Wake Up Democrats! h/t: Kossacks- for- Sanders
Just in case all haven't read this on K for Sanders ( time for a name change?) this is an excellent article.
Think whole article is well worth reading - and this is one of the take-aways for me:
"This is a useful exemplification of a disturbing recurrent Clinton trait: responding to criticisms that she has lied by telling… even more lies, thus causing the whole thing to degenerate further down into disaster."
Still trying to hide as much as they can. Cheryl Mills, Huma Abedin, David Brock, John Podesta, doing more harm than good. Only interest is in protecting Clintons. Dead end. WAKE UP DEMOCRATS needs to be viral.

"devastating 10 minutes"
I believe Shaun is mistaken about "lifelong democrats," but correct with "devastating." This is different from an earlier Morning Joe clip I saw. It is either the next day or later in the day I saw.
Habitual Liar Lies Habitually
Hillary Clinton looks and sounds so similar to this other moment when she was confirmed to be lying.
[video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BfNqhV5hg4 width:420 height:350]
Hillary Clinton's Changing 'Opinions' = Political Expediency
That growing smile as she says no regarding gay marriage.
[video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z53PSv0NCIg width:420 height:350]
And she still insists she is 'consistent over her career'.
[video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wE2FkCN-NfU width:420 height:350]
And her supporters will insist it's just 'evolution'.
Hillary Clinton is one of the most evolved people any of us will ever know of.
Evolve - the word used most often about Hillary Clinton's opinions when they shift, when she equivocates, flip flops , and change opinions based on political expediency.
Hillary Clinton has been consistent - She's consistently lied over her career, and she consistently takes offense at being challenged when her lies are revealed.
How can anyone "evolve" after saying this
Ms. Rodham is the expert on marriage
and raising kids. /snark
I have no idea why so many think the Clintons are besties when it comes to gay marriage and gay rights.
How you can tell when a Clinton is lying. Yes, yes yes - we know they are lying if they are speaking but more importantly...
1. their eyes get all roundy like. It's quite awesome to see how big their eyes get.
2. they cackle. Not laugh or chortle but CACKLE.
3. they start to speak in a very slow manner, annunciating each word. and. paus-ing as if... in deep trrrannnce. Like, they're not sure how... to end. the sent. ence.
Neither Clinton should be discussing the "hard work" of marriage. Any marriage.
Now I ave the Princess Bride quote stuck in my head: MEWWAGE! is what brings us to... gether.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
Beautiful comment!
It made me cackle, er, chuckle.
I'd use a snark tag, but you know....
Shaun King
this is from a diary on TOP, being attacked, sadly. How fast we forget, when he was a HERO there.
can you link to the TOP diary getting hammered for citing King?
in fact, any time there is a diary being attacked by the mad fools there and it is referenced here, it would be helpful to provide the LINK... i like to go and rec the diary (if it is sourced and a good one) and then annoy the fools.
“There are moments which are not calculable, and cannot be assessed in words; they live on in the solution of memory… ”
― Lawrence Durrell, "Justine"
I found the diary at TOP
and my god. these people are truly horrible. i asked them, in one comment, if this was the right wing of the Dem party.
what assholes. truly. disgusting.
“There are moments which are not calculable, and cannot be assessed in words; they live on in the solution of memory… ”
― Lawrence Durrell, "Justine"
I went in and...
read the comments, and it was truly...disgusting. The insults being thrown around were horrible, even for that place. One of the Hillary sycophants even went as far as calling the diarist an idiot and got 80 likes for it. I could only get about 20 comments in before I had to leave.
usually don't like to link to TOP, but for all those who want to put in a good word for Shaun King.
Think he's getting pummeled cuz he endorsed, and SPOKE on campuses for Bernie Sanders.
Thanks for the link! I went there and did what I could for a
little while, but like all such big Kos pages, it went kerflooey and dysfunctional on me after a while. Oh well. It's not fun there anyway. Shaun can take care of himself. But they sure are throwing him under the bus.
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Not surprising at all.
Anything to defend the queen, apparently.
And never a real reason as to WHY.
Seriously, I've been begging people there for neigh on a year for serious, concrete reasons for their passion. It always boils down to "pragmatism" and "stop trump", and never anything regarding what she would actually DO for this country.
Well, okay, "never" is a bit strong... but when I do get something other than the above, it's really weak tea and vague. Or, thanks to her own diffuse messaging (to put it as politely as possible) confusing and conflicting, depending on when someone heard her say something on any given topic.
Just another refugee from the Daily Chaos.
Same here.
And anyone who won't just forgive her for any and every transgression is a mean, hateful misogynist who is guilty of slandering her (for things she has done), and is probably a hateful hater who loves to hate and especially loves hating because the lying political hack that is Hillary Clinton happens to be a woman.
The accusations increase. The evidence of her so-called major groundbreaking country changing accomplishments never surfaces. Nothing presented has ever impressed me much. And there is little anyone else can do, let alone Hillary Clinton herself, to convince me that she can ever be honest/trustworthy.
She lacks integrity.
Yet her supporters say we have to accept that whoever it is will lack integrity because blah-dee-blah blah.
No. I do not have to accept it. And I definitely don't have to vote for it.
When was
the last time there was a policy related post from a Clinton supporter at TOP? I honestly cannot bring a recent one to mind.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
Me too! Whenever you ask them to discuss issues, you get
crickets. Or the horse race, which is not the issues.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
The responses that bother me the most are those Sheen like,
"Winning!" ones.
The question is, "What the hell do you think you are winning?"
They are incapable of giving reasons for supporting her because I strongly suspect that for a large majority of them they are voting for her solely because she is a woman, her history of poor judgement and policy positions be damned, but to come out and just say so would leave them open to rightful criticism.
Damn, can you imagine the flags this would get at TOP? LoL!
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
At this point - neither candidate should get to choose
a Vice President.
The parties need to just admit they are a single party out to screw over most Americans.
Whoever wins the general, if it is between Clinton and Trump, becomes the other candidates VP.
In the future, our votes ail be about which party gets to be president and which party gets to be VP.
But that won't work you say! The party that wins should have a replacement that is of the same party!
They are all part of the same party.
Two names for different sides of the same coin. They have pretty much the same goals as well even if the paths to that goal differ a bit.
Full circle back to the beginning
That was the original set-up for electing US Presidents: winner became President, runner-up became Vice-President. It took only four election cycles to bite us in the ass (and the first two hardly counted, because who was going to vote against George Washington?).
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Hillary's "is" "is" moment(s)
she will assert she was talking using non-gov't DEVICES in all of these instances. so will her blind and dangerous supporters.
you know, it occurs to me (after reading in Joe's evening blues about Brazil coup) that is must be a conflict of interest to allow Clinton to ascend to the presidency with this investigation looming over her... it is NOT finished by a long shot.
and should she become president, it would be pretty easy for her to manipulate the judicial and DOJ and all of those departments falling under control of executive branch.
this becomes more and more worrisome... in fact, as my mind runs away with it, she really is worse than Trump.
“There are moments which are not calculable, and cannot be assessed in words; they live on in the solution of memory… ”
― Lawrence Durrell, "Justine"
Good points about the conflict on interest with her in the WH
Someone also mentioned blackmail by foreign nations as a result of what they hacked out of her server. Even more stunning then the Clinton's lust for greed is the partys willingness to enable this mess.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
that's what floors me:
more stunning then the Clinton's lust for greed is the partys willingness to enable this mess.
it is what chills me to the bone about TOP and the rabid Hillary supporters. it is alarming. truly. like hair standing up on the back of my neck alarming.
and talking about blackmail: couldn't they also blackmail her that she and they engaged in this pay to play game?
“There are moments which are not calculable, and cannot be assessed in words; they live on in the solution of memory… ”
― Lawrence Durrell, "Justine"
they all lined up last summer, hoping to
be on the "yes, gets pie" list after her inevitable victory.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Devastating on so many levels
I mean when Andrea Mitchell her butt buddy jumps ship you know the tsunami is on the way. Dems need to get smart and start planning for life without Hillary. She will be withdrawing, hopefully before they ram her nomination through. If Hillary cared even tiny about the Dem party, let alone her country she would quietly withdraw, today and throw her support behind Bernie!
Hillary will NEVER gracefully withdraw... unfortunately
She will have to be pushed out every. step. of. the. way....
Pushed Out
It might take the 82nd airborne to get her to leave
Andrea Mitchell on Morning Joe
that Andrea Mitchell interview on Morning Joe is DEVASTATING to Clintons.
Even Chuck Turd was correct this time.
I'm surprised how often I'm finding good interviews on Morning Joe.
That's pretty damning
I just hope this catches fire in the media and everywhere, especially California. This needs to RUIN any chance she has of continuing her theft of the nomination, and ruin her and her husband's legacy.
Any stained glass afficionados? Please check out my website: www.masterpieceglass.net
Clintons Have Already Ruined Their Legacy
NAFTA, Crime Bill, Welfare reform, Repeal of Glass-Steagall, Bill's almost privatizing of SS, and vacationing with war criminal Henry Fucking Kissinger and bragging about his praise of HRC's tenure as SoS. They've built up a mighty propaganda machine to manufacture consent and used their family foundation for money laundering.
Both Clintons need to retire. Somewhere that decent people don't have to be around them or hear any more of their lies. I'm hoping that Comey indicts HRC, and Obama doesn't lift a finger to save her.
It will.
In October, when the R's orchestrate it.
"Pretending" haha
From the Current Affairs article:
It depends on what you mean
by the word, "unique". Just like it depended on what you mean by the word "is."
Bill didn't get away with that malarkey back then, and she won't get away with this malarkey today either.
Even the smallest person can change the course of the future
Great read. I liked this portion,
probably because we Bernie supporters have been saying it for months:
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
You can tell King wrote for KOS, can't you?
Seriously, if you've been paying the least little bit of attention over there, this is exactly how they act and what they say. And what is the most ridiculous thing of all is when you realize that it's all they've had for YEARS now:
They don't want to win. They want to be destroyed. Or at least, they must want that, with this idiot as their standard-bearer:
What is WRONG with her? She's nuts, that's what. Seriously, literally, off-the-rails, narcissism run amok. She has to be stopped before the California primary. Somehow.
His and Her Oval Office Memories
We must be in pretty desperate straits as a nation if our best options come from only two families. HRC may be considered the best the present system can offer, but she's not the best American for the office.
These are the best of options of a system controlled by despots
and thieves. She is only considered "the best" by those despots and thieves.
We're in desperate straits, all right. She must be stopped before the California vote. By indictment, by some kind of "Press Moment" at some point where she is literally forced to drop out, by something. That something has to happen SOON.
I'm gonna start calling her "Imelda Peron"
seriously...when this kind of thing (handing power to another member of the family) happens in other countries we look askance at it. It's so obviously a form of corruption.
Barbara Bush
I know, I know...but remember when she was asked if Jeb! should run for POTUS. She answered that America needed more than just TWO families running for POTUS. She spoke well, sanely, I know, I know, and said America didn't need dynasties!
Of course, when Jeb! decided to run, she supported him, etc.
But her FIRST response to the question, should Jeb! run, was the right one.
Has anyone else noticed that at least the Republicans have avoided the dynasty!
Nice time for a long weekend.
Holy sit, the conference calls all over will be making wires and cables smoke. And she will not.admit.she.lied. When her press buds go, whoa.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
WaPo and NYT ...
were both critical of her on this issue. Of course, being Hillary, she'll blame Bernie for the fact that her most ardent lapdog newspapers gently criticized her. WaPo and NYT are obviously misogynists.
Of course she will, but that does not change her crimes
She's gonna mess around and piss off the Village so badly that their own bosses will be defied when reporters all start going Shaun King on them. I just hope it happens in the next week. After that, it's probably too late.
Critical, but.....
Both newspapers and their corporate owners have endorsed her, and of course, given money to her campaign.
Seriously think most of DC is just terrified of what would happen to their cushy lives if either Bernie Sanders or Donal Trump were elected.
True confession - makes me smile to think of all the Republicans going full out bonkers if it's Trump
Doesn't surprise me at all.
Doesn't surprise me at all. Here's a clip from a New York post article about Hillarys treatment of the secret service people that surround her.
•While running for US Senate, Hillary stopped at an upstate New York 4-H Club. As one Secret Service agent says, Hillary saw farmers and cows and then erupted. “She turned to a staffer and said, ‘What the f - - - did we come here for? There’s no money here.’ ”
One of many incidents talked about in the article http://nypost.com/2015/10/02/secret-service-agents-hillary-is-a-nightmar...
HRC's SS Detail
Great article. I guess HRC taught that staffer a lesson. Now if only it had been a GS branch of the 4-H club.
Thank you, Caerus
Really good article. So true and well said.
I never identified myself as a Kossack
I think a name change would be appropriate as Kos is the past and the people leaving should not have to be reminded of it 'daily'.
And too, the name is free advertising for JarJar's site.
the name is a real turn-off to me
I don't identify at all as being any kind of peon of Boss Koss. And how will they carry the movement forward with a name like that?
That said, I do admire the good work that they are doing.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
"the name is a real turn-off to me" - - we are not alone in that
They should consider waiting
because the 'for Sanders' bit - one way or another - is going to go away too, and a more cohesive group name for those who remain past the election should be considered.
My 2 cents anyway...
Yes, this
This has been the center of multiple debate threads, and a few names have been kicked around. Right now the name The Daily Bern has been grabbed and is being held for after the convention (give or take).
"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me
thx for link greywolf
good discussion
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
The public has now had a real wake-up call
Up to this point a true Hillary believer could swallow all of Hillary's prevarications. The facts, her tone of response, and her very clever absolute righteousness of her statements completely give her away. Now you are left to ponder this: Has she been lying constantly? I think that the answer is most likely yes, but it is impossible to say no. Think about it, she has completely destroyed her style of prevarication. She is 100% hot air. Her self-righteous indignation about any criticism matches exactly her self-righteous indignation about this story. The real story is that she is a compulsive control freak and will do anything to hide data and will lie to any extent necessary to cover her actions. Remember Nixon, it's the cover-up that finally gets you.
I can smell the toast getting brown and the toaster is about to pop-up. Say goodnight Hillary, and please take your bull-horn wielding, voter blocking husband and just go away.
Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.
She is devolving...
Into a Sarah Palin with vocabulary, grammar and syntax.
Democrats, we tried to warn you. How is that guilt and shame working out?
And yet she could be POTUS...
Hey, maybe a good ole impeachment after she is elected would start a new wave of accountability and honesty in government and lead to a new Golden Age.
Or maybe it would just give our so called public servants something to do since most of them are still do nothing's earning huge paychecks. At least they'd have something to fill their time.
South Park nailed it. Our Elections are a choice between a Douche, and a Turd Sandwich.
[video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pji_IX-UacM width:420 height:350]
The self-serving mud and slime working on impeachment
makes my stomach roll. Although that Play could convince most citizens that the governance here in the US sucks greatly, I don't think I could get any pleasure out of pigs mounting/eating each other for themselves. But that's me. And no bad thoughts of true porcines.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
South Park is right about many things...
That clip is perfect.
South Park has some brilliant episodes.
However, I believe that both the dough and the turd sandwich will be one termers. HRC probably won't even make that as she'll be impeached.
O.k. When is the next meeting for the revolution?
-FuturePassed on Sunday, November 25, 2018 10:22 p.m.
Maybe Hillary has alzheimer's
Maybe Hillary has alzheimer's. It would explain her lying about EVERYTHING and believing herself!
I guess we can hope.
And yes, I can joke about this. It runs in my family and I've lost many to this terrible ailment.
"YOU must be the change you wish to see in the world." ~ Mahatma Gandhi
Nope, she's been a liar all her life
so that explanation, grim as it is, won't fly.
She's. Just. A. Habitual. Liar. She lies because she lies because she lies because she lies.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
The only time she's not lying
must be when she's asleep.
And even then, I bet she mutters, practicing for tomorrow.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Tomorrow never comes.
She's probably made a resolution to stop lying 'tomorrow'.
It's always today, so she's covered!
Warning: Explicit, but somehow appropriate, lyrics
If you got it today you don't wear it
tomorrow, man. 'Cause you don't need it. 'Cause as a matter of fact, as we
discovered on the train, tomorrow never happens, man. It's all the same fucking
day, ma.
Janis Joplin, Ball and Chain (live version)
Just another refugee from the Daily Chaos.
That horrible cackle, whenever asked a question that she doesn't
want to answer, is always her first response.
That's the first sign that she's going to start lying.
The cackle is to tell us that we are peons and how dare we expect answers from The Queen, and that attitude is how she justifies her lies. We peons don't deserve any straight answers from The Queen.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
I could only stomach about 30 secs of that
before I began to reach for a barf bag.
She really is gratuitously awful.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Good grief!
That video actually frightens me if I think I might have to see/listen to her daily because she's holding the reins in the White House. It's going to be a living nightmare for me! Her cackle is cheeky and rude, obnoxious and so phony!
Good grief!
That video actually frightens me if I think I might have to see/listen to her daily because she's holding the reins in the White House. It's going to be a living nightmare for me! Her cackle is cheeky and rude, obnoxious and so phony!
Okay, I' m really lacking
in comprehension skills...is the article implying Hillery is the Bill O'Reilly of the Democratic Party?
There is no such thing as TMI. It can always be held in reserve for extortion.
Considering the source, that name
"Kossacks for Sanders", seems like an employee group from Raytheon calling itself "Rayguns for Peace".
I think the hope was that many Kossacks getting fed up with
Kos would find a new home at the reddit group because of the name. But it will outlive its usefulness. I agree that since in a few months it may no longer be specifically for Sanders, it can wait until then to change the whole name. Progressives for a New Party, maybe.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
I think the Clinton MO
is to just keep lying until the interviewer eventually gives up.
And she can't understand why people find her so dishonest and untrustworthy? Who, me?
That cackle is as FALSE as her wide eyed STARE of "recognition" to someone in the audience. it is so fake!
And clearly addictive, she just can't stop doing it.
Terrifying, how she has for years surrounded herself with sycophants who must be as delusional by now as she is.
Started in the White House - remember Maggie Williams being SEEN by witnesses, including secret service, walking out of Vince Foster's office with a BOX of files, immediately after new of his death, which she quickly brought to Hillary. Then when questioned as a witness in a congressional hearing, Maggie LIED ( guess where she learned that) and said she NEVER went into Foster's office.
Later, it "evolved" into - she removed "personal files" which belonged to the Clintons. But that was LONG past the time she LIED in a Congressional investigation.
Now, no one will tell her to STOP YELLING INTO THE MICROPHONE - it doesn't make you sound strong and powerful - it makes our skin crawl!!!!
I just noticed that wide-eye (again)
I do that, too, usually when I am truth- or hope-speaking. On me, it looks hyperthyroid. And I do not spend hours in front of the mirror practicing faces (although slightly open-mouth w/slight grin looks ok).
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Another Good Article
From US Uncut: 5 Times Hillary Clinton Blatantly Lied About Her Emails
Hillary is truly beginning to remind me of the Bridgid O'Shaughnessy character in the film "The Maltese Falcon" when she says: Oh, I'm so tired, Sam. Tired of everything, of myself, of lying, of thinking up lies, until I don't know a lie from the truth.
One can only hope that Hillary comes to a similarly bad end.
inactive account
Mary Astor played that brilliantly
with an equally brilliant foil in Humphrey Bogart.
Nowadays not even Bernie is that snarktastic.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Probably her best and most memorable role. Another outstanding role she had was playing the love interest of John Huston's father Walter in the 1936 film Dodsworth.
inactive account
"Suicidal" suggests they WANT to win.
As long as the Democrats can fulfill their role of strengthening the plutocracy, by pursuing the Republicans as they gallop off the right-wing cliff, winning is irrelevant. Keeping out candidates who actually want to represent people is job 1.
You got that right
The system of government we have today resembles nothing so much as a giant prostitution racket. Favors -- in the form of beneficial regulations and laws -- are delivered in exchange for payoffs in the form of campaign contributions, all expense paid junkets, post-career lobbying positions, jobs for relatives, speaking fees, contributions to "charitable foundations", etc., etc.
A very lucrative and mutually beneficial arrangement for both the johns and the janes -- unfortunately, the ones really getting screwed are all the ordinary citizens who can't afford the price of admission. And no surprise that all those "public servants" who have benefited so handsomely from the current system would much rather lose with Hillary than win with Bernie. Because Bernie is and always has been the only candidate in the race who represents any kind of threat to the existing order.
inactive account
ANOTHER good article
Don't know whether it's best to edit the original, or add on as a comment:
He tries to make the argument that the damage has already been done over the e-mail scandal and the quotes Toobin about 'it ain't a crime unless you intentionally give away classified information." Basically it says "Hillary lied, maybe some people died, but it isn't going amount to anything".
Democrats, we tried to warn you. How is that guilt and shame working out?
I'd like to think...
That this matters. But, sadly, I don't think it will. Hillary will win the Demcoratic nomination. I don't think this will do anything to her CA or NJ numbers, sadly. There seems to be a reflexive response from most 'Democrats' that when Clinton is attacked, the wagons circle tighter. It's the partisan world we live in.
Democrats, we tried to warn you. How is that guilt and shame working out?
There is a point where that can no longer save her
And that point is when there are no longer enough "reflexive Democrats" to complete the circle. And that point is rapidly approaching. If it continues to "save" her, then the fix is completely in, and We The People are no longer afforded peaceful means of "taking back" a government to work for the good of all of us.
At that point, we must make a decision. The time is growing short. This woman is compromised and she is unfit for ANY elected office because she is--now, demonstrably, unequivocally--a LIAR that cannot be put in charge of anything. Any arrest or subpoena, or summons serving must happen before the California primary. Either she drops out or she goes to jail. It has to end here, now, or the few idiots remaining in the circle of delusional "Democrats" protecting that bitch will find a way to keep reality at bay until after the last primaries.
She can't win that. Sanders has to take it in a landslide. He has to get to the convention with a LOT MORE DELEGATES.
If we're looking for something to do in the next couple weeks, we ought to look at compiling a list of CA and NJ political blogs and absolutely hammering them with these reports, so the people reading them see what we're all up against and vote accordingly.
Simply giving up is not an option.
The problem is, as it has been since AZ,
(or maybe since IL) election fraud and voter suppression.
So far, we don't have an answer to that. Not in a system of completely compromised media--and I'm putting that kindly.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
That's exactly right, and it's another prong to be utilized
during the actual votes. That's why I suggested peppering "state" political blogs with this stuff. First off, they truly might not be aware of it to a degree enough to make a difference. When I say that, I'm talking "aggregate total of eyeballs of the people who do the grunt work at the actual polling places", people who are needed to help perpetuate the fraud in enough numbers to win.
Those people must be advised. If they then proceed accordingly anyway, to help her cheat, they then become accessories to fraud.
Not a bad thought.
You're thinking CA, NJ, Puerto Rico--who else is up on June 7?
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
So many smartphones now.
Yes, some places one is not allowed to photograph inside a voting hall (why is that? the booth is enclosed) but it would be nice, even in states where paper ballots are kept (&shredded later, gone) to record one's actual ballot. And then compare. Compare to voting proposed totals at that place. Sometimes democracy means conferring in person, or by phone.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Not just hammering political blogs but also comment sections
of local newspapers, such as Northern California Bay Area's: SFGate.com (SFChronicle), San Jose Mercury News, Oakland Tribune, Marin Independent Journal, Santa Rosa Press Democrat, Sacramento Bee....because most commenters on local news sites do need ongoing political education. LET'S DO THIS!!!
Thank you for the inspirational idea lunachickie!