What we can look forward to on the GOS in coming months
It's only a matter of time before Trump starts attacking Hillary with TV ads over her various scandals, email and otherwise.
Once he does that, those scandals will leave the domain of reality and enter the domain of "right-wing talking points".
That means that mentioning those scandals in anything other than a very non-judgemental way (i.e. can't draw conclusions from the facts) will mean you are "engaging in right-wing smears", and thus make you subject to banning.
Developments concerning those scandals (i.e. new evidence being discovered) will only be discussed with extreme skepticism. After all, they are just right-wing smears anyway, right?
If Hillary's numbers continue to sag and she falls noticeably behind Trump in the polls, then this reaction on GOS will get more extreme and maybe even hysterical.
Questioning loyalty to party will be the first call of duty. FP diaries about how eviiilll Trump is will be even more pronounced.
Obviously the first people that will be blamed are independents and progressives that support Bernie.
Any discussions about the weakness of the Dems candidate will wait until after the election.
Any discussion about why people would support Trump, other than for reasons of racism and sexism, will be beyond the pale.
Basically, now is not the time for rational introspection of the Democratic party.

Haven't been there
in quite awhile. Ain't going back. I don't give a rat's ass. I hope they all devour themselves.
Bernie or Bust...
Wall Street refuses to see their investment...
...in the Clintons go to waste. They will burn the "Democratic" Party to the ground and then pour salt into the smoldering earth before they walk away...
I want my two dollars!
The Clintons
owe a lot of favors to a lot of people. If Hillary is rendered unable to do the job her patrons have paid her to do, revenge will be exacted.
Pity would be no more if we did not make somebody poor-William Blake
And, no doubt...
...WE will pay the price...
I want my two dollars!
No Blame
No blame - who cares what anyone on that site says.
By the time of the convention, LD will have started his new web site, so no need to even go there for BNR.
I'm done with that place
Forever. It has become, or maybe always was, a platform promoting a fake opposition to a very real right wing.
Pity would be no more if we did not make somebody poor-William Blake
Quelle Surprise!
It hasn't been the time for rational introspection of the Democratic Party at the GOS for a long time now.
everything described in the diary has been happening for
months now.
if hillary's minions weren't so scummy, she'd actually be able to quell some of the bernie or bust movement. for all the faux outrage/blame going around re: poll numbers, the sad fact is that much of the damage inflicted on clinton by the left and independents is self inflicted.
clinton has encouraged it since day 1 with the fake scandal on voter data. it was less of a scandal than her emails, yet she personally chose to blow the story up. despite sanders saying 'enough of the damn emails' on live TV, she has continued to personally attack sanders. and her supporters took their cue from her.
all of this bullshit from Little Markos and the Twitter Lefty Bourgeious is just psychological projection. some of it is intentional, some of it is unintentional.
did 9 months in California prison, because Neoliberal Democrats and GOP maggots work together to profit off the drug war
The DNC never figured on Trump
I fully expect to see first person stories such as "I was Bill Clinton's sex slave" in the National Enquirer in the coming months. It should be very entertaining.
Have you looked at the most recent Enquirer?
The FP is devoted to telling the story of the 36 (I think that's the number they had) women Bill is alleged to have raped. And this is only the beginning.
Pity would be no more if we did not make somebody poor-William Blake
Did they use the word rape?
If not, then I don't think we should. Bill always struck me as a seducer not a rapist. Or someone who didn't even have to seduce to attract women who would consider it a triumph to have illicit sex with a celebrity.
Enquirer is using the words "Sexual Abuse"
Which doesn't have connotations of a willing participant.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Juanita Broaddrick
Juanita Broaddrick uses the word rape.
Don't know if you've ever read the details of what Paula Jones says happened to her - but it must be damn close to the truth, or why else would Bill Clinton have paid her $850,000.
Then, much more recently, before Jeffrey Epstein was jailed - Bill Clinton took 26 trips on his private plane, known as The Lolita Express. Under age girls ( not women) in those escapades.
Trump & the Republicans are already using this material in their ads. One of the ads ends with Shrillary cackling - terrifying sounds.
Even if Bill didn't have sex with the
Underaged girls, I'm sure that he had to know what was happening on the jet and he stayed quiet about it.
Maybe it's just my principles, but if I had seen what was happening, I would notify the authorities. I'm pretty sure most people here would have also.
I wonder why he couldn't have been charged as an accessory for not reporting it?
Anyone know?
But just the idea of my spouse flying to a private island and knowing that sexual escapades would be happening, I'd throw their ass out so fast their head would spin.
And if the esquire is correct with the number of women that he had sexual encounters with, why the hell would Hillary put up with it?
I'd better not hear anything about Bill's Christian value during the election campaign.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
hear about it
You will. Take it to the bank.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
They're a business partnership
As a tag team they can skirt the law and sell influence and insider connections worth hundreds of millions. More if they can pull off their latest coup of taking over not just the Dem party, but the White House, again.
"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me
Yes, I saw that she said she was raped.
I have left, and have been better for it
I have felt better since leaving. There is no reason for anyone to stay. Let it die of rot and inform others about its true nature on our many other alternative website homes.
I didn't realize it until leaving, but Kos was purposely stirring up feelings of dread and depression to make us donate more money and time, thus making him more money and power. I have never felt more hopeful, and less stress when reading about politics than I have since leaving that horrible place.
I disengaged gradually
as I realized Kos wasn't really interested in building a left-wing movement with actual power and clout. For the past several years, most of the FP stories were nothing more than variations of "Look at crazy Republicans being crazy!". Pointing and laughing at the opposition might make people feel good about their own moral superiority, but it accomplishes nothing of value in the real world.
Pity would be no more if we did not make somebody poor-William Blake
I admit, Hunter is hilarious. But there was absolutely nothing there to advance progressive causes. It went from 'More and Better Democrats' to 'Democrats or Death'. I once had an argument about Bernie with one long time poster. It came down to, he didn't support Bernie because he wasn't a Democrat. *blink* *blink*. OK then. I guess I am not a Democrat.
Democrats, we tried to warn you. How is that guilt and shame working out?
Political parties should
be viewed as vehicles for change, a means to an end. Blind loyalty to a team just for the sake of being loyal to a team is, IMO, a form of moral bankruptcy.
Pity would be no more if we did not make somebody poor-William Blake
You're overlooking Meteor Blades.
Remember this?
-Don't tell me what you believe, show me what you do and I will tell you what you believe
it was MB's sig line for a long time.
currently MB is writing for a reactionary website that is fighting progressivism tooth and nail.
No way to soften that one - I wish there was.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
no way to soften that train wreck
You just described the train wreck that is, alas, certain to hit MB sooner or later.
I hope his resume is prepared and ready for prime-time. He's going to need it to be, in pretty short order.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
No resume required
MB has commented before that he can collect the maximum SS if he waits until 70 to retire, and IIRC this happens this fall.
He's a remnant of the ghost of what the "company" used to be, and believes he just wants to make it the last mile to retirement before bowing out gracefully.
"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me
About that quote.
I don't feel the want or need to invite criticism or validation.
Nor do I need someone to interpret what I do or my beliefs for me.
So are you bashing MB for not quitting his job?
not bashing MB
More like expressing concerns that he's liable to get fired. We don't trust kos not to throw him under the bus as he has so many others.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Agree completely. Just wanted to clarify. Thanks.
Maybe firing isn't on the table...
After all, If he lends credibility to the dailydouche, then the owner might want to be sure he sticks around.
That way, the owner can point and say "see, he's still here - you're all crazy - not me!" (old school daffy duck lunacy with yelling and running around follows as claims about not being insane are being made between hoots and goofy laughter)
but his choice should be seen for what it is - Lending credibility to a reactionary anti-progressive rag of a publication.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
I'd say that Kos and those Hillary people over there are going
to have a collective nervous breakdown, but that's already happened.
I always look forward to your posts, gjohnsit. Keep them coming.
They'll Blame Bernie supporters...
The same way they blame people who voted for Nader in 2000.
Democrats, we tried to warn you. How is that guilt and shame working out?
They need to look in the mirror. They'll see whose to blame for
enabling the "Democratic Party" to keep moving to the right for 30 years.
Already are...
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
No one could have predicted that.
I think I've already said this, but what the hell.
While Bernie was having two or three rallies a day, with thousands of attendees, Hillary was entertaining five or six people at Chipotle's. She's a lousy, lazy campaigner who thinks it will just be handed to her. And while it seems it IS being handed to her, she's still fucking it up. Not gonna take the blame for her lousy campaign.
And we should care whom they blame--because?
It's a mildly amusing intellectual tickle to play "who'll get the blame." Fortunately, their blame has no impact. Zero. We won't be rounded up and sent to gulags. Many have already been evicted from their playground, voluntarily or otherwise, but hey, it's not exactly Eden, so no problema. They're gonna do what they're gonna do, and so will Bernie and #BernieOrBust and #NeverHillary voters and everyone else. They have their flag-reinforcing echo chamber and we have our no-flags version. No one's going to broker any peace here. Humpty Democratic Party Dumpty is fractured for good. And y'know, I think it is for the good.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
Me too 2andfro
Let it rip. It's about time people stopped believing in this rigged bs democracy. Oh yeah it never was. On the other hand it was. Time is a factor and so is the steady flow of human progress throughout history. I used to have a big hate on for Jefferson he was a slave owner a raconteur, who did not live up to what he wrote. I could not reconcile his lofty words with the life he lived. And yet? So blame Roosevelt, Jefferson or any pol who ultimately is a product of the times they lived in. They had power.
Then we hit the likes of Jackson, the father of the Democratic party after Jefferson, Madison, came Democratic Republican's Monroe, Adams. And on and on it goes. So come on people this has been going on for our whole political history. Politics are not static and do not believe for a moment that this is the election that will make or break democracy. It's part of the process and it will lead to something better beginning. Let it go. The world will be better off without believing that the only reality we will ever have is naked power, guns and money. None of this bs is reality it's Chinatown writ large.
they claim to support democracy yet hold a grudge for 14 years against people who supported a different candidate than they did. Self awareness is not their strong suit.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
Yes, they already are, and every time I see them do it I respond
"No, it will be her fault and if you're dismissive, your fault. All she has to do is reach out. If she thinks she can gain more votes by ignoring the left and swinging to the right, then that's her strategy. I don't think it's a good strategy. But the result will be to her fault or to her credit. Not mine. You can't expect Bern supporters who are dismissed and ignored and smeared to come around without her reaching out, especially not while she moves farther to the right, even if she doesn't really mean it." Something along those lines. Funny, I almost never get uprated for those comments.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Rich... Do you care who they blame? And if yes, WHY?
Orwell was an optimist
Exactly what I've been saying. It matters not beyond idle
curiosity, unless anyone wants to lay small bets (and that's too predictable for decent odds).
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
Don't care. Just pointing out a fact. Like the sun rises in the east.
Democrats, we tried to warn you. How is that guilt and shame working out?
I've already got a canned reply to the scapegoaters
Please help support caucus99percent!
I will just select from the many graphics that will say
Orwell was an optimist
When you're pure,
you can't fail, you can only be failed.
"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me
The sad thing is...
It is starting to infect good organizations like Move On:
I said 'Pretty much the same as a Hillary Presidency'.
Democrats, we tried to warn you. How is that guilt and shame working out?
I have no use for MoveOn....
Despite their pledge to support Bernie, they abandoned his campaign months ago. They doing Hillary's dirty work and raising money to fight Trump. All they are is evil Trump. They remind me of dkos' fp. OTH, OFA is still fighting the Bernie fight. MoveOn is still a part of the veal pen.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
my response to survey
I said that with Trump, some bad trade deals might get blown up, so that could help my state overall. Otherwise, I said, either of them would ignore the climate, income inequality and would ensure the economy took a dive once my teen son was grown, so I would be encouraging him to look for another country.
It's the open bigotry,
bullying, embrace of torture, relishing of violence, the reckless spray of hate rhetoric and thirst for personal revenge that make T-Rump and his disciples so special. That and his absolute 100% zero experience in government.
With Hill, there is some veneer of decency. In fact, she almost certainly believes in her own basic decency and good intentions. Her self-knowledge is obviously quite faulty. She could, however, be just a bit better for the world at large than installing a full-frontal case of narcissistic personality disorder in the White House, IMO.
However, she probably can't win it over T-Rump, who is successfully channeling the anger of too many ego-damaged individuals. Who are shaping up perfectly for another world-historical tragedy of true-believerism.
I am praying to the FSM for something to derail Hillary, definitively, before the convention, because we just have to elect Bernie. It's our time!
My response to Move On re my life under Trump Presidency:
If Donald Trump becomes President I will be impacted pretty much the same as I would should Hillary become President. Either way, more wealth will move from the working class to the ruling class. That is the ultimate goal of both candidates.
The Trumps and The Clintons are best buds, they wined and dined together before the Presidential Campaign and they will wine and dine together again once the election is over. And we, The Rabble, will not be invited to those great and grand royal events.
We Rabble, only matter until we cast our vote after which we should sit down and STFU and support one or the other Political Party, neither of which supports us.
#BernieOrBust #JillStien #NeverHillary #NeverTrump
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
Debts will be paid
If Trump wins, Bill owes him a dollar. If Hillary wins, Trump owes Bill a dollar. Everyone gets a good laugh regardless.
"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me
Move On was
founded by Clintonites it means lets move on from the No impeach me Clinton sex scandals. I never cared about big dogs zipper problem it was NAFTA, Welfare Queens, deregulation, privatizing, globalizing 'sanctions' against Iraq and his infernal bubble machines. About that raising tide that was going to raise all the workers boats? Forget about it. You working people and poc globally need to be happy if you do not get a vagina probe or shipped back to Honduras cause we're at war and there is no free stuff or ponies on this boat. Goldman Sachs/Koch Bros. rule the world and there is not a damn thing you can do other then crown me and embrace the suck. Or else?
You left out Soros
the neoliberal color revolution bust out king, picking up nationalized assets at rock bottom prices, a true oligarch.
Solidarity forever
DailyKos is a sewer of propaganda and ignorant hate.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
joe has a link in the EBs tonight
That goes to an article which states that the Clinton foundation didn't report those donations from the foreign governments they received after her state department sold them weapons.
From 2010-2013, they didn't report that income to the IRS.
The link is at the bottom.
And one or more websites had reported on this a few years ago, yet the IRS didn't bother to audit it? Why the hell not?
There's enough evidence to support that the foundation is basically a front so that people who donate to it can get access to the powerful people that the Clintons know and get lucrative contracts and stinking rich.
I'd like to know who put the foundation and the state department in charge of the reconstruction of Haiti?
And why during Hillary's time as SOS the state department stopped the minimum wage going up to $.61/ hour.
I'd also like to know why the hell that doesn't bother Hillary's supporters?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
"Why do you hate successful women?"
"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me
Not me, no siree
I don't look forward to anything that anyone on dkos has to say. I just don't give a shit as I've heard what they all have to say for 10 long years and in the words of a famous pol 'Enough is Enough'. It's nothing new but they have turned the amp up to 11 and gotten real shrill. Why bother reading their nasty propaganda and hate? I'm glad you publish here gjohnsit as kos's last screed hating on Bernie strengthened my resolve to not go there. I'm not even following tempting links. I ain't going to study their war no more.
I went there...
Last week to recommend a diary by TomP. I'll do the same for other writers here, if asked. But I haven't gone there on my own in well over a month - after over 30k comments and dozens of diaries. I have also stated, that the auto-launch ads over there are just killing my computer. It is technically unvisitable.
Democrats, we tried to warn you. How is that guilt and shame working out?
Mine too
I was on there yesterday to rec and tip EdMass's piece and my computer kept locking up. Never had that happen anywhere before, even last year when I was using an old desk top running Win 2K.
Now I've got this new laptop and the site is nearly unreadable with the load times, skipping all over the page to make sure I don't miss the ads, stalls, lock ups. It would piss me off if the site was still worth visiting.
But ya know what's bugged me for a long time? For a place that's supposed to be about electing more and better Democrats, they've always spent an inordinate amount of time talking about what assholes Republicans are. It's fun sometimes, but are they afraid we might forget?
Meddle not in the affairs of Dragons - For thou art crunchy and good with ketchup
If I sign in, I have a lifetime membership
(a gift from anonymous) and don't have to deal with the ads. I wasn't signing in so I wouldn't be tempted to comment, but it really screwed with my computer also. So I guess kos can make a bit from my presence. Don't know how that works. I quit smoking after 40 years. Maybe I'll let go of TOP sometime in the next 40 years. Maybe not so long, as it's not a pleasant place to be anymore.
Ad Block Plus
Ad Block Plus
free down load, I get it on Firefox
no need for subscriptions t avoid ads.
Can't imagine why anyone would give money to DKos. They get all that free content in diaries.
BluHell Firewall works pretty well, too!
BluHell Firewall. Free download from Firefox.
Just works. No setup, no config, no stems or seeds like you don't need.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
What the insane drivel
Of a bunch of people who joined last month? I used to recognize most names now almost none.
I think a lot of them might be the million dollar Correct the Record people. They've invaded The Hill comment section as well.
People Before Profits
If I diary anything of interest there, I'll cross post it here.
I can totally understand not going there. I'm just waiting to be banned for my comments.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
I still think that the Clintons and Trump
Came up with this as a joke.
If this is true then we will see trump self destruct himself and lose the election.
But he did hit Bill pretty hard with the ad about his sexual proclivities and hinted at him raping a woman.
Time will tell.
But yes, there will be a red line over there and anyone who steps over it will be banned.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Who's laughing now?
Me, that's one!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
I think they did, too.
It may have gone to his head, though. Heh! Maybe the joke's on Hillary.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Agreed. I think Trump did it for a lark
to help out his pals with a cartoonish villain to smear the republicans and make the Clintons look good. I think he planned on taking a dive if he got the nomination.
But, then, when a lot of voters really liked him, I think he changed to, "Why not the presidency?"
Poor, double-crossed Clintons.
We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when we are afraid of the light.
Dirty rotten scroundrels
and birds of a feather. I don't think they had any idea the Bernie's movement would do them so much damage. Certainly will be an interesting D convention. Not to mention a entertaining general if it's The Hairball vs. The Mad Bomber. Looks like we're getting a fixed Mexican wreslin' match where you pick your villain and boo like crazy. Actually a very enlightening election season because we get to see the machinations of the puppet masters, small (kos and co.) and the big time players.
That's a possibility. But, I am not inclined
to believe that Trump is in this to help FSC, at this point in time.
I heard one of his aids played on XM Radio this afternoon, including the voice of one of his (39?) accusers, with her voice breaking as she spoke.
No way, IMHO, that anyone--even a Clinton--would agree to a 'plan' that included such a serious character attack.
(Of course, doubt that we'll every know if that was the 'initial' plan.)
"Every time I lose a dog, he takes a piece of my heart. Every new dog gifts me with a piece of his. Someday, my heart will be total dog, and maybe then I will be just as generous, loving, and forgiving."--Author Unknown
In Tribute: 'Barabas The Brave'
Visit Us At Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD)
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Well, for such a paragon of virtue
as Trump, it's easy to see why such lascivious behavior would offend him.
Meddle not in the affairs of Dragons - For thou art crunchy and good with ketchup
Look forward to - other pages loading on my screen
I took a long hiatus, several of them all the time I've read over there.
The place is again, a joke, because for a very very long time, as someone has pointed out, they've turned criticizing Republicans into the Front Page Standard, as opposed to actually addressing real problems, let alone, facing reality and being willing to address real issues without the talking points (can't discuss jobs or recovery unless we all agree things are great).
The place has not been 'a reality based community' for a very long time either.
People over there automatically defend Clinton Millions as a positive and anyone questioning whether or not there is even an appearance of corruption is shouted down.
I'm just not wasting my time or my mental energy over there now. It was funny for a while, but once the amusement faded, I no longer spent as much time there, especially after the March proclamation. I'll spend my time in favor of other more interesting things to do, to talk about, etc.
I might visit again, if I am not banned in the interim, when/if people come back around to dealing with reality. If Clinton were to win, the days will come when people start questioning her and 'what they were thinking putting trust in her'?. Maybe anyway. I'd have to actually visit to know that was happening though.
Hillary Clinton showed me who she was a very long time ago. I believed her.
You're describing Rush Limbaugh and his Dittohead Army.
However, in TOP, "Rush" is on the left side of the page, spewing left-wing hate at Republicans.
And, the "Dittoheads" are on the right side of the page, raging up and down the comments looking for traitors and reciting talking points.
My greatest fear
Should she become elected is that this type of behavior will become the new normal. Seems to be very much what DWS, and other "friends" of Hillary are promoting with their televised accusations.
I agree
I think if she wins the internet will be subject to some severe clamp-downs.
People Before Profits
I read through
some comments earlier today - the place really has become completely vile. The hatred and aggression, displayed entirely by Clinton supporters, was never this naked during the 2008 campaign.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
I've been over the other place a LONG time (I was an early adopter) and there was always bullshit during primary seasons and always a bit of an establishment slant, but this year is different - its just not the same place there anymore. Even previously rational and intelligent people have turned all pod people on us (teacherken, among others). I checked a couple comment sections today and there were like 100 establishment dittoheads and 2 really gentle polite Bernie supporters making up the whole of the comments section. The crazy dittoheads didn't even seem to notice they were only talking to each other about imaginary things Bernie supporters must be thinking or just randomly popping back and forth with weird talking points like "and what about chair throwing". It was surreal, like a post-apocalyptic landscape where the robot trolls have won and driven all the real people off the board, but a horrible glitch in their programming keeps them from being able to stop trolling.
Once again Pluto you hit the nail.
There never is any rational introspection in the Dem Party.
It's never the politicians they choose for the people to vote for, it's the voters.
Everybody laughs when the Republican Party did a post mortem after Romney lost the election and they didn't take any lessons to heart. I can see that the Democratic Party is the same way, and nobody ever talks about that when they lose. It's always the voters' fault, and not the party nor the party politicians' fault.
I have no need to go there anymore. Granted it is a small world I live in online, but I am more than content not to ever go back. The only reality those latte liberals can think of starts at the tip on their toes and stops at the top of their heads. Income inequality, tax inequality, social justice, the sharing of information and successful progressive events just do not exist there anymore. I liken them to arm chair athletes. All bluster and nonsense with no active doing. As if just writing is enough action (this is not a slam to writers in general- most I read here actually act as well as write- me included - just ask my local government- my alderman rolls his eyes alot.) just like those detestable popups for signing xyz petitions.
Will never tarnish my nice new computer...
with the crap over there.
No need. I can sum the whole thing up by paraphrasing George Carlin:
Do You Believe in the Democratic Party? "No." BLAM Dead.
Do You Believe in the Democratic Party? "Yes." Do you Believe in Hillary? "No." BLAM Dead. My Candidate has a bigger dick than YOUR candidate.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
teeny-tiny quibble
Not "has". "Is."
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
That place is the Word of the Absurd
Waste of bytes and pixels.
I seriously recommend going cold turkey with regard to
(thanks to someone below) and his silly site. You will feel a lot better.
from a reasonably stable genius.
In the present circumstances
Reality and "right wing talking points" may not diverge, for once.
Expect unexpected bedfellows.
That is for sure! All energy should go toward setting backfires against Democrats who do not support the people's candidate, Bernie Sanders. The only candidate who has a vision that can defeat Donald Trump.
Apparently any thing one
says about the Clinton's then and now that is about policy, agenda and history I lived through and is fact based is a RWNJ talking point. If I say on dkos that Big Dog's Telecommunication Act of 1996 killed the fourth estate or SoS Hillary The Mad Bomber and her cohorts are responsible for the chaos, destruction and death in Libya or even mention what went down in Benghazi while the CIA was busy shipping weapons to Syria, I'm spouting RW talking points.
What about Democratic establishment talking points the ones that make no sense given where we stand today? Kissing Kissinger says it all. They didn't call her Senator Pun Jab for nothing. The Clinton Foundation alone is enough to make your hair stand on end. Right wing talking points my ass. Get your Third Way, austerity, PNAC talking points out of my face. They are unbelievable and not supportable to anyone who cannot double think. So whose talking points are these partisan Dem. idjits spouting hummm...
Perhaps it was Bruno Ganz in "Downfall"
But didn't Hitler complain about the German people failing his genius?
These sociopaths are always complaining about the failures of others.
from a reasonably stable genius.
I wouldn't count on introspection.
If Clinton wins, there will be no introspection. If she loses, Clinton and her team will try to hold everyone but themselves accountable.
Regardless of what happens, it doesn't change the fact that real change will have to come from people getting involved in other ways -- either through third parties, or pressure groups. Change will come from the grassroots. The party establishment won't change unless it has to. And I would include GOS in the "party establishment" side of the equation at this point.
Part of the reason that the current system is so badly broken, is that the establishment has found a way to ensure that it wins regardless of what the electoral outcome is. If the establishment's side wins, there are big dividends. If it loses, there are still dividends. Everyone else gets stuck with the bill. That's a big part of what needs to change. The political system needs to become much more transparent and accountable, and it is highly unlikely that those changes will come from the inside.