You Better Learn It Fast, You Better Learn It Young
I’ve seen 30 years of Democratic establishment contempt for progressives, I’ve seen their seven stages of reactionary attacks too many times, I’ve seen the condescension and the slander and the scorched earth. I’ve heard their endless excuses for enabling evil, their immoral pandering to the Powers-That-Be, their strident demands for party loyalty while progressive values burn in the bonfires of the Beltway and the Four Horsemen of Triangulation saddle up for yet another nationwide ride.
We've heard all of their promises. Someday, if you elect enough of us, we'll fight for economic justice. Someday, if we have enough votes, we'll take on the NRA. Someday, if the Republicans let us, we'll cut military spending by 1 or maybe even 2 percent. Someday, if we have 98 seats in the Senate and 430 in the House, we'll overturn Citizens United. Someday . . . someday . . . someday . . .
Well I'm here to tell you now,
Each and every mother's son,
You better learn it fast,
You better learn it young,
That someday never comes . . .
[video: width:500 height:350]
I’ve seen all I need to see from the Democratic establishment and heard all I need to hear.
I will not vote for Hillary.
No progressive should vote for Hillary.
To hell with Hillary.
And to hell with Daily Kos. It's dark over there on the other side of the Border of Reality and it's getting darker, the authoritarian bullshit is deep and it's getting deeper, the cold rain of hypocrisy is falling hard there and it's going to fall harder.
I won't miss that fucking place.
Good riddance to that graveyard of DNC talking points they call a front page, good riddance to the "crashing the gates" posturing, good riddance to the "more and better Democrats" propaganda, good riddance to all the garbage about Hillary “getting things done”, good riddance to the Hillary diary smoke and the Hillary diary mirrors and that Hillary News & Views Hotel where all the hypocrites hang out.
You've seen it. I've seen it. We've all seen it. The fingers of Dkos Hillbots are always on the trigger, they fire and reload, fire and reload, fire and reload. If you support Bernie you're a target, if you tell the truth about Hillary you're a target, if you breathe a word about paid shills you're a target, if you don't salute the math every 5 minutes you're a target, if any Hillbot anywhere in that free-fire zone for DNC drones says you're a target, you're a target.
Good riddance to it.
Good riddance to all of it.
While those Hillary hacks are hissing the lyrics of the same old triangulation tunes Kos the DNC deejay keeps cranking up on his 8-Track player, we'll be here rocking in the free world . . .
[video: width:500 height:350]

You nailed it.
I feel stupid for going along with it for too many years.
I listened to Markos on the Marc Thompson show tonight for as long as I could stand it, which wasn't that long.
To my understanding, that's the only media who will have him.
OPOL let me borrow his hammer.
Thank you for reading my essay and commenting, Shirley.
Good to see you, Rusty. Loved the essay. Interesting times, eh?
Yes they are.
I'm sorry I can't recommend your diaries at Dkos any more, I apparently was handed a timeout until 2116.
I hate those thousand year timeouts.
You'd think that being a successful blogger
And getting wealthy doing it would be enough for him, but no, he still wants to be a player. I don't know if kissing the Clinton's asses is going to work. That makes you a courtier, not a player, though for a certain type, that's the same thing. The Kennedys attracted them like a magnet. It's hard to imagine trash like the Clintons doing the same, but power does that, however vulgar and destructive.
This election is a defining moment for people like Kos. Even among disreputable liars he will never be more than a servant or courtier, while among people of integrity he will never be more than a Clintonite brown noser.
How Meteor Blades can stand it I don't know.
“If there is no justice for the people, may there be no peace for the government.”
I’d imagine Tom Tomorrow isn’t too happy with it either
In spite of all his efforts, he ended up working for Chuckles the Sensible Woodchuck.
spot on comic
did 9 months in California prison, because Neoliberal Democrats and GOP maggots work together to profit off the drug war
I don't know how Meteor Blades can stand it either.
Good post, MrJayTee. Thank you.
May be because he is an old oak, you can't knock down easily?
I just saw Bill McKibben giving him a very nice compliment in a comment. MB deserves it. I think both go back a long way together, if I remember correctly. There are many good people over there.
He's strong, he always has been.
But when the forest is on fire, even old oaks can burn.
let's say the underwoods are smoldering - time will tell
if there will be a forest wild fire ... they can be sorta scary too.
when i read your comment title
I thought you were referring to house of cards. every time i watch the show now it's hard to not think a little of the clintons
did 9 months in California prison, because Neoliberal Democrats and GOP maggots work together to profit off the drug war
I don't question his personal strength.
Rather, it's how he continues in spite of what I imagine is disgust with what the party obviously is and who Kos obviously is. MB is still committed to both scams.
Yes, there are many good people there, and Blades is one of them, but I wonder how much good they think they can do?
“If there is no justice for the people, may there be no peace for the government.”
I agree with you.
I'm ready to try to get Bernie elected through the Democratic Party and then go my own way. I'll try to join something that is of our own making.
This is a declaration of independence from the DNC and from big money control of elections and thereby control of policy.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
Bernie can still win this.
But there are other major options for him and for all of us if the Democratic establishment insists on going down in flames in November with Hillary.
And if
he can't win the primary, which IMO he has if not for election fraud, then I hope to hell, because of the election fraud, he runs as an Indie. Trump will beat clinton head to head so we have nothing to lose. I still say in a 3 way, Bernie can win. Too many people hate Trump and hate clinton. Combine these folks with Bernie's supporters and it's a done deal. Would it end up in the house? If Bernie won the popular and the most electoral votes would they dare give it to the establishment?? Probably...
If Bernie wins how are his supporters going to reject
the Democratic party when he will be it's head and will want efforts to get "more and better democrats" to help him with his job? As someone that is not a Sanders supporter partly because he is running as a Democrat for the Democratic party and because he's said his aim is to reinvigorate the party, that seems like a conflict to me.
Becuz it's easier to rebuild
than to build new. Easier to vote out the 35 or 40 non-Berners (and replace most with #Berners) than build a brand new party.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Like the diarist said, the more and better democrats
thing is propaganda, it's bullshit, the democratic party is beyond reform. The duopoly is beyond reform. But that wasn't my question. I've seen many on here saying they've had it with the democratic party but like I said, if Bernie wins they will not be able to do that and still support Bernie. There's a lot of straddling the fence on the democratic party going on and it appears to be more about Hillary Clinton vs Bernie Sanders as opposed to the party itself.
Bernie believes the System
can be rebuilt. Me, too. Yes, it's broke, but not beyond repair. Just need more #Berniecrats in those House and Senate seats. Very very doable if Bernie wins. Very.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
As I posted earlier
My Oregon granddaughter is today voting straight Bernie candidates.
Bell, Avakian, McTeague, and Stine are all committed Sanders supporters. His help is on the way. Don't worry be happy.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
It will be like Corbyn in the U.K.
He will be its titular head, but will immediately have to fight entrenched enemies in his own party, biding their time waiting to join conservatives and sabotage him, as they did McGovern.
So Bernie getting the nomination would only be the dawn of a longer struggle, “the end of the beginning” to cop a phrase from Churchill.
Check this one out. The powers that be are very powerful,
that's the thing. They have their ways.
Only thing wrong in that essay is its characterization of Trump.
Given that Trump is the only figure in this cycle to say the truth flat out—that our Middle East wars are based on lies and have resulted in the death of millions—I would not be surprised if he would be the only one to defend a President Sanders:
“Hey, these guys, I know these guys, I’m friends with them, we do business together, but you know what? They’re blaming Bernie, but it’s a lie, what they’re saying, the media is lying, it’s rigged. It’s rigged. The guys who control the money are doing all this on purpose, they’re holding oil and food and all that stuff off the market on purpose. Read up about a guy named Salvador Allende. These guys, I love ’em but I gotta say, this is really unpatriotic what they’re doing. They’re sabotaging the economy. They’re sabotaging the American people. Why would they do that, well, they want the same losers back in power, the same establishment that fought me the whole time and fought Bernie.”
But the same thing goes with Trump if he makes it,
the show will go on.
Sure, but change starts with acknowledging the true situation
Even obstructed, a president who would go on national TV and speak the truth about the country’s situation would be a vast improvement.
How can people accomplish anything if those leading them refuse to state honestly what the situation is? Acknowledging the truth is the first step towards real change.
Begin with a concerted effort to support those figures, media, and institutions that are bringing us the truth, and to shun those who try to distract us, are silent, or insist on saying the opposite.
In the Confucian tradition there’s this thing called the Rectification of Names.
as quoted in Actipedia
So I give props to Trump, not because he’s a good guy, but simply for being the only one in the public eye this cycle to say, “Face it, folks, our war operations are based on lies and doing harm, not good.”
First you have to *say* the Emperor is naked,
even if you put it in a rude and vulgar fashion ("He's naked, I tell you, NAKED! F'ing bare-ass STARKERS with his goolies hanging in the breeze!").
Once enough other people see it too, change can happen.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Let's just quit? I'm willing to risk just about anything yo give Bernie a try. The rich are winning, so the always punchy counterpunch bravely concludes that a Bernie presidency will result in, wait for it, the rich winning. Seriously. Why try? The deck is stacked. So...what?
I hate useless knee-jerk negative whining with no attempt at solutions. Counterpunch is the king of this. If I want attitude rather than ideas, I'll go to a middle school classroom.
I no longer have time for letting others beat down my hope for the future.
Wow, Daily Kos is here. Bravo.
I remember Lawrence Lewis saying the same bullshit about the "Counterpunch crowd".
You're beating down my future dude with your patronization of the Democratic party. Don't bullshit me.
I have no idea what this means.
It appears to be an attack on me for attacking an unproductive counterpunch essay. I don't give a damn about the democratic party or Kos, which banned me after my first comment. If you can't respond in a way beyond baseless insinuations, well, I might suggest you learned a lot from your time at TOP.
I've already seen how Bernie interacts w/the establishment
The ways in which he disappoints me, and the ways in which he doesn't.
I don't have any fear that arbitrarily putting a "D" after his name will change those parameters--he's been caucusing w/them for years, after all; I think those power relations are unlikely to change. Unless of course the party machinery gets shirty b/c he dared insult their princess, but that would make him more antagonistic and less co-opted, not more.
The "D" isn't a magic thing that changes how people act. The power relationships are what they are, and once you've been in DC fifteen or twenty years, I can pretty much see the deals you are and are not willing to make. The only thing the "D" does is make you beholden to the party's money machine--and guess what, apart from a few unions (Nurses, CWA) he isn't.
As far as rejecting vs reinvigorating the party--
The idea most people have is that you take over the Dems and then transform the machine. I am dubious about this, because we've already tried this w/Dean, and w/Obama. Seems like you either get smacked down and then become an agent of the old power structure (Dean) or you were pretending all along (probably Obama, though I'm not sure--there might have been a smackdown involved I didn't see).
I'm a Bernie supporter b/c I support the people's movement that has sprung up around Bernie. As far as the party goes, I don't seriously believe a structure that corrupt will allow an actual fair election to create a Bernie victory. The campaign is, in part, a visibility and organizing exercise; it's also potentially a show of power. The fact he won any states at all and is actually w/in reach of getting majority of delegates, long shot or no, is remarkable--not b/c the Democratic leadership will change their ways but because it hamstrings the narrative that America is center-right blah blah blah these candidates represent us blah blah blah these candidates are inevitable blah blah blah. It has stopped the Overton Window dead in its tracks and given it a large shove right in the face. It also has seriously outed the ringers in both the political parties and the press--and, sadly, in some activist circles (Dolores Huerta, FFS!)
The level and loathsomeness of the corruption is now visible to ordinary ppl in a way that we, the over-obsessed researching politically awake types, can't understand--b/c to us, it's been visible for quite a while. And the corruption has shown up in some places that even I didn't expect. That, too, is useful (though painful).
But what is most useful is the development of the movement, which hopefully, if worked at right, will create networked enduring communities. That's where Occupy was heading when it got taken out by paramilitary attack (basically) and also by its (IMO) inability to develop a plan B (in my experience, though I love decentralization, anarchism and other decentralized systems are not good for responding on the fly to adopt a different tactic or strategy--not on a large scale, anyway. Occupy couldn't shift gears away from the encampments.)
Anyway, that's just my thoughts on Bernie and what this is really about.
Though I have no doubt that he's actually trying to become President, he couldn't be stupid enough to think that such a corrupt system will allow it.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
What also exposes the corruption is Trump slamming the war lies,
even not being afraid to say loudly that our count of the deaths caused by all our invasions and bombing raids is way, way low (officials and media talk of thousands when the true toll is more like millions).
That it’s the Republican candidate saying it just highlights all the more how lacking in honesty, integrity, and sincerity Democrats’ behavior has been.
All along, leading Democrats have been, like, oh, you mustn’t criticize the wars or say Bush lied. It’s not popular, it’s not mainstream; look, Dean lost, Lamont lost. Progressive Democrats can maybe think that a teeny bit in private but no. We can’t say it.
And now up pops this vulgar guy Trump, who can be a total jerk in some ways, on the Republican side, and just does it. He says it. He doesn’t cloak it in flowery weasel words, he just says it. And it turns out it is pretty popular, it is too a mainstream opinion. All kinds of people were waiting and thinking, well, it’s about time someone said it. All the lies, all the harm, all the devastation we’re spreading in the Middle East, I’ve known that since 2003 or 2006 or 2010 already.
It’s about time someone said it!
That makes the usual kind of insider figure both parties have been putting up look really dishonest, mealy-mouthed, and evasive in comparison.
This was posted there yesterday.
PsychoSavannah to Eagles92
May 11 · 07:07:38 PM
Really, really interesting…..from 2 million visitors prior to March 15 to barely 750K this week.
It came by to say hello to Kos and brought some crashing traffic MATH with it.
Alexa Ranking
Alexa ranks websites on popularity and is used by advertisers to determine how much to pay for ads on a website. In March, DK was number 282 in the U.S. among all websites. Right now it's 398. That's a yuge drop in audience.
Precursor to November?
I joined DKos in 2007
All the people I liked over there are now over here. I was especially pleased to see Dump Terry McAuliffe here; his user name was what prompted me to join that other site in the first place.
Pity would be no more if we did not make somebody poor-William Blake
Could you go over to the Daily Clinton --
and get bobswern to pull his head out and move his diaries here? Clintonites don't care what he has to say.
"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo
bobswern is here too
He gets almost as many views on DKos as BNR does.
Don't know if he's cross post - but kinda like the fact he's still "making waves" ( ala Greenpeace) at DKos
Love the
Bowie pic!
“Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.” - John Steinbeck
Is it wrong that DK's collapse thrills me?
Or that my fury for alleged "Democrats" who sneer at liberals is much greater than for Republicans who do the same thing? I guess it's the betrayal factor.
Twain Disciple
It's not wrong.
I feel the same way, I think most Bernie people do.
I'm grateful for this space
Where excellent writing and intelligent discussion are welcomed and appreciated. I'm glad you're contributing here, Rusty.
The Hillary supporters on DK have insulated themselves from reality, and many have become cruel in order to maintain their manufactured delusions. I still pop over to rec the BNR and the occasional quality diarists. But, after this primary, I'm totally finished with that place.
We and Bernie are gonna keep rockin'!
The BNR diaries are great and I always enjoyed being with
Bernie people in the primary night diary comment threads, but the rest of that place has gotten toxic, you need a Hazmat suit to survive.
Are you going
To rally there tomorrow?
You mean Bernie's rally in Fargo?
I'm going to tell JC to revoke your membership at ConyersBlog for asking me a really silly question.
Is ConyersBlog still up?
Yes, Fargo! Glad to know you're going. Have a wonderful time, and say hello to Bernie for us.
There's a website page for it, but no activity.
I can tell you all about the Bernie rally, tomorrow night if that's okay.
Yes, please
I would love to hear about it!
We're set.
Just don't move to yet another red state before tomorrow night.
They have learned.
I spend a lot of time talking to the millennials at the college towns of Ann Arbor and Lansing Michigan.
They're talking about not having children they can't afford to raise properly in a world that is crashing environmentally around them. They don't see the current form of government as a panacea to fix anything for anybody ever.
Most of them have honestly seen beforehand what would happen in the current democratic race. Many said that Sander's would never win against the establishment. Their predictions have been mostly true. I still hold hope for Bernie, yet I see the proverbial writing on the wall as they do.
Most I've talked to will never support a Clinton ever. They would much rather give their vote to the greens than not to vote. Even then, they see little happening in time to redeem mankind.
Yes. They have their eyes wide open at the way things will likely be and they are more aware than many understand.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Ty for this.
There will be a way forward. I'm an old woman and won't give up. Will continue to donate and phone bank for Bernie but no matter what, we'll forge aheah. I don't know what form it will take if he doesn't win, but we are not going away. Not ever.
Don't believe everything you think.
All Bernie people are forever young, hester.
Thank you for donating and phone banking for Bernie!
My all tme favorite song
sung by a Bernie Sanders endorser, Joan Baez
President Sanders
The people over there?
Eyes Wide Shut.
There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know.
Heh. They've had plenty of practice.
I earned a 3 mo. T.O.
over there today, and I guess I'm supposed to be happy I wasn't bojo'd. "when you come back you'll be happier fighting against Trump instead of Her Highness." (something like that). yeah. That's the ticket. [rolls eyes]
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Seriously? You got a message like that?
Was it a comment you made or one you tipped?
People have said that they are self censoring or wondering what the consequences will be if they tip the wrong comment.
That's a bullshit way to run one of the (used to be) progressive websites.
I'm wondering if Kos even gives a damn if the site bites the dust?
He's sold his vox shares and others, so why not let DK turn to dust?
But the Hillarybots will happily continue to run the good people off the site.
And as they have been telling us, the Internet is a big place and there are other sites we can go to. Like this one.
I've seen a few of them saying that they have been monitoring our comments here and they report them back there.
How childish is that?
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
yeah. Not word-for-word
but close enough. I believe it was for one or two comments I made there. One about kos personally backing the wrong horse in backing HRC.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
That's funny
If they have been conducting blog espionage. Because, yes, it's childish; and because we're not going to say anything here we wouldn't say there if our voices hadn't been suppressed. So, let them monitor and report; at least here I can actually post comments without badly constructed illogical retorts being hurled at me.
Let 'em monitor
I hope they're getting an eyeful here, and that their oh-so-delicate sensibilities are all offended and everything!!!! It's laughable to read that there are such children over there that they monitor other websites and report back on what is being said. OMG, how junior high school....
so the little weasel's minions are spying on us. This goes out to all you clinton supporters and please take it back to your POS leader markos. Your candidate isn't going to win the general. All of the Bernie supporters I know, and there are a lot, are deciding on, should Bernie have the primary stolen from him, whether to not vote, vote Green or vote for trump. clinton isn't on our radar screens. So come November 9th, don't blame us. Blame yourselves for backing such a worthless, corrupt candidate.
yep, exactly.
Don't blame us, kos, that your candidate So sucks that we're taking our votes elsewhere, the SCOTUS be damned. Want to beat Trump, win the General? Then back #Bernie. He's the winning candidate.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
"Daddy! Bulldawg's
been saying nasty things about you and Hillary over at caucus99percent!!!"
“Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.” - John Steinbeck
Make him stop!
Yeah Kos,
Make me!
“Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.” - John Steinbeck
TOP definitely reading here
Laughed at one of the comments, think it was in BNR, calling us "swamp fever."
Don't think they like reading how many people will NOT support Clintons.
BTW - posted this on another thread, movie to watch out for in Philadelphia
Seems we are the "audience" for this in Philly
Book is still best seller on Amazon.
Oh, right
because there are no Reality-Based Adults anywhere in the world--in Real Life or anywhere else--they only exist
In The Borgat The Daily Kos.OMFG, please!
What insufferable, obnoxious, toxic human beings. Fuck them and fuck their childish bullshit.
Most excellent rant!
My rant license expired back in January (don't tell anybody)
Thank you, Flyswatterbanjo.
My Path Away From The Democrats.
President Jimmy Carter was my last straw. I watched how the party left him in the Rose Garden to deal with the hostage crisis alone. The failed rescue attempt told me that Carter was not Presidential material. (He is, however, the epitome of President Emeritus. I hope he has many years left to do good for the world)
I was hoping Ted Kennedy could take the nomination, but IIRC he got started too late, afraid that Mary Jo Kopechne's ghost would haunt him. She did, and Ted returned to the Senate to complete his career there.
Reagan was absolutely off the list after the damage he'd caused to California as governor, and for his attempt to co-opt Ford with his "co-presidency" ploy in 1976. So when John Anderson read the situation and broke with the GOP to run 3rd party, I had my man. Winning wasn't the point at that time for me. Establishing an additional choice for the voters was.
I did vote for Democratic candidates after 1980, but that was due to me remaining a hostage to the Lesser of Two Evils demon. I voted for Mondale and Dukakis, knowing they were hopeless and losers.
I would have supported Perot, for I was in North San Diego County during his first campaign in 1992 and saw something most impressive. For those who have never been there, North San Diego County was (and largely still is) hardcore Republican Country. That summer, you couldn't find many Bush signs there, and almost no Clinton signs. Perot's were everywhere. If he hadn't fallen for a dirty trick regarding a problem with his daughter's wedding, I feel that he would have won the election. Clinton got my reluctant vote since I was done with "Read My Lips".
Skipping ahead to 2000 (Dole n 1996? NO WAY! Hold nose and vote Clinton), I deliberately voted for Gore, and not because of his party affiliation. I felt that he might do a good job as president, but the way he bungled Florida while losing Tennessee and Arkansas cured me of that delusion. If I had it to do over, I'd have followed my heart and voted Nader.
Kerry was Gore II, only trade Ohio for Florida. He still got my vote, however reluctantly. There was no other choice for me. He was the Not Dubya candidate.
I would have backed Hillary in 2008, except she slipped into seeking white voter support using dog whistle issues. That ended her chances with me. Obama lied about filibustering FISA, and that was it for HIM with me. When he announced so many Republicans were to be retained for his Cabinet, I knew I'd made the right choice. I ignored his left turn for the 2012 campaign, because there was no action in his record to reverse my opinion of him being a tremendous liar.
McCain and Sarah Palin left me scrambling to locate a suitable choice for my vote. I failed to find one, writing in Ron Paul because I couldn't think of anyone else. I thought of him as Libertarian and not Republican.
2012 was essentially a repeat of 2008, but at least Jill Stein got my vote. I wish I'd thought of her in 2008.
We are now at 2016. Call me PUMA. It's either Bernie or Bust. Jill Stein is my Plan B.
Hillary can go suck off Wall St. She already burned her bridge to me.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
I think a lot of us can relate to that.
What a long, strange trip it's been.
Thank you for reading my essay and commenting, neoconned.
Pretty much agree, except
that Hillary was never going to get my vote - not in 2008, not in 2016. One of the things that offends me most in politics is dynasties. W, beside the fact that he was a Republican, would never have received my vote. All future Clintons are off the table too.
A drinking buddy of mine, now deceased, worked
construction all of his life. He would often get shit canned (fired). He would look at the straw boss who fired him and always said the same thing "I was looking for work when I found this job."
I was looking for an oasis right after the 2004 election. I found Daily Kos and signed up in January, 2005, over 11 years ago. Now I've found c99%
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
I signed up with GOS right after the 2004 election. I was looking for solace, and I found it. That place doesn't exist anymore.
“Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.” - John Steinbeck
The democrats told us in 2006
That if we gave them enough votes to take back congress then they would roll back the Bush abuses. So we did and what was the first thing out of Pelosi's mouth? " Impeachment is off the table, and we are keeping our powder dry".
And what the hell did keeping their powder dry even mean?
Then how many years did we ask for Reid to grow a spine and fight back against the GOP?
Then we came out in droves to get Obama elected because he promised us hop and change.
No more revolving doors between industry insiders and cabinet picks.
Look at who he appointed. The same f*ckers who not only crashed the global economy but the same ones who were in Clinton's administration that set it up to crash.
He promised to end the Iraq war, but he was trying to stay after the SOFA made him leave.
Promise to filibuster the FISA bill, but voted for it.
Promised not to sign a health care bill without a public option in it, but worked with the insurance and pharmaceutical companies behind the scenes to make sure they got everything that they wanted.
Now millions have health insurance, but too many of them can hardly afford to pay their premiums and still can't afford to see a doctor because their deductibles are so high.
Then we were told that the ACA was a step towards single payer, yet has anyone in congress been working for it? No. People are seeing their premiums rise upwards of 35-44% because the insurance companies tell us that too many people are using their health insurance and they need to cover their costs.
I call BS on that because as I wrote, many people aren't making their high deductible, so how can the insurance companies be losing money?
But the biggest tell for me is that we have a great candidate that espouses everything that they used to stand for, but they are all behind the most corrupt candidate that has ever run for president.
We are represented by one party, and they don't represent us, they represent their owners.
So Markos, fuck you! I'm telling you that there isn't a difference between the two parties. Maybe on social issues that don't hurt the one percent.
But since Obama was elected, income inequality has gotten much worse under his administration.
Oh, and how many years did people give him a pass and say that he was playing chess, or that he had the GOP right where he wants them?
I wonder if the Hillbots will give Hillary the same leeway?
I gave up on him after his cabinet appointments and then his use of drones that saw so many innocent civilians being killed.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Nancy Pelosi, just rolled over. She...
...rolled over in the clover and did it again.
It can't be said better.
Thank you, snoopydawg.
I only registered as a Dem this year to support Sanders.
I won't ever support Hillary Clinton. Her husband did enough harm to people with disabilities with his shitty policies. Until Sanders ran as a Democrat I was a life long NPA because neither party represented working people, even in 2002. And considering now that independents are close to outnumbering both parties I'd say the time is ripe for them to die. They deserve no less at this point.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
I think a lot of people had the same motivation.
Both branches of the Corporate Party need to die.
It's Demogorgon!
"Demogorgon appears as an 18-foot-tall (5.5 m), reptilian (or amphibious) hermaphroditic tanar'ri with a somewhat humanoid form. Two mandrill heads sprout from his twin snake-like necks, and his arms end in long tentacles. His two heads have individual minds, called Aameul (the left head) and Hethradiah (the right head). One of Demogorgon's best-kept secrets, even from his cultists and minions, is that his two personas strive to dominate (and even kill) each other, but are unable to because they are aspects of one another. Despite this duality, many of Demogorgon's plots revolve around either permanently separating or uniting these two personas. "
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Demogorgon's dilemma: a solution.
Instead of doing all this evil, he ought to settle down and start making his own brand of bleu cheese.
He could call it Demogorgonzola.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
I did the same thing. I switched my Independent affiliation to Democrat just to vote for Bernie, since MD has a closed primary. Didn't do much good, but at least for the first time in my voting life, I wasn't holding my nose.
No snowflake in an avalanche feels responsible. -- Voltaire
Little Markos....that f'n guy....
People have literally lived and died on TOP......the quilt making....the mourning of those who passed....the valiant struggles of ned lamont campaign, to name just one....
I saw the comment here yesterday about how Kos rolled in over 400k from Dem establishment off the site.
He didn't build that site. The community did. And those who contributed the least? they're the first to say GTFO.
funny how earlier this year, for the first time in many months, I found the time to write a few diaries. They hit rec list and community spotlight, meaning that someone found them moderately interesting.
less than two months later, me and my fellow berners are Public Enemy #1.
to echo what one of the ladies posted here yesterday--and it's something that i believe more and more every year that i live in America--- this is just a nasty and petty country.
sometimes i think to myself the liberals and conservatives in this country deserve each other. But then I immediately think of all the soulful progressives I met in my, they don't deserve this toxic culture. I don't deserve it. YOU don't deserve it.
TOP can't be reformed. I just wish I knew years ago how fake and spineless so many of those 'liberals' were.
did 9 months in California prison, because Neoliberal Democrats and GOP maggots work together to profit off the drug war
You can say that again.
And I bet everyone of Hillary's supporters
Were against the things that she is doing now when the republicans were doing them during the Bush administration.
I ve written about this before, but I bet if a republican SOS and their spouse had a private foundation that took money from corrupt governments after selling them weapons, they would have had a problem with that. And if the spouse had given those governments paid speeches before the state department sold them weapons, that would have been bad too.
The Clinton foundation is so corrupt that if it was anyone but the Clintons running it they would be under investigation or have been indicted already.
The foundation had anyone or any corporations that wanted in on the reconstruction of Haiti go through them first and then Hillary's state department had to sign off on it.
Hillary's brother got a huge contract to run a gold mine in Haiti. I wonder what experience he has in running a gold mine?
The Clintons would set their friends up to meet government officials for contracts and after they got them, they'd make a couple million dollars donations to the foundation.
If this type of activity had been done by a republican, Hillary's supporters would be writing about it.
That's what pisses me off about them. They willingly overlook her corruption and they don't care about the hundreds of thousands of people whose lives she and Bill ruined with welfare reform, the crime bill, nafta and I'd like to know if any of them lost their houses because Clinton deregulated the banks?
Someone posted a tweet with a picture in it about how the Clintons are being supported by the people that ruined people's lives.
I have tried to save that image, but haven't been able to. Yet.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Not all of us, Hillary
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Most #HillarySettlers on TOP
just want to see the First. Woman. President. "It's Her Turn!" I want to see a woman prez, too. Just not Her Highness. Mine would be Zephyr Teachout or Elizabeth Warren. I'm sure there are many others.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Yeah, I remember when it was Dole's turn...
Remember President Dole? Me neither.
I share your angst
I watched in dismay as all of my hippie liberal friends wore themselves out running after St. Ronnie of Raygunz now that their assess weren't going to end up in Vietnam. I had never before been so disappointed in an entire group of people. I was thus somewhat immunized when the nation did the same thing for Dubya AND Obama, and who are now trying to do the same for HRH Hillary Rodham Clinton the First..
The Millennials are already showing me that they will make something rise out of the wreckage being left for them by my generation - assuming that corporatism doesn't succeed in taking over the world and opening the door to Mother Nature wiping us off the face of Her planet. It's what I'll be thinking about when I depart this mortal coil.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.