Clinton campaign obtains shocking new video of BernieBros Riot in Nevada
Washington Post:
The Clinton campaign has obtained, and will soon release, a new video of what can only be described as shocking proof that Hillary was right all along.
The Clinton campaign has assured us that in this video you can clearly see a young Clinton staffer on her knees on the floor of the Paris Hotel, begging for her life. Standing over her was a 70ish-year old Sanders supporter, dressed in a "BernieBros Before Ho's" t-shirt while waving a 6-inch knife and screaming "I'll cut you bitch!"
"When the time is right, we'll release our proof to the media that all Bernie Sanders supporters are misogynistic and racist thugs and will burn in Hell, just like we've been saying since Bernie Sanders started winning primaries," said a regional Clinton campaign staffer.
In this video you can also see Sanders supporters beating women from the Clinton campaign with chairs while singing the Internationale.
When one of the women begged for mercy with a Canadian accent, the BernieBros chanted, "Upper-class, southern England English only, bitches!"
When asked about this still unseen video, a high-level Sanders staffer with a knitted-cap saying "Thug Life" stopped doing lines off the naked ass of a prostitute long enough to tell us that "A gangsta gotta do what a gangsta gotta do."
15 minutes later, when the coke was gone, several Sanders staffers approached journalists to make a statement. Between smirks and derisive laughter, one staffer asked, "If BernieBros caused violence, how come no one got arrested? We all saw that line of police officers." The staffers behind him then began coughing in a manner that sounded almost like "Bullshit!"
The Hillary campaign explained that the police officers in attendance at the Democratic conference were actually there for the annual Blind and Deaf Police Officers Conference next door. What's more, BernieBros had just stolen their canes, dark glasses, and seeing eye dogs moments before.
"We also have proof that Bernie Sanders has taken bribes directly from Donald Trump himself," the Clinton staffer went on to say. "What is Sanders' objective? The destruction of the democratic party? The subjugation of women and minorities? Treason? Clearly it is everything that pops into our minds."

I hear they spit on veterans too.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
And they kick puppies
The latest word is that the Clinton campaign is bundling all this proof with her Goldman Sachs speeches and will release it soon.
Nooooooooo! Not the puppies!
That is so cruel!
I once saw a Bernie supporter
force a kitteh to chase the red dot for 27 hours straight!
Laughing they were, an evil, rasping laugh that wafted the stench of age and socialistic entitlement through the room.
Meddle not in the affairs of Dragons - For thou art crunchy and good with ketchup
Made a little meme that seems appropriate here... :)
I initially made it in response to someone shit talking about Sanders supporters months ago at GOS but it seemed like it could be put to a better, more humorous use here.
That was some Onion level snark in that Essay, lol!
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
I think we can all agree
that all Bernie Sanders supporters are a plague on society and that they must be stopped before they supplant the Cosa Nostra and Mexican drug cartels as the new kings in organized crime.
Is that a fair statement?
Just went to TOP for the first time in days
There's finally a push-back against the Bernie supporters are thugs meme, including a diary by OPOL.
Best photo and caption, ever!
Hide your wives, hide your kids! The Bernie Bros are coming!
Love is my religion.
Love the meme. I just got temp banned from DKos today for... shocker... speaking the truth about Hillary and her cronies. I should just delete my account over there..
wait'll you hear that "Whitey" tape!
Jane Sanders caught on tape, in a discussion with Alan Grayson and Dennis Kucinich, referring to the Clintons as "Whitey"! Shocking!
in the course of making a joke I looked this up re: Whitey tape
and apparently it's assumed that the original rumor about Michelle Obama was started by the Clinton campaign. If so, then how is she even a candidate today?
How did George Bush Get Elected Twice?
How did Scalia make it to SCOTUS. It's mind-boggling. Interesting times, indeed!
Bernie is a win-win.
How did *Clarence Thomas* make it? Joe Biden, I’m looking at you
It’s the weapons, I guess. The A-bomb, the H-bomb, and the constant development of new kinds of weapons. Plus: the combination of secrecy and mass media.
If you’ve got the means to kill enemies, bury any truth, and propagate any falsehood, you can be a club of psychopathic killers and filthy rich decadent clowns, and it doesn’t matter.
Because who’s going to stop you?
How did Clarence Thomas make it?
Don't forget Brock's helpful hand in all o' that.
Compensated Spokes Model for Big Poor.
The favor was returned by Thomas
When he ruled to gut the Voting Rights Act. That certainly helped the shenanigans in Arizona and other places where voting for poor people was minimized.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Angry and fed up, at last I see what Hils and Debs
have been saying. I have seen the light, and I just don't have what it takes to be a Hillarycrat, due to an unfortunate tendency to despise lying, thieving plutocrats.
Anybody ever see a cop shoot a gun wearing thick
leather gloves? I haven't.
I would love to know if those gloves contain anything in addition to their hands and fingers.
Most likely
They are sap gloves. The gloves are reinforced and contain lead shot at the top knuckles. Pretty nasty things to be hit with. There are also sap hats, of all things!
The more people I meet, the more I love my cats.
Why are they wearing any gloves?
I sure don't like the personality types that gravitate to this job.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
To avoid the “Lady MacBeth” effect?
Off Topic..
But what a gorgeous kitty! ♥
Passed on now, alas. I do believe he was wiser than many humans.
As a kitten he was rescued from a war zone in former Yugoslavia. His human family had apparently been taken from him under, shall we say, the sort of unimaginably dark circumstances that were typical of that time and place.
I love the picture of Magic Mike,
second from the left, with his sleeves rolled up.
They wouldn't be doing this rubbish
if they weren't scared. I thought this was all sewn up? DA MATH!!!
This isn't how you handle irrelevant groups. This is what you do when you're fighting for your political life.
The only thing I can think of is a two stage strategy - discredit the movement to the young voters, then try to suck them in with lesser evilism. And it isn't working, which makes them scared (and dangerous). Clinton may be able to get some money from Bushite donors, but she won't get enough Republican votes to hold the tossup states. She NEEDS the Bernie voters, but she despises us, and she can't act for shit (just check the videos of her many fake accents).
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
She really, really, really wants the Oscar this time though.
Woe betide anyone who gets in her way.
She's not getting the Oscar
because nobody really, really likes Hillary Clinton.
(with apologies to Sally Field)
Maybe she and Trump would both step aside for Bernie
if they were both offered stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame ?
Nah. We should be so lucky.
that would be my new American Dream ...
imagine the honor the Americans would regain, having two deceiving power house celebrities like Donnie Trumpets and the Hilly Billies look into themselves, repent, redeem and sailing silently on their kayaks into the mist of the never ending oceans . You know like in the movies where they show a Native American elderly disappear in the vast space of mist and fog in their kayaks to "pass over". They at least were honorable how they approached "the other side". (Ah, may be it's only in Hollywood movies, that would be a pity. I want my American Dream back, Van Jones).
Why do I wanna say Trumpsky has one already?
A star in the sidewalk, I mean? Cuz essentially, one buys those from the city of Hollywood, it costs something like 4 grand. I haven't looked, but he's so vain, I can't believe he doesn't have one already, lol!
Don't let her win!
Whatever she promises will be a lie!
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
I have written this before...
But one of her big issues is Obama. Youth came out for him, twice. Obama promised a better life for them - help them out with college - get a better job. That did not happen. They thought they were fighting for change - they were fighting for normalization and status quo. Fool me once...
Democrats, we tried to warn you. How is that guilt and shame working out?
If they are trying to discredit Bernie with younger voters...
Wouldn't they have to post their attacks somewhere that there ARE younger voters? And lawd knows that AINT the GOS where the average age is about 70 (smile)
Orwell was an optimist
Hell of an Image
This, then, is the new order. Ginning up controversy, pushing people into corners and denying them justice, and when they protest make the controversy an unresolvable situation that requires use of force to resolve.
This is all so contrived. I cannot believe this is America, sometimes. We were once inclusive - e pluribus unum - but there's sides being taken here!
I had to sit in a doctor's office so of course I had to listen to Fox News (makes me soo pissed!). Between Bill Maher and this fing show, I am coming to wonder if Trump isn't becoming a thing. According to Maher, he is at 40% vs HRC 41%.
But this woman is not a lot different from Drumpf... I see a coming storm.
Was discussing this with a young co-worker. Some of the people he knows say they will vote Trump because they are truly sick of the status quo and are willing to blow it up - to destroy what we have, basically (or at least to risk that) - to finally get change they desperately need! I said, "Yeah, it's like fresh buds emerging from burnt soil after a fire. But did they think about the conflagration, and the horror, and the confusion of the actual fire itself?" he's like, "they don't care".
...and then - considering a Drumpf presidency, Bill sang "Oh, Canada" (he actually knew the first dozen words haha)!
Bernie is a win-win.
Lately I'm wondering if Trump isn't better
I'm beginning to believe Hillary will blow up the middle east and the whole mediteranean along with parts of Russia and China. Could Trump be worse?
We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when we are afraid of the light.
Yes, Herr Drumpf COULD Be Worse!
While evil, Queen Hillary has a plan and the means to get the PTB to support her. Think of her in similar terms of preparation and purpose as a certain Austrian achieved. As did the Austrian, Hillary could do great harm, and it would take a lot to oppose her.
Drumpf, on the other hand, has on some sites been equated with Mussolini, and with reason. He's about as prepared as Il Duce to be a leader, and has no clue what he's really about. He won't, however, have the Austrian to come to his rescue every time he fails to achieve the simplest of his goals, and will cause great havoc. There is every chance the the global leadership demanded by the USA since 1945 will be taken by other nations. This isn't necessarily going to result in a two-sided contest, either, and will make global conflict inevitable.
In a sense, having Her Highness and Drumpf as our corporatist choices makes Lindsay Graham look a bit smarter than for which I generally give him credit. The selection between these two is like a choice of being shot (Hillary) or being poisoned (Drumpf). At least with the poison, one has a slight chance at survival, but it's sure going to hurt.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
He will be caged from above, obstructed from below and will not get anything accomplished.
I'm far more afraid of the damage she will do.
"When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained." - Mark Twain
She is much more likely to start WWIII than he is
I am shocked that more Boomers don't see this as clearly as I do, given that we are the two Cold War generations. Escalation and existential threats to other superpowers are what you DON'T want. I thought even the right wing knew that. These people are crazy, and she's the Crazy Queen.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Count on it, Hillary will bomb the whole world....
if it puts another dollar in her pocket. The woman is a psychopath.
She called Putin another Hitler, where do you go from there?
Trump actually doesn't want to blow up the world and is willing to talk to Putin, Trump has interests in Russia and would like to have more.
I don't see how Trump could be worse when it comes to foreign policy, we have seen what Hillary would do, because she has already done it.
I too would not prefer Hilary, but
Trump is your Worst Nightmare! He will release the Reactionary Kraken and it will eat the whole world. It must not be Trump!
Raise the fevor...
My millennial children say.
Democrats, we tried to warn you. How is that guilt and shame working out?
Do you have an Android phone? You can get rid of Fox with it. :)
in public places pretty easy.
Many, like the Samsung S series have remote control capability and there are universal remote control apps for free.
I was in my Neurosurgeons waiting room and it had Fox on, so I switched it.
The gal working behind the counter looked up and switched it back.
So I switched it again (very sneakily I might add.)
This went on another 2 or 3 times and then she looks over at me (I was the only other person in the waiting room at the moment) and says, "I don't know what is wrong with this TV, it keeps changing channels all by itself!"
To which I replied, "Oh, its one of those newfangled smart TV's and they are too smart to watch Fox I think..."
I wonder if she ever figured it out.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Very clever, Alphalop!
I need to figure that out! I cannot stomach faux news when I'm out somewhere. I don't understand why it's on at all. They would be better served to have cartoons on.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
That app would come in so handy where I live!
Wish I didn't have a stupid phone. I don't suppose there's such a thing for tablets?
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
Some tablets do I think.
I may be wrong but my old Toshiba Thrive had one I think.
It had an amazing amount of accessibility for a tablet. Full sized HDMI output (Great for netflix in hotel rooms if you travel a lot.), Full and micro USB, Bluetooth, etc.
I keep hoping they will make an updated version, but I still have mine around for travel (and I use it on the boat as a navigation unit as well, with a $79 app and a waterproof housing it works just as good as a built in $1800 unit.)
I will be bummed if it ever dies, maybe I should stock up on a couple on ebay, lol!
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
I so wish someone would take that pic of the police protecting
The Pahtay stage and add a caption... Welcome to Net Roots Nation
Orwell was an optimist
Google Fails
Pahtay stage? I got nothin'
Bernie is a win-win.
Bklyn for Party... As in NV dem party
Being protected from the NV voters
Orwell was an optimist
Wow-was this diary a copy of Ralston's twitter posts?/s
So-any video of thrown chairs? No? Can we get it from them? There are D operatives from the Nevada Party claiming they 'saw chairs thrown" now.
Good point. I had forgotten about that.
You would think that one of the HRC horde would be jumping up and down with video in hand if such a thing had occurred. One would also have to think that the police would not have just calmly standing by if chairs were being or had been thrown... and where are all the arrest records? that is destruction of property. Casino owners would want the perpetrators arrested, pretty sure Vegas police know that.
By the way, the two guys on the stage look pretty relaxed what with being in the middle of a riot and all.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Standard Clinton Tactics
Just SAY there is video; after decades of training by the GOP, the modern media will do the rest. They'll fall all over themselves speculating about what could possibly be on it, so the desired spin is out there, resonating in the echo chamber, just as if someone had given out national secrets in a parking garage.
Sigh. What this nation has become...
The videos will be released at the same time as the transcripts.
It's obviously a cover-up
BernieBro Thugs have the cops, casino owners and the mafia intimidated.
BernieBros have street cred.
Yeah! We are notorious! Don't make us have to organize a block
party or a huge rally.
Seriously, with the talk from Camp Clinton you would think we were all some bad ass mofo's....
I got dibs on being Sam Jackson, lol! (Now I just gotta work on this tan a bit...)
If they honestly think Sanders supporters are too tough on them they are gonna be screwed when they are up against Trump and his ilk.
I wonder if Lindsey Graham will share his fainting couch with the Clintonista's...
The one single benefit to this shit show is that it has clearly shown us where the line is drawn and what priority level progressive agendas will have in the DNC...
The time to build a new party is now and the people to do it are US!
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Not to mention...
Local affiliates probably have a camera rolling gavel-to-gavel. They did at the Colorado convention.
Democrats, we tried to warn you. How is that guilt and shame working out?
when I was younger, I crossed a neighbour
(Canadian spelling) and cost him $10K Canadian. Ex-felon (federal prison, US) he presented me with a dead skunk, tossed under the cottage. I retrieved the body for disposal. It was ear-tagged, she had been trapped and vaccinated against rabies. Blunt-force trauma, according to two hunters who examined the body. Probably hit by a car. No way could that have occurred anywhere near where it was found. That was playing dirty. His crime was drug running, Canada to the US. Buys new vehicles every year. Hard to imagine for someone running a septic tank service.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
It sounds like a bit of a set up. Barbarba Boxer
is crying that she was "scared". I guess she shouldn't have taunted the crowd. What the hell was BB doing there anyway, where was Harry Reid?
It was BB's turn to prove
her loyalty. Reid did his turn during the original caucus.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Harry was busy telling the casino to lose the videos of
Clinton supporters "gaming"-and not just on the casino floor.
I suspect Reid still has a conscience somewhere in there
Probably couldn't face watching what he'd helped create.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Conscience is the first thing to go when you get to
Harry Reid's level of lawlessness.
As the whale said when he saw Jonah standing on the bank,
I ain't a-gonna swaller that.
Twain Disciple
Thank you, gjohnsit
after the last couple of days at the GOS, I really needed a good laugh.
I'm new here, left the shrillary at Dkos. Please educate me to the acronyms frequently used here...GOS, TOP, etc..
TOP = The Other Place or That Other Place
GOS = Great Orange Satan
Thanks...I'll try to get up to speed!!
My new favorite Translation for GOS
Is the Grand Ol' Shitshow...
But yeah, the Great Orange Satan is a classic.
Hey wait a minute! CT time! Dkos, is Orange... Trump is Orange... Dkos is working to force Clinton on us... Clinton can't beat Trump. That means.....
Markos is TRUMP!!!
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
GOS = Great Orange Satan
TOP = The Other Place (meaning GOS)
TOS = The Other Site (see #2)
Meddle not in the affairs of Dragons - For thou art crunchy and good with ketchup
Yes. Lies and corporate media not what they used to be
The Dean Scream was successful
I think that this new version of the Dean Scream will fail...
Looks like Karl Rove was in the planning of the event
IMO, this is what's responsible for the age split
why Clinton does much better w/people over 50--people over 50 much more likely to get their "news" from cable TV and major newspapers.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Age Split
You've done this before. Stop with the meme that only Millennials are Bernie supporters. I'm with Him; many more of my generation are also. This is ageism, as in, those over fifty are low-information voters who are spoon-fed lies by the MSM and Hillary and believe it. My generation is curious, literate, and probably better-educated than yours. We also fact check things and don't rely on blogs, FB, Twitter, or Beyonce for info. I don't commit to anything before I'm given a verifiable source. Can you say the same for yourself?
I certainly never meant to imply that all Boomers
are pro-Hillary, nor that only Millenials are Bernie supporters. That couldn't be further from the truth. After all, Bernie is a Boomer himself.
However, if we believe the statistics are anything other than garbage, statistics in multiple polls over time have shown that there is a very blunt break at about 50 (which includes the eldest people of my generation, the Boomers, the Silents, and those of the Greatest Generation still alive), at which point support for Bernie goes down and support for Hillary goes up. At about 60, that trend intensifies. Age has been the most consistent and accurate demographic predictor in this election--even outstripping race; among Black people, support for Hillary is extraordinarily strong over the age of 45; below that, the support is much more porous.
I am open to alternative explanations for this strong, persistent, and frankly, odd, trend, since it's clear it can't be explained by a simple left/right dynamic (my generation has tracked consistently more conservative since we were young, and yet it has changed from being very much pro-Clinton to split down the middle between Clinton and Bernie over the course of the campaign. ) My first best guess was that it has to do with the way the different demographics typically receive their news.
I don't make these statements to smear anyone, certainly not any demographic; when I smear people categorically, which I sometimes do, it's usually based on things like their ideological choices (supporting Bushes or the DLC) or their professional ones (working for Wall St or being the CEO of an egregious corporation). Like all blanket smears, these are unfair and express my prejudices. But for what it's worth, that's how my prejudices run: they are ideological, political, professional, and sometimes class-based. If I'm consistently any kind of "ist" it's a classist. I go to places like this Tumblr to remind myself of why that's wrong:
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Actually, Bernie's not a boomer
He was born during the war, not after it. I think of him and his cohort as our pied pipers. He's the age of the Beatles, after all. I'm a boomer.
Twain Disciple
Oh, he's like Kerry.
(born 1943)
they aren't Boomers, but they caucus with y'all
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
OMG, you're Liberal in MD!!
I loved you over at TOP for ages, and wondered where you went. I was Kentucky Dean Democrat. (I'll never name anything after Dean again, that's for sure. ) I'm so tickled to "see" you again!
Twain Disciple
How great to see you! I always liked your comments.
Another ex-Dean movement person here. It's awful to see people you respected get taken out behind the woodshed, spanked and brought back on the nightly news talking like an establishment shill.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Yeah, Dean's like a zombie. It's creepy!
Finding you here makes me happier than ever that i happened to be reading DK the day Mahakali Overdrive mentioned C99. I had already stopped hanging out there on a regular basis. The healthcare debates with right wing Dems were discouraging way back in 2009... (I wonder where NYCEve went.) So it was just luck I found out about C99 at all.
Twain Disciple
I am one of those over 60 Bernie supporters, white, educated, working class. You are confusing Democrats with other voters. Hillary has a machine...well oiled, focused, motivated, to tell you what to believe, and you are sucking it up by parroting the "statistics"... I've read it several times recently, I think it was Mark Twain..."there are lies, damned lies, and then there are statistics" or something to that affect. Numbers are the most frequently used way to distort, and obfuscate facts. One way to disprove these numbers is to look at how overwhelmingly Bernie has swept states like Michigan, and Wisconsin geographically.... like 90% of the counties ..the rural, older demographic... us "low information, fogey, techno idiots
It wasn't my intention to smear, insult, or
stereotype anyone.
That said, I'm more than a little uncomfortable simply dismissing all the data indicating that this trend exists and deciding the data is fraudulent on the face of it. That's not because I have any desire to throw generational slurs, but because I have no reason, beyond people's anger, to think it is fraudulent.
God knows there's plenty of fraud, PR, and propaganda out there, but if we were at the point where all the data is fraudulent, we wouldn't see Bernie Sanders' likability numbers or his good numbers vs Trump; we wouldn't see Clinton's numbers falling against Trump, nor her favorability apparently descending into some vast electoral abyss. The mainstream press has just cancelled all the exit polls for the rest of the primary, apparently b/c they don't like the data those polls provide. That, too, indicates that not all the data available is lies.
If the data on how age correlates w/support for Clinton and Sanders is a fraud, it would have to be a fraud that extended over many polls over many months, so it would have to include the people and organizations responsible for doing (and paying for) all those different polls. I suppose that could be the case--like I said, we *are* down the rabbit hole here in a lot of ways.
My position is: the data say there's a strong generational divide. The data might be FUBAR. I have no evidence that it is, or that it isn't. Regardless, statistical data, even when correct, leaves tons of people out, especially when discussing groups that include massive numbers of people, so there's no need to create bias or stereotypes out of statistics. And I have no desire to do so.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
This is silly, Scheindog
When demographics say a majority of people over 60 are supporting Hillary, it doesn't mean NO ONE over 60 is supporting Bernie. It means exactly what it say - according to polling, a majority of people over 60 are supporting Hillary. Also, data and reality are not ageist, sexist or anything else. They are simply reality. Pretending it is not so is pointless.
If the shoe doesn't fit, don't wear it.
This is NOT TOP. We don't hurl accusations of sexism, racism, ageism, or any other ism at one another. I am NOT speaking as the moderator. I am speaking as a member. I don't want this kind of crap dragged over from GOS. If you want to adopt generalties as god's holy truth and take offense where none is meant or given, expect to get it back.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
If it wasn't for CStS, you wouldn't even be here.
None of us would. She had the foresight to know how toxic top would get, and she started this place. As a noob, I would recommend you get to know the place and check out the community standards before you start accusing people of isms.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Who is CStS?
Did I know her at TOP?
That was real foresight. I did not expect the toxicity, but I also did not expect Bernie to do so well. Bernie doing well heightened contradictions.
Joking aside, it forced some to reveal their real beliefs.
I was very surprised at some folks. It's not so much supporting Hillary as the things they endorsed for her.
Kos always did best as an absentee Lord of the Realm. When he got engaged in February, early March, it all changed. His blog will survive, but I think he damaged it. It won't be the same.
Probably good in the long run for everyone.
We needed a divorce.
Yes, you know her.
She is Can'tStoptheSignal at c99. She was LiberalinMD at dailykos. She anticipated the ugly bloodbath at dkos. She knew a whole bunch of us were fucking fed up with the bully partisans at that place telling us what we could and couldn't say and what was racist, sexist, ageist and all the rest. We all wanted to escape. CStS created a life boat for us in Google something, and Johnny took it and us to here. The moderators at this site were early refuges. We supported the escape the best we knew how.
This site is about freedom and respect. It was apparent that CStS was speaking in generalities. She was not making a blanket statement, and it was apparent there was NO intent to be disrespectful to anyone. For gods sake, I am a woman and probably among the oldest people here. I am thoroughly pissed at women and the old folks (white, black, male and female) who fell in line for Hillary, and I get to say so. If the shoe doesn't fit, don't wear it.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
amen dk!
I'm a woman also and not a young one either. Early baby boomer.
Facts are facts, most women my age are falling for Hillary. And it is perfectly alright to say so. And of course, "most" does not mean "all."
No reason here to start shouting "ageism" because someone states a true statistical fact. That's just another way of telling people to STFU.
And C99 in NOT for telling folks to STFU about inconvenient facts.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
it's like a Monty Python skit
(in a John Cleese very miffed voice)
Damaged it? He's bloody destroyed it, mate!
Speaking of Python, this skit works pretty well if you switch
the word Parrot for Party. (referring to the Democratic party.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Pining for the Fjords... beautiful plumage. nt
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
You're tap dancing on the outskirts of Dick Town. Knock it off or you wont last long here. If you can't say it civilly, don't say it at all.
Am 64, female and a hard corps BERNIE supporter
The boomer generation has ALWAYS been split between people willing to buck the establishment and those who didn't.
That is why this is ALL SO FAMILIAR to us boomers. We have seen this exact same play numerous times... it's now a BIG BORE
kicking the DFH doesn't work like it used to ...
Hey establishment.. It's us dirty fuckin hippies... We are BACK and this time we brought our grand kids with us
Orwell was an optimist