How the DNC proved Trump and Orwell right, and vote blue wrong
So during a comment war pie fight I let myself get dragged into I ran across a hilariously ill informed gem. Someone comparing Bernie to Squealer from that classic banned Orwell book Animal Farm.
Squealer of course being the pig who declared everyone who dared question enemies of the revolution. Ones who had to be dealt with harshly. And I can see where he was going with it, PP leadership endorsing Hillary, so there go the "bros" Clyburn, Huerta, so on.
Of course as someone who ranks said novel even above 1984 I couldn't resist my own take. Snarking back that Squealer was more DWS of course. Playing press flack for comrade Hillary, taking all the milk and apples for the good of the farm while the rest of the "free" animals keep making do with less. Like old Boxer (representing the middle class) says, "I will work harder." even as the work kept coming.
Said comment ending with the fact that when Hillary does come trotting out with the whip in her hand I'm dead certain sheep like him (and Kosland sadly enough...) would be the first to bleat out "Four legs good two legs better!" As was pointed out in comments here the other day.
And of course the warning the end of the book provides us. After Bernie/Snowball has been driven off, and when the fight breaks out during the poker game, "And the animals looked from man to pig to man, and none could tell the difference." If there's a better example of how the two parties have become virtually interchangeable I'm hard pressed to find it.
But the snark got me to start re-reading Animal farm again, to get deeper into the details once more, and I'll admit the parallels are more then a little unsettling. Not to mention fury inducing at how powerful a weapon fear can be.
Let's rewrite Squealer's remarks for the modern DNC age for instance. I think I know who he also could be... (Yes I can't resist)
We Democrats are pragmatists. The continued success of this country depend on us. Day and night we are watching over your welfare to make sure you don't lose what we fought for. It is for YOUR sake that we take that bank money and have to stop the rhetoric. Do you know what would happen if we Democrats failed in our duty? Trump would win! Yes, Trump would win! Surely, liberals," cried Kos almost pleadingly, skipping from side to side and whisking his tail, "surely there is no one among you who wants to see Trump win?"
Now if there was one thing that the Democrats were completely certain of, it was that they did not want Trump. When it was put to them in this light, they had no more to say. The importance of keeping the party unified was all too obvious. So it was agreed without further argument that the control of the party (and also the main crop of donations) should be reserved for the establishment alone.
I remembered this quote offhand, but I had forgotten about the second, which sums up the DNC, most notably Rendell, and little miss closed primaries for all now to a tea.
"Comrades," Kos said, "I trust that every diarist here appreciates the sacrifice that Comrade Hillary has made in taking this extra labor upon herself. Do not imagine, comrades, that leadership is a pleasure! On the contrary, it is a deep and heavy responsibility. No one believes more firmly than Comrade Hillary that all Democrats are equal. She would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be? Suppose you had decided to follow Bernie, with his moonshine of free stuff–Bernie, who, as we now know, was no better than a vote divider?"
"He fought bravely in the Primaries" said somebody.
"Bravery is not enough," said Kos. "Loyalty and obedience are more important. And as to the primaries, I believe the time will come when we shall find that Bernie's part in it was much exaggerated. Discipline, comrades, iron discipline! That is the watchword for today. One false step, and we get Trump! Surely, comrades, you do not want to lose the courts to him?"
Once again this argument was unanswerable. Certainly the Democrats did not want Trump; if the holding of more debates and the rhetoric questioning Hillary's record was liable to bring him back, then both must stop. Boxer, who had now had time to think things over, voiced the general feeling by saying: "If Comrade Hillary says it, it must be right." And from then on he adopted the maxim, "Vote Blue no matter who." in addition to his private motto of "I will work harder."
And of course it was the young pigs daring to question, who were drowned out by the sheep, but we'll get back to them later.
Regardless I never thought I'd hear myself utter these words, but when you look at the state of today's Democratic electorate?
Trump was right.
Granted not in the way he thinks mind you, but his point was proven. It's not just his base that is so unquestioning, that takes any criticism as disloyalty that must be silenced for the sake of "unity", and that is so god damn afraid that I honestly wonder...
If Hillary shot someone on 5th Avenue, do you think it would cost HER votes?
And it's appalling. I sit here and look at it, and I can not believe the party I used to call home has hit this point. That we consider acceptable discourse (Heard on Norman Goldman's show last week) "The problem the Democrat party has is we aren't afraid enough of Trump yet!"
It doesn't matter where you are left or right, the words/positions may change, the fear stays the same.
And the insane part from a tactical standpoint is this argument completely cedes the moral high ground. On top of proving the Repubs own scare tactics right.
Vote red to keep the left from wrecking the country with liberal activist judges who will let the gays in everywhere!
So our response has to now be this?
Vote blue to keep the right from wrecking the country with conservative activist judges who will put all your gay friends in camps and make women nothing more then baby carriers.
We have met the enemy and they are us. I just want to go, when and why did it have to become this way? The best solution to a right wing Scalia is a left wing one?
Yes I know in many places (Hi Roy Moore) judges do inject political bias into rulings. But this is the one place where I still have a spark of idealism. And I'd rather have a judge who I would hope agrees with the law, instead of a judge who agrees with me politically. And the fact that the one branch of the govt that should be apolitical is now being used by BOTH sides as additional chess pieces in the power struggle, and is treated as a means to get things we want or keep/take away things we have disgusts me to no end.
This is where I have a major disagreement with Bernie and the left. A litmus test on Citizens United is no better then one on Roe V Wade. We are better than this, why do you need the tactics of our enemy to succeed Dems?
Oh right, cause you don't give a damn about us, you just want a warm body voting for you.
Cause you and many others have made it clear that "We have to win!" Because after all, "Do you want Trump?"
And this is where again Orwell proved all too accurate, as some of us out there are willing to take this to that extreme, to win at any cost. Even if it does mean we compromise everything we stand for (Or the Seven commandants of Animalism) because of that fear and a devotion to blind loyalty. Even when we know it's wrong. . .
“Muriel,” Clover said, “read me the Fourth Commandment. Does it not say something about never working directly with a PAC?”
With some difficulty Muriel spelt it out.
“It says, ‘No Democrat shall work directly with a PAC' (except if it's online communication)” she announced finally.
Curiously enough, Clover had not remembered that the Fourth Commandment mentioned online activity; but as it was there on the wall, it must have done so.
And of course who is right there? Squealer again, and what is his response to the questioning?
"The rule was against Coordination, which was a FEC invention. We have removed the Coordination, and make sure the bloggers stay between us and the speech. And a very comfortable arrangement it is too! But not more comfortable than we need, I can tell you, comrades, with all the brainwork we have to do nowadays. You would not rob us of our supporters, would you, comrades? You would not have us unable to correct the record? Surely none of you wishes to see Trump win?”
A personal side note on this essay. Regarding this video ( And the online attacks on Bernie's FB pages. which of course *eyeroll* were certainly neeeever endorsed by Pro Hillary groups. (
One user my ass.
But when I showed that video to one of the hardcore vote blue people I know, and asked her flat out. "Is THIS how you want to win?" The response I got back was a laughing snoopy picture.
At possible child porn being used as a political tactic.
Yeah. That was one less friend on the ol list. But how do you even begin to respond to that closed of a mind?
I'll confess this is where I feel a touch like Clover later in the book, if more rebellious than she. After (in shades of current events again) Napoleon had just carried out his slaughter. And who were the first four victims?
Our young porker friends, who were forced to confess to their crimes against the true revolution, and promptly murdered for it. Tell me if this sounds familiar to anyone.
"Instead — she did not know why — they had come to a time when no one dared speak his mind, when fierce, growling dogs roamed everywhere, and when you had to watch your comrades torn to pieces after confessing to shocking crimes."
But on the vote blue side? (and where Clover and I seriously part ways)
There was no thought of rebellion or disobedience in her mind. She knew that, even as things were, they were far better off than they had been in the days of Bush, and that before all else it was needful to prevent the return of the Republicans. Whatever happened she would remain faithful, work hard, carry out the orders that were given to her, and accept the leadership of Hillary. But still, it was not for this that she and all the others had hoped and toiled.
And of course right after this and the final singing of "Beasts of England" what does Squealer have to say?
"The enemy both external and internal has been defeated. In ‘Beasts of England’ we expressed our longing for a better society in days to come. But that society has now been established. Clearly this song has no longer any purpose.”
And we see the next day "No Democrat shall Attack or BOJO another." (without cause)
But remember, they're the party of the people. Even as the facts are right there in your face to say otherwise.
Even though life is harder, colder, shorter, but we're "Free."
Even as we work harder for those at the top doing squat for us.
Even though we make do with less as those who claim to be for us seem to keep getting more. "It's just a readjustment"
But they have plenty of figures to say how much better things are.
As my fiancee and I work 60-70 hours between us, myself 40 of that, and at $10/hr each can barely afford a 1BR in NC (Hendersonville) much less even think of starting a family at this point. Too busy living off canned food and ramen, and watching a wheel bearing repair put my checking account at -$74
And even as you can show the entire damn farm our substitute Squealers having just fallen off the ladder. With the paint bucket right beside them, and written on the wall now? When everyone agrees one of the biggest problems is money in politics and it's corrosive influence?
"No part of the DNC shall take lobbyist money" (To excess)
Even as they wrap themselves in the spirit of the old guard and say how great things are, and we have to keep them going.
There's part of me too that want's to compare the hardest working horse on the farm, old Boxer being sold to the knackers for whiskey to TPP too. But I don't know, straining this metaphor a bit too far at that point?
Maybe we could have the hosts of Republican's right down to the Koch's coming out for Hillary being the humans coming to visit the farm at the end?
Regardless, as a closing note. I'm convinced (as noted in comments again here) that we have hit a point where the sheep are willing to accept anything. They've been conditioned to do so, fear will do that.
But not just them.
They may be the ones who bleat out "Four legs good two legs BETTER." but it's the rest of the animals (and us) who don't dare to question and stand up against what we know to be wrong who are no better than them. People who do seem more intent on winning elections than doing what they know in their hearts to be right.
Because if you question? Well we get the bleating and fuss about the fascism they say Trump would bring us. "Aren't you scared?"
Not as scared of that as I am of people who are so afraid of the bullet to the face they can't see the knife headed for their back.
And are so scared of the boogyman over there. They're willing to accept the ever growing authoritarianism of the party I once called myself a proud member of. Be loyal or else, we wouldn't have to sic a paid troll on you...
Because we have to "win". Because we have to stop "them". Because the letter by someone's name is more important than the positions they hold. And don't you dare question those positions, the rhetoric has got to stop, cause do you want Trump!
Blind label voting and blind loyalty trumping critical questioning of those we want to represent us? As was also noted here and as I've been telling my friends elsewhere. This isn't Democracy, this is Tribalism.
And if it does come to pass I say to those who call themselves Democrats, what have we won?
What good is winning if we find ourselves at the end living in a world where you can't tell one side from the other?
And the end result is still all of us, regardless of our personal political views, in a world where...
"All animals are equal." (Some are just more equal than others)
I need to go out and read Animal Farm
as I don't think I've ever read that one. Great rant and spot on.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
"And if it does come to pass
I say to those who call themselves Democrats, what have we won?" is exactly the question that is never answered or even asked by the rabid Democratic partisan Royalist's. What you win is more important then who wins. I went to dkos this morning following a link and nobody talks about what a Democratic win means. We need to beat The Hairball or else. The 'or else' is fear but does that fear have to lead you to 'pragmatically' accept what happens after were victorious and stop The Hairball? Such a con job and sadly we the people have to live under what we have won.
Did you ever watch The West Wing?
I'll admit I'm a huge Sorkin fan too, and have a bad habit of rewatching the series in election years. Amazing to me how well it still holds up, and still makes me wonder if art is imitating life or the other way around?
But your response made me think of one of the stand out moments in the show.
Ten word answers, and the problem truly is no one in camp Hillary or her supporters are asking what the next ten words should be. Or perhaps more dangerously what they will be.
After they "win"
See, their morals, their code... it's a bad joke. Dropped at the first sign of trouble. They're only as good as the world allows them to be.
-The Joker-
I binge watched West Wing a few weeks ago.
For the second time. I was starting to feel like a seasoned campaign strategist. But that didn't prepare me for Aaron Sorkin's, "The Newsroom." By the third episode of Season One, I started taking notes, especially when Jeff Daniels apologizes on air to viewers for 9/11, and for media's role in not preventing it and not protecting them.
(That's when the alert viewer first encounters what a horrific coup d'etat Reagan had executed by revoking the Fairness Doctrine. That's when the Federal government went entirely rogue. Subsequent events, like the 50 percent drop in the tax rates of the high earners, to the "Little Pearl Harbor" of 9/11, to the revocation of banking regulations and antitrust laws preventing predatory monopolies that asset-strip the American people, to the privatization of utilities and public services for the same purpose, to Citizens United which merely codifies the investor-class ownership of the Federal government — those are all just achievements along the new path Reagan created when he opened the door to legalized brainwashing of the American people. Social fairness died along with the Fairness Doctrine. This is the singular reason that Republicans worship the man.)
As you probably know, each season duplicates the political event timelines of the US, beginning in 2010. They trick the viewer's mind into appending perspectives presented by characters who produce the nightly onto one's own memories.
I find life more interesting now that Sorkin has reprogrammed my DNA.
Carry a burning candle and share the light.
Sorkin is both clever and inspiring, and I also binged
that whole series, but ultimately A.S. is too neolib for me. The thing about The West Wing is, every time somebody makes an argument for doing something about anything, somebody else explains why the first somebody is talking ponies and unicorns. In the end, the Bartlet administration accomplishes almost nothing, through the entire run of the series. We feel good, because JB is a great guy, and is (in contrast to the idiot man-child president of the time) deeply knowledgeable about history and philosophy, and is a masterful rhetorician who can really put those obnoxious republicans in their place; but ultimately, we're left with Sorkin's fanboy delight with celebrity-culture politics. Never in the entire series does Bartlet (or anyone around him) argue that the most important political objective for each and all of them is to obtain a sympathetic majority in Congress, so that they'll actually be able to implement policies in accord with their stated ideals. Instead, they sit around on mid-term election night and bemoan the results.
Meanwhile, the conservative foil, Ainsley Hayes, is conspicuously more intelligent than anyone else in the White House, and she never loses an argument with any of the liberals about anything, other than the one where she's bullied into "serving" "her" President; and while she may be portrayed as a bit of a self-righteous know-it-all, you can be certain that she's exactly the kind of self-righteous know-it-all that Sorkin gets all tingly over. (Me too, BTW. She is far and away the most "likeable" and attractive character on the whole show, with the possible exception of Sam Seaborn.)
Bottom line: Sorkin is a neolib Exceptionalist. America, Fuck Yeah!
He's been mysteriously -- or maybe not so mysteriously -- quiet about who he prefers in the current race.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
West Wing was a docudrama of the Clinton years.
I had to remind myself of that after my first attempted binge ended with me walking away in disgust — but not so much for the neoliberal stuff you described. I learned to swim in that treacherous sea when I immersed myself in trading. Thus, I automatically filter out Neoliberal sabotage memes before my higher lobes decodes it. What got me in West Wing were the sociopathic murders of convenience that US Presidents are free to enjoy. One of the few powers they have.
The Newsdesk is sort of the opposite. It's about a very popular national newscaster (a Republican) and his news team who abruptly develop a high-stakes moral compass that changes all of them — as a result of their first encounters with the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street. Meanwhile elected government partisans send mob-like threats to the media monopoly cartel boss who owns their network (played by Jane Fonda). She now wants to dump the news team and put compliant liars in their place. The news team gets involved with the NSA… stuff happens.
If you haven't seen it, it might change your mind about Sorkin somewhat.
Carry a burning candle and share the light.
I've seen the Newsroom.
It certainly has its moments -- not least being, in one of the very last episodes when we get to hear jeff daniels play guitar. It often does well at raising thoughtful questions about the roles and obligations of the media and media personalities. And Olivia Munn set my heart aflutter. (Damn you, Aaron Rodgers!)
But I think it really supports my basic thesis. Sorkin is a true believer in the US as that shining beacon etc etc. The essential conceit of the opening tableau, with its classic Sorkinesque declamation, is that, per Sorkin/Daniels/McAvoy, the US once really was "The Greatest Country on Earth", as if that's a meaningful formulation to anybody but a chauvinist. What pisses him off is that the media aren't "doing their job" -- but of course, he's entirely mistaken, the media are doing exactly their job. It's just that their job isn't what he thinks it is, because the United States isn't what he thinks it is.
Incidentally, for those who don't know, TWW wasn't originally envisioned as spending much time at all in the Oval Office. The President was expected to be someone that was always on everyone's minds, but rarely seen. It was only when Martin Sheen blew everyone away in the pilot that they started reworking the structure. The single most prominent character was supposed to be Lowe's Sam Seaborn. Instead, the President and Whiny Josh got most of the spotlight, and Lowe moved on.
Annoyingly, Whiny Josh is back -- Bradley Whitford is loudly and itinerantly all in for her majesty.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Your basic thesis is right on the money
…and satisfies a few RL political mysteries, as well:
My big problem with political websites/labs, their self-selecting communities of earnest users, and the participant/operatives who are there to socially engineer topics — like Daily Kos — is the users' inability to ask the right questions about the purpose and goals of the real government that Americans experience (a system that returns ever increasing social and individual distress).
Users are steered to discussions based on a rhetorical government that that is working toward perfect unity, fairness, and progress for the people. This ideal government requires only the sublimation of the hopes and needs of society to the needs of the Party to service the corporations. Society must sublimate its sense of urgency to the sacrifice of incrementalism. There is no evidence that such a government exists.
Still, questions are not asked. No questions the Benghazi gun running or the Saudis attack on 9/11. No one asks why all 2016 candidates must suspend their campaigns for a day to stand before Israel (AIPAC) and explain themselves, a supplication that is demanded by no other nation in the world. No one asks what it means that terrorists who attack the US are Sunnis and not Shiites, the religion of Iran, our great enemy for some reason. Americans don't asks who illegally purchased all the oil that ISIS continuously smuggled out of Syria for 18 months using a fleet of 3,500 ISIS tanker trucks. Nor do they ask why the US military, during 18 months of air strikes in Syria, did not notice the endless train of oil that funded ISIS operations, — until Russia exposed the operation at the G-20 and then came to Syria and destroyed it. No one asks why the US is in the Middle East, or why the US has been attacking Syria for four years, or why Yemen was destroyed with US weapons. Americans never asked why the US deliberately murdered 500,000 Iraqi children by withholding food and medicine from them.
Democrats don't want to ask because such questions were punished after a Democrat was elected to the White House. Some think it will hurt their Party if they ask questions. Republicans don't ask foreign policy questions because patriotism. And neither group asks the right questions "because the United States isn't what they think it is."
That's been the case as long as I've been around.
As Thomas Pynchon once noted: ‘If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don’t have to worry about the answers.’
Carry a burning candle and share the light.
I find life more interesting now that Sorkin reprogrammed my DNA
Just burst out laughing at that.
And yeah, the newsroom is powerful stuff from the get go. Though I'm not as sure about the last season as I was the first couple. It gets a little more I don't know, it's silly to say a fake news program about real events gets more fake? Maybe a touch over the top? It's hard to put into words. But all the same it's on my eventual buy list.
As for West wing, I'm also in agreement with Ainsley. But by far the best character was Bruno. His rant imho
We'll call it younger "Democrat" me thought it should be required watching in every single campaign office across the country. Daily. Granted I'm a little less sure about the end now that I see what a sham the two party system truly is. But the first part, it's one of the main reasons I also refuse to play the game and hold my nose anymore.
See, their morals, their code... it's a bad joke. Dropped at the first sign of trouble. They're only as good as the world allows them to be.
-The Joker-
No doubt, there's plenty there (TWW) to like.
It's at its best when it opens its heart to Jeffersonian sentimentality about what ought to be possible -- not on a grand scale, but on a human scale. This scene below captures it perfectly -- what the values of boring middle-class American liberalism are really about, versus what the Republicans against whom Bruno rants portray them to be about:
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Great stream of thought, thanks!
and interesting read.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
Regarding Secretary Clinton, her most rabid followers...
...and the future of MY Party, the words of the Canadian singer Gordon Lightfoot reverberate inside my skull:
I want my two dollars!
Someone accused me of being a pig the other day
I was surprised - I've always thought of myself as Boxer IRL.
prog - weirdo | dog - woof
you're avatar reminds me of Chuck Norris in a ski mask.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I read Animal Farm as a kid. I didn't like it; I thought it was
depressingly dystopian. The parallels now are clear as you write them. How creepy.
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Great diary.
Great diary.
Scary thing is
I think Hillary actually could shoot someone on 5th and not lose a vote. Sure, some of her supporters might grumble, but they'd still vote for her, because Trump.
So that’s what the “O” in the Obama logo stands for: Orwell(ian)
Thank you Barack Obama for showing us that Peace Is War