Some interesting developments today and yesterday...
I feel like things are shifting! The "tone" is shifting in the media, which may very well indicate the corporate game plan has changed.
First, we have a Snopes post marking the Nevada violence as 100% false:
And a Huffpost article reporting on it:
National Media Retracts Its Claim That There Was Violence at the Nevada State Democratic Convention
Then we have this video of Morning Joe (sorry, I know, but its worth watching as they actually use the words Clinton and lying in the same sentence, and simply drip with fake newscaster disappointment):
And of course we have Newsweek's article accusing her of compromising counterterrorism ops:
Thanks to the Kossacks for Sanders reddit for most of these links - I am reposting here in case you all haven't seen them.

Also this one - from WAPO
The Post's View
Clinton’s inexcusable, willful disregard for the rules
Sorry to cut in at the top, but people, please, listen.
I have seen this happen repeatedly.
So no, those outlets did not retract anything. That statement was tongue in cheek about what a respectable news outlet would do, not what was done.
The Post article is also an editorial, not news. The one article that comes close to actual reporting is the Snopes piece.
If we continue to regard anything and everything (whether the slant is positive or negative) that is printed or stated as news and form our own opinions on it, then we are building a reality on shifting sands.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
♫ All day, all night, Marianne
Down by the seashore, sifting sand ♫
Free our country’s neck from the cable network noose.
Point taken, but I didn't intend to imply they were hard news
Do you not think that editorials are sometimes used to get an idea out there?
The very fact that these items were posted on large outlets, editorial or no, is relevant.
NPR's Ombudsman also kinda/sorta admitted there was no violence in Nevada - although it was pretty weak tea overall, as we discuss below.
Whether something is hard news or editorial, if it's on one of the big player media outlets, it is getting a lot of eyes, and I don't think it's irrelevant.
I will make a point of specifically labeling editorials/commentary posts, however. (Although, I must admit, 90% of news nowadays sounds like opinion to me, so I'm not sure why they persist in having an editorial section.)
Political news is almost 100% opinion lately.
Much of it at the big outlets is not marked, so people think they are reading actual news when they are not. However, I was not really directing my comments to you for posting the articles, but to readers to apply more critical thinking skills to information that is more based on opinion than on facts. Your idea of labeling articles would be good to serve as a signpost that the Twilight Zone may lie ahead. = )
The guy who wrote the linked HuffPo piece says what news reporting should be by journalistic standards:
Just to hone critical thinking skills when it comes to reading/listening to news, I suggest looking at the code of ethics from the Society of Professional Journalists. It includes this: "Expose unethical conduct in journalism, including within their organizations."
I am sure the people who are currently being referred to journalists have never read this code, mostly because very few of them have journalism degrees (and, apparently, could care less about ethics). Most have a degree in political science.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
I too think the
tide has turned. I think hrc and the press were caught flat footed. Tomorrow is the last day of the week before a holiday so I expect damage control tomorrow with the MSM happily complying.
Really? It doesn't seem like they are being too sympathetic
at the moment.
We'll have to see how it plays out, but this is the first time I've seen any DNC stalwarts saying ANYTHING negative about Clinton. They were not trying to spin it as the same thing Powell did...
I don't know... I hope we might be seeing something here...
Scandal "trumps" bias any day
We all have to remember that while the corporatist MSM has a vested interested in an HRC presidency vs Bernie...
They have a more vested interest in money and short term gain at the expense of the long term. Simply put, it's all about the ratings. Nothing is better for ratings than proof that a high profile politician is in a scandal of some sort.
We must remember that the MSM is basically a bunch of super vultures, who are so hungry for ratings that they won't even wait for their target to die.
And of course, every single word out of Donald's mouth is scandalous, thus he gets lots of attention.
"I'm not interested in preserving the status quo; I want to overthrow it. "
-Niccolo Machiavelli
"Sorry Hillary"
I went to HuffPo today...they love Hillary
so let's see what stories they're covering. Surely this email thing will be right at the top.
"Trump's Jewish Backers and Neo-Nazis Agree: He's Our Guy!"
"GOP Tanks Its Own Bill Over LGBT Rights Provision"
gotta be here somewhere...
"Rubio To Attend RNC, Support Guy He Called A 'Con Man'"'s like you-know-where!
an article called "My Choice for President" which is all about voting for the D nominee because Trump is so bad.
a picture of a smiling Hillary with the headline "Kentucky Declares Clinton Primary Winner After Recanvass"
another article titled "Why Hillary Clinton Is the Strongest Equality Candidate"
and there you go...for HuffPo the email thing did not happen, is not happening, will not happen.
I noticed the same thing. So they sacifice their credibility
on the Clinton altar. Noted. Not worth following in the future. Completely biased and edited site.
Talking Points Memo also immolated themselves by actually calling the IG Report a "Nothingburger" non-ironically, basically proving they're beyond help or at least Josh Marshall is. Just another site to never long into in the future.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
Wow, you're right - HuffPo is something else
Even on the politics section (edit) there is not one story about the email report - not even a slanted one, FFS.
The New Yorker
They don't seem to be feeling the Hillary love At least not today.
I hope
you are right.
NO tide is turning... The media KNEW the truth and we are
A coordinated CYA before a pivot to move the focus away from her and onto something else... For instance.
This evening I watched as the sweetheart of liberal media, Rachal Maddow, discussed the emails but she didn't discuss HRC at all. She instead did a whole segment. Complete with outrage. About how outdated the system at state is and how could ANYONE be expected to comply with such outdated rules.
H'ok. Seeeeeeee. HRC didn't do anything wrong because how could anyone ever possibly comply with the rules ... It's the rules that is a problem, not that the perso. Running for president just ignored and disregarded them... And anyway. Colin Powell did it too so that makes it legal.. Right?
Orwell was an optimist
That Morning Joe segment is interesting.
For Andrea Mitchell and Chuck Todd to be questioning her actions is a big deal.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
I thought so too, especially with the added emotion...
that they inject to try to get you to model their reactions. It was just dripping with it.
Yes, I agree
And watching Mika blurt out that she thought Clinton was lying was amazing too.
Edited for spelling
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Chuck Todd is a card carrying conservative republican
Orwell was an optimist
It's misogyny!
Ageism, surely!!
from a reasonably stable genius.
Chuck Todd sure was pretty "honest"
in that remark about "well, if not for Trump" this would be BIG news... He'd be correct there, not often one can really say that about Chuck anymore. And gag on the fake "shock" that HRC might lie about something....
Thanks for that clip, I usually won't watch them but the title of it alone and your description got me to check that out. Here' hoping for more dirt to come out tomorrow!
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
My ex, who loves Hillary . . .
thinks her lying is a feature, not a bug (one of the many reasons he's my ex - that he thinks lying is pretty useful). Maybe other Hillary supporters feel the same? He says that she "knows how to play the game" and this apparently makes her a better candidate for POTUS because "she understands how the world works".
I also understand how the world works, but I'm not okay with it!
... one of the many reasons he's my ex ...
that got a chuckle out of me ;->
It's not really "lying" but I don't know the medical term
Because I am not a shrink BUT there are people for whom the very first reaction to being questioned about ANYTHING is to not tell the truth. HRC is this type of person. One would have to know her childhood upbringing to understand why she has this visceral reaction to being questioned. It does not come from decades of being hounded by the right. This "type" gets formed when someone is young... In fact her instinct to be dishonest may well be a reason she HAS been hounded for decades.
Orwell was an optimist
Which came first, the chicken-ness or the ego? n/t
The Minneapolis Star Tribune endorsed HRC for the MN caucus
But here's their scathing editorial from today...
from a reasonably stable genius.
sheesh that was a bad one. perhaps the Strib should rethink
that endorsement.
Me thinks the drip drip drip is becoming a busted water main.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
Let's hope, JayRaye,
let's hope.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
The Strib thinks very highly of itself
But since Bernie won MN by such a large margin, I guess their endorsement wasn't worth much.
from a reasonably stable genius.
I stopped subscribing to the Strib back when I lived in MPL
I preferred the neighborhood papers or City Pages, the Reader, The Circle (I think that was the name). Heck, I even liked the Daily Worker better and could pick it up anytime down in the Cedar-Riverside area.
The San Antonio area is like a desert where alternative newspapers are concerned. Good thing I've go the internet now.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
Mrs Bollox likes to read it at breakfast.
I like to laugh at its pompous witterings.
from a reasonably stable genius.
That Cloud Over HRC Candidacy Keeps Getting Darker
and for good reason. She, her royal self, really screwed up with the private server and she deserves to have scorn heaped on her. It probably won't be enough to derail her march to the WH, but it should be enough.
Looks like Biden/Warren
Remember, Bernie only ran in the first place because Elizabeth Warren wouldn't. (Which was probaly the right call since she has no campaigning experience and Bernie has been doing it every other year for more than three decades.)
Also, note that Biden carries Pennsylvania which was a real fear with Hillary.
There were signs all week that things were moving. Beginning with Maureen Dowd reporting that the mood at Hillary's B'klyn HQ was like "the Bataan Death march". Followed by Harry Reid's private meeting with Jane.
Of course, Hillary will not go easily. It took them a week and a private meeting with Obama in which presumably he promised her State, before they could get her to admit she had lost.
No matter what, she'll always be the Democrats' Nixon and, we'll be waiting for her collapse as long as she's around.
They had BETTER not try to pull that crap
We already HAVE a nominee who has been through the primary, has close to half the votes, and if Hillary were discredited, should easily get enough to make him eligible to be made the nominee.
You don't get to just throw in unelected people at the end. If they want to run a primary do over, I'm fine with that, but otherwise, no.
Nowhere in #BernieOrBust does it say
Biden/Warren. He's just a more affable WS crooks. No way in hell I vote or them.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Have Biden to thank for Clarence Thomas and the Bankruptcy Bill
On many issues, Joe Biden may as well be Joe Lieberman. That’s why the establishment likes him.
And a son
in charge of the legal unit of Burisma, Ukraine's largest energy producer, along with Devon Archer, who works with Hunter Biden at Rosemont Seneca partners, which is half owned by Rosemont Capital, a private equity firm founded by Archer and Christopher Heinz, current SOS John Kerry's stepson.
Then there's the Clinton Foundation which works in league with the Pinchuk Foundation (Victor Pinchuk being Ukraine's largest energy pipeline oligarch) to bring Ukraine into the fold of EU and NATO.
Shale gas, pipelines, equity firms, sham "charities", and a cold-war remnant of a power-struggle with Russia - all involving this incestuous lot we're expected to choose our next President from.
How does this help us?
"If I sit silently, I have sinned." - Mossadegh
I was waiting
for someone else to notice the Nixon resemblance. Except that Nixon was much more stable until he cracked.
On to Biden since 1973
The key is that the OBAMA Inspector General basically said
the Hillary camp is full of shit - her private server was NOT ALLOWED OR APPROVED as she has vehemently stated, and she HAS NOT CO-OPERATED NOR HAVE HER AIDES and SHE VIOLATED THE FEDERAL RECORDS ACT at the very least.
But, Trump! Forget FOIA, Congressional oversight, transparency, yada yada yada. Hillary is AWFUL, but she is LESS AWFUL THAN TRUMP!!!
Who thinks that is a winning message? Because that is what she's left with. If Democrats have even a shred of self -survival instinct left, they will dump Clinton. I think we can see the beginning of the media shift.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
This Article in Law Newz
appears to have a few details edited out of Newsweek's article since it first appeared.
We cannot have someone this irresponsible (HRC) in the White House. We just cannot!
It's NOT irresponsibility...
Orwell was an optimist
the narrative has shifted
The MSM is dumping all over Hillary about the IG report. Surprising given the support she has gotten. And the source in the Newsweek article was probably told to put that info out there. I can't imagine he would have done it on his own. I suspect the Obama administration and Dem establishment types know something we don't about a pending indictment. Getting ready to jettison her and maybe try to install Biden.
If you don't know what you want, you deserve what you get.
i agree with the others that they had better not try to install
Biden. If Hill is out, Bern deserves the nom.
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That last
screenshot says it all.
It was so important that she herself made a directive to make sure the personal, the one she used to chat with friends and to plan Chelsea's wedding, was beyond hacking. Yet this is the same server with trivial personal stuff that she scrubbed clean.
You're a fucking liar Hillary.
Bernie or Bust...
I think the PTB decided to pull the plug..
after the OR/KY primary.
That's when the tone seemed to start shifting.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
...and the polls showing Trump pulling even
and Trump getting all normal conservative together with the Republican come-together around him and basically the realization that, OMG!, she will loose.
Superdels Owe Hill & Bill Nuttin'
Why the fear, Superdels? Do Bill & Hill have something on you? It's OK to ditch your fealty to them. Go ahead, pull off the Band Aid in one quick motion. It'll feel so much better afterward. Then take a good, long shower to wash the stench of corruption off. Tit for tat and all that. Did they hold up their end of the bargain, or did they abscond with the down-ballot moolah? Let them swing in the breeze alone, or they'll take you down with them.
this comment thread over at REBRN has lot's of juicy stuff
REBRN comment thread
especially this particular comment:
The articles referenced in the links are:
One comment related to the comment referencing her desire to keep her personal stuff hidden: I do a lot of snooping around and from what I can tell the odds around the 'net are that China and/or Russia already have the emails. Tech people say the server was so porous an untrained country hick from Rumania or Bulgaria could have hacked in ... oh, sorry, one already claims he did and he is in prison now ... hmm.
Also, the US press is 99% crooked, bought shills, such as HuffPo. I only trust CounterPunch, ShadowProof, the Intercept and a few others locally. The international press is up in arms over this. You think they were miffed about Obama tapping Merkel's phone? Ain't nobody outside the US ever gonna say a word to HRC about anything important in the future - - knowing that every email she sends basically goes straight to the Kremlin ...
That Last Sentence
Hit me between the eyes. My jaw is on the floor. Light hadn't gone on in my brain about that. Goodness! Yes, I can imagine international leaders are upset about that.
Hello Granma
The NSA is the largest hacker collective in the world. I am sure they have everyone's emails. It doesn't seem to stop anyone from using this technology. Everyone assumes this to be the case.
As for the Kremlin, their big advantage is that no one knows how much they know.
Peace and love be with you, reader.