Oh Lord, Bernie Just Ripped The Scab Off
My friends, get those seat belts back on, strapped low and tight, because we are about to enter the most turbulent atmosphere evah!
This morning on This Week the Bernie interview with George Stephanopoulis aired in which Bernie referred to a Clinton vs Trump contest as one presenting Americans with determining which was the lesser evil: Sanders: American People See Hillary Clinton As "Lesser of Two Evils"
"We need a campaign, an election, coming up which does not have two candidates who are really very, very strongly disliked. I don't want to see the American people voting for the lesser of two evils," the senator told ABC News' George Stephanopoulos during an interview that will air on "This Week" Sunday. "I want the American people to be voting for a vision of economic justice, of social justice, of environmental justice, of racial justice."
To put the comment in context, his interview was preceded by a segment where Stephanopoulis himself described the upcoming Presidential contest as being waged between the two most unpopular contestants in history. I don't know if Bernie was watching that as a prelude to his own airtime or not - I tend to think not since the article I linked to above has a byline from yesterday and seems to say that his interview was conducted prior to it's airing this morning.
Personally, I think his statement is simply truth-telling, impolitic Bernie acknowledging what the polls are showing - that a large percentage of American voters may be forced to vote for the candidate they dislike the least, aka - "the lesser evil".
Stephanopoulis actually twitched at the the brazenness of Sanders description and asked if he seriously was defining Hillary Clinton as a "lesser evil". Bernie deflected that while it wasn't his preferred simile, that how the American people are seeing it. At the round table later on, Donna Brazile also took exception to Bernie's comments by saying that Democrats don't call other Democrats "evil".
Except that we do. All the time. Especially the more lefty liberal flank of the Democrats who comprise a large part of Bernie's voters. Independents have felt free to characterize their choices in this manner for years, especially as the Democratic Party ran to keep up with the rightward movement of the Overton Window under the leadership and guidance of the DLC and New Democrats, notably inaugurated by the Clintons themselves.
Out of idle curiosity I googled "Democrats" and "lesser evil" and immediately saw article after article pop up from Salon, Time magazine, Americablog, Counterpunch, Blackagendareport, truthdig, as well as an actual book titled The Lesser Evil?: The Left Debates: The Democratic Party and Social Change (published in 1977!) So, I wouldn't say it's exactly been a secret that this terminology has been deployed countless times both within and without the Party. In fact, I was just ruminating myself in my last essay about Lesser Evil-ism as a justification for voting Democratic. If I had a nickel for every time I read the phrase on the major Democratic blogs or in the comments sections of newspapers I could comfortably retire or buy some Citizens United political influence myself.
I imagine that the entire Democratic establish will rise up and utilize their Body Snatcher tongue trills and outstretched pointed fingers at Bernie Sanders as a boorish outsider who is upsetting the decorum of the of the united front we pretend to put on every election season.
Hey, we all know how dysfunctional we are and what a fragile edifice masks the disunity. It's helpful to remember that an actual primary election wasn't even in the cards on this go round - all the super delegates chose the nominee and they basically planned to dispense with all the mess and bother of holding an actual election - kind of like Mom and Dad telling you they are going skiing in Biarritz this Thanksgiving, you don't mind do you honey?
The coming days should be filled with fun-filled demands for Bernie to don a hair-shirt and write DEMOCRATS ARE A FORCE FOR GOOD 10,000 times on a chalkboard under the supervision of Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
Good times!

Love it. Truth hurts them.
This is getting to be fun.
Hurts 'em bad.
The umbrage tanker is pulling into the DNC docks
They're gonna use up all the umbrage they've been holding in reserve and require more.
I'm imagining Hillary practicing her look of pursed lipped outrage tinged with a slight overlay of rue at Bernie's impertinence. "Just a little too much anger, how about a magnanimous chuckle?" suggests her likeability coach from the corner of the war room.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
DWS aka Delores UMBRIDGE, one tiny addition,PL! :-)
Forcing the stubborn Sanders supporters to write this until their hands bleed...
(shout out to HP fans and deep thanks to JKR for providing this generation with an example of corruption in the highest places and how to fight it.)
Sea Turtle
Truth is so easy too
Compared to the billions of dollars it takes to create lies.
Beware the bullshit factories.
I have fun with it too
TOP tries to revive "Atari Democrat", and I can't help but laugh when Hillary starts talking about Area 51. I mean, I would laugh even if not for TOP trying to associate our party with a company that literally dug their own grave (That's not internet-literally. They actually went out into the middle of the Mojave, dug a hole, dumped a bunch of unmoved product, and paved it over.) the exact same year "Atari Democrat" was coined.
But sometimes there's a confluence of lulz. "Atari Democrats" have their "ET candidate" now. Yeah, the 1983 video game crash wasn't just ET, but still, you know...
Only a centrist would be proud of being the "more convenient season" white moderate spoken of in the letter from a Birmingham jail.
"Donna Brazile also took exception to Bernie's comments..."
That's just rich - wow. Sure, maybe they haven't called him THAT, but they've sure called him a LOT of OTHER names! Thing is that if what they say about him is true, he owns it* - doesn't run away from it. He's been changing how we do narrative and it's a breath of fresh air.
*I'm old enough to have cringed when they first started shouting 'socialist' in his direction, but sure seems the Republicans inoculated a new generation to that term by flinging it about when it wasn't true. A good percentage of young voters fully embrace the term.
Thanks Phoebe!
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
You've gotta love that sort of spin.
It's like a couple of centuries' worth of metaphor never happened, and Oh Noez! Bernie called us Teh Evil! Like Satan, or Hitler or something. Idjits.
Maybe if some Democrats did call others evil
... it might help restore some credibility to a party sorely lacking it anymore. Joe Lieberman? Bart Stupak? Bob Rubin? The Democratic party is full of evildoers, and the party's actions and inactions reflect it. Barack Obama selling out the public option and pushing the Catfood Commission and trying to ram chained-CPI down our throats? Evil. Giving NSA free rein and trying to haul Edward Snowden back to a dungeon? Evil. Pushing TPP like it's the last thing he'll ever accomplish? Evil. Even Barack Obama has done plenty of evil. Democrats like Donna Brazile who pretend they're too proper to let the word escape their prim lips are fucking idiots.
Please help support caucus99percent!
Nice to see you, Dallasdoc.
I'm not sure anything can restore credibility to the democrats besides starting from scratch.
I cried over Elijah Cummings' support of hillary. That was a huge turning point for me. How many of the democrats are worth giving another chance? Not many at all, I think.
'Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty five years, Doctor, and I’m happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd "
I could give a shit
what some corrupt, compromised, Third Way Establishment Dem thinks about Bernie's remarks, regardless of race, color, creed, gender or sexual orientation/identity.
In fact, I'd willing give them more than one shit for all the harm their brand of politics has done to the people of this country, the people of the world, and the planet. They could use some home grown, All American, organic fertilizer to become "better democrats" (small d intended).
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Donna Brazil is a partisan hack
IDGAF what she has to say about anything. She and the rest of the party can fuck right off.
'Course we don't call one another "evil." But
"F@!$n' retarded" is perfectly acceptable.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
She had that prepared when he did say something of the sort.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. This...is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
Got her parties mixed up
Who can blame poor Donna for thinking they were republicans and citing St. Ronnie's First Commandment.
getting parties mixed up again
to remind Donna Brazile, vice chair of DNC, that's actually an old Rethug mantra, "thou shalt not speak ill of a fellow Republican." The line between the two corporate parties are getting thinner every day.
Is she really comfortable working directly with Wasserman-Shultz? I understand Bernie is going to boot her and replace with Tim Canova if he's elected. That's the Sanders I know and love.
Isn't Brazile also pretty big
Isn't Brazile also pretty big in the Clinton Foundation?
Bernie said that he would fire DWS if he becomes
president. And he said that he supports/endorsed Tim Canova for the congressional seat now held by DWS. He didn't suggest a replacement for DWS at the DNC.
Great Essay! Thanks for sharing it.
I agree that the faux hysteria from the Democratic Mainstream towards Bernie is just gross.
Do they not realize how sad, pathetic and weak such protestations make them appear?
The Democratic Party has become a party of piranha pretending to be shrinking violets who can take even the most innocuous of comments and turn it into "Hate Speech."
Every day I become more and more convinced that effective July my Florida registration will be changed to Green until we can get a our new party rolling.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
This is Bullying 101. To make someone an outcast, you need to get everyone pointing fingers together.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
Me too
There has been a little Green Party dismissal here because it currently does not have a lot of structure. Every party starts from somewhere, even a no-party movement. The Green Party can be transformed in a day if a majority of Bernie people took their donations and their spirit over there. After the election, I'm sure we will transform ourselves into a bigger movement than just one political party.
Beware the bullshit factories.
I've been guilty of being dismissive of the Green Party
because I could never understand why they were never able to build critical mass. In retrospect, I've been overly harsh on them because they have managed to get themselves on the ballots of most if not all of the states and that in itself is no mean feat.
Since the Democrats seem determined to leave the corral gates open and drive off the liberal herd, it makes sense to congregate at another ranch that is pre-existing and could probably use an influx of new blood and excitement.
On a side note, the Green Party in Virginia as far as I am aware as little to do with what one usually thinks of as the Green Party. My understanding is that they were invaded by a group of issue voters whose issue was transportation, or something like that. If anyone knows differently, please add a comment
But parties can be taken over - remember what happened to the Connecticut for Lieberman Party. But, let me be quick to say I'm not advocating any kind of hostile takeover of the Green Party - more like a merger of like minded voters. This option should probably be seriously explored by Bernie voters who are finally making the break.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
How about a hostile takeover of the Democratic Party?
There are never enough active party members to do all that has to be done to have a strong party at all levels. The left wing (or the democratic wing of the Democratic Party) could use some representation. I was very active for several years and had a helluva good time. However, I was much more interested in field work than in influencing policy. And that's what we need. Lots of young FDR Democrats willing to get involved, run for office, have rallies and demonstrations, whatever it takes. The saddest part of the insiders' response to Bernie supporters is that they're turning their backs on the next generation---the future. They know it. They've said it. But they can't let go of their power long enough to form the welcome committee.
I just don't think that is a viable option anymore
I used to think we could take back our party from the NeoLibs but this election has made it apparent that the Party Power brokers will never allow that to happen, they would rather lose elections than lose control and power over the party.
In all honesty, a Brand New party, without baggage and a clear, concise platform is probably the way to go given that so many Americans have complete and total disdain for the existing party.
Long story short, I think it would take a lot more energy and with less of a chance for success to attempt a coup of the DNC then it would to build a new party from the ground up in time to primary all the non-progressives we can in 2018 while laying the ground work for the 2020 primary.
Both parties are broken and corrupt to the core, so lets stop trying to prop up a dead party Ala Weekend at Bernies and instead just build a new one that has none of the preexisting baggage and power controllers to deal deal with.
They have made it readily apparent that they have no interest in an honest attempt to modify their platform to unite the party so fuck them in the neck.
But that's just my 2 cents, lol!
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
I wouldn't
describe clinton as the lesser of 2 evils. She's the greater of 2 evils.
Bernie or Bust...
Sanders' response in my dreams:
"If it comes to that. the voters will decide which one they believe she is."
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
I agree Hillary greater of 2 evils
She would continue wars and start new ones
She would follow the banksters and not reign in the banks
Europe Moves to Cut Risk in $505 Trillion Derivatives Market
She would not return the democratic party to the new deal
She would continue to support "bridge energy" rather than Keep IT In the Ground
and like Bill, as a democrat, she would enable neo liberalism
Her track record speaks for itself
She was having the time of her life moving pieces around in a human chess game, largely involving international coup d'etats. While the people at home were suffering under severe financial hardships. Her habitual abuse against humanity and social movements will only stop after the elections if she is NOT elected potus.
Who wants to vote for a corporate real estate investor? His business dealings were a convenience for a hedonistic, lavish lifestyle . A typical idler from the wealthiest class. But one with a particularly loud mouth. He hasn't ever been exposed to real labor. Instead it's the kind where you accumulate fictitious capital. He is from another dimension, he has no concept of how you must honestly provide a real good and/or a real service to your fellow man/woman in order to survive.
This Hillary/Trump scenario is a false dichotomy. I'm thinking outside the box. Bernie or Bust, Green, UPP (United Progressive Party, new kid on block)
are some breakaway options for 2016.
I think you might be right.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
She is worse
She will be the more Effective of two evils. Democrats in Congress will fight Trump tooth and nail if he tries to pass the same agenda that we know Hillary will pass with the same Dems.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
In short...
She's the better liar of the two.
'Progressives" who vote $$Hillary had better hang on for the ride, because when she yanks the wheel to the right, people who thought it was a joy ride and didn't buckle-up are going to get hurt, and hurt badly.
Plenty "progressives" think neoliberalism is progressive.
Or at least work really hard to believe it, and convince others of the same.
is it okay to pickup the hitchhiker?
Suppose you do pick up that seemingly-innocent stranger in your car, think it's fine to help out. So maybe you just will pick up the dear lady after all. She really needs the ride and it's dark and rainy out there. It's all good In your progressive and liberal wisdom. Go ahead, let her in your car and help the poor woman get to her destination, wherever that might be.
Now you're both proceeding down the US interstate at night. Good samaritan that you are, what could possibly go wrong?
You're sitting next to Ms. Aileen Wournos and have no clue. Maybe the situation isn't going to escalate. This time. Maybe. It could also be quickly commandeered out of the driver's seat and into someone else's diabolical control.
You may not be in for so much a "joy ride" as a car-jacking, or worse. It's been know to end with a body or two in the trunk or out on the street. It was your choice, unfortunately your very last one.
Perfectly put.
An effective H. Clinton Presidency would be something to fear.
she has refused to say
she wont means test social security. DT on the other hand has gone in the lions den of right wing talk shows and stated adamently he will not cut it or raise the retirement age. I 100% agree.
Solidarity forever
unfortunately, I agree HRC is the Greater of the Two Evils
Sea Turtle
Will the supers think of self survival?
Maybe so.
Superdelegates WILL Switch To Bernie. Here’s Why
Washington Post
May 22, 2016
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I don't think
they care. I believe Phoebe hit the nail on the head with this essay yesterday. It's much easier to be the minority party than the majority.
I disagree with WaPo
I disagree with one assertion; that $$Hillary is about at 'the bottom of her range' in polling.
Anyone claiming $$Hillary's numbers will rise had better go find some strong evidence to support that theory, because in the elections she's run so far, she just keeps trending downward.
The DNC is gambling with everything they claim to care about by assuming that she must rise and Trump must fall. It's entirely possible that voters who haven't considered the awfulness of this gruesome twosome may very well send her even lower as they reject feeling blackmailed into voting for such an awful lying sack of dog-doo as $$Hillary.
The saddest part of all of that is that nobody is voting for
a candidate they want. Everyone's voting against a candidate. And, if you listen to Hillary, that's what she's saying. She's not talking about what great plans she has. She's just saying that Trump is a loose cannon. That woman is a real motivator!!
That Tom Tomorrow cartoon describes the pathetic
establishment Dem position perfectly. That would be the most pathetic and cynical presidential race of all time, double ironically when humanity could least afford it and the U.S. for the first time has a great forward-looking democratic socialist poised to win the general going away as the first installment of a political revolution. The political revolution is happening one way or another, but the potential for a Bernie Sanders presidency should not be wasted on the worst presidential race of all time.
Which Tom Tomorrow strip is that from? Do you have a link?
Or perhaps you could give the date = which week it was?
I’ve looked at TOP and The Nation, but couldn’t find it.
Hopefully Sanders has figured out --
at this point -- how great an evil Clinton really is. Let's see. Electoral fraud in half the states he's campaigned. Plans to turn Social Security into a welfare program.
Foreign policy:
Oh and this fun promise to turn "the economy" over to Bill Clinton, regular attendee of Peterson Foundation fiscal summits. From Wikipedia:
Against this, of course, we have the sort of nonsense spouted by Donald Trump, advocating policies already being carried out by Barack Obama for the sake of gaining the Republican nomination. Yvette Carnell: "So Democrats are still more outraged at Trump's threat to temporarily ban Muslims than Obama's policy of bombing them? Carry on."
Oooh, a border wall. Has anyone here been down to look at the one already in existence?
The "lesser of two evils" justification nonetheless exists powerfully to protect Clinton. It seems to be riding, largely, on the good (D) bad (R) mythology. The other big problem is the embryonic state of any effort yet put forth to replace the Sanders strategy of "running as a Democrat" while running against the Democrats with something better.
"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo
Sanders has not run a dirty, down in the mud
campaign. He's stuck to the issues.
Trump? Well pigs like him and the Clintons love the muck. Except he'll be able to throw more than she can, and less will stick to him because no matter who the Republicans run, they and right leaning indies vote for their nominee come hell or high water.
All the negative campaigning we will get, and it will be the most negative campaign in history in my view, will just drive down voter turnout among the disaffected groups, especially the millennials. Add in the voter suppression of the very groups she relies upon the most, which will only ramp up more this year thanks to all those laws passed by GOP state legislatures, and she will have a hard slog to eke out a victory. Plus, her brand will damage many Dem Senatorial candidates. Winning back the Senate will be less likely with her at the front of the ticket. She wins, we all lose. She'll be a one term President at best and likely we will end up with a neo-fascist Republican regime thereafter.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
That's fine.
I'm talking about this already-spread-about nonsense about how we must all vote for Clinton if she gets the nomination.
"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo
Yeah I goofed and responded to your post
When I meant to make a new comment/
Mea culpa.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Hillary made herself an issue
This is a subtlety the Hillbots just don't get. Bernie wasn't attacking her but her fundraising. All she had to do was stop it - or at least ban lobbyists like Obama did - and the issue would have lost its sting. But because she refused to do this, every time he raised the issue she and her minions heard it - and trumpeted it - as a personal attack.
Over here at c99 we know there is a lot more to it than that, but we need simple framing like this to reach those who are reachable. The nervous undecideds and the uncomfortable Clinton backers that we need to win Cali big and take the convention.
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
She needed the money
That's why she hates Sanders so passionately. He made her spend money she was holding in reserve for the general.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
That's one reason.
There are others. Mainly, that he has punctured the illusion of inevitability. Hers, her bosses', and her philosophy's. If you can call brute expedience and realpolitik a "philosophy."
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
I'm changing my position.
Originally I assumed that if the Democrats nominated Hillary the Rs would screw over Trump, nominate Paul Ryan, and win big in November. (While if Bernie wins they would let Trump get crushed and blame it on the "radicals", like the Dems do with their losses, except that in this case they would go back to obsrtructionist mode and cease to exist after 2018) Now I see that I was underestimating Hillary Hate(™) By the convention Trump will be so far up in the deep polls that they will not be able to screw him over.
I thought we were looking at Reagan/Carter, now I doubt Hillary could reach Carter's level. We should stop espousing the opinion that we need a new party; we should plan for what we will do after the Democrats dissolve.
On to Biden since 1973
The only reason to vote for Clinton
Provided you live in a swing state, is the likelihood that Republicans will be able to successfully impeach her and we will still have her Democrat VP in the White House.
Yeah, I've seen the wall.
It's a big ugly scar. I liked it better when the border was marked by just a few strands of barbed wire, or nothing at all.
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
Bernie is factually correct, as usual.
IF the Dems want to continue to be a major party [as opposed to a minor one] they will listen. But at least they have been warned.
And if there is a public outcry [of course there will be] EVERYONE will hear about it.
I suppose the entire community a kos is having a snit fit about now, but I'm afraid to go over and check it out.
NOTE: you need a textual image for fear.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
Well at least she didn't give us the finger.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
NO, Dems just give other Dems the finger.
lol - I got it loaded but... wrong place. eom.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I lightened it for better detail
Either way, stay classy, Barbara
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Thanks, much better.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Barbara Boxer is much too classy a woman to flip
someone off. I believe that is Photo-shopped. If you look at it closely, if that's her middle finger, she has too many fingers. The woman is retiring this year, as she is 75 years old. Be pissed at her cry wolf statement re: Nevada, but don't diminish her dignity. Like all congress critters, she's not perfect. But she's a hell of a lot better than most of her colleagues.
She has no respect coming to her.
'Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty five years, Doctor, and I’m happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd "
NYTimes will run another
Bernie Harms Hillary article.
At this point
I suspect he feels like he doesn't have much to lose and might gain from those remarks. Tell it like it is.
agreed - Bernie's been
agreed - Bernie's been Telling it like it is since day 1 and the lesser of 2 evils is spot on , and if the DNC wants to change that perception start listening to the voters for a change.
the truth-teller. Those words cannot be unheard.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
I find it hard to believe
that Bernie "accidentally" let that phrase slip out.
Could it be he's setting the groundwork for a 3rd party run?
No but I do think he continues to set the groundwork for
Btw, BERNIE WAS RIGHT when.. Asked at the beginning of his campaign But but buttt HOW do you expect to get anything done if you become president .... BERNIE responded (repeatedly) when MILLIONS of people demand change the Washington politicans will have to listen...
I am headed to the convention in Philly and I am bringing MILLIONS OF ANGRY VOTERS along with me... I just have a few more stops to make before we get there
warm regards
Orwell was an optimist
One little thing
I was in college in 77, and I think things were more than a little different. Yes, the Democrats were disappointing - But generally they were cowards, steamrolled by the rise of what I now call american fascism. Yes, the McGovern congressional reforms were generating corruption, but it was still manageable. Carter's dabbling with Thacherism was based on his experience as a governor, where he honestly saw the problems that regulation can have, while having the faith that America would not terminally abuse freedom from regulation. He was wrong, of course, but he was not evil. Today's Democrats are barely pretending, and Hillary is no Carter.
On to Biden since 1973
Oh please.
I've always voted D, and I've been using the 'lesser evil' expression since before I was old enough to vote, ffs.
That's just the reality of politics, or I thought it was until Bernie came along.
When I saw Bernie say that I smiled
When I saw stephanpuffolus become SHOCKED (I tell ya) I laughed
I guess the ONLY person In America who isn't allowed to say it is BERNIE.
"Sorry mr Mahar... We aren't being asked to eat the chicken if we can't have the steak, we are once again being asked to eat chit"
- me
Orwell was an optimist
is pretty careful regarding his choice of language and the phrase is significant - especially in context. Definitely signals a ramping up of hostilities. Lumping Clinton in with Trump is a huge departure.
If anything this is being underplayed imo.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
Someone mentioned the simularity
between Carter vs Reagan to Clinton vs Trump, but I don't think anyone will call Clinton "too nice" and there won't be anyone hesitating to call Trump the asshat in chief, at least until the executions begin. There is still opportunity here to make a progressive effort through a third party, and maybe with some of the down ticket candidates being endorsed by Bernie. I really wish, for the good of the country, and Bernie would get in the GE with the Greens somehow, since they have the best chance of being on all the ballots possible. His voice needs to be heard while the other two are oozing through the hog wallow.