The March on DNC is real, and here's an Early Primer on What they have Planned for the Democratic Convention
The March on DNC is being organized by four groups who support Bernie Sanders, but more importantly support the values and principles upon which he has based his political career and upon which he has campaigned.
The four main groups who have done the heavy lifting to bring this about are:
Black Men for Bernie
Bernie or Bust
The Berners [website under construction]
The Movement4Bernie
These folks already have obtained permits from the City of Philadelphia for the use of several parks for all 4 days of the Convention, permits that they have agreed to share with the Sanders' campaign when Bernie's people reached out to them. All of these groups have different agendas and motivations and ideas on how to go forward in supporting Bernie, but on one thing they stand united: the right of Bernie supporters to peacefully rally, petition the DNC, support and celebrate Bernie and the political revolution his candidacy inspired at the Democratic National Convention in July in Philly.
The media has taken a sudden interest in their planned activities in the wake of the Nevada debacle and the "penchant for violence" big lie that the DNC and the Hillary campaign (and David Brock's paid trolls) have rabidly promoted in the already biased corporate media and online. The organizers of the March of the DNC, however, made it very clear in the following video of their press conference (held on Wednesday last week) that they are committed to peaceful non-violence, or in the words of one of the spokes people, Billy Taylor, showing love for Bernie in the City of Brotherly Love:
[video: width:550 height:400]
Here's how the media covered that event and the planned rallies and marches:
The group of Sanders supporters who gathered outside City Hall Wednesday promised to remain peaceful, but said they expect to rally at the plaza outside the Municipal Services Building in Center City.
The group is still holding out hope Sanders will be the party's standard-bearer. Bruce Carter of Black Men for Bernie says Sanders is the only candidate he can believe in.
"I'm 100 percent Bernie-or-bust in the general election," Carter said. "Our goal is to register every black male over 18 that can vote so they will have a voice in the general election regardless of who has the nomination."
Four pro-Bernie Sanders rallies, with estimated attendance of 38,000 activists, have been approved for public demonstrations during the Democratic National Convention in July, the city said Thursday. [...]
For the largest of the four pro-Sanders rallies approved, more than 30,000 people are expected to attend weeklong demonstrations called “March for Bernie at DNC,” which will be held at FDR Park in South Philadelphia. It’s within earshot of where conventioneers will gather at the Wells Fargo Center to nominate their party’s presidential nominee.
The rally has been approved for five straight days, starting July 24 and ending July 28. The permit from the city also allows activists to gather each day from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. The “public assemblage,” as the city technically describes demonstrations, could evolve from rally into protest depending on what happens during delegate voting inside the convention.
More importantly, here's a copy of their press release from their official Facebook Page:
Are you frustrated with the DNC? Has your vote been tossed? Your voice been suppressed? Have you felt silenced by the establishment?
We are organizing to stand together and support Bernie, sway the delegates and super delegates to our side, and ensure the DNC is aware that with out Bernie our vote won't be with the Democratic Party in November. We have put forth a call to action. We will be peacefully demonstrating at the Democratic National Convention to threaten mass deregistration if the Democratic Establishment continues their election fraud tactics to deny Bernie Sanders the nomination. After voter suppression, dirty politics, and smear campaigns, we will be loud in clear in our message to the establishment: We The People have the power and we vote Bernie.
Our mission is to organize more marches across the country in the same way we did in January, only this time, bigger.
We've got time to organize and promote these events. With this amount of time on our hands, we should be able to blow this up bigger than any Bernie event so far.
We want a YUGE demonstration/march at the convention in Philly as well as YUGE solidarity marches across the country to send a clear message to the establishment: WE. WILL. BE. HEARD.
The details are still being worked out, but PLEASE SHARE THIS EVERYWHERE.
We want to make this historical. We need to show the DNC and the rest of the establishment that we are NOT going to stay silent. We the PEOPLE decide this election, NOT super-delegates. We are most likely going into the convention close to a tie with no one securing the delegates needed to win the nomination before that. That means it's OUR job to be LOUD and CLEAR that we are for BERNIE SANDERS and that they need to vote with US.
You can RSVP at our event here if you will be in Philly, or you can RSVP at one of the many other facebook events created by other passionate organizers!
Please SHARE far and wide! We want this to be as YUGE as possible! Use #MarchOnDNC to share your thoughts/events!
Events planned so far:
#MarchOnDNC - Philly Event by Billy Taylor - March4Bernie
#MarchOnDNC - Philly Event by Steve Okan Layne - Day 1
#MarchOnDNC - Los Angeles by MarchOnDNC-LA
#MarchOnDNC - Philly Event Day 4
#MarchForBernie Against The DNC - SLC - July 24
Deregistration To Save The Nation - by Jimmy Perry
Million Berners March - July 26 & 27 - Black Men 4 Bernie
Full list if events leading up to the convention, as well as during the convention, is found here: Link
Here is their GoFundMe page: March on the DNC!
Need a ride? They have that covered with their ride share program
And rally buses to bring people in for the all Monday July 25th march/rally.
Need a place to stay? Check these out:
More important information will be coming soon (including information on coordinating with the campaign's events, details on non-violence training, water and medic stations, and much much more, so stay tuned! In the meantime please share this post and the The March on DNC website page on all of your favorite social media platforms.
For myself, I am determined to be there, no matter what. I hope to meet many of you there as well as we share in this demonstration of what real democracy is supposed to look like.
Thanks for you time,
Steven D

w00t! TY for this great news, Steven. Blessings to all who
go to Philly to lay some democracy upon the heathen Dem Party. w00t! Best wishes and thanks again.
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
IMHO Their energy would be better spent
organizing the formal "Walk Away from the Dem Party". It's too corrupt, too Corporate/WallSt owned now to be saved. And getting Bernie Bits added to the Dem Party Mission statement is a head fake, worth as much as toilet paper.
All these people, all this energy. Why waste it on a lost cause.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Well one of the activities
is exactly that - a deregistration effort away from the Dem Party. So, there you go.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Give em Hell.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Speaking of which
Somewhere, Harry Truman is weeping for his party.
“Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.” - John Steinbeck
Now that is good news...
I am very concerned for their safety. Look at what they did to Occupy for no reason.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Me too
I strongly suspect the powers-that-be will tell whatever coverup-bullshit-story lies they need to in order to get away with busting some heads.
I'd strongly suggest that everyone marching/protesting wear 'Peaceful Protester' t-shirts, and there needs to be about 1 million Go Pro/Smartphone videos of every second of every minute of the protest, for prosecuting the cops and suing the city and DNC later.
It's pretty clear that $$Hillary and her pal lil' Debbie think we are the barbaric clamoring horde outside of their big tent.
if you are non-violent, they will ignore you and not report
no matter how many smart phone videos you will get by the demonstrators. They count on demonstrators to be so desperate of being ignored that they will turn into small actions of violence and then you can be sure, the whole coverage of the main stream media is to demonize the demonstrators and completely ignore the issues at stake.
Well, I liked a phrase that Nader said to some of his folks, who ran with him in the past. You don't have to be prepared to win, you have to be prepared to lose, lose again and again and then go on no matter how often you did lose. May be that helps to go through with this.
I want to leave the party
I want to leave the party badly, but I also want to stay to 'primary' all the fake Dems in my state (NY).
There are so many NY pols I want tossed out for being GOP-lite, and that urge is greater knowing that many of them became superdouchagates for $$Hillary.
If I leave the party, I'll be registering with the Working Families Party, and holding their feet to the fire to remain truly progressive.
Also in NY, also may be too lazy to switch
out of D registration. But I already vote WFP line. So if I am given no more powerful option, I will stay in, to attempt to remove deadwood like Schumer in primaries.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
A lot of people don't think it is a lost cause,
CoE. They (we) are not going to quit and walk away without giving it our all. Bernie has been working hard still to make it. It is not over. Sure not going to turn our backs and walk away from him at the Convention. Sheesh.
It's not him I want to walk away from.
The Dems have lost me, though.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
I did not say Bernie or his campaign is a lost cause. I said the Dem Party is a lost cause
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Okay. Yes. Thank you, CoE. nt
I'm on the fence
I'm tempted to agree with you wholeheartedly, but I do think that a $$Hilary Presidency could tank the current corporate Dem party by demonstrating that everything Berners/Indies said about her and the party are true.
A lot depends on how successful 'the media' are at placing the blame everywhere but where it belongs.
Breaking my rule and posting at GOS
I know, but maybe some people not here but Sanders supporters will see it there.
The link for those who can stomach going there to give it a rec:
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
I went there
And recced your diary. Man, they were really going nuts. Some practically frothing at the mouth. I got out fast.
Me too. It is kinda scary,
Me too. It is kinda scary, though.
And it's only May. By convention time they won't be banning
Bernie people anymore, they'll be waterboarding them.
This is what always spooked me, being what is now called
an Asian-Pacific Islander, while growing up.
Knowing that, if it were to become convenient to demonize China or Japan again, Democrats — FDR Democrats! Earl Warren when he was AG of California! Even Dr. Seuss, for goodness’ sake! — would turn on us in an instant! Boom! it’d be off to the concentration camps for yours truly and family.
This mob mentality takes hold. Before you know it, almost everyone is siding with the auto workers, and the system is incapable of producing justice for Vincent Chin and his mom.
And you were greeted with such warmth!
Somebody stole the Big Tent and replaced it with a leaky lean-to...
(I'm guessing it was foreclosed on by a Wall Street bank and then sold to a Chinese Communist Party billionaire...)
I want my two dollars!
Thank you Steven
I was on DK & rec'd your diary..thank you for going there & posting it. Who knows how long it will stay already had a flag on it when I went in & the hillbots are now trying too get the entire diary taken down & you banned. yawn.
DK still has thousands of reader that just read every day...I'm sure many, many are Berners out in the boonies like me & need to be able to read Sanders content to stay connected too what is happening.
That was a great diary with lots of info that Berners will need if they want to go to the convention and let their voices be heard.
thank you for being a good person, for the betterment of all.
US, Not Me
I'm still Feelin' the Bern
..well, back to the snake pit...I've got work too do.
People Before Profits
Yes ban me for posting about people planning to
exercise their 1st amendment rights. Such a shit show that place has become. Not going to bother to read the comments, but did check to see I wasn't banned yet.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
how quickly so-many Hill-supporters have become the equivalent to the Tea Party,
with regards to intolerance. Lol, I thought that was supposed to be "our role", according to them.
How's that old saying go ...
Give a spiteful person a Ban-hammer, and they will Ban for a day;
Teach a spiteful person how to Ban-hammer, and they will make enemies for a Life-time.
Good job, kos ... you must be so proud -- enabling so many spiteful souls, for so little gain.
so little gain
Try less than no gain, jamess! Quantcast shows a continuous net loss of readership since the Ides of March Decree.
And Quantcast has no reason to lie.
Yeppers, Kos definitely did it this time:
[video: width:640 height:360]
..... just like the Democratic Party has .......
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
I wonder if that was the RESULT
he was hoping for?
Too.MUCH.Traffic ...!
And it was noticed
Babika posted a link to your diary about boycotting DK.
How childish is that they feel the need to monitor this site and report back.
One poster wrote that the Philadelphia police are looking forward to using their sticks.
So I guess it's acceptable for people on that website to hope for police brutality.
Oh, and they are tattling on you to the help desk.
Kids, whatcha going to do with them?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Guess they are giving some clicks to the founders of caucus99percent then lol.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
He's a twerp
How long before they call for the DNC to invite Rahm Emanuel in
to show the mayor and police chief of Philadelphia how to set up their own Homan Square.
Don’t be surprised if it becomes the [Mayor of Chicago Richard J.] “Daley” Kos now, all the way to the convention.
I went in...
Gave it a rec and left.
Democrats, we tried to warn you. How is that guilt and shame working out?
That's what I did.
I clicked on the star and then got the heck out of there.
You still don't have a figure denoting fear, do you?
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
Not yet.
Democrats, we tried to warn you. How is that guilt and shame working out?
I went, I recced and I commented.
Here is my comment:
"Thanks for the information. I heard that since Hillary has backed out on the California debate, Faux News may invite Trump to debate Bernie."
What a dilemma for the front page: it's Trump, so they must cover him, but it's Bernie, and they don't want to cover him. Maybe they'll only cover the Trump half of the debate.
And Bernie should debate him
Because, well, "fuck this shit."
Well, they went apeshit in there..
Repeated all the lies, acted like outraged swine at the trough when not enough swill is there for all of them at once.
it was just like watching Trump-ettes at the door to one of his rallies... when he was still comical, instead of frigtheningly horrific.
Muerte al fascismo. Muerte a la tiranía. colapso total de los que promueven tampoco. A la pared con el unico porciento%
I just ripped my gut with the short sword
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Restinbones Joined in 2013
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Cowardice Shameful unpresidential Sanders 99vs1
I'm tired. Don't attempt sophistry.
Mike S May 25 · 02:00:05 AM
You moaned “Fine, leave the fucking party and join the GOP because those stupid fuckers claim that Obama was elected through voter fraud too.”
I would have said PRIOR TO READING YOUR SCREED AND THE SCREEDS OF OTHERS AS DRUNK ON KOOLADE AS TEABAGGERS that YOU leave the party and join The Goddamed OLIGARCHICAL Pisspots, etc., ad nauseam, but you’ve DONE IN IN ACT AND WORD.
There is only one party right now, other than the Greens.
I’ve lived too long. You folks here, Markos included, finally went shitstupid.
It has been and continues to be voter fraud. Shame on all of you. I’m sure this account will be bagged by Markos’s pet snippetysnippers and all of you who swoon so easily will never see it.
Well fuck you all very much. Shame on you because YOU ARE NOT DEMOCRATS. Not now, not ever… never.
I'm off to buy a case of kaopectate
Muerte al fascismo. Muerte a la tiranía. colapso total de los que promueven tampoco. A la pared con el unico porciento%
It's election fraud not voter fraud
election fraud is how the establishment's chosen candidate wins
voter fraud is the excuse they use to make it harder to vote
Correction noted.
Muerte al fascismo. Muerte a la tiranía. colapso total de los que promueven tampoco. A la pared con el unico porciento%
Shields up!
Tipped and reced. Then I closed the tab and exhaled
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
At Warp 10 right?
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
They finally gagged me
because I asked someone if it didn't hurt to moo like that. I "acknowledged" the gag and only to write the following to someone --
IOW, while I acknowledged it in order to reply to some more posts, I really consider their claim to throw a leg over me to be utter bullshit... after all, FAR worse was said to and about people in that thread.
I REFUSE to acknowledge their right to gag me when worse... far worse... was said to me.
Restinbones DiesIrae May 25 · 01:22:12 AM
You can’t even get your facts straight. Steven didn’t create or organize protests. He LISTED them and advocated that people note the gatherings which have licenses to gather and gave people the link opportunity to see the websites for *all of them. It doesn’t matter if YOU dislike or fear — yes *fear* or you wouldn’t be so hopping rabid about this — some of the gatherings, but you and others here have brought this on yourselves, in my opinion, which obviously counts for nothing here.
While it’s still remotely possible to have a dissenting opinion here, IMO, the Democratic Party wasn’t OVERTLY the party of Oligarchy until the annointing of Wasserman Schultz. I won’t refer to her as I do offline, out of courtesy to those of you here who’ve shown ZERO courtesy to Steven’s post, which was polite, even if you didn’t like 100% of the subject matter.
I’m disgusted with what the DNC — AND this website — have become.
I met your candidate of choice when a guy I was dating and getting serious about dragged me to Arkansas to meet this man who was running for governor of that state. I thought Bill Clinton was a definite hound dawg but his eidetic (or *damned close to it) memory and his ability to listen to several people speaking at once and participate in separate conversations with them simultaneously made me think he could do a high pressure administrative job in elective office… I detested his wife, whom I considered to be THE SAME REPUBLICAN SHE’D BEEN BEFORE SHE MET AND MARRIED Bill. and she STILL is, IMNSHO. She’s in this thing called “politics” not to serve people, IMO, but for money, power and more power and more money and I don’t think she’ll ever feel like she has enough of either.
I didn’t like the way HE looked at women, but I just utterly detested her.. I was unsurprised years later about the consensual mess he made with women while he was President, but the time he wasted with interns etc., didn’t seem to affect his ability to do his *administrative job, *had *he been more discrete. I don’t give a damn about anyone’s sexual mores, IF he or she does their job — and their all-legal-adult partners and spouses go along with things. I don’t confuse mores different from my own with administrative capability and never will do so. As long as I’m allowed to opt out of office sexual horsing around and left to do my job, I don’t care, so I see no reason to hold someone in the Oval Office to a standard different than my own.
I disliked the distaff half of that Arkansas couple due to her snobbery and obvious love of money and the monied — the Oligarachs — even back in 1979. Here it is 2016 (37 years later) and I *still feel the same way.
There’s a photo of the couple taken a week or so post innauguration and the snide smirk on her face is a side of her she should never ever show the public, but she’s shown it time and again. It’s a facial expression that I’d slap off the face of any daughter of mine had I ever seen such arrogance and disdain for others who looked up to her.
I’ve wanted to see an elected *people’s woman president all my NOW membership days (since 1967), but never EVER that woman. I wish to hell Ann Richards had lived longer and been healthier. Presently, I’d love to see Sen. Warren in the Oval Office, but I won’t live that long, and if Clinton gets in there, IMO, she’s liable to toxify public opinion of women in office so far, things will be further regressed than they were in 1966, and Warren will never get the chance.
So, no for me NEVER another overt oligarch. Oligarchs throw women, the elderly, children, HEALTH CARE, SOCIAL SECURITY and WORK SAFETY AND PAY under the 1%er’s steamroller every damned time. She’s lied repeatedly about her opponent. He has *not lied.
I’m a prole, part of hoi polloi. I’m one of the 99% and I demand FAIR play and honest talk. I’m fed up with and disgusted by the attempts by DNC influenced state officers and DNC financed interlopers to obfuscate to change rules DURING state convocations, and OFTEN AFTER THE FACT by those tools of Wasserman et al time and time again. That *all* reeks of sorority house politics when the pledge active officer finds an entire class she can’t bully. Out comes “the secret roolz booke” behavior and high handed manipulation. Shame on them.
Your voice isn’t the voice of the people’s party. It is not the voice *I* recognize as my party’s voice since the year I was old enough to vote and joined the Democratic party, the *working people’s party, not the “filthy rich and damned proud they’re above everyone else party”, including those who pretend they’re right up there with the filthy rich which they aren’t. What’s good for those filthy rich isn’t good for Democrats.
In SPITE of their wealth and educations, look at FDR and Eleanor. THEY worked for people in a “lower” class than themselves because they WANTED us to have better lives. FDR and Eleanor both would vomit to see what the DNC and the National Democratic Party have become, if this website and your voice and the other howls of outrage like your own are the exemplar of the Democratic Party, as Markos and so many of you claim you are. For SHAME!
too little too late, I guess.
Muerte al fascismo. Muerte a la tiranía. colapso total de los que promueven tampoco. A la pared con el unico porciento%
Your comment is an excellent portrayal of Hillary Clinton
made so by emphasizing your feelings as actually having met her and presumably attempted to converse with her. Your characterization of the corruptocratic wing of the soon-to-be former Democratic Party (if Bernie doesn't win this obviously pre-ordained) coronation. Extending the tenor of your above comment, it would be accurate to say that schism is the inevitable result of this Clintonian conspiracy.
Ed, rumor has it that Debbie W-S is
to be dumped prior to the convention. That means all her landmines must be in place.... not that ANY rectification of ELECTION FRAUD (I stand corrected on the misused term "voter fraud" previously)... seems to be in the offing.
TOO little, too late, but isn't it *telling how fast The Klintoons will throw someone they've used up under the bus.. and whatcha wanna bet ToP die-hardests will NOT get it?
Muerte al fascismo. Muerte a la tiranía. colapso total de los que promueven tampoco. A la pared con el unico porciento%
DWS has completed her assignment and her removal is simply a meaningless gesture toward the Sanders faction as an attempt to unify the party. DWS has been a very good soldier and she has done everything asked of her to facilitate the nomination of her good friend, Hillary Clinton. She will be rewarded in some way. "Dumping" DWS is simply theater.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
An excellent early primer, Steven D. Thank you for tracking
down all of this info on DNC-related marches/demonstrations and posting it here for us.
This is great, thanks, Steven
It would also be great to organize a C99 meetup there for any or all of us who can make it. I'm planning on being there at least part of the time.
yes, that would be cool
which I hear is a slang word making a comeback.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Was it out of fashion for a time? Who knew?
these young whippersnappers. Cool never left my vocabulary for a moment, except maybe when something was truly awesome, then it was bitchin (it was a California thing). = )
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
OMG, I must be old since
I never knew "COOL" went out of fashion. LOL Now "groovy" is another thing. Please do not bring that one back.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
The technology which birthed that term -- grooves on vinyl which produced music on the correct equipment -- is essentially extinct in this day and age.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Respectfully beg to differ
The aural cognoscenti have never lost their love of vinyl. It is surging commercially as well. Value-wise, it's doing better than my 401k.
Oh wait, you said essentially extinct. Yeah that's true. Never mind.
Now interviewing signature candidates. Apply within.
Exciting news
I'm especially happy that someone has organized a march in Salt Lake City (on July 24 no less), so I don't have to go to Philadelphia!
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
Are you in Salt Lake or is just near enough for you to get to?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
See you there
I hope that we can meet up. One of my friends in our Bernie group was selected to be a delegate and I made a new friend who is also a delegate at the AZ convention. I didn't get selected but will be on the outside, where the love will be.
I'm planning on participating with Food & Water Watch March for Clean Energy 12 noon July 24th. Delegates will be checking in that day for the convention. Consider attending if you can.
I anticipate that the week will have historical moments. Peace
I hope so
as noted up thread maybe a caucus99percent meetup can be arranged. We do have some lead time.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Thrilled to see that someone in Los Angeles already has some
plans up and running! I'm already excited for it.
The event in SLC
Is on the 24th which we non Mormons call St. Brigham's day, but the Mormons call it Pioneer Day. It's the day that the Mormons came into the valley and declared This is the place!

But since the 24th is on Sunday this year, the events will be on Monday.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I saw this posted on TOP
Man were people talking crazy in the comments. One guy even wrote that he was looking forward to the police "getting some stick time." There are some pretty fucked up angry people over there right now.
When you're rooting for the pigs...
you've given the game away.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
stick time
Ah yes, the "rifle diet" of Haymarket Square, Chicago, 1886 rears its ugly head yet again!
And to think I once provided yuuuge amounts of voluntary content for that place. Sheesh!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
All the adjectives you could
use to describe a maniacal bunch of bullies could be used for a very long list of the commenters who now have had time to stir themselves into a frenzy over your post. I used one of my very rare flags to one post that was blatently vulgar and completely against their coc. It shows how rabid the wrongheaded mobs mindset can get when poked with the truth. With all those frenzied clickers pounding away with fiery fingers, Old markos is laughing all the way to the bank and his wall street hedge fund managers.
Sadly it used to be fun and enlightening over there but it has turned into a stink hole of hate and derision if you aren't a supporter of queen clinton.
How long before they’re urging the DNC to invite Rahm Emanuel in
to show the mayor and police chief of Philadelphia how to set up their own Homan Square?
In resopnse to that@asshole I posted
a June 3016 about Philly cops and their chief who says that if you appear at a rally in armor and shields up and sticks out and teargas guns at the ready, you ARE TRYING TO START A FIGHT not prevent one and protect LICENSED demonstrators.
And I am hoping that's how they roll.
On Mayday, Seattle cops teargassed people, and busted up a march for which people had permit and then LIED about what they did after they busted it up and diverted it and PISSED off people enough to defy them..
Philly cops are the second most murderous force per capita in the US and they have been training for 2 years to break that reputation and earn back the respect of the people who live there.
I figured the clown in the other place was cruising for a fight and instead all he got was an article showing him now hard the police were working NOT to be the assholes HE wants them to be.
A fuck that entire webiste.. and Markos too.
Just fuck'em...
Fentress.. formerly Restinbones.. AND PRIOR TO THAT formerly Adelante So, Markos fleas, take that back to daddy and WHINE WHINE WHINE..
Muerte al fascismo. Muerte a la tiranía. colapso total de los que promueven tampoco. A la pared con el unico porciento%
Please make Crowd Control numerous and obvious!
I don't expect many problems, but the media will be looking for ANYTHING they can publish as "conflict" and "violence." That will make for great news and comparisons to 1968. Keep it cool, please. For the sake of the cause!
And watch out for agents provocateur!
"All Life is Problem Solving" - Karl Popper
Just look out for the asshole talking about dynamite.
Or who starts talking about how you need to get those cops before they get you.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Anyone proposing to harm property or people,
whatever their intentions, will harm the cause, IMO. Look for that POS James O'Keefe to be there.
"All Life is Problem Solving" - Karl Popper
That would be a police provocateur.
Like Rahm used in Chicago.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
It could get hairy
...especially after the 6:00 pm curfew on the March. Here in MN the National Guard with tanks were called out at the last Republican National Convention was a mess. So please stay safe and stay calm everyone.
People Before Profits
Alex, I know I mentioned the Ctoons wanting
Bernie dead elsewhere, and I DO fear it, but to what you said, I add a fervent yea, verily, and amen brother!
Muerte al fascismo. Muerte a la tiranía. colapso total de los que promueven tampoco. A la pared con el unico porciento%
Dick Van Dyck, 90 years old, introduced Bernie at a rally yesterday in Santa Monica! (Go to 37 minute mark of video)
[video: width:550 height:400]
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
It's "Van Dyke". Dick Van Dyke.
And he's lookin' great for 90, isn't he?
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Holy cow!
Not only does Dick Van Dyke look great in the face, but OMG, he is so spry. He practically sprinted up those stairs. Wow!!!
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Tipped & Rec'd at TOP
None of them realise that CA and NJ haven't voted yet. They think it's all done and over with.
Oh they know alright
They're scared they're going to lose California, which will leave Clinton very weak going in too the Convention.
That's why they're spamming anything pro Bernie and spreading the Bernie has already lost BS..they know it'll drive down voter turnout.
People Before Profits
Not Necessarily
In Oregon a lot of people voted for Bernie to send a clear messge. California may or may not. They are kind of the fraidycats of the coast. Heck they are still hand wringing over their pot bill. The rest of us just want to shake them and tell them to get it done.
If she loses California it's going to put her in a bad spot. A vote of no confidence by the left coast. .... The idea entertains me.
I so hope she loses CA
by a YUUUUUGE landslide. You could be very right about the backlash effect. Let's hope CA was hearing Oregon's message loud and clear.
I think NJ might be rigged, just like NY, so we'll see what happens there.
I was very glad to see Bernie's campaign demanding a recount in KY
People Before Profits
No,honey, it'll drive it up. UP UP UP
Muerte al fascismo. Muerte a la tiranía. colapso total de los que promueven tampoco. A la pared con el unico porciento%
To say nothing of the super delegates
They're all about being so factual. But the super delegates have not voted and yet they have been counted ever since Iowa...maybe before ?
please link so
I can tip and rec too. Thanks.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
If they nominate Hillary it will be over and we'll get
President Trump.
Sad because Bernie would wipe the floor with Trump, elect more Dems down ticket, but since he would kill off the Dem establishment gravy train, well, they can't let that happen. In expect a lot of voting "irregularities" in California and NJ. NY was a joke, Illinois was flat out stolen, as was Massachusetts to name just the three most prominent ones off the top of my head. We are worse than a banana republic.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
They stole Arizona
As well. Both "sides" are now working to disenfranchise voters.
And we need to keep shining a spotlight
On their dirty vote stealing tactics! That's why iMHO Bernie won't endorse $hrillary. This primary has revealed the lengths they will go to to protect the monied interests ( ruling class) that have been pulling the puppet strings of our society for decades.
There is no justification in my mind for Bernie to endorse her. She is the antithesis of everything he stands so strongly for. And he needs to run in the general as Indy or green, or whatever he deems necessary. Split the vote and I think Bernie could come out on top!
Bernie or bust!!!
Any stained glass afficionados? Please check out my website:
Wiping the floor...
Bernie can wipe the floor with both Hillary and Donald if he goes third party. He will poll high enough to be in the debates and I think his message wins. An honest genuine candidate against two others with the highest negatives ever.
Exactly! NT
Any stained glass afficionados? Please check out my website:
Sadly, the electoral college really comes into play here
"The candidate who receives an absolute majority of electoral votes (currently 270) for the office of president or of vice president is elected to that office. The Twelfth Amendment provides for what happens if the Electoral College fails to elect a president or vice president. If no candidate receives a majority for president, then the House of Representatives will select the president, with each state delegation (instead of each representative) having only one vote. If no candidate receives a majority for vice president, then the Senate will select the vice president, with each senator having one vote. On four occasions, most recently in 2000, the Electoral College system has resulted in the election of a candidate who did not receive the most popular votes in the election.[6][7]"
BUT IT CAN BE GAMED-heh-see 2000
Oh yee of little faith
Bernie has the message and when people hear it, he wins!!! No reason to think he can't get to 270. He will get the majority of independents, many Democrats and some Republicans.
Bernie 2016!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
uM, NO....
a lot OF STATES will throw out write ins and deny it was done enough states won't allow a third party not already declared by the first of May or June on the November ballot, so votes for him or a fourth party *(remember the greens -- sigh -- ) won't get included... and The KLINTOONS ARE KOUNTING ON THAT.
Muerte al fascismo. Muerte a la tiranía. colapso total de los que promueven tampoco. A la pared con el unico porciento%