[Fundraiser attempt] It's Friday - I am lonely - Need a weekend party
How about a fundraiser party?
yes, short and simple. The server needs to be upgraded, I heard.
So, let's downgrade our funds in our pockets a bit to put the dollars into the piggy-bank of C99%.
I don't know how you have done that before.
I am matching up to $300.00 of your donations.
Please let JtC know per private mail how much you donated (if you don't want it to be public) and JtC please notify me, when you have gotten $300.00 in your piggy-bank.
That's all. I am not a writer. I am a pig lover and I am sure the C99% piggie bank approves this message. The piggie says: For a quarter I dance a minute longer...
The caucus of the 99% piggies are for Brother Johnny and Uncle Bernie. United we Win !
PS. This could be a mix and match party. Don't be shy. Match what you like.

This attempt apparently failed
I leave it up for 30 more minutes and that's it.
Please leave it up
I already pitch in a minuscule amount each month so can't give you anything to match at the moment - hope others can though.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
I'm on the site for the 1st time today,
Read this, and chipped in. It was hard to get into the site Tues.
Question: is there some way to do a recurring donation?
"It was hard to get into the site Tues."
That was because of the primaries (lots of people posting and hitting refresh and such)
Recurring donation...
click the donate button in the right sidebar and at the top of the page is a box to tick for recurring monthly donations.
you could try offering cookies.
lol, cookies can't compete with PORN on TOP though,
you think this piglet would wake up for some stinky porn ?
What a pig - I like the sound it makes eating
- never thought people would let pigs sleep in their bed. Ha. What you can learn on c99p with all the adults around here.
This kiddo is tired. Good Night.
Yat to that. Just kicked in 20
after my first after a few days here. Cooperative funding, like Bernies.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Thank you, riverlover many have already given on a monthly basis
so I am all the more grateful for your generosity.
Mimi, sweet little piggy hee hee
I'm sorry I'm a poor, poor poorly pig
Thanks for sharing your love of pigs and for the cute fundraiser for C99.
Do you remember the show, "Designing Women"? Seeing your little pigs reminded me of that precious show.
I forgot to ask
What is your avatar? I love the colors! Is it a photograph?
ah, I played around with my avatar, this is the one
I used at TOP. it's a photo, but not mine, should be a wave to surf on in Hawaii at sunset. I love it somehow.
Don't take it down, mimi! It's a great thing you're doing. Today
was payday and I'll put my usual monthly small donation in this weekend. We all need to help JtC upgrade the tech stuff. The glitches are a good sign, because it means more traffic, but it's annoying to get them while drafting a post. So contribute we must! Thanks for this, mimi, and please do it regularly, like at least once a month - preferably around paydays :=) Enjoy your evening my friend,
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
thank you, Gerrit, I feel I owe you an apology for my
first message I sent you way back. I was just a bit overwhelmed about your eloquence. I wished I could write. Your series is great and I am glad to get to know you better through your writing.
we're gonna do snail mail
it's been a couple of months since we kicked in anything. I've got a PayPal account that's really for my band's recording fund. We have cash from the "gigs" (that's musician talk for "performances") but we also have a bandcamp site and occasionally sell copies of our CD, with the money going into PayPal. So shaz doesn't want to disturb that and prefers to send what the ancients called "a check".
Which we'll do. That'll be exciting! It'll be so Mid-Century! Then maybe I'll get a rotary phone and ditch the cell.
oh, you guys are great, hmm, we could also use
peace pigeons to deliver a check, what do you think? My niece, when she was still alive, used this little pigeon, that carried a device to measure air pollutants, for delivering data to a database real-time, in one of her projects.. I think it could carry a check too, no?

Thank you so much.
Thanks mimi...
every little bit helps, and thank you to all that have donated. Without the People Powered funding, we'd be looking at advertisements and nobody wants that, especially me. Thanks again to everyone!
159 users onboard. Time to step up to the plate, lurkers.
Us philanthropists can't keep this place afloat all by ourselves.
Who knows, you might even enjoy making a comment or two. The more the merrier.
Improve the Resilience Resource Library by adding your links.
Vote Smart - Just the Facts - 40,000 politicians by name or zipcode
Aww, Already Give
I support this place on a monthly, but yeah, let's add to it folks!
Bernie is a win-win.
Mailed a check yesterday
This is a great place, and clearly needs more server power at some times, for all the people flooding in.
I am planning to contribute
in June when the finances are flush again, sorry can't at the moment. Thanks for making this effort, love to see this.
I sent in $10, I'm challenging McCartney and Springsteen
to match it when they're done singing this . . .
[video:https://youtu.be/kDAMRMQr48g width:500 height:333]
Just chipped in $10
Hope you're having a less lonely happy
Friday night fundraising party, mimi.
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
thank you, dancingrabbit, I am so happy, I don't even have
a hangover.

PS I can't get enough of JtC's textual smileys. So cute.
Great idea mimi
I've been meaning to donate so thanks for the push.I'm in for 100.
wow, so generous, thank you so much /nt
Wow, many, many thanks for all those you chipped in !!
You came in late in the evening. You donated way more than I could match and for that I just say thank you. Thank you for supporting this fundraiser.
Hey, no fair! You guys were partying on, while I was asleep. n/t
nightowlers and early birdies are hard to
get in to one party. I can't tell you how tired I am to communicate from the EST time zone with people in Hawaii and Germany. One of us is always asleep and the other side wants to party, is exited and chats endlessly.
Oh well, we will party one day in Dresden, how about that?
Deal !! — Gebongt !! (?) n/t
Ha, Bingo to Gebongt !! /nt
Wasn't online last night
Just saw this now and kicked in.
thank you, the virgins in heaven will look upon you with a smile
Thank you for this mimi!
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
thank you for that, gg /nt