Obama To Honor Nordic Nations
So I was cruising through CNN to see their latest clinton propaganda and ran across this story about Obama honoring the Nordic Nations who are in DC for a summit. Here's an Obama quote as he's musing to his aides.
"Why can't all countries be like the Nordic countries?"
This is then followed up by Charles Kupchan, Obama's top adviser for European affairs.
"We are usually dealing with a lot of difficult parts of the world. Suddenly, you go up to the Nordic region of the world, and not only do you have a part of the world that is extremely stable, and Democratic, and liberal, you have a part of the world that is peaceful and is contributing to peace and to the humanitarian agenda and many of the interests the United States cares about in a way that is consistent and reliable."
And the article even compared Obama to the Nordic Nations
Amid turmoil in the Middle East, cross-border aggression in Eastern Europe, maritime disputes in Asia and restive governments in South America, the northern European nations of Finland, Norway, Sweden, Iceland and Denmark remain an oasis of liberal cool for a president who has sometimes been described in similar terms.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if the US had a presidential candidate that emulated these Nordic values? Why I'd bet Mr. Obama would be campaigning for this person from now until election day on November 8th.
Or Mr. Obama, his advisors and 90% of the elected, warmongering trash in DC could be full of shit concerning "Nordic values"...
Anyway, at the end they put in the standard fluff about the meal that will be served at the state dinner for these leaders. Now what do you suppose they are going to serve these Nordic leaders? If you said steak, ribs, or hoagies, chicken or any other traditional American cuisine, you'd be absolutely wrong. No, the White House chef, Cris Comerford, is serving a cuisine partially inspired by New Nordic cooking. That's what I'd like. Travel to Scandinavia and eat at McDonalds.
They must be serving that Nordic delicacy: Lutefisk!
pickled beets, pickled herring. yum yum. Just the thot of the possible menu makes me homesick for Minnesota.
I guess those Nordic countries with their evil Socialist tendencies are our friends now?
Or something?
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
Don't forget the lefse!
They don't got that here in Utah either.
This shit is bananas.
He's just doing his usual suck-up job
Make lots of nice, but empty and meaningless, talk about whichever VIPs are in town for a visit - then back to "business as usual" as soon as their planes have cleared the tarmac.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
dumb f@ck
This is so why I do not like Obama. He says this stuff with a straight face like we aren't suppose to notice. It is also why I firmly believe he lied through his teeth in 2008 and 2012.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Don't Hold Back!
Tell them how we REALLY feel about that man with no political spine when it comes to anyone but liberals!
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
so in one speech he asks...
...why can't we all be like Nordic countries and then in another says Americans have to accept incrementalism. i sense some dissonance in those messages.
Bernie brought up Denmark during the first debate.
Hillary scorned the idea that we should be more like Denmark. Of course, it doesn't go well w/ her governing philosophy.
We have one candidate who
We have one candidate who shares those Nordic nation values,,,,,Bernie Sanders!
So long, and thanks for all the fish
Obama's hypocrisy... it burns!!!
Obama got the Nobel for NOT being Dumbya. (I still want to know who nominated him since the deadline for submitting candidates was only ten days after he took the oath of office in '09.) On the day he received the Nobel, Obama flew into Oslo, picked up the award, gave a short speech, and flew out without being gracious enough to stay for the dinner and festivities afterward (some of it is online, including a performance by the '09 Eurovision winner who was a Norwegian who had the highest score ever for any Eurovision contest winner; his high score has not been exceeded yet).
If Obama had known how rude his actions were (since he was still new at his office), would he have been more polite? Remember, he began drone bombing less than a week after his inauguration, and continued it on and off all that time before and after he went to Oslo for the Nobel ceremony. By then, no one felt he deserved the award. A decade down the line, it's too late now for Obama to make up for his prior rudeness.
Understand: the Scandinavians are excessively polite when it comes to rules of etiquette, just plain common-sense good manners. I was raised in a Scandinavian-American community and have ancestors from three of those countries, and while a great many things are typically American and informal, when it comes to good manners, one must mind one's p's and q's and be polite at all costs. One's reputation rises or falls on whether or not one has good manners (that's still true today). Manners were important in the Viking age (read the sagas, it's part of the lifestyle), and they're still important today. In government - in the Viking age and now - what was good for the most people was always considered of primary importance, and that's how they make their laws in the Alþingi; it's a great "equalizer" among people.
Why couldn't we be like the Nordic countries? Well, if we had a Medicare for ALL health insurance, health care system like they do (we would have to add things like dentistry, etc.), with prescription costs negotiated and controlled, and no corporations involved or taking over government functions, we could be like the Nordic countries (and several other countries in Europe). Obama, Congress, and SCOTUS had a chance to give us a government-run, not-for-profit single-payer health care system (like they have in the Nordic countries and several other countries in Europe), and our entire government failed We the People rather spectacularly! If we had free education pre-K through college, we could be like the Nordic countries (and several other countries in Europe). If we had mandatory paid vacations 4-6 weeks yearly, and up to +/- a year of paid leave when a new child is born, or paid sick leave when a disastrous health condition occurs or one has to stay home to care for a sick person, we could be like the Nordic countries (and several other countries in Europe). If we had government-run good child-care for working parents, we could be like the Nordic countries (and several other countries in Europe). The list goes on and on, and is predicated on keeping corporations OUT of government - and keeping their countries OUT of war (they do have a mandatory national military service for able-bodied people for two years, but militarism is not stressed).
Obama is one of the worst Democratic hypocrites we've ever had in office within my living memory. He really needs to STFU about things that could have been if he and his congressional and judicial branches had behaved properly and had passed laws that put We the People above corporations, the religious rightwingnuts, TBTF banks, Wall Street, the military-industrial-mercenary complex, or the upcoming TPP, and if he had led the way to giving us our rights back by repealing the Patriot Act (which expired but Section 215 was enacted two days later; gee, thanks Patrick Leahy; my respect for you dropped to zero), MCA '06, FISA '08, MCA '09 (passed under Obama's watch)..., among other things.
All Obama does when he says things like "Why can't all countries be like the Nordic countries?" is remind us of what might have been, and what he helped prevent.
I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute ..., where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference. — President John F. Kennedy, Houston, TX, 12 September 1960
Obama merely showed us he is
Obama merely showed us he is a corporate lackey who answers to the Oligarchy. He never was about to make changes, other than being the first person of color to get in the WH, but he was the new figure head for the overlords to have for us to look at and scrutinize. Hillary desperately wants to be the first woman and get her cut of that pie of post presidential riches. Goldman Sachs speeches would then be 400,000 or more per hour with the POTUS stamp on her name. That and more deals across the planet for the MIC and the Frackers.
So long, and thanks for all the fish