Bill as Economic Czar Confirmed + Businessman VP
"I am going to ask my husband, who has a great track record in creating jobs, putting people to work, revitalizing communities, to be in an advisory role working with me, working with our cabinet, to try to figure out what we can do," Clinton said on NBC's "Meet the Press.
Clinton was also asked about her choice of a vice-presidential candidate and the possibility that media mogul Mark Cuban might be a postulant. Clinton said she thought a businessman as vice president might be a good idea. We should look widely and broadly, Clinton said. "It's not just people in elective office. It is successful businesspeople. I am very interested in that."
The other piece of news is that she refused to honor her commitment to a debate in California. Also, "All but four of California’s 39 Democratic members of Congress have endorsed Clinton." Also a poll shows Queenie Ech ahead by some 20 points or some such nonsense.
I have seen these tactics in Bolivia almost to the dot on the i. Its called big money in politics. I can barely wait for Bernie to win California by the same margin he did Oregon and send all these despots to a fund raiser in Gehenna.
Added to cheer ye all up!Here is my toast to the impending doom of the American Empire from the Commonwealth of Dominica.

This is going to get ugly
Yep, it's back
Cackles! Hyenas are much more pleasant to listen to.
Can you imagine listening to that cackle for four years as the planet melts down amongst the ruins of endless war, world famine and drought?
From the Light House.
Why, don't you know that "cackle" is sexist?
I was informed of that several times at TOP when I used that word to describe the sound she made after trumpeting, "We came, we saw, he died." I changed it to "chortled." The glee in her face is stomach-turning.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
As sexist as cankles?
“If there is no justice for the people, may there be no peace for the government.”
It is an indisputable fact
That she has piano legs. Hence the pantsuits.
And her laugh, coupled with the wide open mouth, reminds me of a braying ass.
I demand "don't be dick" sexism in the rules be changed to...
As a university trained elitist I see a lot of the word "dick" being tossed around by flag waving "master debaters". In the rules it say, "Don't be a dick." This is sexist especially to male believers in Pachamama and those of us with extremely small hands.
The word "skank" wouldn't do either. Completely yucky amongst anyone EXCEPT feeble-minded Bernie Bruh pookies. So, after a long search through the Oxford International Dictionary 1918 edition, I think I have found the perfect gender neutral word for a change in the rules. "Don't be a poop head"
From the Light House.
Oh god I love this!
It can be lonely (and elitist) being a word nerd in the brave new world of texting.
Detour from the political for logophiles: Two lovely strings of onomatopoeic syllables sent to me today--
petrichor: the smell in the air after it rains on dry earth
psithurism: the sound of wind in the trees and rustling leaves
How grand that words exist to describe these sensory specifics.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
Mi celular she beepbeepiando.
I live with an almost constant sea blast wind and I just realized that I don't have a word that sounds like it.
I am particularly fond of nasty sounding slang from three different traditions and mixing the whole thing up in a single sentence or paragraph, a sort of kreyospanglish. And making words up. My younger daughter speaks two and a half languages all at the same time, all with perfect accents and structure.
People that know me don't get to offended, they know I joking and love wording.
From the Light House.
I love your entertaining etymology
Not to be confused with entymology which includes the study of spiders, like the Black Widow herself. But if you are subject to arachnophobia, then avail yourself to herpetology, which is the study of reptiles. Now one one the finest example of such reptilian brain (other than of course alligators) would be the enchantress Medusa, who will turn the Democratic party into stone--or was that the fate of Sodium and Gonorrhea?
Periodical table help needed.
Sodium bigonorriumtrisiphiloid would that be NAGo2Sh3 -- help out here.
From the Light House.
People close to me are liable to hear English, German, Japanese,
Dutch, and pidgin (Hawaiian creole English) all mix together chop suey kine.
I changed the DBAD FAQ...
a couple of weeks ago to reflect this sentiment.
Synonymous agreement on the floor. Gavel.
Looks like we came out with synonyms thinking through the same avenue. I was joking though. What is offensive to me (not here) is repetitive illogical twisty toxic plonkers.
From the Light House.
Are those related
to turds in a punchbowl? I have a punchbowl, lost somewhere in Canada now. No matching ladle to fish out the floater or sinker. As well, no immersion blender.
I listen to a lot of Quebec French, read fairly fluently, write pidgen franglais, enjoy hearing the dialectical versions of diverse one-syllable words like Oui. Les mouches noirs fly now. No biters yet. Maybe today, peut etre. No accent marks.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
ha ha, that'll do.
I don't liked the whole "don't be a dick" thing either. First because it came from TOP and 2nd because none of us would be here if it weren't for that part of the male anatomy for which that name stands in that phrase.
And, therefore, we shouldn't be using human genitalia, the source from which life flows, as stand-ins for being a jerk or being weak, both are equally sexist.
Poop head would work. But DBAD has a nice to sound to it that DBAPH doesn't have. We need an acronym that ends with a hard sound rather than soft sound or it looses all effect. I vote for DBAJ, don't be a jerk.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
Cackles is the right word
Chortle doesn't even come close to the horrible sound of her laughter.
Accuracy is not sexist.
Aren't you glad that you are here instead of there?
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
You're right; I took the wuss way out for purported Berners
who presented themselves as self-appointed PC police and objected.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
20 Second Ad... Perfect for Internet and Social Media Ad Blitz
This shit is totally going to stick, IMO.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
Wow! He's starting early.
I would have thought that he would wait until after the conventions.
While I'm happy to see it out there, I wonder why he released it now.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
Releasing Now Because Of HRC SuperPac Ad?
I've seen HRC's anti-Trump ads many times here in FL since last Wed. I think I read they were also airing in OH too. I think it's a waste of $$, but it might appeal to some women. Curious to see Trump's ad as I think it will be more compelling since his victims speak and we now have a better understanding of Bill's hound dog eccentricities, especially with that damn cigar, and his flights on Epstein's Lolita Express.
The 2016 campaign will go down in history as which side was willing to go that far in peversities. Old Bulls in their fields. Alert the media.
Oh no.
He can't wait until the convention. He has to keep his name & face out there. And the msm will be happy to oblige.
He's started with what everyone already knows
and remembers.
After the convention he'll turn to current/ongoing scandals.
Once we officially re-invade Libya, he'll remind everyone of her failure there.
On a side note, after Trump raises each of these issues it will become forbidden to mention them on GOS.
So will I.
I've been waiting a long time for a receptive mood for the truth about Libya and Benghazi and Hillary's principle role in destroying that nation and its people — the most educated and well-off people in the Middle East.
Make it stop! I can't go through this again!
Honestly, 4 more years about Bill Clinton's sex life will be unbearable! Has the entire DNC gone into denial about the abuser-in-chief? Have pity!
I had a nightmare that interwove some true life incidents from my own past with bill-clinton-like imaginary antics of powerful people getting onto sex-filled airplanes. I awoke crying and saying, "I can't go through this again!"
During the Lewinsky scandal, I defended Bill even AFTER he was found to be lying. I told myself that sometimes people develop their ethics in pieces; so even though he was flawed in some areas, he was still good hearted when it came to poor people and the country. (It's okay if he hits me. I deserved it. And we would starve without his paycheck.)
I was ridiculed at the time for defending him. I was called a hypocrite because "How can you be a feminist and defend his behavior?"
Every day was an eternity watching it unfold on the tv, in the checkout line of the grocery store, in the eternal conversations. And he lied. I looked more and more ridiculous -- even to myself -- to continue to defend him. But he's the lesser of two evils; the republicans are worse.
No one talked about the internal damage that was done to so many of us who were fighting our own demons while twisting up inside about Bill's antics. I couldn't wait to have it left behind in some past historical vault where it could be locked up and forgotten. And here it comes again.
For a while in Hillary's campaign I didn't think about it. Just focus on the issues. Surely the issues are what matter in a candidate. Slowly creeping into my conscious mind has been the Bill thing. It's like a PTSD bell that rings every time I see his face.
At first I thought of Bill as a lap dog that she carried with her. He's old and just along for the ride this time. He doesn't have any power. Except that he does. He was the one who made the deals all along. Now she is putting him in charge of the economy (so in our subconscious we'll still think 'but we need the paycheck so it's okay'?).
And now the sex stuff comes out again. Pedophile airplanes. Cigars. Oh my God! I don't care if it's true or not anymore! Just f#cking make it stop!
The DNC is pulling apart the scars of old wounds by pushing Clintons at us and making us bleed again! I can't go through this again!
We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when we are afraid of the light.
I don't want to pour salt in your wounds...
but it may well get much worse than just Bill all by himself. I'm sure you're aware that Trump is considering Newt Gingrich to be his VP? Can you imagine?
When the Newt left in disgrace, I hoped I'd never have to hear his condescending voice ever again. But just like a bad penny, he returned from the dead. I recall him once stating, "I will never say the name of Bill Clinton again, without including Monica Lewinsky in the same sentence. I truly can't imagine 4 non-stop years of this.
I left the country planning on never returning in 1999 due to Newt, the Contract on America and the impeachment of Bill Clinton. Somehow I have this terrifying feeling we are going to relive that whole episode again. Since I'm out of the country this time, I may have to find a new planet.
“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush
Hmmm! Co-Presidency
Just what we don't want.
from a reasonably stable genius.
It worked so well when Hillary led the fight in the 90s on
No wait, right, that was an absolute disaster and led to making sure that our healthcare system remains completely unmanagable to this day.
On the plus side, if it would keep Hillary far away from deciding economic policy, that might be a silver lining given that Hillary's track record is one of failure.
And looking back, isn't that an interesting bit of Kabuki
…Stage a dog and pony show.
Ensure a give to business by getting them off the hook for nearly two more decades.
When something does get passed, it's pretty much the right wing Republican plan.
And when some sort of healthcare does pass, it is at a time when the elite are harvesting wealth during an economic collapse from which we don't actually recover in large segments of the population…
...but the elites still tells us things are great a few years later as things are stagnant and worse for many more people.
And now we get more contrived BS via a rigged election system with horrible candidates.
I was reading at TOP, and expatjourno commented
that their "twofer" was just a slick way of getting around the 22nd Amendment. I am in full agreement, and I don't think it should be allowed. Individually or together, those two have done enough damage. How do we stop 'em?
I think she's counting on that
There are a lot of people who still love Bill Clinton and praise him for pulling us out of the Trickle Down disaster. This is their way of getting him a third term too.
Meddle not in the affairs of Dragons - For thou art crunchy and good with ketchup
trickle down
Except, of course, that he did nothing of the kind. Trickle Down is still quite alive and well, and fucking us over as badly as it ever did under a Reagan or a Bush.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Regarding the Bill Clinton and the economy I have two words:
Brooksley Born.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
Yup. And for that matter
What the f*** did Bill Clinton have to do with creating the economic boom of the 90's?
Absolutely nothing.
Economic boom and Bill Clinton
Absolutely nothing, but people believe that he created the boom, somehow, and THAT is all that matters. What Bill actually did in the Nineties is lay the groundwork for the Great Recession (Securities Modernization Act, Glass-Stegall ends, austerian policies, trickle down, Chicago School economic advisors). Umm, forget the word lay regarding Bill; switch it to engineered.
Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000
Signed by Bill Clinton during that post-November-election gap where both the outgoing Congress and the outgoing president are the lamest of lame ducks, beyond any accountability and possible voter retribution.
I should have worded that better. People love Bill and credit him with the nineties economy. I did better financially during the nineties than I ever did in the eighties - or even the seventies, ftm. So did a lot of other people. And they attribute that to Bill Clinton because he was in office - and all the pundits said it was his doing.
Let's face it, most people don't understand all the nuances of economics. That's not a flaw on their part. It's a built in feature. And almost no one pays attention to bills - when they're passed, who passed them, or who signed them. Nor do they know who is in charge of what. Again, a political feature.
People don't pay attention until this stuff affects them and their every day life. NAFTA, Glass-Steagall, and all the rest didn't even register with the population at the time. Well, okay, maybe NAFTA did, but you have to recall the spin most people heard about it. So all that crap was done - a portion during the lame-duck days.
Dumya steals the 2000. And what happens a few months later? Economy goes in the toilet. So, who got full blame? (hold on, I'm not defending Dumya). But it's almost like the Dems knew they were going to lose, isn't it? Doing things while you're in power, and timing them so they won't blow up until your successor is in, has been a political trick for some time now.
It's shitty for the American people, but neither party gives a rat's about the American people. They're too busy doing Kabuki, and playing grab-ass, for the benefit of the people who are really running the show.
So, all I'm saying is - 90s + great economy = Democrat Bill Clinton. 00s + shitty economy = Republican Dumya. '08 + Great Recession = Obama (even though the recession was in full bloom in 2006).
We aren't dealing with facts. We're dealing with perceptions. That's all that counts in this game.
Meddle not in the affairs of Dragons - For thou art crunchy and good with ketchup
Looking forward to more...
"Wag The Dog" airstrikes whenever Bill's Penis gets into a compromising position...
Explain the difference to me between a Drone Strike and a Tomahawk Missile Strike...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
Political harakiri
Seriously, a businessman? I mean, Hillz, do you even know why Lieberman was a bad pick for Gore? The VP is supposed to appeal to the base. With Lieberman, it became "the guy who deleted the fuck words from music and the guy who deleted the fuck words from video games".
Okay, I'll admit there aren't many possible choices she could have. I can think of a few, but most of them are so far downticket that they've never been on the national stage. A few are even things like tribal presidents. (Cecilia Fire Thunder comes to mind.)
Only a centrist would be proud of being the "more convenient season" white moderate spoken of in the letter from a Birmingham jail.
The thing I find sad is that I remember Dubya saying
the same sort of thing, that we needed businessmen running government.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
Isn't Trump a businessman? Is
Isn't Trump a businessman? Is she giving him credence? Maybe they should have a joint ticket just to clarify the lack of difference between the Parties.
Shhhh! We're not supposed to notice.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
I was wondering about that.
How is she going to attack Trump for being a business person if her VP pick is also one?
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
I think one reason Dems are being so obnoxious about
"real" Democrats is that it's becoming harder and harder to tell Dems from Repubs unless you see the (D) or (R) by their name. Dems are all about respecting women, but then there's the way Bill treated Brooksley Born, disregarding her opinions on how to run the agency to which he'd appointed her. Hillary has made concessions on late term abortions, even though those involve some of the most heart-wrenching decisions women and their families can make. And now this businessmen need to run government nonsense. I remember humorist Al Franken making fun of Republicans for them for saying that government doesn't work. Now the Democratic Party is saying that we need businessmen to make government work, a theme they took right from Republicans. I wonder how Senator Franken feels about needing businessmen to make government work.
I rejected the Tweedle Dee/Tweedle Dum assessment of the two parties for many years, but no longer. If you can't see the name, you can't tell the difference.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
If Dems really respected women, there would have been
more changes to the things that women stand for. It has been over 35 years since the death of the ERA when women were told that instead of an amendment, laws would be created to correct things like unequal pay. (I wonder if the presidency will get a pay savings with HRC.)
It looks like the Democratic Party has come full circle now to being the Republicans they once were.
Franken sold out when he endorsed HRC, maybe before. He is a good example of the money/power corrupts paradigm.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
I can remotely get why Gore took Lieberman
in order to solidify the Jewish vote especially in Florida, so the GOP had to find another way to steal that state.
I don't get any reason why Clinton would pick a businessman with no political experience as the "one heartbeat away" candidate. Not to mention that it shows what a dearth of a backbench the Dems have got. Guess whichever of the Castro brothers who's been stumping for her just wasted a year of his time.
Green Party's looking better and better as a destination...
The only good reason I can think of for Gore to choose
Lieberman was that, unbeknownst to any of us -- maybe even himself -- in his heart of hearts, he dreaded winning the Presidency.
That would make sense.
Anything else ... not so much sense.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Oh, I can think of a few that make sense
besides that one. When I look at Gore choosing Lieberman in the same prism as I look at McCain choosing Palin, it has a particular symmetry to me. Can't quite work out if it was meant to be a "poison pill" kind of thing or more Cheney-esque, but I'm still considering it...
8 more years of Clinton
It is so depressing to me to think about having to deal with the Clinton scandal machine for the next 8 years if she wins the nomination. All of the national media focus will be on the latest scandal and it will be much easier to bury the issues that are literally threatening our lives, such as climate change and health care.
8 years on impeachment
8 years on impeachment hearings by the repubs. They will have a field day. I think they hate the Clintons worse than Obama
He won't be able to keep his d!ck in his pants this time, either
Throw in the blatantly corrupt CGI and whatever else these grifters touch, and it will be another never ending circus, during which nothing will get done except screwing the working class harder--as planned.
No, gosh no, the Clinton's don't want another 8 years of scandal. That would be terrible...for everyone but them.
“If there is no justice for the people, may there be no peace for the government.”
She wont last two terms
She'll be one and done.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
4 years max
Al of it under impeachment.
That is the silver lining. If the republicans--bless them--can keep her really, really busy with defending herself, maybe she won't have time to get much done. If they wrap up a bit early, then maybe We the People can impeach her.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Brazil includes suspension of office with impeachment
This is something we should have thought of - and should consider adding to the process.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
That sounds like an excellent idea.
We should cover our butts now, just in case, and write to the republican congress now to ensure it happens. I am sure they will be happy to do us this one little favor...not even understand that it would really be a huge favor to the US American people.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Shorter Hillary:
Bill & I will work on all that boring jobs stuff next year* after you elect me.
(*Because we are too busy this year worrying about our own jobs to care about yours.)
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Because the Democratic base has always lusted after a @$#!? BUSINESSMAN to be on the ticket as VP! WTF is wrong with this woman?
Fucketyfuckfuckfuck, fuckety....She has no judgement whatsoever at this point.
It's not the Democratic base she is courting.
Almost as if she weren't a real Democrat. Whatever that means, these days.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
b/c she's courting republicans
Wait a minute, Hillary is a Republican.
Mark Cuban...
why does that name make my skin crawl?
Seriously, I'm not one to keep up on the trending celebrity of the week or who's the top whatever. But I recently saw a Facebook video where some guy was bleating about something or other. Unfortunately I can't recall what it was, but he struck me as your basic obnoxious alpha-male wannabe.
IIRC my internal dialog was something like "who the hell is this shithead?" I think his name was Mark Cuban. I remember looking him up and learning that he was famous for being a rich obnoxious 'Thuglican't.
I honestly don't think nominees have all that much say in their running mate. I mean nobody can tell me Ike actually liked Dick Nixon or Kennedy admired LBJ. So I'm not worried about the blowhard from that video ever being a heartbeat away from the Oval Office. Besides, isn't he supposed to be besties with Rump?
Meddle not in the affairs of Dragons - For thou art crunchy and good with ketchup
That's not saying
this isn't going to be ugly though. It's already passed that and can only get worse from here.
Meddle not in the affairs of Dragons - For thou art crunchy and good with ketchup
Aren't the Clintons supposed to be besties with Trump?
Obviously going for the Cuban vote.
“If there is no justice for the people, may there be no peace for the government.”
Help! Arcturus are you there? USA has become a lunatic asylum.
Mark Cuban open to being Donald Trump's vice president
Sports Illustrated-May 22, 2016. Mark Cuban says that he is willing to run alongside either Donald Trump or Hillary ... where Cuban said he would “absolutely” consider running as Clinton's vice ...
Mark Cuban: I'd be Trump's running mate, or Clinton's
CBS News-May 22, 2016
This has become way to insane for me to handle.
Maybe partially my ultimately angry reaction to a visit to a certain forum which is -- excepting one daily thread and supporters -- a nest of buttplugs who can't seem to stop being personally insulting (Any hypocrisy here? LOL). Example: I used the word "neoliberal" in a post and was called a "university elite" by a coxo cahudo who probably get anal leakage from even looking at a papa relleno or a good bowl of wahaki.
Actually I was being very polite and not saying, referring to a certain political dynasty, what I really wanted to which is, "brown-shirted, baby-killing, gothopotamus, tycoknuckle-dragging scotes..."
Well... I can't see any difference between Daddy Cheez Whiz, Rusty Trombone and his wife Crockadillapig. Dey all neoliber-alls.
From the Light House.
I saw those!
Just what you want in your second - unflagging loyalty to ideals!
Trump? Hillary? Hitler? Who cares as long as I'm next in line and everybody knows my name.
Meddle not in the affairs of Dragons - For thou art crunchy and good with ketchup
The one person who might be happy
to see Cuban as VP would be Adam Silver, head of the NBA -- Cuban would have to divest himself from ownership of the Mavericks most likely which would get him out of Silver's hair (figuratively speaking as Silver's a bald dude).
She needs a rich dude who's been on a reality show... counter Trump. That's the kind of tactical brilliance you get from an experienced politician like Hillary.
"Businessman as vp might be a good idea"
Hey! You know what's even better than that? As a businessman for president!
My god, she & her team are so stupid!
"Businessman as vp might be a good idea"
Hey! You know what's even better than that? A businessman for president!
My god, she & her team are so stupid!
The perfect VP choice ...
He's a little too honest for her, but since she's after the Jeb! vote, it can only be one guy: Mitt Romney.
He'd probably accept, too.
Oh just great
Maybe he can destroy 10,000 good jobs to create 400 like he did 20 some years ago. I was just through Aberdeen, WA the other day. Beautiful old buildings with all the windows busted out. The air seems pretty thick with hopeless. 19% unemployment. That was Bills doing. I would rather chew my arm off than vote for her.
everybody has conveniently forgotten about the $7 trillion of bubble wealth that blew up during the dot com implosion... oh yeah.. great record ... NASDAQ collapse... hundreds of thousands if not a 1 million good jobs ... poof and often whisked away to foreign lands. Bush wasn't responsible for it ... Clinton and 'The Maestro' (of disaster) was along with a republican congress that blessed it all along with the repeal of glass-steagall thru the Gramm-Leach-Bliley act
I fear that Bill is past the point
of being safely trusted with an important job.
At least Reagan had Nancy to write his lines for him. Who does Bill have? And can he remember them?
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
I wrote this years ago and history has come full circle:
Summers, Wolin, Sperling, Gensler, Geithner.
These were Robert Rubin's fixers during the Clinton administration, a filthy gang of corporate front-men and swindlers who lit the fuse that triggered phase one of the economic implosion. It was Rubin, Clinton's Treasury Secretary, who first devised the scheme to unshackle the Wall St. beast and free the monster from its regulatory cage.
Under Rubin, Neal Wolin became the point man responsible for the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, the corporatist wet dream that repealed Glass-Steagall and greenlighted the merger of commercial banks holding insured deposits with investment banks, brokerage firms, and insurance companies, giving birth to the financial Frankensteins that became "Too Big to Fail".
Neal Wolin was confirmed as Deputy Secretary of the Treasury on May 19, 2009, by President Obama.
Derivatives, you say? Gary Gensler was instrumental in the deregulation of derivatives under Bill Clinton. He's now in charge of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission under President Obama.
Gene Sperling was part of the crew that demolished Glass-Steagall. He's now an advisor to Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner.
Geithner, of course, was the Big Cheese at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and faithful disciple of Robert Rubin and Lawrence Summers in the Clinton Treasury Department from '99 to '01.
And finally, Summers was named head of the National Economic Council guessed it...President Barack Obama.
So there we have it. A team of criminal con-artists, the living symbols of a debunked economic theory that delivered a catastrophic financial failure, are Obama's go-to guys in the quest for "reform".
And in 2016: Enter The Queen of Chaos. We're fucked if this woman becomes president.
essentially Obama has been clinton's 3rd and 4th term with the same cast of characters along with some bombing, killing and overthrowing of country's thrown in for good measure.
Bernie may win California,
Bernie may win California, but I doubt it. If he does, it will be a squeaker. Too many non-white people in California and they love Hillary and hate Bernie. I expect something more like the 80% she got in Alabama.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Don't be too sure about that
Many of the Latino voters here are still pissed off about her "send them back" statement regarding the child refugees fleeing Central America -- especially now that word is that those who have been sent back have been killed. It's going to be a challenge, but Hillary is no way getting 80% in California.
You are misinformed. nt
I believe her Latino support is a lot softer than it has been
reported to be, but I've been wrong before.
To me, the main problem in Cali is going to be the same problem of NY and AZ: election fraud, and lots of it.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Oh yes!
And I'm starting to wonder about Illinois.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
There's a lot of social media savy people in California
Add in the fact that 24% of voters are independent and can not vote for Trump (because the Republican primary is closed). Also add in that there was time to change parties after Trump clinched the nomination. Also add in that there are still a couple of more weeks for more Clinton slime to make itself public. And one more thing, my neighbors are putting up Bernie signs and Bernie's bumper stickers are far outnumbering Hillary's in my neck of Californa. California seems like it's too hard a state to successfully rig, I'm betting Bernie wins big here in California.
Beware the bullshit factories.
but until the voting can be independently verified
which isn't going to happen by the normal way, I would assume Murphy's Law. Something will definitely go wrong here. Even the evidence of a little fraud will be the equivalent to the tip of an iceberg under these cloak and dagger conditions against the Sanders campaign. The attacks on Hillary are a diversion.
Nature abhors a vacuum, I'm hoping the socially-conscious people in that state will find a way to implement some rudimentary method to check the validity of the counts.
I doubt if frantically hand counting millions of votes in a short period of time will happen. It will produce more errors, but a 1 sigma threshold or 68%, this would be better than nothing other dire circumstances.
The fraud is going to happen, and it needs to be probed and ascertained to guestimate the true counts within typical margins. America, the oligarchy, it has earned a world title, "Dunce of Democracy". It can't even muster up rudimentary testing anymore. We the people did not earn that title.
California must try to straighten out the corruption and deviance, the state may be our last hope.
Bill Clinton's economic leadership these days --
is being made through his regular appearances at Peterson Foundation fiscal summits. You know, the Peterson Foundation -- the nice folks who brought us the Catfood Commission, the sequester, and Obama's one unsuccessful attempt to cut Social Security?
From the Wikipedia page:
I don't see him, however, listed at the press releases for the 2015 or 2016 meetings. But he's been to a lot of them, and certainly he's drunk their Kool-Aid. Expect this to be part of Clinton's plan for turning Social Security into a welfare program.
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
No Bill
No Way
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Well done Cass and good theme song
I got another anthem for 'em:
Neeeds a full essay. Thanks.
This needs a full essay Thanks for the post. I would like to see the policy statements that come out of these conferences.
"The foundation's advisory board includes as members former New York Gov. Mario Cuomo; Facebook Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg; former Secretary of State George Shultz (a Republican) and former Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin (Democrat); former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker; and "60 Minutes" correspondent Leslie Stahl."
"He isn't content merely to express concern about the federal deficit. His particular targets are Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, which he calls "entitlement" programs and which he wants to cut back in a manner that would strike deeply at the middle class."
More at: Unmasking the most influential billionaire in U.S. politics
The most influential billionaire in America is Peter G. Peterson, whose misleading campaign to 'reform' traditional social welfare programs has subtly set the terms of the Washington debate. October 02, 2012|Michael Hiltzik
From the Light House.
So, she's selling the VP slot now?
Wanted:charismatic billionaire who can self fund a Presidential general election and still have money left over for an eight figure bank transfer to the Clinton Foundation tip jar.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
What I find depressing is that the last two Democratic bloggers
I really respected, Digby (Heather Parton) and Atrios (Duncan Black), have now bowed to the DNC Hillary party Gleichschaltung.
Since last week Digby, like TOP, is now virtually all Trump, all the time.
And Atrios (Duncan Black) at Eschaton now says:
Isn't Marcy Wheeler a Dem?
I still like her. But people who cover NatSec are often less vulnerable to this sort of shit.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Oh, good point! Why haven’t I been reading Marcy regularly?
Going to replace Digby with Marcy in my favorites list right now.