Insults and Lies! Does the Democratic Party Hate Its Young Voters?
will not go to keep the workers in slavery.
-Mother Jones
Debunking LIES of Violence at #nvdemconvention #HillaryLies #DropOutHillary @DemocraticParty hates young voters
— JayRaye (@RebelJayRaye) May 18, 2016
Some Thoughts on the unDemocratic Party Eating Its Own Young
The thought has occurred to me lately that the Democratic Party seems less than grateful to Senator Sanders for the millions of new voters that he has brought, on a silver platter, to an aging and stale party.
We all remember comments about BernieBros and the gals who only follow to where the boys are, and all those young people who need to do some research, and a young Green Peace activist being yelled at with the Presidential-finger-to-be up close in her face. And I'm sure the list could go on and on with more examples of the belittling of the young people who have joined up in droves during this election cycle to participate in the Democratic Party Primary Process.
The video in the tweet above is particularly poignant to me, however, as I look into the eyes and see the profound hurt and bewilderment of this idealistic young man who went forward, in good faith, in his home state of Nevada to practice Democracy, and now finds himself and his fellow Bernie Supporters accused of fomenting violence.
This young man and other young men and women find their idealism betrayed, not only by the undemocratic conduct of the so-called "Democratic" Party, but now by the being subjected to the false accusations tossed out at them from the highest offices in the land: Senator Barbara Boxer, and even the President of the United States.
I thank Justin for producing the video above. This took a tremendous amount of courage. I hope that more young people who were at the NV unDemocratic Party Convention will do the same.
I am very sorry that this is the treatment you received as you went forth to attempt to engage in the democratic process in a nation which so values DEMOCRACY that it seeks to export that system of government to other nations all over the earth.
I shake my head as I wonder why the Democratic Party hates its young voters so much. The Future will come whether the Party Elites like it or not.
To our beloved younger generation: go forward with Courage. And remember that the Future belongs to the younger generation, not to the unDemocratic Party Establishment.
Amazing how the town elders...
Always want to feed Socrates a nice tasty glass of shut the hell up...
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
yep, except now it's gone from STFU to "I'll get you, my pretty,
and your little dog too!"
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
We will always be "The Other" to the establishment...
They want our vote, but that's about it. As long as we stay in our lane, only push social issues that won't touch their cash, they'll indulge us...
The second we start taking aim at the whole rotten structure... Ah fuck it. Time to embrace being the OTHER.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
In the words of St. Augustine, updated by the DNC:
Hillary Clinton 2016: I'm a proud progmoderate!
I weep for them.
He is a nice, earnest young man or a really good actor. I opt for former. There is pain in his voice.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
what I see in his eyes is stunned disbelief, being defamed as a
violent supporter of Bernie Sanders by a US Senator and the President of the United States and the mass media, even the so-called progressive media, was the last thing he expected when he went out to do his patriotic duty as citizen by participating in the so-called democratic process.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
So he sees his country as an enemy now.
I do too, but I am not my my 20's.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Well, I would word it differently. The ruling elite of his
chosen party appear to have declared him the enemy, and they are now spreading lies that young Bernie supporters like him are dangerous and need to be monitored closely. When the President and a US Senator join in on branding them as dangerous, then whatever is done to them from here on out, they had it coming.
I see what the the unDemocratic Party elite are doing here as very dangerous, even frightening.
People my age remember Kent State like it was yesterday.
"shoulda shot more of them"
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
And we should remember Jackson State also
Once someone is declared dangerous by Senators and the President then whatever is done to them is justified:
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
It's not because they hate young people, they hate progressives.
And many young people tend to be more progressive because they see the shit sandwich they are being served for what it is and don't get their news solely from Corporate Media.
And you are not alone, I am pretty far from my twenties and rapidly am becoming completely disgusted with the entire DNC establishment and MANY of their supporters.
They have become the "Sane" wing of the Republican Party, a transition that started picking up steam with another Clinton some time ago....
This one is just here to finish the process.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Actually, they hate all of us, unless/until we're useful
if we're not part of the Corporate Aristocracy. It's exactly the same mentality as a feudal Lord with his serfs. Without even the minimal sense of responsibility for their welfare that existed then.
They DO NOT CARE what we think, what we want, if we're suffering. We don't matter. They pretty much don't need us anymore to dutifully pull the voting levers for them, they've proved that they are now capable of simply rigging whatever results are most beneficial to the Corporate state.
As long as we keep fighting each other and scrabbling for money at their shitty companies so we can live and eat, we are tolerated. But when we cause them the slightest inconvenience, we will be silenced, ignored, and if that doesn't work, crushed.
Without a functioning democracy, and with governments now controlled by Corporate power, they simply don't need us anymore.
I started reading The Shock Doctrine last night, got so angry I switched to This Changes Everything, then cried myself to sleep - I mean literally cried in bed... I simply can't believe governments have given their countries away to immoral corporations, but they have, and once they pass TPP, they'll be just about done and unstoppable.
Yes, they hate us.
I am still getting through the shock phase of having hate thrown in my face. More than ever I can sympath with minorities and what I have learned they have put up with. I have only rarely transferred anger to hate. And I still want to not hate Them. But we are being herded into a clot, options unknown. I feel fear. I can deal with fear.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Well said, JaeRae. It is time for the American Progressive Party
All it needs is for c99ers to meet up over a beer in their respective towns and cities and found it. Remember, the founding ancestors didn't have hi-tech: they just met over a glass of ale and founded America. Simple, really :=) Just add courage.
I dare you guys: Organize c99 meet-ups, invite your town's youth, link the meet-ups via your hi-tech, and found a progressive party. How hard could it be? :=)
It's show and tell time, folks. It is time to show up and tell the truth to power. Your deadline is 4 Nov. Tick-tick, tick-tick.
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
' exactly right Gerrit, it has to start somewhere
why not with us.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
"Why not with us?" is the rallying cry of courage, my friend.
Why could c99 not take up the challenge to form the American Progressive Party, when it so loudly cries out to be birthed? Why not? Just do it.
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
Well, already had the Portland Meet up this month...
But It was a LOT of fun, and I look forward to the next one!
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
That's it, DMW. Just add it to the agenda for the next meet-up.
You folks in Portland could put a motion to found a new American progressive party and post it here on c99 for discussion. Then other meet-ups could take the Portland motion and disuss it and post their take here. And so on. Someone simply has to push a foot into the ground and say, "That's it. Let's roll." It might as well be you, mate.
We don't need a whole lotta technical baloney either. Just start the process. As it rolls, folks will chip in expertise.
The key is that you have to bring in Portland's Bernie youth to that first meeting. If the youth don't buy in and help lead a new party, it's all just farting into the wind. Research the Portland youth for Bernie and invite them to have a beer with c99's old hippies :=) See what develops. What do you think?
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
Yes, the people of this country need a new party
I think a more inclusive name could be arrived at-there are many many people who don't identify as "progressive" but are drawn to a political system that is not controlled by money. Working people, shafted by our kleptocracy, are aware of the inequities-yet they don't all see themselves as "left" (mostly because of the propaganda spewed out since the New Deal by corporate cabals). I think we can get past that, and facilitate a coalition, create a larger and more powerful party by not automatically pinning the party on a left-right continuum with the progressive label (and really, what does that term even mean anymore? It's been perverted beyond repair by those who identify as progressive and then engage in kinder, gentler fascism). Just a thought-and too bad "working families" is taken, but that would be a good example of what I'm getting at.
Too true.
I might be able to entice a gang, but it's finals time. I have an embedded son in TX, he might be malleable. Flies up in a few days. He has served as my proxy Dem in TX, FL, CO.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
There's the response of courage, riverlover. You could be a
new founder of a democratic, just America. There's a legacy.
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
The guy in the video is great but
The guy in the video is great but I'm not sure why he conceded that Bernie people even made death threats. Not very much evidence of that.
In the notes to his video he clarified
that he really doesn't know who made those threats (if they were even made- the Dem elites lied about the chairs, so who knows what else they lied about).
Anyone could have made those threats if threats were actually made.
The video wasn't perfect, but I still give him a lot of credit for having the courage to put it out there.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
As Thom Hartmann today reminded me:
David Brock and his PAC have spent a million bucks to push back against people who don't support Hillary.
Thom made it clear that he wasn't accusing Brock being behind the death threats, but he also made very clear that he, Thom, gets death threats, which he then turns over to the FBI for investigation and subsequent arrests.
I'm waiting for the arrests of all these people making these "death threats."
On the other hand, I will admit that if that same scenario happened in my state where the Party chair pulled that shit, if I knew where she worked, in this case a pub, I would definitely never go back to that pub if I had gone there before nor would I ever go there for the first time. That's for damn sure.
And I'd call the pub and tell them why they lost a customer.
Granted, many of you might disagree with me for difference reasons, but if someone tries to take democracy away from me, I show them with my money and my vote that their behavior is not acceptable.
Heard the Nevada Chairperson on Cable earlier--she has turned
over the social media, phone call recordings, etc., for investigation.
(If she's telling the truth.)
"I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me they are the role model for being alive."
----Gilda Radner, Comedienne
National Mill Dog Rescue
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Okay, good. I think that's exactly what should
happen. And they had better make it public who they arrested, if anyone.
yep the real crime was the crime against democracy
and those who committed that crime are pointing and shouting "look over there at those nosey rowdy agitators" and so the press focuses on those who pitched a fit as their democracy was stolen right from under them, and the democratic party elite simply move on to the next primary.
If we don't STFU and sit down and be polite while they steal our democracy, then we are the "dangerous" agitators.
Nice little system they got rigged out for themselves, ain't it!
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
This one seems fitting, somehow.
We're such an "exceptional" country and all ...
JayRaye, thank you
for sharing Justin's video. He is a brave soul. His description of being ignored brought tears to my eyes. I fear we are leading our people (Bernie people) into a den of evil thieves (the DNC), where our people will be chewed up and spit out. I fear the convention is going to be an agonizing exercise in futility. I do not want this to happen, but I fear that's the reality of the situation.
the look of hurt in eyes brot me to tears too
I love the young people I meet when I go out wearing my Bernie gear. They are on fire. And this is Texas for cryingoutloud!
Here's hoping that this younger generation won't listen when they are berated and called thugs and told to STFU and sit down. Here's hoping they will stand up and shout louder and get out into the streets and demonstrate to prove that they won't be silenced. It will take a lot of courage, because they've been lied about and declared dangerous by those in power, so no telling what will be done to them when they do protest now that the ruling elite has justified, in advance, whatever they do to any Bernie supporter.
Us older folks need to be right there beside them.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
We are.