Open Thread 02-05-15
“It’s always the hippies’ fault”: Why the left treats its idealists all wrong
While the right lionizes its idealists, the left blames and scoffs at its own. The difference is changing America
Last week the Internet was buzzing over the New York magazine cover story by Jonathan Chait in which he took the so-called Social Justice Warriors to task for their thuggish use of political correctness to make people feel uncomfortable on social media and shut down the important discussions that would surely happen there if only they would stop intimidating everyone with their tweets and comments.
It is worth noting that the notion the crazy lefties stand in the way of the Very Serious liberals who are trying to get things done is a trope of long standing. In fact, the governing principle of the New Democrats of yore was based on the belief among the smart folks in the political establishment that the hippies had ruined everything and it was time to take the party back. And the Democratic establishment has been blaming them for their failures ever since.
Here’s a case in point as reported by BuzzFeed yesterday in a piece that ponders the question of why California has failed to further legalize pot. After all, it was the first state in the nation to pass medical marijuana and the state has shown no ill effects from the practice over the course of the nearly 20 years it’s been available. It points out the fact that California’s ballot initiatives have become something of a business and billionaire’s playground, costing vast sums to succeed, and unfortunately there don’t appear to be any California businesses or billionaires who see marijuana as their pet cause at the moment. (Bill Maher, pick up the white courtesy telephone please ….) In fact, the state’s experiment in direct democracy has become as undemocratic as it gets.
But the story BuzzFeed tells is about the infighting between a group of savvy, national pro-marijuana organizers and a band of illogical homegrown zealots who are standing in the way of real progress due to their lack of sophistication and strategic know-how that goes back 20 years. According to the article, in the early days back in the 1990s, a time when Democrats all over the country were running on the issue of pot being a “gateway drug” and supporting the arrest of anyone who knew the words to “Scarlet Begonias,” the foolish hippies blew it by passing the first medical marijuana bill in the country despite these huge odds. You see, they didn’t know how to write a proper marijuana bill so it had tons of problems and holes in it that made it difficult to defend in the ensuing years. One might expect that since it was the first initiative of its kind in the nation, but no, they should have known even if nobody else did.
What Steven F. Cohen & Other Liberals Get Wrong About Obama & Ukraine’s War
Liberals won’t acknowledge that they’ve “been had” by Barack Obama when they believed his liberal rhetoric; they won’t acknowledge it, even after Obama has proven by his actions that he is actually extremely conservative (a total agent of Wall Street; and, thus, inequality has been rising under his rule); Obama is conservative despite his liberal rhetoric, which is designed to deceive them; and he has — which is the worst thing of all — intentionally caused an extremely bloody ethnic cleansing in Ukraine, a war there against those of Ukraine’s citizens who think that Russia is a better country than the United States: an ethnic cleansing to cement-in, as permanent, a rabidly anti-Russian Government in Ukraine, by getting rid of the people there who had voted for the man Obama overthrew. This is, historically, the first time in history that any American President has sponsored an ethnic cleansing: it’s an attempt to exterminate a civilian population. That’s how bad Obama actually is.
Liberals won’t acknowledge either the violent coup in Ukraine, or the brutal ethnic-cleansing campaign to cement its result: an anti-Russian Government on Russia’s doorstep — a very real threat to Russia’s national security, and a very aggressive American policy against Russians.
The founder of Stratfor, the “private CIA” firm, says that the overthrow of Viktor Yanokovych in Ukraine in February 2014 was “the most blatant coup in history.” The President of the Czech Republic contrasts that coup versus Czechoslovakia’s authentically democratic 1968 “Velvet Revolution,” and he says that “only poorly informed people” don’t know that the governmental overthrow in Ukraine in 2014 was a coup. America’s liberals, then, are indeed poorly informed, and they are so partly because they don’t want to know the truth about Obama; America’s conservatives, by contrast, simply hate Obama, merely because he’s a black Democratic politician (and any President who has been so good to Wall Street would be loved by them if he were a white Republican); they don’t mind (and they actually support) that Obama hates Russia and institutes an ethnic cleansing campaign in his aggressive war against Russia. Whereas conservatives don’t mind Obama’s ethnic-cleansing campaign to get rid of pro-Russians in Ukraine, liberals don’t want to know about it. The result is actually conservatives reigning in both Parties, not just in one: we now have one-party government, in all but name.
Typical on the liberal side is Professor Steven F. Cohen, a supposed Russia-expert, who sometimes writes articles for his wife’s liberal magazine (which she, Katrina vanden Heuvel, owns), The Nation, and plays dumb about Obama’s anti-Russian coup in Ukraine, and he even says, on Amy Goodman’s February 3rd “Democracy Now!”: “Many people have argued that the United States organized a coup in February to overthrow the president of Ukraine and bring to power of this new pro-American, pro-Western government. I do not know if that’s true.”
Mark Cook - Shake These Blues Away
Mark Cook - Louisiana Mojo
Mark Cook - acoustic 12 string original
New addition...
It's a RSS Feed Aggregator. There's a link to it in the Navigation Menu and is also included in the left sidebar below "Who's Online". I included it in both modes so everyone could view it's function. DailyKos and HuffPo are only shown for a example of the aggregators capabilities. Any site that has a RSS feed can be included on the list and individual writers at sites can also be included, IE: we could include the RSS feeds of our favorite writers at DKos instead of the whole site. The list of articles is updated every hour and can be broken down into categories such as News, Opinion, etc.
My questions are to the membership are:
1-Do you like this feature as it could be considered redundant because you could just visit the various sites?
2-What feeds would you like to see listed?
I don't know what RSS feed is
I have avoided finding out for a long time. So I'll take menu mode.
To thine own self be true.
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
I see nada in the sidebar beneath Who's on line - just sayin'.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
I forgot to set the permissions, you should be able to see it now, sorry about that everyone.
good morning
Oh my gosh. I saw Easy Ride long, long ago. As far as the RSS feed, I'll leave that to those who know what you are actually talking about. I get the gist, but my knowledge and experience is very limited.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Morning dk...
The RSS feed gives you up to date articles or news items at listed sites as they are published, gives all the stories at your finger tips without having to visit the sites. For example, the DKos feed I have listed is for the diaries page, it shows the list of diaries in chronological order and is updated every hour. The number of listings can be changed, so in essence the diaries page at DK can be monitored without going there. We can also list RSS feeds to individual bloggers like Bob Swern, if he posts something it will show up in the feed.
Click the "Feed aggregator" link in the Navigation Menu, and then click "Sources" and you'll see what I mean. If you see an article you may be interested in, click the link and it will take you to the article at the site.
Just visited our alternative universe for a morning read.
What a mistake. Thank you JtC for giving us such a breath of fresh air.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
That universe is going into the personal more & more
And stories stay on for days when they really should rotate to remain current. Now I'm stuck with that story about the Jordanian pilot on my mind. I only hope that people inflicted with extreme pain go rapidly into shock and unconsciousness. I don't know that, I just tell myself that.
To thine own self be true.
I think there is a lot of truth to it.
I don't know it either, but I both think it and want to believe it. It is bad enough when the ugliness of humanity is far away; but when the pot is poked just to get a pie fight going, I can't handle it. There is so much unhappiness in the world, why deliberately create more? I was going to drop an HR on one name calling comment to make two HRs, but then I thought, let the sunlight handle it.
Sorry for the late edit folks.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I had to go see...
what you were talking about, I'm glad i don't spend much time there anymore.
I am guessing which diary and comment(s)
At the risk of being misinterpreted or accused of having privilege, I want to say this. I tend to stay out of certain diaries because the way that they are structured creates a no win situation in the commentary.
We have so many issues today in this country that require we be united against the powerful forces who want to impoverish us and hollow out the commons, that I have little patience in fighting over the past. Yes, racism is still a problem and I prefer to attack it in the present. Keeping us divided is why the corporatists have been able to destroy us. Unfortunately too many over at GOS want to continue the foster further division.
Time is of the essence and yet we continue to express outrage at the past. We must acknowledge the past and continue to learn from it and prevent the past from dictating the present, but venting anger at those who would and should be your allies does not accomplish unity. And we desperately need unity against the evil that is running our country.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I skim there
I skimmed the story about Brian Williams Lying His Ass Off and comments and laughed my ass off. People wondering if he'll get fired. FIRED? LOL TPTB would give him a big fat Bonus for that one, except he got caught.
I skimmed it to find out what the hell they were talking about.
How the hell does one swiftboat Brian Wilson? I mean really? Was the little Deuce Coupe really a '34, or what? I guess I need to watch more mainstream talking head shows, but I just can't.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
I took a brief visit too
ericlewis0 wrote a hilarious diary about how Brian Williams is being "swiftboated". Wow.
and the diary has like 100 recs....all from 'bots!
Because, I guess, Williams represents authority and they, the 'bots, love authority.
He called Williams
a "left-leaning moderate anchor." Jeeze Louise. If that's not a flag, what is? Brain Williams is to the right of John McCain.
"Never separate the life you live from the words you speak." --Paul Wellstone
Democrats are not the left.
That's the problem people are having with this left right thing, continuing to try and tie it to the two major political parties. As we've seen
over the last ten years, the Democratic party has clearly shifted rightward to where it's policies and agenda are more centrist if not conservative, such as in the areas of foreign policy and domestic security/law enforcement.
Both parties should be shunned, like the Amish do when someone betrays the community.
I fed my RSS once and the damn thing
got food poisoning and threw up. Last time I fed it, ain't doing it again.
Is 'R' for rectal ?
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
Continuing our legacy of crystal clear world leading foreign
policy, John Kerry says today the US won't "close our eyes" to Russian tanks crossing into Ukraine. As long as we're clear on that.
In other news, Brian Williams is a dirtbag. Hudathunk?
A lying dirt bag
He seems to be forgetting that there are other people on this planet getting older also. We know what can be remembered
and how. Saying he misremembered something like that is flat out absurd.
Can't seem to reply
to Al's last comment. If I could though, I would reply:
You're getting into a pretty exclusive level of dirtbaggery when you lie in the prepared public apology for the lie that exposed you as a dirtbag.
JtC: fwiw, when I hit the reply button on a comment, I get an unending clock with the spinning hand. Doesn't seem to want to let me reply. Could be me, dunno.
I was experimenting...
with a new comments module that wasn't working right, everything should be back to normal now.
Yup. Blame the "hippies".
Let's go back to 1972 and take a look at what happened. George McGovern's forces won the primaries and, in the process, offended the party mandarins--machine politicians like Mayor Daley and labor barons like George Meany--who thought they had a divine right to delegate seats at the convention. So what did the mandarins do? They sat on their hands in the presidential election; then, after McGovern lost, blamed the hippies. Afterward, the mandarins played with the party rules to make sure the hippies didn't control another convention. The result? The DLC, New Democrats, the Third Way, Bill Clinton's triangulation, and, warming up in the bullpen, Hillary the Inevitable.
gonna be one weird 2016!
Part of me is curious to see if Hillary will actually lose the election. I think she'll get the nomination but the general...that's up in the air.
It's too easy to predict that if she does lose the blame will fall on us.
As a friend of mine said...
Hillary the Inevitable should spend all her time working on her acceptance speech, and spend no time working on her inaugural address.
She combines Michael Dukakis's lack of charisma, Joe Biden's gaffe-proneness, and Willard Romney's sense of entitlement. A real triple threat.
Perfect summary
of Hillary the Inevitable.![Wink](
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy