It's Official. Hillary thinks you are stupid and can't read and
have a poor retention of facts.
This interview is one unrelenting insult:
Hillary Clinton Doubles Down on Email Scandal Saying "It was Allowed"
Clinton explained why she did not cooperate with State Department investigators, despite repeatedly saying she would talk to anyone, anytime about her emails.
"I have talked about this for many, many months," she said. "I testified for 11 hours before the Benghazi committee. I have answered numerous questions. We have posted information on our website and the information that we had is out there. It’s been clearly public and my email use was widely known throughout the department, throughout the government, and I have provided all of my work related emails, and I’ve asked that they be made public."
She hasn't talked about this for many, many months - she has catapulted the same self-serving talking points propaganda that refuse to confront any salient fact: No one before her ever in a Cabinet position (as far as we know) subverted Congressional oversight, the FOIA, and the Federal Records Act by deploying a private server in the basement of their own home on which server they retained messages pertinent to National Security, which server was never reported to those responsible for DOS Security, which server had hacking attempts that were never reported, which server was then stored and maintained by an unvetted and approved outside vendor, etc. etc.
She testified for 11 hours before the Benghazi Committee and not one question was asked about her email, so that becomes completely irrelevant to this matter except for the fact that the Benghazi committee was disemboweled by the idiotic Kevin McCarthy in advance of their hearings as to why she (HRC) had completely ignored their legitimate requests for her relevant emails and pretended they didn't exist.
So, you didn't co-operate with the the IG because . . . . no good reason. Except the obvious one. People who hide things have things to hide. People who don't want to discuss their actions usually have a good reason for their reticence. But, Trump!
UPDATE This article makes the same point I do but far more eloquently. It's from Current Affairs magazine by Nathan Robinson and the title is The Democrats Are Making A Suicidal Mistake. He basically discusses how Hillary's previous practice when caught out in a lie is to lie even more brazenly and cites her Bosnia sniper story as one example of how when she was called out, she simply responded with more and greater fabrications. Which is how she is responding even as we speak about the Inspector General's report:
But it’s quite clear that Clinton will never, ever do this. Even now that the State Department’s Inspector General has released a report explaining in detail why Clinton’s claims about her emails are false, she has responded by doubling down with even more implausible statements.This does not augur well for the remainder of the campaign. It means that Hillary Clinton has what might be termed a “trust death spiral.” She begins by having the public think she is untrustworthy. Then, in response to accusations that she is untrustworthy, she says things that make her sound even more untrustworthy. Because there’s no point at which she’ll simply break free and come clean, things can only ever get worse for Hillary Clinton. If you point out that her positions have changed (making her somewhat untrustworthy), she responds by insisting that they haven’t changed (making her even more untrustworthy). If a report says she is misrepresenting the situation with her email, she will then misrepresent the report itself.
This is a problem not just because it decreases public trust; it also treats voters like they must be incredibly stupid. It’s brazenly insulting to people’s intelligence to simply deny that a report says what it says. And because people are more intelligent than that, they don’t like it when you try to pull tricks like this.
Wow!! She's losing it.
If she thinks the Benghazi circus equates with talking to an Inspector General on a completely different issue (see personal, unauthorized server), she's nuts.
And of course the rest of that statement is egregious crap.
from a reasonably stable genius.
There are studies that show college grads vote (D)
The states that ranked the lowest for high school and college graduates were all red states. She is betting on those low-information voters that are incapable of critical thinking to believe her lies. Let's see how that works for her. Some of us actually can connect the dots, college graduate or not. As I have stated before...she has a casual acquaintance with the truth and has no moral compass...NONE! As a women growing up during the time of the struggle for the rights of women, I am ashamed of this pathetic excuse for a female human being. Sorry...but I am getting old, tired, fed up and grouchy!
Plenty of college educated Hillary supporters
will talk themselves into believing her lies. Critical thinking skills are no match for the raw emotions aroused by team loyalty.
Pity would be no more if we did not make somebody poor-William Blake
You are probably right...
but, critical thinking should usurp would hope.
Alas, it's emotion that rules
The Hillary supporters I know are all well educated. The simplest explanation I have for why they can't see the obvious is that they have a certain "comfort zone" that sets the boundaries of their world. I think of them as essentially conservative (not necessary politically) in nature; they hold tightly onto what they know and stubbornly resist information that challenges their accepted reality. Unfortunately, their intelligence has no bearing on this approach to life—it's only available for tasks that don't involve the need to protect the comfort zone.
Agree...we are emotional animals after all
I do know that a lot of highly educated people are HRC fans. I guess my point was that she is counting on the low information voters and those that cannot, as I say...connect the dots. There, unfortunately, are a great number of voters that fall into those categories. Hillary's elite fan club members will not be swayed...facts be damned!
Being smart and being stupid are not mutually exclusive
Far from it, in fact. When belief or identity trump critical thinking, smart people get stupid real fast. Clinton supporters, and partisan believers in general, illustrate this truth with distressing frequency.
Please help support caucus99percent!
My Brother has an Analogy
...if you're watching a Met game, and the Met guy got tagged trying to steal , if you're a Met fan, he's safe.
This is how he rationalizes his bias to the Right.
He is definitely both, bless his heart.
Bernie is a win-win.
Belief or identity...
Yup, Dallasdoc. It is like a religion for them, is it not? A HRC perverse religion whose members go deaf, dumb, and blind when it suits them.
It doesn't
Things are felt before they are understood, which is why Republicans and some Democrats like Clinton are so good at getting people to vote against their own best interests. They understand this dynamic and exploit it.
Arrr...the laws of science be a harsh mistress -Bender B. Rodriguez
I have many college grad friends who are rabid
Hillary supporters. Most with graduate degrees, including PhD's in a hard science. From the polls I've seen, Bernie's supporters have less education than do Hillary supporters. He's speaking to those who have really been damaged by the elite, in crowd in Washington DC and on Wall St, Just because they have less formal education doesn't mean they don't know which end is up. They know who's screwed them and how. IMHO that is why he is drawing yuge crowds. He is speaking to what means the most to middle Americans.
How comfortable economically are they
If they are in the top 10% of the income distribution chances are they are benefiting greatly from the status quo and don't want to rock the boat. I am well educated from an elite college, as are a lot of my friends. The ones who aren't rich like myself support Bernie. The ones in the financial industry, science, professorships (the increasingly scarce tenured full professor and such), are for the most part very well off. Those are the Hillary supporters.
How comfortable economically are they
If they are in the top 10% of the income distribution chances are they are benefiting greatly from the status quo and don't want to rock the boat. I am well educated from an elite college, as are a lot of my friends. The ones who aren't rich like myself support Bernie. The ones in the financial industry, science, professorships (the increasingly scarce tenured full professor and such), are for the most part very well off. Those are the Hillary supporters.
One of my dearest friends
multiple degrees, including a PhD. When it comes to politics, she is a raging idiot. She spews forth the tired conventional wisdom and puts no thought behind it. We discussed politics during a visit and almost came to blows in the car because she could not handle being backed into a corner logically. We have agreed never to discuss politics again. She's still an idiot
I sympathize
I have a couple of friends like that, too.
Aroused by team loyalty?
Do they really not care that their team is demonstrably losing, and has been doing so for awhile? Or is it just a case of "my team, right or wrong"?
I find both positions to be rather sad overall, though the latter is more troubling than the former.
See also: Chicago Cubs fans
(at least prior to this season and last) for "my team, right or wrong" in action.
For many on the political scene, it's "better the devil we know than the one we fear" -- there's a level of comfort with the Clintons since we've been there done that got the T-shirt. They can't conceive of anyone changing the status quo...and in some cases they stand to benefit from keeping things exactly how they are.
I am a Cubbie fan
and have scaled walls at Wrigley when I was younger, getting into ball games for free. For the Chicagoans (and others) who love the Cubs, it ain't about winning, it's about loving your home town and your team. Although I no longer live in Chicago, I still have great affection for the Windy City. But the same feeling one has for one's hometown usually translates into love of country--right or wrong, by jingo! I do not subscribe to the right wing mantra of love it or leave it; my preference is if you love it, improve it. There are lots of wonderful things about this country but there are many horrible legacies too. So,let us BUILD on what is good and abandon what is bad, to enhance our country and ourselves.
Bernie represents that philosophy although he has not expressed it in those words, to my knowledge. He has inspired not thousands but millions of people to once hope for real change in the abysmal corruptocratic present day, by offering to listen to the people and make possible what the people want.
Democratic Voters
I suspect she is convinced that when Democrats and independents are faced with a stark choice between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, they will find The Donald unacceptable.
It's a dangerous bet and the large number of alienated voters who will not turn out does not bode well for those down-ticket Democrats that concern her so much. But Hillary Clinton is not concerned with anyone but Hillary Clinton.
She certainly doesn't seem to care much about serious damage
to the country that she wants so much to lead. I guess Americans aren't worthy of her greatness.
Beware the bullshit factories.
She'll keep giving us disdain too!
And she'll heap it on us until we all realize that disdain is all she should have to give us.
And then she'll reward us with more disdain.
Pure Cliontonism.
She's parsing the meaning of is. By "it was allowed" she means there was nobody with the authority to tell her to knock it off. (With apologies to her Wall Street buddies.)
I.O.G. report says WAS NOT ALLOWED
She is out of her mind!
We can read. O.I.G. report says it was NOT allowed, and if she had requested permission for a private email server it would have been DENIED. She knew that, so she never asked. Clintons are so used to have sycophants surrounding them, they think they can say anything they want to, without being questioned.
They are abominable. We are going to have President Trump if Clintons are nominees. Always, always PLURAL - they are both criminals.
You're both correct - no one said it UNTIL NOW
because it took an effing IG to call her on the mat. But she's still got her fingers in her ears repeating all the crafty language Brock and his minions have written for her to sound as if it's true. Or maybe it's just that repeating a lie often enough thang which gets some to believe it.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Of course she is! But insisting that "others did it too" is
about to be her undoing, if there's a scrap of justice anywhere there's any kind of karma lurking around. People are not that stupid. Nobody else had their own server. Trying to insinuate otherwise is a goddamned bald-faced straight up LIE.
So-and-so did it too!!!!
Childish Excuses and Drivel from a lying, spoiled, and privileged political hack.
You can't hide those lyin
You can't hide those lyin eyes! Billary's new theme song!!
Oh man, that first one!
I gotta share that one! Absolutely priceless!
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Not to mention
her use of the clintonemail address pre-dates the March 18th date she has stated was the originating date and that she DID NOT turn over all her emails since more than a few have turned up through other means - aide's emails, Guccifer, etc.
My personal opinion is the March 18th date was arrived at as the date the server was provided with encryption (just an educated guess) since having an unencrypted server before then was practically an open invitation to hackers (clintonemail, anyone?) and would have been prima facie evidence of "gross negligence", again, IMO only.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
The server was wide open for 3 months.
reposting my entire comment from another thread here
this comment thread over at REBRN has lot's of juicy stuff - See more at:
REBRN comment thread
especially this particular comment:
The articles referenced in the links are:
One comment related to the comment referencing her desire to keep her personal stuff hidden: I do a lot of snooping around and from what I can tell the odds around the 'net are that China and/or Russia already have the emails. Tech people say the server was so porous an untrained country hick from Rumania or Bulgaria could have hacked in ... oh, sorry, one already claims he did and he is in prison now ... hmm.
Also, the US press is 99% crooked, bought shills, such as HuffPo. I only trust CounterPunch, ShadowProof, the Intercept and a few others locally. The international press is up in arms over this. You think they were miffed about Obama tapping Merkel's phone? Ain't nobody outside the US ever gonna say a word to HRC about anything important in the future - - knowing that every email she sends basically goes straight to the Kremlin ...
And the administration under which she got away with this
is part of the issue as well.
No wonder Obama looks at least a bit haggard and defeated. In many pictures, his eyes reflect the morals and principles he has caved on since the beginning of his allowed tenure as President of the Disunited United States, Inc.
I've seen international press noting this
but honest to God, it's as if the News Cleaners of the USA have invaded sites like the BBC and the Sydney Morning Herald in the last 48 hours (through last night), and I can't find any real "outrage", just cursory half-assed Americanized "reporting" making note of this shit, and basically trying to downplay it. Can you post some links to international press that's really laying it out there with a lot of (or even a few more than usual) facts?
I think I can, I think I can, I think I can
(get away with it).
Brings new meaning to this, doesn't it?
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
I'm sure her supporters are cheering her on!
Keep up the facade, hrc - double down like you're doing. We are well aware of who you are - now, show the rest of the world.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
She has really, really high numbers for not being trustworthy.
Might be because she's the biggest liar on two feet. There is no doubt in my mind that this who primary is going to blow up. Now the media is saying Bernie asked Trump to debate. Media is right behind hillary for being untrustworthy. Burning the Dems Party to the ground is a win. Next time they thumb their noses at us, they'll remember this.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
DNC may remember this but they will have an amnesia attack
come the next round of pimping themselves out for money.
Question: what do you call a whore that pimps her/himself for money?
Answer: Congressman
Could the NYTimes be waking up?????
Washington Post is going in same direction.
Even Andrea Mitchell ( on Morning Joe) was not supportive.
Pass the popcorn.
Interesting last paragraph of the NYT editorial:
Judging by the last sentence alone, the NYT still supports HRC for the presidency. It certainly means they're willing to overlook her federal legal infractions and still want her to be president.
There are none so blind as those who refuse to see.
I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute ..., where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference. — President John F. Kennedy, Houston, TX, 12 September 1960
Think that last paragraph really shows up the NYT for the shilling for Shillary it does. Tries to tell the truth in the beginning, but just can't make it to the end!
As you said: none so blind....
Morning Joe was surprisingly scathing.
Just realized I missed Andrea on it, though.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
In fairness your opening is an accurate description of
her supporters.
Really good, thorough analysis of the email issues
IMO, is here:
(short version):
Longer version-about 22 pages:
(TBH, I'm still slogging through the long form, I think this piece would generate some good discussion, though)
If the Presumptive President does it
it is not a crime.
(with apologies to the original Tricky Dick)
She already denied this...
Now why are people still asking her about it when she already said something and then denied any wrongdoing?!!
She's had to tolerate this topic coming back up for months, so she's been talking about it for months because she would not talk about it.
Now why can't the commoners just shut the hell up and let her better knowing self handle things? And those same commoners asking questions damn well better get right with things and just accept that she is the anointed one and the one who will manage things for the next four or eight years.
She already said she's the best, now it's up to everyone else to conform and fucking believe her! How hard can that be for the pathetic loser commoners who keep on bothering her for details they would not understand anyway, because she's who she is - and commoners should know better than to question their betters.
And all the FBI depositions have been permanently sealed. Coverup much? This is an example of Hill's transparency and promise to tell the truth. Who do you think went to court and got the judge to seal all testimony, including Hill's yet to be delivered half truths and mumbles? The Easter Bunny?
The need for Hillary to Level with the Public
She's not interested in telling the truth.
She is going to make things as bent and as slanted as she wants to, and then she's going to tell us all how we have to accept her definition of what 'level is.
Just more proof that there are rules for the elite and rules for the commoners.
Any commoners in Hillary's predicament would be held accountable and even go to jail.
Elite's get to deny they did anything wrong and go about their merry way.
Lied into illegal wars? Holding those elites accountable was off the table.
Financial Crisis? Prosecuting those elites was off the table.
Accountability for the elites? Off the table.
The government is corrupt. Period.
Even funnier, she's TRIPLED DOWN.
Shillary has DELETED ENTIRE PORTIONS OF HER MEMIOR between its publication in hardback and it's re-release in paperback.
It appears she has SUCH contumely for readers in this country she's presumed no one will notice the missing segments
I guess she's dumbed down her lies.
Muerte al fascismo. Muerte a la tiranía. colapso total de los que promueven tampoco. A la pared con el unico porciento%
Even funnier, she's TRIPLED DOWN.
Shillary has DELETED ENTIRE PORTIONS OF HER MEMIOR between its publication in hardback and it's re-release in paperback.
It appears she has SUCH contumely for readers in this country she's presumed no one will notice the missing segments
I guess she's dumbed down her lies.
Muerte al fascismo. Muerte a la tiranía. colapso total de los que promueven tampoco. A la pared con el unico porciento%