-based firm earlier this month and released hundreds of gigabytes of company information online.
Among the emails is a recap of a meeting in June of this year, which gives a “roadmap” of projects that Hacking Team’s engineers have underway.
On the list: Develop a way to infect computers via drone. One engineer is assigned the task of developing a “mini” infection device, which could be “ruggedized” and “transportable by drone (!)” the write-up notes enthusiastically in Italian.
O'Malley and Sanders interrupted by Black Lives Matter protesters in Phoenix
Netroots Nation session derailed as crowd chants over speeches Activist invited onstage before O’Malley is forced to leave it The Democratic presidential candidates Martin O’Malley and Bernie Sanders were heckled and constantly interrupted during an appearance at the Netroots Nation conference on Saturday, as protesters over police brutality towards African Americans took the stage in Phoenix.
O’Malley was eventually forced offstage, after the protest and his attempts to respond delayed the appearance of Sanders.
O’Malley, who stood patiently throughout the interruption, which was led by Tia Oso, national coordinator for the Black Alliance for Just Immigration in Phoenix, attempted to answer questions from activists. He eventually left the stage clapping and saying rhythmically: “Black lives matter, black lives matter, black lives matter.”
Arriving on stage shortly afterwards for what turned out to be an abbreviated, 20-minute appearance, Sanders shook moderator Jose Antonio Vargas by the hand and said: “Earning your pay today?”
The Agenda Behind ISIS' Cultural Genocide
The Romans would sow the earth with salt, America sends its terrorist proxies in with chisels and jackhammers.In what UNESCO is calling ‘Cultural Cleansing’, the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) have begun destroying 2000 year old Syrian statues in the ancient city of Palmyra and are claiming to have rigged the ancient ruins with explosives. This follows the systematic destruction of historical sites across the Middle East. So far ISIS has destroyed several sites across Iraq, which includes the destruction and looting of Mosul Museum, the destruction of the 3000 year old Assyrian city of Nimrud and the bulldozing of the 2000 year old fortress city of Hatra. Recently ISIS militants threatened to destroy Egypt’s Sphinx and pyramids.
While the world watches ISIS terrorists destroy the relics of the very birth place of civilization, we must reflect upon the reason why this is happening and how we have reached this point. These crimes against history are portrayed in the mainstream media as nothing more than the result of mindless destruction by ISIS barbarians. However it is in fact part of a US Government plan to balkanise the Syrian and Iraqi nation-states, and by attacking the heart of their nationalist identity, their history.
Systematic destruction of both Islamic and Non-Islamic sites.
ISIS’s take over of historical sites are not incidental, they expend military resources to target these sites. ISIS attacked Palmyra in spite of the fact it would have been more militarily strategic to focus on attacking the Syrian city of Deir Ezzor.
The purpose of the focus on destroying historical sites partly stems from ISIS’s adherence to Wahhabi doctrine which is a Puritan interpretation of Islam. Islam forbids idolatry and in the mind set of Wahhabi extremism this translates to ‘all statues are forbidden’. This is how ISIS justifies the destruction of ancient statues, in spite of the fact no one worshiped those statues. The destruction of ancient tombs can also be explained by Wahhabi doctrine which is hostile to burial sites for fear they may become a site for veneration or worship.
MH-17 Mystery: A New Tonkin Gulf Case?
By Robert Parry
One year ago, the world experienced what could become the Tonkin Gulf incident of World War III, the shoot-down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 over eastern Ukraine. As with the dubious naval clash off the coast of North Vietnam in 1964, which helped launch the Vietnam War, U.S. officials quickly seized on the MH-17 crash for its emotional and propaganda appeal – and used it to ratchet up tensions against Russia.
Shocked at the thought of 298 innocent people plunging to their deaths from 33,000 feet last July 17, the world recoiled in horror, a fury that was then focused on Russian President Vladimir Putin. With Putin’s face emblazoned on magazine covers, the European Union got in line behind the U.S.-backed coup regime in Ukraine and endorsed economic sanctions to punish Russia.
In the year that has followed, the U.S. government has continued to escalate tensions with Russia, supporting the Ukrainian regime in its brutal “anti-terrorism operation” that has slaughtered thousands of ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine. The authorities in Kiev have even dispatched neo-Nazi and ultranationalist militias, supported by jihadists called “brothers” of the Islamic State, to act as the tip of the spear. [See’s “Ukraine Merges Nazis and Islamists.”]
Raising world tensions even further, the Russians have made clear that they will not allow the ethnic Russian resistance to be annihilated, setting the stage for a potential escalation of hostilities and even a possible nuclear showdown between the United States and Russia.
Drought Is Just the Beginning of Our Frightening Water Emergency
For years, Americans dismissed dire water shortages as a problem of the Global South. Now the crisis is coming home.The United Nations reports that we have 15 years to avert a full-blown water crisis and that, by 2030, demand for water will outstrip supply by 40 percent. Five hundred renowned scientists brought together by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said that our collective abuse of water has caused the earth to enter a “new geologic age,” a “planetary transformation” akin to the retreat of the glaciers more than 11,000 years ago. Already, they reported, a majority of the world’s population lives within a 30-mile radius of water sources that are badly stressed or running out.
For a long time, we in the Global North, especially North America and Europe, have seen the growing water crisis as an issue of the Global South. Certainly, the grim UN statistics on those without access to water and sanitation have referred mostly to poor countries in Africa, Latin America, and large parts of Asia. Heartbreaking images of children dying of waterborne disease have always seemed to come from the slums of Nairobi, Kolkata, or La Paz. Similarly, the worst stories of water pollution and shortages have originated in the densely populated areas of the South.
But the global water crisis is just that—global—in every sense of the word. A deadly combination of growing inequality, climate change, rising water prices, and mismanagement of water sources in the North has suddenly put the world on a more even footing.
There is now a Third World in the First World. Growing poverty in rich countries has created an underclass that cannot pay rising water rates. As reported by Circle of Blue, the price of water in 30 major US cities is rising faster than most other household staples—41 percent since 2010, with no end in sight. As a result, increasing numbers cannot pay their water bills, and cutoffs are growing across the country. Inner-city Detroit reminds me more of the slums of Bogotá than the North American cities of my childhood.
The Eagles - Peaceful Easy Feeling
The Eagles - Tequila Sunrise
The Eagles - Desperado
Morning folks...
I'm late...I need to take five.
Excellent article in the Boston Globe this morning.
Has some real meat and details about the Sanders campaign.
Ask him if he's against U.S. imperialism.
I agree...
about US imperialism, but has there been a prominent presidential candidate, or president for that matter, that's been against it since, oh, I don't know, 1963 or so. Catch my drift?
For sure. But it doesn't matter to me.
As I've been saying for while now, no compromise. If Sanders doesn't want to come out against U.S. imperialism he's
just another one of them. We can't keep accepting the raw deal just because they're afraid of getting shot. Not only that,
if Sanders doesn't come out against U.S. imperialism, he can't pay for all his other promises. Just doesn't compute.
if there is no viable political option, how do we stop it? What's the plan, I'm asking because short of a massive peoples movement, I don't see it ending until the US is flat broke. That's a sad and sorrowful situation, but it appears to be reality. And to be clear, you and I are on the same page about this, as you should know from our many conversations about it over the years. I'm just at a loss as how to stop it. If there are no major candidates addressing this, other than the Green Party, how do we bring it to an end? Maybe the Greens are the way to go?
Bernie is right in that we need a people's revolution.
But it won't come from backing Sanders under the Democratic party.
Hedges put it well the other day. We need a bottom up people's movement or revolution, national and global
that is outside of the ruling class two party apparatus. If we keep playing by their rules, they win. Whether that's an
established third party like the Greens or something new like they did in Greece and Spain, it has to be outside of the
two major parties. They are completely corrupted and completely controlled by the ruling class.
He's the best ally you're going to get.
I realize how much bull shit slogans like "don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good" are. Lord knows dkos shoved them down our throats for not sending Jim Webb money and a donkey. But Bernie? He may not be against US imperialism to the degree you would like, but he does want to slash defense and move the money elsewhere. He trends where you want him to be. He will give you the majority of what you want. I respect your right to your opinion and your decision on your vote, but I have to admit Al, I don't understand it.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Not hardly. Sanders is an imperialist, a Zionist,
a fake socialist and he's now part and parcel of the Democratic party. That is not my ally.
And again, I didn't say I'm not voting, that may or may not happen. But I won't vote for candidates of either
major party and that includes Sanders. I'm not sure what's hard to understand about that. The Democratic
party is part of the problem, it's part of the ruling class system of enslavement and hegemony.
He's not going to win the primary anyway, so when he drops out a lot of people are going to have to vote
for Clinton if they want to stick with the Dem party.
in 1972, and again in 1984.
Good day JtC and all...
Thanks for the heads-up and good read on Sanders in the Globe. He really is a remarkable man.
Have a good day everyone; its a hot one here and i've too much to do so i'll put it off until tomorrow, then i only have to worry about it today.
Good day, smiley...
too hot for pursuit of "The Big One"?
I'm so using that
rationalization for putting off what I need to do. . Really hot here in Oregon again! I wrote down my schedule what I will do tomorrow when it's a cool 88 degrees. How about that ugly ugly brouhaha at dkos about NNN and #black lives matter? I say one thing NNN does not matter they like dkos are irrelevant. Made me laugh because the same people screaming 'whitespaining' and shaming white so called progressive's we're all nasty about OWS. How can people who profess to be so outraged about the unleashed thug pig's killing African American's with impunity and then turn around and support the machine Dems. including Hillary and Obama. They seem unable to grasp that universal human and civil rights and the rule of law are all part of the big overlying 'issue' we all face.
I don't see Obama, Holder/Lynch or Hillary and Big Dog doing anything to stop this lawless killing spree and overt/systemic racism. Solidarity is beyond their comprehension as it would require these Dem. loyalists to look at what the Dem. pols are really doing instead of blaming white 'progressives' who refuse to sing the apologist's endless false praises of corrupt bent Democrat's. I did like the spunky #black lives matter woman. I guess it's hard for me to take this surreal mockery of partisan electoral politics seriously. Dkos is just sick and reflects how seriously screwed up our society has become. I am no longer a white 'progressive', I'm back to being a flaming liberal. Divide and conquer is working well perhaps we the people should figure out that solidarity is needed instead of empty identity politics that offer nothing that anyone should identify with.
counting the days until Hillary gets the same treatment
so far we're at 1 day. Nothing yet.
My guess is NN never gets another speaker and
participant enrollment goes way down. Imagine if you have paid all that money to register and travel to AZ to hear the speakers and you got that instead. Obama is the President and actually has the power. Yet I don't see any of them protesting him. Anna Galland Exc. Director from MoveOn Ann Arbor was complicit and high fiving the protest all over Twitter. As the so called professional, she should have known better.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Obama was protested in the White House
over treatment of transwomen in detention camps. He was heckled until he had the protestor was removed.
To thine own self be true.
And had the nerve
to call the WH his house. Well, Obama actually it's not 'your' house. Nice to read you here Marilyn. It took me a while to figure out that you were one of my favorite posters at dkos. I appreciate your environmental posts and all love all your writing. I should have recognized your fine work. Pardon my ranting today I'm literally steamed both internally and externally as it's hotter then hell here in the PNW. The demolishing of Portland under a Democratic city government is breathtaking. The demolition, bulldozing, taking out trees, sidewalks, and building what they call 'infill' density in the name of environment sustainable growth literally is spewing toxic building materials is breathtaking. I am at a point where the Democrat's make me more angry then the Republicans lunatics do. We all know what they are about but why do the Democrat's get called the lesser evil when they are complicit and actually more effective at implementing their horrific inhumane, anti-democratic and earth destroying agenda.
Yep, NN brothered me &
as you know, many kos posters did. The event was amateurish, the MC, horrible. For all concerned wish they had planned the event better, BLM could have protested and then stopped to have a discussion, but that wasn't in the cards. It's the same crew I normally disagree with; feeling is mutual I'm sure. And NN's future relevance, who knows, seriously doubt candidates will set aside future dates.
Now on to better things, just watched Sanders in Dallas, 6-7,000, and great crowd, he's on a roll.
Yep, been successful putting things off so far today, did reach up to the in basket and double check that financial obligation I can't forget. Oh well.
It doesn't seem productive
for BLM to silence the only politicians who care about their issues.
To thine own self be true.
Leave it to Bernie to turn a negative into a positive.
Apparently in Houston, he literally said their names literally. Good for him. It should help him bridge the gap with minorities that they claim he has. I know the blackkos group (and others) is abuzz about it.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Yep, hopefully
more people will learn more about Bernie and the good work he's done for his entire career, especially in civil rights. And as far as i can tell, he's leading the charge for the disadvantaged of all colors now.
When I see Senator's character insulted, especially by known HRC's supporters, it hurts; as do sly memes. They must not slide by without being addressed. As he's been saying forever, the oligarchs work to divide us, men from women, blacks from whites, etc. Beautiful applause tonight in Houston when he said this and we must all come together, got that chill bump feeling.
Wesley Clark calls for Internment Of 'Radicalized' Americans
Here we go...
who defines "radicalized" and what parameters make up that definition? Scary shit there.
He's talking about putting the Japanese into internment
camps. Only worse because in this case it's a war against a manufactured idea - terror. Clark is officially a psycho that
should be segregated from the normal community.
Here's the video...
what a baboon
In that clip he identifies the Dangerous Ones as "young people who are alienated: they don't get a job, they lost a girlfriend, their family doesn't feel happy here."
Well shit, Wes, let's just lock up everybody in their 20s. We'll rope off Utah, and dump 'em all in there.
Hard to believe there was a time
when Wez was actually seen as an acceptable candidate or at least a decent cabinet member.
That ship sailed so fast that the wake is practically a tsunami.
They say that there's a broken light for every heart on Broadway
They say that life's a game and then they take the board away
They give you masks and costumes and an outline of the story
And leave you all to improvise their vicious cabaret-- A. Moore
Talk about desperate times..
DailyKos raised money for Jim Webb.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Thanks for the tunes, JTC! Heard Brubeck at a free university
concert as an undergrad in about 1972, IIRC. I looked up his bio not long ago--he died just short of his 92nd birthday several years ago.
Reference the BLM fracus (and, please, I'm not defending the activist who interrupted Net Roots Nation, or whatever it's called)--I tried to find here, in order to repost, my comment from several months ago about my feeling that the Black Community would make greater demands of all of the Dem Presidential Candidates (than they have of PBO).
Bottom line: Aside from rhetoric, almost all that the Black Community has gotten thus far from Dems--as a response to the slaying of scores of Black citizens--is a Police Commission that is headed by a former Police Commissioner of Washington D.C., who himself was sued successfully for police brutality, etc., during his tenure. (And the recent support of the removal of the Confederate Battle Flag.)
As I stated at that time, I suspect that many in the Black Community will sit out this election cycle unless the Dem Party Presidential Candidates take on [directly] this most pressing issue for that community.
Anyhoo, here's a link and an excerpt from one of the pieces that I posted at that time.
We know that FSC won't touch this topic (directly). It will be interesting to see how this issue develops.
"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart."--Helen Keller
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Growing up in...
northern Illinois we always had WGN TV out of Chicago as one of the main channels. They had a weekly program that featured classic movies, this program had Brubeck's Take Five as it's opening theme song, it was drilled deep within my brain. Than when I got older and heard Take Five on an FM radio station, I became an instant Brubeck fan. Take Five, both the song and the album are considered among the best and most popular of jazz offerings. I listen to it all the time.
roger ebert
winked out listening to "Take Five."
Here are some Pakistanis with a version Brubeck called the "most interesting."
China spends 1.3tn yuan to halt stock market crash
China’s benchmark Shanghai Composite Index bottomed recently at the 3,400 support level (the January high) and has since rallied back to 4,000. Normally this would indicate the strength of the market.
Instead it has only displayed what throwing immense amounts of money at the market can do.
1.3 Trillion Yuan equals $483 Billion. The CSF has 3 trillion yuan available to spend to keep this bubble inflated.
Late to this thread
I have been on the road again back to Florida to take care of some family stuff with my Mom in central Florida. The heat in Florida has been brutal. Surprisingly, it was cooler in central Florida than here in Tallahassee. When I drove back to Tallahassee yesterday, it was 98 degrees here. Today we are headed back to the cooler temps of NC.
I am just catching up on the brouhaha at Netroots Nation. I check in later after I get back to NC.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy