Please stop by dailykos for daily dose of fun & teasing
I know that many here have totally sworn off ever going to dailykos again
Like those who have decided not to vote for Hillary at all now that it is clear that the democratic party works for the oligarchs
And why reward Kos with more page views?
There are brave folks like gjohnsit who posted the diary there about how independents think Hillary is a piece of shit. I just posted 3 comments on that diary which was on the REC list for quite a while
And others like TomP, Sabir and of course, the man with decades actually being employed in campaigns and who announced a couple of years ago only in Joe Sickspack's evening blues, that he was done with dailykos, i am talking about bobswern
Kos has gone completely crazy in what I call Kos Kool-Aid (TM) with 3 or 4 recent pieces going after Bernie supporters and the Bernie movement
More and more people are seeing the game at DK and heading for the hills or for C99%
The collapse of DK is similar to the collapse of the democratic party and the collapse of the empire
How can you be part of accelerating the collapse while still trying to bring about something that would help?
Here are some of my stages of reaction to dailykos in the last couple of weeks
I have known for years about the game Kos is playing and the crap that happens during election time
I have developed a habit of posting issue comments most days on Bernie News Roundup. That daily diary is among the places that I post comments linked to issues that have come up during the day and from other places like Joe's afternoon posts
The BNR is usually up all day and is often the top diary of the day leading to people inside and outside follwing it
By the time I do my morning thing, I have little time left to make comments here.
About a week ago I posted a comment on BNR that I was ready to check out of DK
But then the Swift Boat Dean Scream event happened and my reaction was to become pissed
Then yesterday I realized that there is a possibility that Bernie could win leading the establishment to really freak out including staging events like that in Nevada. Has anyone answered the question of why in the hell Barbara Boxer was there at the meeting???? A staged coup????
So I continued to post comments and there are some others
I want dailykos to fail, but to fail and take down Kos and Hillary supporters but not yet. Any site that features teacherken is on a death march.
Here is what I am asking
1. minimal level - go there in the AM and REC BNR and if there are others up on the REC List, REC them as well and get the hell out
2. a little more - maybe go through BNR (actually can go through it on his web page so not spend more minutes on DK), and other diaries that are worth a look
3. maybe post a comment or two on good diaries
My devious plan is clear. Flip the bird to Kos by keeping our kind of diaries on the REC list
What do you think?

To me, it is like continuing
To me, it is like continuing to support the democratic party with a vote for Hillary no matter how terrible her presidency will be for the US and the world. As long as we provide our support, even as we must hold our noses to do so, nothing will change. With DKos, I think it is the same. If you all continue to support his site with interesting diaries and thoughtful comments, the site will continue to flourish. How will that change things? No matter how badly progressives are treated at DKos, if you always come back, what lessons will be learned by the admins?
I hear folks writing about how great it is here and, yet, I also see the focus is still there. Kos still has power here. Don't give it to him. Ten to one, he believes you will all be back.
If people want to read you, let them come here. Build your presence here where all voices are respected, there is no bullying or threats. Just my humble opinion.
Where are the 12 steps programs when we need them??
I'm doing my best in that respect, Don.
I have ups and downs over there. Today, however, I rec'd a few diaries like gjohnsit and two more, plus the ?BNR and commented and answered comments. Then I went into a furry about the stupid idea of a progressive party, to which I commented it is only stupid if you are against it. I logged out and here I am. It was the most interaction I've had over there all week. It depends on where my head us and if I can tolerate their toxicity or for how long.
I'll do my best. I think your idea has merit.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Sorry... The holdouts should move on...
From that dying platform...
Seriously... The Little Napoleon Webmaster (Kos) has committed webmaster suicide not understanding that we would move on with our revolution without him, when he walked that NeoLiberal plank, closing the door on our progressive values of the once great party of FDR...
Just let the GOS (Great Orange Stain) die its undignified death, we don't have to pander to the remaining ring around the bathtub...
Just look how far the GOS has fallen, it is now in the column directly across from those it once ran with such as "The Onion" & The Daily Caller...
If they choose not to cross publish here or on Reddit, insisting that we visit a diseased platform to read their material, where our comments are subjected to rudeness, and censorship, then so be it...
They are publishing to an unappreciative audience, and I don't have to be there...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
Oldest Son - could you say more
I have never followed the page views of various sites
Could you add some more about where DK was, where they are now and the degree of decline?
And could you provide a link to the graphic you posted
I know from my own experience a couple of weeks ago I almost threw in the towel, but I have a following on BNR and some other places on the site
Kos is doing everything he can to kill off the site, like DWS sacrificing the party for Hillary\
Am I just too stupid to leave?
Or am I hopelessly hopeful in the power of education?
Those Website Statistics...
Are from Quantcast which tracks the visitors and page views along with demographics of the visitors to US owned websites. It also ranks the websites in size by the number of visitors, and page views, with the top spot occupied by Google of course...
Every webmaster's dream is to hit that Top 100 US Websites list...
And Kos probably would have...
Some of the sites he was running with shortly before the "Ides of March" have moved up with gains in traffic from election news...
The GOS's number of visitors remains close but the page views have dropped off considerably...
Sites that were close in the running such as Politico have made it into the top 100, meanwhile GOS which was in the 100-200 range has fallen to #265...
I'm planning on doing a diary on this in the near future...
I've just been very busy lately...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
I'm fairly sure
they were about #150 on March 15. So they've dropped significantly (#265 today, has been worse) lately.
As I always say: please don't visit the site, but if you must, use an ad-blocker, please!
Who are you educating??
You post in friendly diaries. Most of those people are informed. The unfriendlies aren't ignorant, they don't give a shit. I am apologizing to you for my words and tone as I write. I really don't want to offend you. You are a really good guy, and we've been blog buddies a long time.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Yea. I hear you. Guess I am in denial. Not offended.
Have faith in education even though the evidence against it is all around.
I tell people I am a closet professor ...
Someone has to do it
Never thought I would be anything but a teacher. Family of teachers. Bailed out of Univ teaching to go to industry in 1978.
Since then academia has fallen like other institutions
Making the posts on BNR is my morning gig
Enjoyed spending a couple of hours with you at the NN in Detroit. Always good to meet in person people we have known on line
I go there in the mornings and rec BNR.
I rec other Bernie posts I see.
Many folks don't seem to be leaving TOP. If I have something I want to share with them, I'll do a post there, like the fundraiser Last week.
I'm going to write a post here soon about the Green Party. People keep talking about creating a new party and there is one with 20 years experience and elected officials in some places.
I still am with the Dem Party, but if I left, I would be a Green.
No one is creating a third party here. Besides there is a party far to the left of the Dems, the Green Party.
I've never been one to stay where I'm not welcome...
Right! They will stay with their thoughts & dreams stifled unable to support the democratic candidate with the message they believe in, with any rational discussion shut down by the paid $hillbots infesting the site...
Then when it is all over in November we will return to discuss our next chance to return to the White House unseating President Trump, and all of our diaries on progressive issues keeping the site alive until 2020, when we are again shit on...
The solution is that we all move on and those who remain behind will see there really is nothing left there...
The Great Orange Stain is not a progressive site and never will be...
Move on and build a new one...
You know the saying build it and they will come...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
Kos Kool-Aid?
Kool-Aid is a known brand and more popular.
Anyone remember Wylers? It was the off brand, a tad cheaper, not as good, and most of the flavors had an unpleasant aftertaste.
It seems like Daily Kos wanted to be a major brand with a good flavor, but the reality is something else entirely.
It may not flow as well as a word/phrase but it seems a bit more fitting overall.
Thanks for the thoughts, DonMidwest.
After the Marcos mid-March papal bull, I tried to limit myself to one trip per day. I'd look for LD's BNR, OPOL, Meteor Blades and a few others. Rec the good guys, post a comment or two and leave. About 5 days ago, I logged off and quit going (I'm halfway through 12 years of that site, with a UID in the 30,000s). After reading your essay, I'm now considering going back once in a while, if for no other reason than to support those stalwarts who hang in there.
If Bernie can keep the Clinton Machine from stealing the nomination, it will be important to have Bernie supporters over there. If it makes more money for Marcos, I couldn't care less. If she wins the nomination and loses the general, I will give them a big "neener, neener" and a long thought out "We told you so". If she wins the POTUS race, I will have to wait longer, but there will still be an "I told you so." It will just take a little more time, possibly in her first month after she's named her "team" of Wall Street, MIC and Dem elites. Or maybe months later after she's pulled the trigger in the ME or God knows where, to show how tough she is. Or maybe after she's worked with the Rethugs to weaken Social Security and Medicare/Medicade to show that she's getting things done. Gawd.
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
I like your viewpoint,
and I can see why people don't want to go there any more.
But I am glad that there are some brave souls who still promote and defend Bernie over there.
We should just...
Let the $hillBots have their echo chamber in the scorched barren ground of the Great Orange Stain...
Let everyone recognize it for what it is...
A barren grey wasteland behind a wall of corrupt, paid off, censorship...
Inhabited by heathen bastards, that are within one step of murdering for their cause, or becoming cannibals...
While they insist the status quo is just fine...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
The collapse of Daily Kos
has to be coordinated with the rise of c99% if anything good is to come of it.
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
I just dropped by TOP and saw my diary was still on the rec'd list.
I had stopped looking after a couple hours yesterday.
Well, I checked out the comments. Geeez. It looks like DBAD is a rule not being enforced for Hillary supporters.
What a wasteland of useless sniping and bitterness.
I understand your request, and I am torn.
Kos threw us and his blog under the bus back in 08. He's just more obnoxious about it now than he was before. If anyone on dailykos is a paid shill for the Democratic Party it is Kos. This time we were ready for him. In c99 we really have an option to his hell hole - something he never expected. Have you ever looked at his blog's demographics? White, male, 50+, grad degree, 100K plus, and no kids. Why do I want to go there to be lectured, bullied and abused by this privileged bunch of jerks? I can't decide if the people who insist on staying there are heroes or masochists. So I waffle between not going and going there to support them. There is no doubt dailykos can wreck anyone's mood and raise their blood pressure.
Another point. Gjohnsit posts his stuff here first. OPOL posts his stuff here sometimes. LD and Swern never. When you bring Joe's stories over from EB do you link them here? Maybe if you didn't spend so much time at dkos, you'd have more time to participate here. I don't mean to give you a hard time Don, but it wouldn't be me if I didn't speak the truth. I know you mean well, but.... Johnny has put a ton of effort into building this blog - all of it unpaid. Progdog is now volunteering his time to help Johnny. People are donating money to this site to make it a better home - not to play second fiddle to dailykos.
Unlike dkos, we don't demand loyalty oaths to anyone or anything. Those who want to go back there will for whatever reason. I have deleted all of my emails. I am in the process of deleting my diaries. I log out when I am not there. When I am there and look at the front page, most often I click on nothing. The place is predictable. "Your momma wears combat boots. No your mother wears combat boots." I saw all the tripe about "wooing" Bernie voters. Did somebody have a lovers quarrel? That site has the maturity of a 12 year old and the intelligence of a turnip.
Just saying.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
So after all that whining,
I went over and rec'd and tipped OPOL and LD. It was OPOL cross-posting his diary that made me do it.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
You've Got That Right!
His site demographics look like a bunch of "Teabaggers that went to College" and really any discussion with them is just like having a discussion with a Teabagger...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
I agree
I felt like I was in Faux news comments.
Beat Trump with Bernie!
Quite honestly, I can't believe it makes a difference, if
someone goes and reads something at dailykos or not.
I go there to scan what has been published. My couple of clicks will make a difference to "make dailykos collapse"? Frankly, I can't believe it and doubt it.
People have created groups and friendships over there in real life, not only in virtual groups. Why would one trash that? I never have liked what kos wrote. That didn't influence me to not read on dailykos what other people wrote though.
It's a fact that people need to communicate, over there as well as here. That one can realize that the amount of time spent on communicating without being able to know with whom one converses is problematic, because it's unnatural to judge people without being able to use all your
sixfive senses. I see a mental health problem developing easily out of that. But that's the same everywhere, there and here.I wouldn't say I go over there to "my daily dose of fun and teasing" though. I really don't think that there is much fun over there, aside from some groups, and teasing is what can hurt people in this kind of setting. So, it's may be nice to avoid it a little. But then, whatever, a little teasing, if it's understood, can be fun and is human.
Nobody can tell me what to read and what not. Nobody can try to influence whom I trust and do not trust in online conversations of strangers and nobody can get any loyalty pledge from me. I am not used from my upbringing to have to "make pledges" other than not to lie. Therefore I am inclined to see in pledges more the lies they include than the honesty some might put into them.
I have so many difficulties to understand libertarian-ism, liberal-ism, progressisv-ism and all that. Snarks, sarcasm, teasing is adding to the obfuscation. It gets less transparent for me. I am tired of it, no matter where I encounter it online.
If someone deducts from me going over to dailykos to read something over there, that it means I support the Democratic establishment of the party, or Hillary Clinton, or President Obama or anyone for that matter, is really ... well... I don't have a good word here ... but I don't like if people conclude something like that, don't like it at all.
I don't know anymore how to support a good essay from dailykos. if it's not published over here, then I can't twitter it as a sign of support. If I twitter it from there (which I can despite being banned), I am a supporter of dailykos ... Oh well, you are damned if you do and damned if you don't. You really expect me on the long run to care about it?
Of course I like almost all collections of something, the environmental collection of articles of MB, the BNR, I read for a while Black Kos. And here I came for the EB and was curious what this site is all about. I still can't bash a writer as a person, just because I don't like their personal attitudes, if on the other hand they write something that is worthwhile reading because of the historical facts etc.
So, Don, I like your comments and links a lot and go over there to read them. I like bobswern and dallasdoc and some others writers over there. I understand your intentions of your essay and have nothing against it.
It's just a problem for me to develop an archive of my own. I wished I had started that from the beginning in 2004, when I ran into dailykos. Same here.
I liked to be a little church mouse in Joe Shikspack's archives ... too bad I didn't learn it from the beginning and had to tend other archives, which were not online, but physcial ones on tapes etc.
I'm sorry, but I respectfully disagree
Your idea just plays into his hands. Keeps the ad revenue flowing. Attracts more trolls to join as members which boosts his ratings.
The best way to flip him off is to shun him and his site.
Just say no, in other words, whenever the desire to go there enters your consciousness.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Reading, clicking, writing, posting - what's TOP's main income?
Why did people go over there to dailykos to read? I would say because there were a bunch of very good writers who had to say something people liked to hear. So, I can't blame anyone to want to read that stuff.
Now, over time most of the stuff that gets written over there, is either terribly boring, because it's predictable propaganda for a political purpose, or it's inciting more or less hateful responses from the readership, which gives the site its clicks and thousands of comments threads. Who is not tired of that shit? The site will implode over time if it continues like it has.
I agree with you if you would put a time frame on your request.
BNR should write over there til the convention. After that may be LD should reconsider if he wants to continue over there. I would say that's true for the other writers I like as well. May be when time goes by they will all stop writing there.
Reading and watching it happen is imo not a big deal. How much does a site like dailykos make in income from ads and from reader's clicks in comparison to readers' posting diaries and comments?
If I go over there to read (while being banned) and click on a couple of diaries, does it make any difference? I don't grasp clearly what the main income source is.
The Income is an Interesting Factor...
The Advertising Revenue is difficult to measure with any degree of accuracy, I'll get into some estimations when I blog on the demise of the Great Orange Stain...
But I assure you that I wish one of my websites made that much advertising revenue...
And damn... All of that from user generated content... What a Scam!
Ads can pay in 2 ways, by the "Number of Impressions" (Just showing on a page or pop up generated by your visit & clicks to other pages), or "Pay Per Click" when you decide to click on an ad...
There are counters in cookies that are placed on your computer when you visit the site and pages to track this information...
Clearly in adopting the "Banishment of Sanders Supporters" there has been a precipitous decline in the number of page views from about 16.6M/wk before the "Ides of March" to about 9.3M/wk presently, cutting the page views in half, which would correspond to a severe advertising revenue drop...
The only way to explain this gamble would be a "Payola to Support Hillary" and the calculations of "Back to Normal" after the election, with the amount of the payola being sufficient to show a profit...
It is our duty to see the there is no "Back to Normal" after the election...
That once the paid ShillBots leave it is a barren uninhabited wasteland of a calculated gamble that didn't work out...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
i vote for some sort of payment from the Democratic Party
After the blogger lunch with Bill Clinton in Harlem, all of the bloggers including Kos made an abrupt about face. User ID #38067 was there to see it happen. It went from influential to hardly noticed by the governing elite. Once the blog was in the bag, they had no need to "woo" its members.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
When was that blogger lunch with Bill Clinton?
Was that this year or last year are you talking about something many years ago? Before 2007 or 2008?
so, me opening a page on that site generates
probably more than 50 percent of the income through "number of impressions" (I don't believe that so many click really on the ads, no? - I just always got mad that if I visited a merchand's sit that I saw an ad of that merchant within a minute on dailykos - I hated it) ... that's really bad then and it seriously make me think to change then and never to open any more pages then. WTF.
Oh, I remember a remark from Meteor Blades years ago, one of the rare times he let out something ... basically ridiculing or mocking the notion that ... I try to paraphrase it, it's not a quote... writing for dailykos gets you not even some peanuts worth in money. He sounded bitter. But he had himself so much under control, so I guess nobody paid attention to this little remark. I think it was shortly after the time he quit doing the admin's task of "getting the rats to not behave like dicks". I remember asking myself at that time how many people were paid for their writing on that site. It took a while til dailykos had a group of paid writers, I think. Never understood it. Always thought it was not a decent "business" model at all.
So many people wrote good stuff and were used. That's what is and was the worst about dailykos.
Oh, I just believe there is no way of this ever going "back to normal'. Normal what? Normal to abuse people who are willing to write for free out of conviction? Payola for supporting Clinton? I can't believe that would not become known and proven after a while. Then it's over for good anyhow.
Thanks for the response.
I wouldn't say...
That 50% would be paid for number of impressions alone...
They typically have a lower CPM than pay per click...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Do not underestimate how important the metrics are to the business model over at Kos. A fall of 20% on quantcst can snowball easily. I will never be back.
LD and Meteor Blades are about all that is left that is worth following. In my opinion.
I lurked daily for over a decade. Bernie actually moved me enough to begin commenting and writing an occasional diary. The treatment and timeouts I recieved pissed me off to no end creating the mother of all DK Zombies.
Kos has been bought and paid for in Third Way DLC Corporate cash.
I'm much happier lurking here, and chiming in without fear of attack.
Since BNR Makes Rec
List, along with other authors' posts, I think there are a lot of lurkers over there who do have open minds. Those posts are being read and rec'd. There may be a lot of quiet people who are reading and learning.
My guess is that a lot of those people stay out of the comment sections and many of them may not know where else they can go. The people who continue to post over there may be reaching some of the silent folks.
I seldom go over there now. When I do, I rec everything I see that deserves one and leave. I cannot handle reading comments anymore.
There are many, many ads now and that site is slow compared to anyplace else I visit.
Where else to go
Is a good question. I go over there (with ad blocking software) to promote the diaries that might reach those who have nowhere else to go, or who are unwilling to abandon their friends, and very occasionally those who might actually be reachable. I'm uncomfortable with abandoning people to their fate:
But I also remember one of the pieces of advice I give my kids:
So I don't think this is easy. I will continue to go over there and rec stuff without generating ad impressions, but figuring out how to move the reasonable people over here en masse is a hard problem.
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
The Answer Is...
Making comments saying, "I don't come here that much anymore, I spend most of my time at"
Or link to a essay here in your comment or diary...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
So we are in the open now?
I somehow got the impression that we were laying a bit low for, but if we are ready for action, I'll do that. (Although honestly I haven't commented in weeks.)
How are we for scaling? I've noticed that the site can be a bit sluggish at popular times (the KY primary was the first time I ever got an error that looked like overload.)
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
If you build it, they will
If you build it, they will come. Build it over here. I hear how hard it is for folks, painful even, to let go of dkos - for lots of good reasons. Imagine then, how hard it is for folks to let go of voting for a democrat (no matter how bad), especially when their family/friends are still in that camp.
Depends on what your goal is. Honestly.
I've stopped caring about that place. I had a very low UID (low 4 digits). I don't care about it at all. I've stopped going
I think the owner is dishonest and doesn't disclose his ties to TPTB. Also, the people who post there BNR, OPOL and others know the stakes and know what the site has become. It's their choice also. As much as I loved BNR's diaries, he doesn't need my tips/recs. People have staked out their positions and nothing is likely to change. It's everyone's choice how they proceed.
just my 2 centimes.
Don't believe everything you think.
Dkos makes me sick literally
It's takes me to a place that is unhealthy. I do go back occasionally mainly if someone here links to GOS. The last time I went there kos was saying Bernie was a violent bad man who was leading his supporters astray. Why should I subject my self to such toxicity. It's a cesspool. It's not just kos it's the ugly mind set of the whole place. Your posts are good and you seem able to not get caught up in nasty negativity and vicious authoritarianism. I learn a lot reading you.
Why go to a site that demands you not damage the scared Democratic party or the thugs pols that have a D after their name. It's like a church or a cult where you must hate the Republicans and assume a totally false world view. It's freaking political blog and a anti-democratic one at that. It does mirror the worst of the Democratic party faithful. A microcosm of the worst of our society.
I like bobswern's writing but see no point in going there to support anyone including Bernie. Sure there are still good people left but imo they ought to leave. What good does it do? It is like the corrupt anti-democratic Democratic party. I am no longer a Democrat. Over the years every liberal good writer has left, been banned or run off by the flying monkeys. They scream racist, sexist, purist, privileged, winger, hater if you refuse to accept their authoritarian hateful twisted view of reality.
It's not my place to tell people where to post or read. I don't like self censorship or propaganda that's why I'm here. I also feel that dkos is a huge mind sink and a distraction purposely directed at stopping any insurrection in the authoritarian rank and file Dem.sheeple. Fear, lies, hate and mock the other be they lefty purists or RWNJ.
It does freak me out when c99% starts drifting towards being the church of kos without Markos. Here I can either not read the essays that are kos centered or sya what I want in defense of a dkos free net. Like the Democratic party we would all be better off if they would fade away and become extinct. Fear and loathing does not move me as there is no lesser evil it the same evil. 'You ask why I don't live here, honey how come you don't move?'
If that's not clear enough:
I agree with you DonMidwest,
I am also understanding of those who have different positions. I think we all process change in different ways and should be tolerant of individual choices. For now, I am going there although the enjoyment has stopped. I do so because you make buddies of sort over the years and I feel I should support kindred spirits while at the same time I am making the move to join new groups rather than go cold-turkey. It's nice to find familiar names away from there! I have also come to consider and care for those who work for kos who are against his policies. Meteor Blades has made it clear he is a Bernie supporter and Mark Summer confessed the same on the APR this morning. That must be brutal. I sense our task must be like organizing for labor. Some folks want to join but are constrained by personal reasons and cannot be in the forefront or the timing is bad for them. We each evolve at our on pace and will move when the time is right for us.
Were the writers the main reason
we even went to TOP? Yes, there were/are some excellent writers. There are a few I really even miss, now that I'm over here all but exclusively (I still scan DU for it's quick news list). But what drew me to TOP was the opportunity to "be with" like-minded people as we watched the train-wreck that was GWB. It was the sense of Community that kept me coming back, and I figure I'm not the only one like that.
As such, leaving is like a divorce; there will be a grieving process for each who finds their way here. As even more of the Progressive community arrives, grieving/griping/ridicule will be less a necessity, IMO.
I think it was dkmich who made the suggestion of stating in a comment about coming over here. I agree, but what I began doing was hitting kosmail. As I read someone who seemed ready, I'd mail them the link to c99 and a short intro about the blog. I'd also let them know it's where many of "our" Progressive community were moving and/or cross-posting. I liked doing it this way... keeping it private so no one felt a need to reply if they weren't ready. ┐(°_°)┌