Openly Eccentric - Open Thread 5/8/2016

open thread.jpg
So, I've been a bit absent the last few days from the internet because I've been a tad busy. Building my computer, as documented in my "Hot Rod" Essays. But Now that it's all said and done, I have a few philosophical thoughts.

It was HARD work to get it right. Checking the parts, getting them set up, learning how it all goes together. Matching frequencies of operation, matching sockets, Finding out I made a slight error, and repairing it... on and on it went and that was just the Hardware. Software involved making a flash drive, ripping apart an old computer to try to copy the files from the old hard drive, then hopping online several times to get the drivers that would allow me to get online to download the rest of the software... And I loved every single minute of it.

Hard work that results in a tangible result is a great joy. Whether it's writing, performance, building, or anything else, the fact that I put my own sweat and hard work into the product made me smile. It's a pleasure to boot up my system and see no Corporate logos. Other things that make me smile is the 20 second boot time, the silent computer, and the huge blank space just waiting to be filled with fun, without slimeballs monitoring everything I do. I think the destruction of good work has been Corporate America's worst sin. Yes the money and corruption are bad, but eliminating the joy of a job well done and the feeling of success that comes from sweat equity is far more damaging to the human spirit.

I know so many people my own age who call me "Lucky" because I have a pension. How sad it is to think that money alone is the sole measure of success. So, there's my little philosophical rant. A day with good work makes me respect the elites even less. They own nothing in reality, because they can't fix their own lives without servants. (Old story, but really good work makes me hum the "Internationale" and consider changing my wardrobe to red...)

But on to the News:


Sometimes I worry about my Generation. We don't seem to be able to just let loose and have fun. I admit nudism really isn't my thing, but I remember SF saying that body shame would eventually go away in the 70-80's. What happened to that? I blame Reagan. Because he's my fall back scapegoat.

Suicide seems to be constant in the modern age. In Australia it's taking far too many indigenous young people. Loss of identity and hopelessness seems to be the cause. Which is also the problem with American Servicemen. The lack of hope... That one hurts, especially considering politicians like to pretend they give a shit about that.

And as far as the War in Afghanistan goes, our "Allies" are still killing us. Well, not US but some of the other peacekeepers. Still same thing. Why are we still trying to kill people to bring peace? Forget who coined it, but it's still true: Killing for Peace is like Fucking for Virginity.

North Korea also announced that they are going to nuke anybody who threatens them. Ok, that's not quite fair. They said they'd only use nukes if they were threatened. I uh, think I just repeated myself. Course we have American idiots who want to make nukes Usable, so... who the hell do we think we're kidding. At this point the degrees of insanity are just nit-picking.

And for music, here's some fun Metal. Not going to even bother categorizing it. It's my Gaming Metal. YES! I get to actually listen to my music when I play games now! Enough RAM to chew gum and walk at the same time!


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riverlover's picture

to begin the process of unattaching my original computer speakers. My new dog unplugged those in the wire jungle. And didn't electrocute herself. These speakers are cheap, zoobie blue LED bottoms, and the sound quality is much better. Those are now the only speakers connected to any at-call noise production device in my house. I did a speaker elimination a few years back, remember those enormous speakers that could also be used as furniture? Gone, gone. I still have a pair of AR4s, teak ply fairly good, original linen faces, not connected to any sound production. Sentimental value. They could use acoustical sealant (black goo), but I am reluctant to crack the backs because I have no clue, same as the wonky light switch which involves electricity and I bought a $1.99 replacement, and know where the circuit switch is. My daughter frets that I will burn the house down, I fret that wonky switch will burn the house down.

I know I will feel all empowered to play with electric circuits. That high might last a week.

Your children must be so happy with you!

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

detroitmechworks's picture

Now they both want to build their own computers. (Mission Accomplished!)

Nothing more fun than showing a kid that a skill is both possible and enjoyable.

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

lotlizard's picture

Where does the European Commission get these sorts of ideas?

Not just Britain; I’m beginning to think Germany needs to exit too so everyone can start over. The E.U. we have now is just a big lobbying club, and (George Carlin voice) you and me ain’t in it.

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riverlover's picture

Just sit back and collect the Euros. There are many who are head-pounding, "why didn't I think of that?".

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

lotlizard's picture

A draft European Commission Communication on Platforms has been leaked. The proposals with regard to the regulation of “illegal” “or harmful” content are hugely disturbing. In summary, the European Commission seems willing to completely give up on the notion of law. Instead, regulation of free speech is pushed into the hands of Google, Facebook and others.

The European Commission even looks to the big online monopolies to take “more effective” action to protect “key societal values”. More effective than what? What values? With what oversight? Following what rules? No rules at all, according to the European Commission—it should be done using “effective voluntary action”. What would this look like? Facebook has already undertaken experiments which show that it has the power to manipulate elections, to manipulate people’s mood or even to manipulate people working in a specific building. No rules are being considered to limit such behaviour.

Remarkably, this approach is not being proposed due to ignorance on the part of the Commission—the text explicitly refers to situations where “information is filtered via algorithms, or manipulated through opaque moderation processes”.

I don’t use Facebook and try to avoid using Google or Amazon anymore—what Goldman Sachs is to financial industry, these companies are to tech and personal information.

They are vampire squids, jamming their funnel anywhere they smell money in the form of personal information.

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riverlover's picture

Or increases. Information is a commodity to be managed by a few big businesses. What will be the price? -=O That's my grey hair afire.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

detroitmechworks's picture

Used to be that a product that was old enough entered the public domain. Now there's so much software that you can't use with a corporate slimeball holding it hostage....

Possession of "Ideas" by corporations are an evil, evil thing.

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

lotlizard's picture

Racism is a system of oppression. It should not be reduced to series of gaffes. It not only cheapens the charge but essentially redefines it. Racism becomes not the subjugation of a people that has its roots in history, economics and power, but a series of bloopers in which the unfortunate are caught out. A matter of politics becomes an issue of politeness. The institutional is relegated to an indiscretion.

With the help of diversity consultants and a cautious manner, the careful can carry on doing bad things so long as they don’t say the wrong thing. That won’t get rid of racism. It’ll just give us some of the best-mannered racists in the world.

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OLinda's picture

Sounds like a major accomplishment to me. I can't imagine building my own computer, but I can imagine what a sense of accomplishment it would bring if I could do such a thing.

Good morning to everyone! It's a chilly Sunday morning here. Frost on the car, but it is supposed to warm up at least to the low 60s F. Probably a little rain.

detroitmechworks, where is the pretty open thread banner?

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detroitmechworks's picture

Fixed that!

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

OLinda's picture

That looks so much better. Smile

I hope I didn't sound critical. I felt bad 'cause it seemed like not too many people wanted to tip me. I was just trying to be helpful -- and keep you on your toes. Smile

Take care, detroitmechworks, and thank you for the open thread.

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detroitmechworks's picture

And thought something was missing, but couldn't think of it.

I admit it when I screw up. Mainly because I've learned that if you don't admit to errors, you can't fix em. It only becomes a mistake when you refuse to fix it...

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

OLinda's picture

TV news just said the fire is expected to have affected 500,000 acres today.

They showed a brief clip of the inside of a home caught on a home security camera, filling up with smoke. The homeowner was able to watch inside his house burning via computer. Horrible.

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detroitmechworks's picture

This is the major story that the MSM is ignoring. It's ONLY going to get worse...

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

NCTim's picture

I worked among the geeks, Dilberts and Dickweeds. Somebody always had a project going. When it comes to computers, I usually start with a working platform and hot rod up from there. I've been a tad busy too and missed your write ups. Being a gamer, I assume you off loaded video to a dedicated video processor.

Work placated my need to fiddle with modern electronics, so I had a little more retro hobby. The Fender Stratocaster, and Telecaster, are exemplary specimens of Eli Whitney's concept of interchangable parts. I used to trawl ebay for Stratocaster parts and assemble Stratocasters. I have built ~dozen Stratensteins and a Tele. I have traded and parted out everything except for two I liked best.

I kept a blonde Ash Stratocaster with a Goncalo alves neck, vintage tuners, vintage bridge and G&L Legacy pickups. Also an Ash Telecaster with Goncalo alves neck, Pao Ferro fretboard, Seymour Duncan Broadcaster bridge pickup, SD Antiquity neck pickup, Nashville bridge and vintage tuners. (PS - just the guitars I built. The closet is full of guitars.)

Plus a room full of tube amps and boxes upon boxes of tubes. I had to swap tubes to get the tone right. Aiming more for blues than metal.

Thanks, have a great one!

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The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -

Gerrit's picture

Ontario, my friend :=) OK, I shut up now, but, man, I'm impressed! Have a great day, mate,

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Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.

enhydra lutris's picture

quit using that word. A great achievement, or, actually, series thereof.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

detroitmechworks's picture

Asus ATX Board with an Intel Z68 Chipset
Intel Quad Core 3870 Running at 3.2, but overclockable to 5 if I choose. (I do NOT choose. I prefer a cooler computer without risking components)
GPU is a Radeon 7770. A somewhat lower powered Video Card than the top ones, but only requires 1 6 pin, and runs extremely cool)
4 X 2G Ram (Can Eventually Upgrade it to 32, but probably won't go higher than 20)
2TB Hard Drive

And that's about it. I haven't hooked up the DVD because I don't use it and it's an old style that doesn't use SATA.

Overall, It's not state of the art, but it's a DAMN good computer. (Price Checked the equivalent at Best Buy yesterday for 1700 dollars... I spent 300 on all parts...)

Edited to fix a typo on Manufacturer.

As I said to my Followers on Twitter:


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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

Bisbonian's picture

My partner has 20 acres of desert investment she sunk a little inheritance money into, rather than put it into the stock market. It's a fun place for us to go look at the stars, camp out, have a little fire. She is trying to nurture some (desert) plants out there, so yesterday I built a rainwater catchment onto one of the shade shelters out there. Gutters, downspout, horse trough, cement board lid, and a hinged bucket access. It's a long ways from anything, so I had to take all the tools (battery powered) and supplies with me. Naturally, I forgot a couple things, and had to improvise.


And, since I was working on her 'garden', and yesterday was world 'Naked Gardening Day', and I was miles from anywhere, I decided to get a little sun on my pale white body. Unfortunately, I left the cattle gate open. Halfway through the project, two very large women came riding up on their quads, asking if this was the trail that connected to the rainbow-flagged RV campground that can be seen in the distance. No it wasn't. Did I know where the trail was? No I didn't. Well somebody told us that it came this this a dead end road? Yes it is. I was standing behind the open door of my old VW bus, trying to save everyone at least a little bit of embarrassment, but later I realized that the shape of the door really didn't help all than much. Finally, after playing 20 questions, and mentioning private property a couple of times, they had their fill, and drove away.

Well, one stalled her quad, first.

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"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

Well done, it looks great. Whenever I go to the local farm supply place, I see fierce-looking troughs, barrels, tubs that I wish I could implement somehow at my place. I thought about sinking one of those like you used into the ground to make a small pond, but then decided that was going to be more maintainence than I really wanted.

I did make some self-watering planters (for patio veggies) from metal washtubs (20" x 20") that have been really successful. I'm slowly getting ready to blog about these, maybe later this summer I'll post something.

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Azazello's picture

You never told me about this. How far is it from your city house ?

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We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.

Bisbonian's picture

Taylor has had it for a year and a half, or so.

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"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

Azazello's picture

Maybe we could have a Baja Burning Man.

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We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.

Bisbonian's picture

And a Berning Man would be a neat idea.

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"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

Gerrit's picture

perhaps it was your, ahem, state of nature, that produced such a multitude of questions? :=)

Congrats on the rainwater catchment system! That's fantastic. I've saved the photo in my water folder. It looks like aluminium piping into a regular stock tank on a platform with a cover similar to the platform. What material is that made of? Is it wood/plywood/something else?

Enjoy your day, mate!

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Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.

Bisbonian's picture

Is hinged, to plop a bucket in, and there is also a spigot hiding behind that bush. And, today I added an overflow pipe out the far end. If you want I could more thoroughly describe the whole thing in an essay, but the concept is pretty simple.

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"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

Gerrit's picture

you :=) Some of my best screw-ups have come on simple projects!

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Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.

Bisbonian's picture

Heading out on a hike.

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"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

detroitmechworks's picture

The pleasure of owning and tending to the things you own personally is where the real value of ownership is, IMHO. Not in the acquisition of moneys for use...

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

Bisbonian's picture

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"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

detroitmechworks's picture

He's a great composer and deserves MUCH more mainstream credit.


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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

I kind of know this feeling of satisfaction, getting something to work. Years ago I ran my small business on old Macs, which I would scavenge from people who didn't want them, take apart and refurb, add new drives, make them zippier. And tinkering with software, design my own databases, etc. It was so much fun! I have a coffee mug that says: "It ain't obsolete 'til I say it is". Then I got lyme disease in my brain and became unable to do that kind of thing at all. Am slowly gaining back my abilities and hope I can do stuff like that again, some day... I have devices sitting here, just waiting for me!

(edited for odd spellings.)

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Buehner's protocol did wonders for me, after years and years of just dragging myself from one absolute necessity to the next. carries it. It's a whole year of a lot of herbs, but it did the trick. The first 70 or so pages summarized the microbiology research, but you can skip to the recommendations.

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I do herbal as part of my protocol (abx also) and it has helped me a lot. I'm fortunate to have a good herbalist--he knows about Buhner but I think does things his own way; likely there's overlap. In any case I am getting better but not entirely well. Right now on a break from killing spirochetes to work on methylation and related metabolism/immune system issues. This seems really promising and I hope will allow me to tolerate lyme treatment better. I do have more energy with what I'm doing so far.

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Apparently some people have trouble with the Japanese Knotweed that Buehner recommends. I didn't, but I've heard of rashes, and it is high in oxalic acid (found that in a foraging book, about cooking the sprouts).

I've heard that there are effective Chinese protocols (also a year long), and Buehner mentions that Artemisia annua is probably worth investigating. Among probably lots of others. We're all different, after all, and so are the many varieties of spirochetes.

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my herbals include some of the Chinese herbs as well. I think what helps me is seeing the herbalist every few weeks for a reevaluation. We all need this type of personalized care, it's just too complex to self treat, for some people anyway. I wish I could see my Lyme doc more often also, but he's too far away. Not to mention $$$.

Artemesia is in the plan for later, when I'm stronger. It's meant to partner well with babesia treatments, as I understand it. Long road still to go...

(edit to add:) About knotweed, we have done some of that and I did okay though it may have been a gentle dose. This herbalist likes to switch things around a lot, to surprise the little buggers. So I'm sure we'll do that again down the line.

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detroitmechworks's picture

Course if you read "Cannabis" as an Herbal supplement... Blum 3

Seriously though, I wish you well in your recovery, and look forward to hearing about your future projects too!

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

whatever works, lol.

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hecate's picture

people of The Hairball are impatient for the election to be over, so they can get about the important work. Typical of the comments they are inscribing, all over the intertubes (this one from an entertainment story, on the People site):

I hate to burst your bubble, you ignorant, wetbacked c ock sucker, but if you were actually from around here, you would have some clue just how full of shlt you really are. Damn, it's going to be so nice when you stupid f ucks get deported next January!

The last throes, of the white people.

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Gerrit's picture

on good work and the worth of work. The Turisas are a lot of fun! I've got a youtube compilation going and the fan-created Battle Metal video is awesome :=) Enjoy your day, mate,

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Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.

detroitmechworks's picture

Much as I like the Dead, I find that since I've been smoking I prefer music that energizes me when partaking.

Hence the Folk Metal, Game music, and Techno.

Really enjoying Alestorm in particular, but maybe that's the Scot in me... Smile


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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

Shahryar's picture

only a couple of months ago those of us who were here would make a comment, come back in an hour, see if anyone had replied. I can recall when the most recent comment, as shown in that left-hand column, was 4 hours old. Now I look and see "33 seconds", and "55 seconds" and "1 minute, 21 seconds ago".

I just clicked "who's online". In those olden days of February 2016 there might have been 3 people, maybe as many as 7. Now, at 9:40-ish a.m. on a Sunday it's 111 people. 111!

I've pondered on the question of why c99p has been a success. There have been other sites for us. Docudharma, Voices on the Square, the Stars Hollow Gazette, to name three. But this one seems to have taken off. Ease of use? Conveniently around when another site went insane?

Whatever the reason, it's fantastic to see everyone here. Or, if not "fantastic", then "encouraging"!

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Cassiodorus's picture

on how we can boost membership further? Let's get to 10,000 asap!

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"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad

detroitmechworks's picture

If so, we can depend on lots of mentions in the Main Stream Media. Blum 3

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

detroitmechworks's picture

As they say, "Content is King"

Who wants to read about the latest "He said, She Said" when you can go someplace where people speak their mind, defend their points, and admit when they're wrong?

Plus everybody I've met from this site is a wonderful person. Smile

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

I had been an enthusiastic reader of whats his face's blog since Dean and Clark were running in one of the Democratic Party's last honest primaries. I still am enthusiastic about the ability of the internet to save us from indoctrination. When the freedom of the internet is abused by people intent on taking away our freedom, the internet will self-correct. The fact that so many people came here after it was clear that we were betrayed, makes me feel a little more confident in saying that. Also this website, with it's editing, lack of ads and other features, not to mention the lack of spiteful people, kicks ass over what's his face's blog.

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Beware the bullshit factories.

that is dailykos. Dailykos is a propaganda site for the Democratic Party. They own Markos, and he owns the Kos thugs. We have a lot of good writers and hope for many more. This is the reality based community that they claim to be.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

OLinda's picture

Yes, the culture over there is just ugly. Like a contest to see who can jump in first with a clever put down of the diarist. They think it's witty/clever, but it's just ugly and jerky. (See Trix, for example.) Insults and vulgarities are the theme. Pictures of people eating corn dogs, to me, would be one description of the place if you wanted to try to explain it to others. So stupid, so childish, so offensive. Extrapolate that to all areas of discourse. And, Kos set that tone.

I've thought recently about how I have never shared or told any of my relatives about TOP. I didn't want them to see the ugliness and know that I read it. That should have been a big clue for me to get out. Don't know why it took me so long.

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