National Media used as a weapon against individual citizens if they don’t vote as their told?
My heart has been with the Sanders participants in the Nevada State Democratic Convention of last weekend, and is aching for this nation.
These folks are clearly honest, sincere and devoted citizens who care about our nation and attempted to participate as citizens and to represent others. They were, given what they were up against, remarkably poised. And I can only imagine the terror this has inspired in them as American Citizens attempting to participate in Democracy.
According to myriad online accounts published, (one example would be Erin Bilbray’s online account: another is online by the woman published yesterday, whose film of a lifted chair was most selectively edited by the media, without her permission, and instantly circulated). Another film of Barbara Boxer blowing kisses at Clinton supporters while leaving the building, not looking fearful at all. In fact she looks delighted.
And there are written and filmed accounts by others. It is my understanding that these are people who attended the convention in good faith, representing voters in the wider community, (who were not able to attend), and went through a full working day and overtime; hours of exclusion, disrespect, frustration, and even physical discomfort on behalf of those they volunteered to represent: multitudes of other citizens.
It certainly appears to me to have been carefully orchestrated: both to exclude a large block of voters, but also surgically planned to exploit their justifiable outrage at nearly sixteen hours of this sort of manipulation in a so called “democratic” forum, for a media blitz feeding frenzy: with no actual reporting. Here is what I have come to understand about the events of that day:
• These participants arrived for the time they were told they were to arrive; only to discover parking areas already filled with cars, later learning that one candidates’ supporters had somehow been briefed for an earlier meeting and time.
• This group of participants in the DNC, were further delayed in long registration lines, only later learning that a large block of them had their names erased from voting roles and party registration, and were being denied participation, despite previously established credentialing through the DNC, and needing to spend extra time advocating for their own voting status or trying to.
• Meetings were already taking place where all manner of rule changes were arbitrarily enacted. Those meetings were essentially closed to this manipulated and disenfranchised block of participants, who would only fully learn what occurred as the events of the day unfolded: realizing the full import among themselves as a group at end of the day. It would be difficult to see the pattern of deliberate confusion and disenfranchisement as events unfolded, until much later.
• Petitions were circulated, but only first among one group, the special group, and then collected abruptly. Some applicants were given a short time in which to collect many signatures: they did: and a vote was still denied. This was especially poignant for younger voters involved in Democracy and willing to serve.
• Even basic human needs, like the availability of bathrooms; some were reported as mysteriously closed, forcing discomfort and long lines; more time away from the floor. Water was reported to be available in short supply, and at extortionate prices. Even indignity and physical discomfort seem deliberately planned.
So the roster of events was manipulated over a very long day of discomfort and disenfranchisement. These Bernie Sanders voters, representatives of many other citizens, are members of the party, and were treated with abject abuse of process over many hours time, with an escalating pattern of manipulation throughout the day, from the accounts that have emerged. Little of this is being reported in the corporate media in any balanced way..
• And after all of that, a long term Senator, who coincidentally is a family member of the candidate whose constituency was receiving advantaged treatment, bumped the other Senator (notably a woman of color) from her place in the order of final presentations, and behaved in a condescending and incendiary manner, (toward people who had previously trusted her as a party member), who had been deliberately frustrated at every attempt at full participation for perhaps as many as sixteen hours. It appears that this too was planned, to put Ms. Turner in as awkward a position as possible before her own talk (and of course her skills are impeccable). With a posse of twitter feeds lined up in advance to mischaracterize the event. And she is not a member of the Clinton family. She is a stellar, accomplished woman and from a far less advantageous beginning than Ms. Boxer can claim.
Certainly Boxer’s dual relationship with the Clintons made this a dubious professional appearance for her, but dual relationships and the resulting ethical quagmires are a hallmark of this entire campaign and era in government by dynasties, with special powers for family members and lick-spittle cronies. Not objective assessment of real Democracy.
• A Minority report, usually given, was summarily excluded and even the courtesy of a vote count denied. It appears that was no action of an individual: this seems clearly coordinated. It is very clear that other officials who appear to have ear pieces in some of the film footage, were advising the chair. At least it looked that way when I watched the films.
A former U.S. Congressman and Hillary Clinton’s supporter ripped up his Clinton ballot and left the meeting in disgust: some Clinton supporters had the grace to stand with principle, beside Sanders supporters, and shared their disgust. Hopefully they will not be in fear if they testify for legal hearings in possible court actions.
• From everything that has emerged in accounts online and films by eyewitness participants at the event, this seems fully intended to escalate outrage at the meeting just so that it could be plastered all over the biased media: all actions leading up to that ending appear to have been carefully orchestrated to make the experience as unpleasant, unfair, disrespectful and abusive, (even physically), as possible:
• And the waiting lone reporter on hand could mischaracterize the response of the scapegoated and disenfranchised group to the final culmination of indignities. A lifted chair, which was quickly set down following intervention by SANDERS supporters: the immediate appearance of a phalanx of police hired and at the ready for the photo op and subsequent mischaracterization. Now Boxer, without disclosing her dual relationship, or any of the other events is hogging the limelight talking about her “fear”: while silencing and smearing the real victims. Every day people, trying to participate in the increasingly limited role they have in government.
• Film was then selectively edited, then blasted over the airwaves to the salivating and captured media, ( who coincidentally came into their current existence through legislation passed by the Clinton regime, fostering monopoly ownership: who “coincidentally” contribute heavily to her campaign.) It certainly appears that they were fully hoping and planning to arouse violence.
The martinet who enacted and presided over all of this ended with her angry bang of the gavel, which was a gesture of violence toward the people in the room: she is all over the news with further accusations.
No one is investigating those, but its easy to see Mook’s hand in this . . . the so called threatening callers, uniformly male and crude to fit the “Bernie Bro” crud developed by the Clinton campaign, likely hired to leave messages to play on airwaves of the bought and captured media that passes for journalism. (If you’re in a Bernie Sanders Facebook group, you’ve likely seen the tactics: child pornography; recipes on how to make explosives from glow sticks, and the endless comments and lies being sent around.)
These operatives are passing themselves off as “Bernie Supporters”. So it seems plausible that Mook himself published this woman’s personal information, just to stir things up. Its been going on all along. We are told by Mooks online hacks that “we don’t need your votes”.
It is not a campaign: in fact it has been one of the least inspired, most tepid in modern history: a first woman president who is running on “what he did” and lining up her husband and Henry Kissinger.
They give the appearance of investing more in psy-ops than in campaigning. And she is focusing her attention on donors: domestic and foreign. They appear to be her real constituency.
THIS IS PSYOPS on the American Public.
This is an early precursor to the mess in the Middle East: divide and strip out assets: extract “value”.
Both “candidates” are exposing comfort with genocide: Clinton in her cozy relationship with Henry “genocide is necessary” Kissinger: Trump with Naziism and the KKK. The ruthlessness campaign for Oligarchy blessing is the real contest.
And innocent citizens, frustrated at being treated badly in trying to participate as voters, can be slandered and defamed by a massive media operation to manipulate appearances for one candidate.
The presence of that thinking in both sides of a U.S. election is appalling.
Boxer’s melodramatic“ fears” are utterly ridiculous in the face of what many citizens see in this. Just ruthless Kabuki theatre for her, but real human beings who were earnestly trying to represent their constituencies are subjected to mistreatment for hours and then exploitation for lies in the media.
There is no longer any recognizable Democratic Party: there are two GOP parties financed by the same donors. WE the people lose with either “frontrunner”.
They are playing us. We are openly told online by Mook operatives that “we don’t need your votes”. Given the enmeshed relationships with voting machine manufacturers by both parties that seems to be true., We have a captured media.
THIS IS PSYOPS on the American Public.
WE have little functioning media left and it is a personal weapon against individual citizens?
IT is one party: CLINTON/TRUMP
With the same goals and the same backers.
Its an audition for backers: not a campaign for our votes.
And one truthful, principled man is standing up against all of this.
He has a lifetime’s history of standing up for important principles.
He has nobility that cannot be bought, or feigned.
The world knows and is watching.
He is willing to risk himself in the name of Democracy.
He campaigns the name of principle.
So do his voters, as evidenced by citizens standing for others in a travesty of process and being unfairly vilified by a corrupt and enmeshed media in the hands of monopolies.
The world is aware of this and they are watching.
We can have a real election with a real Democrat, or we can vote for more and more and more psy-ops enacted against ourselves and humanity.
Donate, phonebank, canvas and vote.

Very nice summary
Sorrow. This really puts the Nevada debacle in prospective for me. Thank you for your hard work.
Bernie or Bust...
This morning, the news showed footage
of our House of Representative "erupting in chaos" over the dirty tricks used to vote down the LGBT measure. I though to myself, how is that any different from the footage they showed of Sanders Delegates loudly and vocally protesting their mistreatment at the Nevada Convention?
It's obvious from abroad as well if one has eyes cast this way.
Well written sir.
Hopefully foreign correspondents and phtographers will
PLEASE follow each rally and all routes with Bernie supporters. This latest manipulation by Clinton and her false reporters on the media seems like a set up to mischaracterize Bernie supporters.
Mook and corporations are likely already planning and agent provocateurs will again enact harm to wound and intimidate peaceful citizens who support Bernie.
This is why you can't vote (D) in Fall
The people who say "of course I will vote for the Democratic nominee in Fall" are just cutting our throats.
If you protest Clinton but vote for her in Fall then you just enable more of this stuff.
In descending order of effectiveness:
1. Vote for Trump in Fall (best way to stop Clinton)
2. Vote for Jill Stein in Fall
3. Write in Bernie in Fall (will invalidate your ballot in Illinois and maybe elsewhere)
4. Leave "President" blank in Fall (someone will probably fill it in for you anyway, Trump or Clinton depending on which party controls the ballot counting)
5. Stay home in Fall (not good, there a few decent people running down ballot)
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Obviously, the best thing
would be for Bernie and Stein to join forces after the convention--best for all concerned, but Bernie won't do that.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
IL: Bernie can't get on ballot at all????
Was just checking Illinois write-in rules. Found this in the 2016 CANDIDATE’S GUIDE FOR PRESIDENTIAL PREFERENCE, DELEGATES & ALTERNATE DELEGATES. Looks like Bernie can't even file to be a write-in or alternative party candidate since he lost the primary. Crap!
4. A candidate for whom nomination papers have been filed as a partisan candidate at a primary election, and who is defeated for nomination, is prohibited from being listed on the ballot at the General Election as an independent candidate or as a candidate of another political party, and may not file a declaration of intent to be a write-in candidate at that General Election. (10 ILCS 5/7-61, 10-3, 17-16.1, 18-9.1)
Even if he could run, he would have to
Every county in Illinois? Clearly they don't want write-in candidates. We need a whole new program. This is nuts.
One thing missed... how much of the RW media is using this not to make Sanders supporters look bad but to make the Democrats and Hillary look bad. Team Hillary has been so insistent that Bernie is harming her in the general, and in their efforts to malign Sanders supporters and "win at all costs" they're not only feeding the Bernie or Bust movement but they're doing even more to help the GOP voters rally against Clinton than they realize.
"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me
She made a point of hiring Mook
who whatever his bland title may be engages in psy-ops: that is the name for what he is doing: creating falsity and strategic planned manipulation. She opened that door and basically opened the door for red state to join her. She can then do anything and blame trump.
This is additionally, a terrifying thing for individual citizens: the folks who are being mischaracterized PERSONALLY.
Does the DNC then subtly let folks know on the DL where these voters are? What other scapegoating will they be subjected to under plausible deniability.
Clinton's triangulation is becoming more deadly and we are in a situation where we have no rights whatsoever.
This is clearly going to be a set up at the convention: agent provocateurs: they do this in other nations and have been at it here for some tim.
If anybody on here knows stuff about encryption
and can teach a somewhat tech-deficient person about it, I'd be grateful--
some of us want to start discussing tactics for de-escalating the provocateur-inspired violence that surely is planned for Philly, but it's ridiculous to talk about that in the open where David Brock and his ilk can hear you--
sort of like laying out your game plan with the other team's assistant coaches standing in the corner of your locker room.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
At this point, I'm actually fine with that.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Great thoughts, thanks!
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
I like the word martinet.
I have no idea who "Martin" was, but, yes, this is a setup. We are now encouraged to feel personal retaliation. I feel that pressure, but am not buying it.
Too many strings in evidence. I no longer know what They want, but it has nothing to do with me. Not in my survival at.all.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Actually it really was "Martinet"
Origin of martinet 1670-80; after General Jean Martinet (died 1672), French inventor of a system of drill.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
psyops on the American people
there we are.
They are manufacturing the Dean scream for Bernie. eom
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I said once that they're not responding to Bernie the way they responded to Dean and Kerry; they're responding to Bernie the way they responded to Occupy.
When they start portraying you as dangerous, violent goons, it's a bad sign.
Only thing worse is when they start associating you w/disease or vermin.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
I'm now convinced
Hilary is a Trump supporter.
On to Biden since 1973
OR maybe ... Trump is a Hill supporter? Hard to say...
Heads they win, tails we lose.
That is my opinion.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Distort and distract
Yesterdays open thread topic. The magicians trick... keep people focused over here while you manipulate something elsewhere. Let's avoid the real issues and create non-issues to keep all the peasants occupied. Violence in NV, transgendered bathrooms, etc etc Avoid the real issues. Run another infotainment piece on the so called news. Misdirect peoples attention.
Keep your eyes open and it is easy to see. Too bad our citizenry is being blinded by the powers that be.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
It's like this
When I said that I would never vote for Trump because he would cause the deaths of innocent people, liberals called me a good Democrat. When I said that I would never vote for Clinton for the same reason, they called me an evil Republican. Because you see, those liberals aren’t opposed to murder, or theft, or injustice. They’re just opposed to Republicans.
The events in Nevada--classic examples of the Big Lie--
are a cynical and quite intentional effort by the Clinton campaign and mainstream Dems to "justify" in advance violent repression of any mass demonstrations during the Philly convention.
Hillary Clinton 2016: I'm a proud progmoderate!
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
The Criminal Montag
Ray Bradbury had the viewscreens following a police suspect through the streets until the police exercised summary justice. With the militarized police exercising summary justice on so many every day, this outrage has become the norm.
In other words, the media is already being used to ensure that the proles don't rise up against Big Money, brother!
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
MSM and blogs. #BoycottDailyKos
Kos calls Bernie a "violent thug"
How much money is he making off of Hillary?
How can we expose what's behind the curtain
To the general populace? Who has a loud enough voice to reach the average media manipulated American? Thank you for this very well written and researched essay. Thank you to all of the others here that are doing a stellar job writing essays that expose the corruption of our electoral process. In no way do I mean to trivialize these efforts when I say: no one can hear us! None of this makes it out into the bought-and-paid-for media. Even Twitter shuts down trending hashtags that dare to speak ill of Clinton.
I'm so ANGRY at the view I have of the sole of a jackboot! I know a lot of unaware average people would be outraged if the truth made it into the mainstream!
Bernie is our new MLK. He's the only person with a loud enough voice to get the message out, but the powers that be will do everything they possibly can to suppress the truth and prop up their lies. I don't have a megaphone (literally), but there HAS GOT to be someone out there who sees through this bullshit, and can shout it from the rooftops loud enough to get the populace to wake up and realize they've been used and manipulated for decades, and it's just getting more blatant!
Any stained glass afficionados? Please check out my website:
Luckily, in this case,
the general populace already smells a rat:
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Expect this treatment in Philly
This is just a precursor for what will happen in Philly. Be prepared, practise non-violence. Be careful! There will be "false flags" hired to disrupt, don't allow it. Train to be non-violence protestors. It's the only thing that works. Remember Chicago and Kent State. There has always been a quiet revolution going on, it just got too quiet for a while, when the media got bought out.
If the media is the weapon, why do people continue to pay their cable bill. Talk about power, why not simply stop giving them money? I did. I'm informed without CNN. Maybe more than most.
Exactly. Stop giving lying media corporations any more money,
which in the case of internet media such as Google or Facebook means: a complete stop to using their services or going to their websites so they cannot harvest and sell any more of your personal data.
Snopes debunks chair throwing.
Sadly, Snopes only goes
So far as to say that the chair throwing is "unproven." I don't know what final proof they need to say that the claims of "chairs" being "thrown" are indeed false. The GOS is apparently going with the idea that "unproven" means that proof is imminent.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
One guy walked toward the stage holding one above his head...
After Lange had ended the convention prematurely and unilaterally. I don't think anyone was even on the stage at that point but I can't say for sure. Regardless it was Bernie supporters who apprehended the individual and hugged him at which point he lowered the chair.
Boxer was walking out of the room basically taunting the people booing as she left, that really seems like the actions of someone who is in 'fear' right? Such an absurd, false narrative. Then you have people like Rachel Maddow using videos of massive chairs being thrown into a wrestling ring at the beginning of her show? Totally disgusting how these people are attempting to portray what went down.
If anyone should be accused of violence it should be Lange and other 'leaders' there who engaged in emotional violence. That would be far more true than any accusations being thrown at Bernie's delegates.
Excellent suggestion: this needs a full diary!
People should take non violence training: and travel with affinity groups, with advance ideas about protection.
Please, can someone knowledgeable being diarying about this: and we CAN post this to facebook and other websites.
Just tweeted this out
Suggest everyone here do the same and/or share on Facebook.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Sorry for the grammatical error in the headline
This was done before appointments: don't know how to edit now. If anyone else does, please chime in.
Clinton's last campaign used Burson Marstellar . . . "government and media relations".
Definition: this was developed in the military, but is now done by for hire advisors and media "specialists" . Mook is spending a million dollars on this: probably much more.
Well done! One thing I also
heard was that there were three bars set up (nothing for food). Just a guess, but I suspect that the hope was the Sanders' supporters would get drunk and then being frustrated do something violent...but then they didn't have to as the script was already written.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
This makes it really hard to determine who is the greater evil
Hillary or Trump? I'd say Hillary is winning that contest at the moment.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Thank you for your excellent diary! It breaks my heart to see how far America has fallen. I have pretty much lost hope for our country.
I honestly do not see how it makes any rational sense for Bernie to acknowledge the DNC by attending their farce of a convention. I believe it is a losing battle to participate in the convention. Bernie would be smarter and wiser to truly REVOLT by not attending, and start a progressive party NOW! Good lord he's got the people behind him why not take bold action NOW.
I'm honestly pretty much disgusted with the whole mess. I have a defeatists attitude, and I'm truly sorry and sad. I thank this site for allowing me to voice my grief. I see the end of a great movement if Bernie goes to the Democratic Convention. It is a very sad ending. It is a tragedy!
Yep, the seating of alternates was not even to start until 10 am
Yet they're going to try and ram changes through at 9:30 AM? Common Dreams pointed out some additional nonsense...
"The credentials committee members who determined delegate qualifications were chosen solely by Lange under the new rules, and included a majority of Clinton supporters.
Leslie Sexton, a Nevada Democratic convention credentials committee co-chair, filed a minority report challenging the count. "Without the opportunity to be heard, no delegate should be stricken," Sexton said.
"The actions of the credentials committee violates the spirit of the Nevada state delegate plan which encourages full participation in the democratic process, and it violates the spirit and values of our state and our nation," she added."
Yet you hear the same bullshit points being raised by supporters that "Most of the disqualified delegates weren't even there!" Yeah no shit, they had been locked out of the convention, not allowed to be seated. If they "weren't there" then there wouldn't have been reports of Bernie's initial lead at the state convention and how the disqualified delegates turned the totals to Clinton's favor. And they're obviously not referring to Bernie's total delegates from the county level, because he had an even larger delegate count at that point vs. the number that showed up at the state convention.
These idiots can't even keep their lies straight. Then you have organizations like Politifact using the words of the State Democratic Party for how they determine a factual ruling? That's like asking a thief if he just stole something and taking their word for it. Totally ridiculous!
Jeannette Jing just shared a tweet
HRC supporter encouraging supporters to bring billy clubs to DNC convention in Philadelphia: are these really citizens or are the corporations in on this?
Aftermath: new photos emerge that tell the real story