Open Thread Thursday July 9, 2015

First I must apologize to everyone here at caucus99percent for missing my normal Open Thread post yesterday. I have been immersed in watching the Tour de France via my on line subscription and simply forgot what day of the week it was. I am very grateful to JtC for covering for me at the last minute. He is truly JtC the magnificent! Good

Speaking of the Tour de France, this first week has been one of spectacular scenery and interesting racing due mainly to the organizers' choice of route which has provided something of interest every day thus far. Stage 2 was particularly breath taking visually as the riders raced in blustery winds and rain on the top of the very high dikes along the North Sea coast towards the finish in Zeeland, the Netherlands. Below is a picture (that does not appear to be subject to copyright) of the dikes on a nice day just to give you an idea of just how high they are. Massive amounts of water are pumped out from the landward side back into the North Sea via a pumping system powered by giant wind turbines. Stage 3 had a finish up a short, but very steep climb at the end. Tuesday's stage 4 required the riders to traverse seven sections of narrow cobblestones as part of the route. And yesterday's stage five was flat, but in the open winds across areas of northern France where many of the bloodiest battles of World War I were fought. Nothing can wreak more havoc on the peloton than winds and the peloton instantly exploded into three distinct groups. Stage 5 was dedicated to all the men from many countries whose lives were lost in World War I.

zeeland dikes.jpg

Yesterday this article on Lance Armstrong caught my eye and reminded me why I dislike him so much. Humility and contriteness are not possible in Lance's world. This year in a gesture in which Lance is thumbing his arrogant nose at the Tour de France, the cycling world, and the current competitors, he is "trolling" the Tour de France by riding some of the stages one day before the Tour de France itself passes through. Lance just refuses to go away quietly and make amends for all the damage he has done to his sport, his charity, and to many individuals who crossed his path.

Lance Armstrong is a man fueled by anger and revenge. When he competed, it allowed him to channel his anger in a more positive direction. But even then he did everything to ruin anyone who might have crossed him up or gotten into his way. He is still doing that today. And there are many bodies left strewn behind in his wake. Lance just refuses to go away quietly and make amends for all the damage he has done to his sport, his sponsors, his charity, and to the many individuals who crossed his path.

And the barely recalcitrant cheat has been pushing the limits of moral outrage more and more, unwilling or unable to stand down and let the bitter taste of poor sportsmanship and outright dishonesty fade from the public’s perception.

Many people paid a high price for calling Lance out on his doping. Among them, were three time Tour winner and the only American to win it honestly, Greg LeMond whose life and business were ruined by Lance Armstrong. LeMond called it twelve years of hell before he was finally vindicated. In addition to Greg LeMond, there was Betsy Andreu, the woman who persisted in telling the truth for years even though Lance tried to bully her and ruin her husband's (Frankie Andreu) cycling career. I love this picture of Greg Lemond with this tshirt paying homage to Betsy Andreu.

betsy was right.jpg

When Lance's former masseuse, Emma O'Reilly tried to tell the truth, Lance tried to destroy her reputation by calling her a whore. Add to that, numerous former team mates, eleven of whom testified against him, including Tyler Hamilton for whom Lance seemed particularly vindictive. Hamilton was not totally innocent himself and did not come clean until he was caught, but at least he has tried to rehabilitate himself by publicly speaking out against all drugs which he continues to do today.

While Lance Armstrong was not the first nor the last top cyclist to dope, the way he pressured team members to participate in doping was particularly heinous. Here's the story of Patrick McCarty who refused to go along with Armstrong and use performance enhancing drugs. As a result, his career became dead in the water. If you read only one link, this is the particularly heartbreaking story of Dave Zabriski who got into cycling to escape a bad home life.

Not only did Lance do irreparable damage to the lives of so many people with whom he had contact, but he did terrible damage to the image of the sport of cycling, especially here in the United States. In Greg LeMond's interview linked above, he speaks about how he is optimistic for the sport. I hope so.

BS: How prevalent are drugs now?

GL: It's significantly better. What I like seeing today with racing is there's a tremendous amount of racers under 24 who are as good as riders over 30. I think Armstrong's downfall had a positive impact. If you're a young rider and see the damage he did to the sport, I hope you think about it. There always are people willing to cheat, which is why you have to watch it closely.

After reading that article, I needed to get my angry thoughts about Lance Armstrong off my chest. But I will still have good thoughts of this year's Tour de France on my mind for the next two and a half weeks. Smile

What is on your mind this morning?

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NCTim's picture

I share your feelings for Lance Armstrong.

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The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -

gulfgal98's picture

I debated about writing this particular diary. I could not help myself though! Wink

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

NCTim's picture

... & Tom Brady.

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The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -

gulfgal98's picture

I do not know how much the others have threatened and bullied those around them. What I find so disgusting about Lance is how many others' lives he tried or did ruin and yet he expresses no real remorse. Isn't that the behavior of a sociopath?

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Shahryar's picture

gulfgal mentions Armstrong riding the routes the day before which is similar to Pete Rose showing up in Cooperstown when the new guys get inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame. Then he sets up a few blocks away and sells his autograph.

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Glad you were side tracked by something pleasant. The picture of the dikes is very beautiful . It would be an awful pedal in bad weather, and it reminds me of the Mackinac Bridge. On windy days, they shut it down. Wind gusts winter and summer have picked up cars and blown them right off the bridge and into the lake.

Today is my last day "up north" this trip. We leave early tomorrow for "down below". (Michigan vernacular, lol) We are leaving early in an attempt to avoid as much of the 4th of July traffic as possible that jams I75 and our other north/south roads. The autos shut down the first two weeks in July for "change over" and that means lots of Michiganders head out and north for our best weather holiday of the summer. We've had beautiful weather the entire time, and it is making me feel somewhat mollified for the long and crappy winter we had to endure.

Speaking of Lance Armstrong and things that piss you off, I am not happy about this.

Scores of Americans are in an uproar since Food Safety News revealed the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) will soon allow U.S. chickens to be sent to China for processing before being shipped back to the states for human consumption. This arrangement is especially disturbing given China’s subpar food safety record and the fact that there are no plans to station on-site USDA inspectors at Chinese plants.

Also, American consumers won’t know which brands of chicken are processed in China because there’s no requirement to label it as such.

couple it with this, and I don't think I'll ever eat meat again...

40-year-old 'zombie' meat smuggled into China

More than 100,000 tons of frozen chicken, beef and pork smuggled into China — some of it four decades old and posing a dangerous health risk — were seized in a recent crackdown on food spirited into the country, Chinese media outlets reported Wednesday.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

STURGIS, S.D. – After a group of Native Americans protested outside a concert by Ted Nugent, the late-1970s rocker verbally lashed out, calling them “stinkyass unclean dipshIt protestors” and calling for Native Americans to be “rounded up and shipped back to wherever they came from!

Another Michigan thing we wish we could get rid of...

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

NCTim's picture

... and a sorry excuse for a rock guitar player. Did you ever notice that Ted always throws around insults, but never engages in debate or dialog. Paying attention to Ted is on par with paying attention to Sarah Palin. Either is relevant.

Hey Ted ->

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The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -

Great comparison, and no, he never engages in debate. He just spews hate and slings his AK 47 around. The ugly in some people never ceases to amaze me.

Speaking of ugly, Vox and dkos are pushing the same Bernie Sanders is a white elitist meme. I hope Bernie doesn't get sucked in. If he ignores it, he will be labeled as deaf to minorities, a racist. If he adjusts, he will be pandering. It is a lose/lose proposition for him, and a win/win for Hillary. Bernie just needs to stay on his message of income inequality, ending the drug war, jobs that pay a living wage, and free university education. Stupid or smart, some people are just plain ugly.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

shaharazade's picture

are insulting to minorities, POC, working people and poor people. Cracks me up when kos's minions start talking about 'kitchen table politics' and how working class people don't care about regulating banksters or economics. They are as bigoted in their own way as the tea baggers. Socialism oh no's that is a dirty word. I think Bernie has the good sense to deal with the likes of Dkos or Vox on his own terms. Although he hasn't written a dairy there since he threw in his hat that I know of.

Today their freaking out about Grayson who is going to primary Murphy. He's a bad bad man and as big a loon as Kucinich. How do these idiots get away with calling populists or lefties 'white elitists' when they work for the Third Way corporatist's and support the neoliberal, elitist, policies and a global agenda that is killing, impoverishing, enslaving and incarcerating poc globally. Austerity and a cruel punitive system that's a freaking police state, they cut food stamps, privatize eduction and prisons, deport, jails and kill with impunity POC.

Talk about pot calling the kettle.... Issues are not important my ass. The FP is a sick joke. Vox is worse then Politico. And Marco's may be half Latino but he is the epitome of the 'white privileged' entrepreneurial savvy businessmen who openly scorn any politics that address the issues behind the global misery and oppression of all people globally and here in der homeland. Talk about self righteous hypocrite's who wallow in victimization and yet tell you that this world as we find it is inevitable so vote your interests and screw the people of color cause otherwise the real baddies will win.

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lotlizard's picture


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If your white, male and college educated, you hit the trifecta of evil and entitlement.

Just another tactic to divide and coquer and keep non-establishment types in line.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

simply by being white and male automatically means that "you don't get it".
I've always been curious how we are finally going to have this big discussion about race/gender when white men are only supposed to say "Amen" to whatever is said?

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mimi's picture

so overwhelming and persistent throughout generations that a big discussion about race/gender of that sort is not possible.

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When I say that I'm referring to tribal, as in actual tribes, like what we still see in Iraq.
It doesn't work in today's world, but at least there is logic behind it.

What we've got on DKos is either a) Identity Politics (my gender, skin color, sexual orientation will define who I am), or b) partisan politics (my chosen political team will determine how I view everything).
Neither of these two choices leave open the idea of class.

I've been thinking about my recent diary about our Racist War on Terror.
I don't like it was ignored.
I'm thinking about recycling it to say our Racist, Sexist War on Terror.
After all, almost all of our allies also oppress women.
and it gives me another chance to stir up some sh*t with the Identity Politics crowd.

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gulfgal98's picture

is one of the biggest ways that they have been dividing us. Partisan politics is simply another version of identity politics. Dailykos is one of the biggest offenders of using identity politics to divide us.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

mimi's picture

reflect on themselves, will be ignored. Probably you will feel hurt by their rejection. I realize that certain people are set out to tell me that they don't care about whatever I say. So, they will do the same with you.

I just want to get away from this. They win and make you shut up or they win and make you feel pain. I am sorry if I missed to read all your diaries. Can't keep up and they are usually pretty long. But they are on my wave-length.

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gulfgal98's picture

as nearly as nasty as they are about Lance. Both are assholes!

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

calling for Native Americans to be “rounded up and shipped back to wherever they came from!”

That would probably be right where you live.

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lotlizard's picture

First we take Manhattan… here's your 60 guilders of trade goods back, Meneer Minuit.

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gulfgal98's picture

I am now toying with the idea of vegetarianism. Or at least only eating meat that I know of its origin. Here in my part of NC, it is possible to buy local meat.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

I am what is called a picky eater. Don't like much for no reason that makes any sense. I am particularly picky about the meat I eat. Wouldn't eat a MacDonald's burger or a taco bell meat anything if I had to starve. I hope we can get antibiotic/hormone free locally processed meat somewhere local too. I'll have to check with my cook. Kiss 3 Kiss 3 Mr. does the shopping and cooking.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

lotlizard's picture

When it was time, they took the steer to a place where they slaughter and cut your whole animal up for you. You end up with a load of butcher-paper wrapped packages you take home and fill your freezer with.

Not recommended for Buddhists, Jains, or anyone else who sees being a carnivore as lacking compassion and incurring bad karma.

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mimi's picture

let me just say that I have a special reason to thank you for that. JtC the truly magnificent knows why. Let that be all I am saying in public. My heart goes out to all of you.

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NCTim's picture

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The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -

mimi's picture

Bernie the cake and Johnny the magnificent.

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shaharazade's picture

I went to a concert in my youth that was a double bill with Doug Kershaw opening for Captain Beefheart. I was seriously chemically impaired (high as a kite) and it blew my mind and then Capt. Beefheart blew my ear drums. I had never heard Doug Kershaw before this concert, he was a surprise and treat.

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in my dream.

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gulfgal98's picture

I hope all is going okay with you. :::fingers crossed::: Smile

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

mimi's picture

in the world of the intertubes. I finally decided to stand up for my signature though. For me that's progress a revolutionary mental activity. Smile

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What a great idea!

Calling Iraq and Syria a "single battle space," Sen. Lindsey Graham said he'd place around 10,000 troops in Syria today if he were president, in order to eradicate the heart of the Islamic State group's attempted caliphate.
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gulfgal98's picture

intend to pay for all of this? Aside from being a stupid idea in general, it is always amazing how they can find money for wars, but not for people.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

shaharazade's picture

is a psycho killer who should not be allowed to hold public office. Cameron was on a similar tear the other day brought on by the Tunisian bombing. Who are the evilest terrorists on earth?

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smiley7's picture

Please share more about the tour, really enjoy the read.

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gulfgal98's picture

Thank you for your kind words. I could write a ton about this year's Tour but am afraid I might bore folks to death. There is a lot of strategy and technical stuff that makes watching much more fun once you understand those facets. For example, the single greatest thing that can wreak havoc on the peloton is wind. In a matter of seconds, the wind can literally make the peloton "explode" into pieces and those who are caught out will never make it back no matter how hard they try. It is a phenomenon that is difficult to understand unless you actually see it happening. Then you go "wow!" Did I really see that?

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Unabashed Liberal's picture

experience being limited to mostly 'exercise bikes.'

[Even that blew up in my face when I went overboard on aerobics, and lost too much body fat for a few months. But, it's definitely a great form of exercise.]

Anyhoo, I did enjoy biking on a stationary cycle, especially since I could do it and occupy my mind--reading--at the same time. I'd love to see some video of the race, if it's available.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I've seen several posts that I couldn't get in to comment on. So, here you go.

1) I think it was JtC who mentioned end-to-end encryption. Google "Swiss Email Service," and you will find a free and secure Swiss solution.


2) IIRC, several folks here have mentioned being sick and tired of all the squabbling, etc., over at DKos. I couldn't agree more with those sentiments.

I have rediscovered a very huge community, probably not new/unknown to anyone here--WordPress.

Just a couple weeks ago I was perusing an Admin post, and found out that they average 20,000 new accounts per day!!! Whoa! That's incredible, and amounts to a heap of information.

So, this is Home Base, with the WP Community serving as a supplementary blogging community--minus all the unpleasantness that is so typical of DKos. (At least I don't feel as though I'm 'going into battle,' every time I log in.)


(P.S. Obviously, not included are Groups represented by our own bloggers, and a few others, to be fair. Just a general statement of frustration about the vitriol that is thrown around over there, from time to time.)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Getting ready to try and help SOSD (Save Our Street Dogs) with summer fundraising. Below is a very sweet story about a relatively recent adoptee, Qian Qian.

Hope you Guys will please take a moment to glance at the piece and photos, below.

[Correction/Update: Sorry! Thought that name didn't sound right--for Dr. Siew Tuck Wah's dog. Corrected to read "Big Sister, Bacon."]


A Day in The Life of a 2-Legged Therapy Dog
Date: May 18, 2015 | Posted in: Rescue Stories, Video

Introducing 'Qian Qian,'

QianQianTherapyDog7--SOSD Website, Screenshot 1.jpg
[SOSD Website, Rescue Stories, 05/18/15]

And, With 'Big Sister' Bacon,

QianQianTherapyDog2, SOSD Website, Qian Qian With Sister Yoghurt.jpg
[SOSD Website, Rescue Stories, 05/18/15]

'Qian Qian' In Her Service Dog Capacity, Visiting Seniors,

QianQianTherapyDog9b, SOSD Website, Qian Qian, 2, Kiss.jpg
[SOSD Website, Rescue Stories, 05/18/15]

What goes on in the world of a unique little girl who, despite being less than perfect, dedicates her time to making others happy?

Qian Qian is a 7 year old girl who was born on an offshore fish farm without her front legs. However, this has not stopped her from finding her place in the world.

Her original owners kept her after she was born, as they believed that a 2-legged dog would bring fortune to them (hence naming her “Qian Qian,” which means “Money Money” in Chinese). [Please follow link to continue.]

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Thanks for the thread, Nancy. And have a good rest of the day, Everyone!


"Every time I lose a dog, he takes a piece of my heart. Every new dog gifts me with a piece of his. Someday, my heart will be total dog, and maybe then I will be just as generous, loving, and forgiving."--Author Unknown
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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

gulfgal98's picture

is awesome. All anyone has to do is to look at the smile on her face. Beautiful! Smile

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Unabashed Liberal's picture

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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

just popping in for a couple of minutes from work.

This is just over the top hyperbole, just ask my wife:

He is truly JtC the magnificent!

Thanks, N, now I must get back to work.

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gulfgal98's picture

I was talking about your internet skills which are magnificent. Good None of us here care whether or not you mow the lawn on time. Blum 3

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy


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Greece is the latest battleground in the financial elite’s war on democracy
From laissez-faire economics in 18th-century India to neoliberalism in today’s Europe the subordination of human welfare to power is a brutal tradition

Greece may be financially bankrupt, but the troika is politically bankrupt. Those who persecute this nation wield illegitimate, undemocratic powers, powers of the kind now afflicting us all. Consider the International Monetary Fund. The distribution of power here was perfectly stitched up: IMF decisions require an 85% majority, and the US holds 17% of the votes.

The IMF is controlled by the rich, and governs the poor on their behalf. It’s now doing to Greece what it has done to one poor nation after another, from Argentina to Zambia. Its structural adjustment programmes have forced scores of elected governments to dismantle public spending, destroying health, education and all the means by which the wretched of the earth might improve their lives.

The same programme is imposed regardless of circumstance: every country the IMF colonises must place the control of inflation ahead of other economic objectives; immediately remove barriers to trade and the flow of capital; liberalise its banking system; reduce government spending on everything bar debt repayments; and privatise assets that can be sold to foreign investors.

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cool site here, folks.

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shaharazade's picture

and it is a cool site.

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