Should Have Been Done Long Ago
The Truth has been banned at Daily Kos, but it's alive and well here. You'll see it on the front page, you'll see it in the essays, you'll see it in the comments and videos and images we post. Founding members of this website are telling it, new members of this website are telling it, everyone here is telling it because this country has crossed the Blood Meridian, we're in Conrad’s Heart of Darkness, we're in The Penal Colony of Kafka, we're at the gates of Neverwhere and they’re opening wide.
Endless war is upon us, peace is a fading memory, the blood-dimmed tide has been loosed, the ceremonies of innocence have been drowned, and what rough beast, its hour come round at last, is slouching toward America’s corrupted capital to be born?
The Donald.
The Hillary.
This summer we'll hear the drumming of a lunatic, the drumming of a corrupt corporate hack, but we'll also hear the call of Bernie Sanders for political revolution, the call to rise up against corporate power, the call to save the environment, the call to shut down the war machine of the Oligarchy and the greed machine of the Oligarchy and the propaganda machine of the Oligarchy.
He knows damn well, you know damn well, I know damn well, we all know damn well it should have been done long ago . . .
[video: width:500 height:333]
Henry A. Giroux . . .
Orwell, Arendt and Kafka have taught us that when power is decoupled from accountability and responsibility, thoughtlessness prevails, repression increases and fear becomes the organizing principle of totalitarian societies, whatever form they may take. The legacy of fear and the lawlessness it inspires runs deep in the United States and its destructive effects are spreading into every public sphere capable of offering critical reflection on the nature of power in a society.
Bernie Sanders has a word or two to say about the nature of power in this country, he has a word or two to say about confronting the criminals who've stolen it from us, he has a word or two to say about the power of We the People to restore democracy in America, he's going to the Democratic Convention in Philadelphia and a million of us need to be there with him.
[video: width:500 height:333]

Beautifully stated!
I wish I could go to Philly. I just can't afford it. I could get there by car, but hotels are too expensive and I might want to eat, LOL! Anyway, I'll be there in spirit.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Being there in spirit counts.
Very much.
The demonizing of Bernie people by the DNC and Dem establishment is going to backfire on them, it's going to guarantee there'll be massive numbers of us in Philly.
Thank you, Raggedy Ann.
As long as we stay involved;
keep it alive, we can make progress. Their corruption is showing, now. We're not going away. Great diary, Rusty.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Same here RA same here
Same here RA same here
So happy you are posting here Rusty
I feel like I'm having a new home at C99.
Don't believe everything you think.
It's a great new home for a lot of us
and there are many more on their way here.
Thank you, hester.
The centrists are scared shitless at the prospect
of mass demonstrations in Philly. That was the real point of the manufactured Big Lie about "violent" Sanders supporters in Nevada. They desperately want to shatter the wings of the fledgling Occupy the Convention movement before it can even begin to learn to fly.
Hillary Clinton 2016: I'm a proud progmoderate!
Free Speech Zones will be fully enforced.
I half expect National Guard to be called out this time. Actually, I'm going to lay a bet on this one. A drink at the next Portland Meet Up after the Convention says that there are at a bare minimum Armored Vehicles and SWAT ready to go at the Convention, and will be used at the slightest provocation.
Any Takers?
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
That's a sucker bet
because we all know what you describe will happen, if not worse.
I fully expect agent provocateurs will be operating to ensure that it happens.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
At a certain point, they're gonna GET what...
they're asking for and claiming is happening.
It will not be as easy to quash as they think.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
The authorities might want to think about being more
careful what they ask for. Much more careful.
Occupy Wall Street in 2011 was just a preview of coming attractions.
Labor to protect democratic protest
Labor contingents from the trade unions (transit workers, nurses, etc.) should be called out to protect Sanders demonstrators, or any anti-Establishment demonstrators in Philly at the DNC.
Yes, we need solidarity now more than ever.
I think you're overconfident in the benign intent
of the cornered centrists, or at any rate in their neutrality. They won't hesitate to manufacture a "provocation" if necessary. They want a pretext to clear the streets; they want to demonstrate the futility of non-electoral protest by reminding us all where the potential for extreme violence really resides.
Hillary Clinton 2016: I'm a proud progmoderate!
Don't forget ACLU app
Download for free onto your phone and instantly send videos to ACLU for safe keeping -- in case your phone is confiscated. Also let's you know if there's trouble nearby.
Here's the link for PA branch:
We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when we are afraid of the light.
Very important.
Thank you for posting the link, Plato2016.
Please make this into a diary so everyone can see it
and it can be shared.
not me . If the governor in
not me . If the governor in WI whom was caught on tape saying he thought about planting trouble makers in the crowds during the protests there. someone could do that in philly as well
Oh hell no.
Only a fool would take you up on that bet. I bet the national guard will be called up in advance at a minimum. I lived in NYC back in 2004 when the Republican convention went there. I made sure I was in the UK that week. i feel bad for the normal people of Philidelphia who will have to put up with this mess.
There will be a massive show of force.
The police presence was pervasive in the streets of St. Paul in 2008, I bet they at least double it in Philly.
That's exactly why they're all over the media with their
frantic accusations of violence. Well it's not going to work, they're destroying what little credibility they have left, by the time of the convention the whole country will know the Democratic establishment is full of shit and always has been.
Nationwide protests
Many of us can't be in Philadelphia but want to show our support. And maybe, it is even more powerful if every large and small city around the country has simultaneous protests. Can you imagine millions of people gathered to support Bernie, democracy and taking back our country? Peaceful, diverse marches that help people to feel like we can stand together for a common good that is larger than anyone of us and more powerful than anything one of us could accomplish alone. How do we do this?
I like your idea.
Perhaps you should post it on Reddit. Something might get organized from there.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
That should definitely be done.
I'm a member of a lot of Bernie groups on Facebook, I'll check around to see if there are any plans underway for simultaneous rallies/protests across the country during the Democratic Convention.
Thank you. Please let me know
Thank you. Please let me know what you find out.
I will. It would be a powerful nationwide statement
of solidarity with Bernie. Our political revolution is going to keep expanding and gaining support, especially if the "Democratic Party" commits suicide by nominating Hillary.
Well said Rusty.
The revolution must not devolve into an endorsement of the lesser evil paradigm. Perhaps something will come of The Peoples Summit to start a new party.
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020
Sometimes I vacuum the halls here, and sometimes
I say stuff.
Thank you, ZimInSeattle.
I for one have had enough of
I for one have had enough of the lesser of two evils routine for Prez. Your JFK quote may be closer than you think to the latter part of it. People are getting pissed and are getting to the point of nothing left to lose
Millions of progressives feel the same way.
No more resigning ourselves to the lesser of two evils. Those days are over.
Great post!
Thank you, TomP.
And stay strong, Tom. We need you.
Spot on!
There's also Breaking through power in DC, Nader's meeting next week
In an interview, I heard Ralph say they planned to stream the meeting as well. I guess you have to sign up for least I can't find streaming info.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Another great way to empower the People and fight back.
Thank you for the heads up on that and for the link, Lookout.
the beasts
Your "beasts" reference reminds me of the 13th chapter of the book of Revelation in the Christian Bible. There, one finds descriptions of "The Beast From The Sea" (first third of the chapter) and "The Beast From The Land" (second third of the chapter).
Trump (NYC) and Clinton (AR) respectively.
. -- Christian Scriptures, Revelation 13:4 (KJV) source
In fact, a perusal of the very next verse shows even more evidence that The Chump is "The Beast From The Sea":
. -- Revelation 13:5 (KJV) (same source)
And this verse shows this Beast being in power exactly 3.5 years -- the exact amount of time an elected U.S. President has before he needs to go into re-election mode full-time.
The best (!?) part of all of the above? The fact that there's no God[s] required to make it all work, just a level of complete political corruption equal in scope and power to the same prevailing under the latter Julio-Claudian Emperors of Rome.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
There's compelling writing and powerful imagery in the KJV,
no doubt about it.
An interesting and intriguing post, thank you, thanatokephaloides.
yep, that "violence" talk is a warning
that might be the difference between the two parties. The Democrats will warn us that they'll club us and water cannon us and pepper spray us and shoot us. The Republicans will just open fire. That's why I'm so enthusiastically a Democrat! Yay team!
yep this is true and it was true at Ludlow, yeah Democrats!
the Colorado militiamen rode onto the ball park near the tent Colony where the striking miners and their families were enjoying a game of baseball. The militiamen taunted the colonists and then warned them, "you have your fun today, and tomorrow we will have the roast."
The next day the Colorado state militia massacred men, women, and children living in the Ludlow Tent Colony. And burnt down the colony on top of the men women and children who were hiding in the cellars.
This was all done under Governor Ammons, Democrat of Colorado. So definitely the Democrats are better because they give us a warning before they turn on us.
The next election resulted in a Republican governor, the lesser of two evils, I'm sure. Altho he did round up 100s of miners and kept them confined in the filthy Trinidad jail for months on end. But, never mine, compared to massacres, that was the lesser of two evils.
This was all more than 100 years ago. Isn't it great that we are still yet voting for the lesser of two evils! It's working out so great for us!!
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
... been to the Ludlow memorial site --
and it is a pretty sombre place. Corporations (John D. Rockefeller) v People (1914) - Corporations won.
When Cicero had finished speaking, the people said “How well he spoke”.
When Demosthenes had finished speaking, the people said “Let us march”.
very somber indeed. every working person should make a trip
there at least once in their lifetime.
I've been twice and it changed my life and it's the reason that I do what I do now.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
We'll fight the damn Pirates forever.
Your Hellraisers Journal and We Never Forget posts are very much appreciated, JayRaye.
Keep them coming.
Democrats are always so thoughtful and concerned for our
well-being. They prove it in so many ways, and we should be exceedingly grateful for each and every one of their lesser evil qualities.
Let's hope once the crooked ass DNC
Officially blows of Bernie and the Millions of us that support him. He decides to build a third party movement and turn this whole damned rigged system on its head in November.
I'm all for peacefully protesting, wherever, whenever, but it will be ignored and the march of the oligarchs will continue. They'll just get to punch some hippies along the way.
Any stained glass afficionados? Please check out my website:
Maybe it's time for the hippies to throw some punches.
I wouldn't mind levitating Dkos either, and dropping it off a cliff.
oh, eff this
Stephen Colbert on his show tonight is saying chairs were thrown in Nevada in his opening monolog and comparing Bernie to Nader.
He should know better.
But the desperate corporate media slandering of Bernie and his supporters isn't going to hurt us, it's just going to make us stronger and more determined.