Open Sesame 05/07/16

the spiral light of venus
rising first
and shining best
Bengaii, it is one of the 19,000 islands currently contained within the ludicrous artificial construct known as the "nation" of Indonesia. The island, it is located at the far eastern edge of that watery province monikered Sulawesi. It has not, yet, been wholly ruined, by the rapacious ravenoids of Eastasia, Oceania, Eurasia.
On March 9, a solar eclipse engulfed the island of Bengaii. The people of Bengaii, they, rightly, believe such a phenomenon, to be a time of real magic. Very special things, they can, and do, then, happen.
And so, it was natural, then, that, but a few days later, on March 12, a Bengaii fisherman, walking along the beach, he encountered there a bidadari. Stranded. Crying.
Bidadari, they are female spirits of the clouds and waters. Beautiful, ethereal, supranatural. Sensual. Sexy. Good dancers. Better flyers. Western white people, they might think of the bidadari, as a form of angel. Or, maybe, as Venus. Forming, there. In the foam.
The fisherman, he recognized the bidadari, for what she was. And brought her to the home of his parents. Who cared for her. Changing her clothes, daily. They also fitted her with a special hijab. Because the animists of Indonesia—the majority of the population—they are not legally permitted to be animist. They must instead "pass," under some state-recognized religion. And the people of Bengaii, they, mostly, pass as Muslim.
The people of Bengaii, they felt blessed. To be visited by a bidadari. Come to them, from the spirit world. Word spread. Eventually it spread to the local police chief. Who came to see the bidadari. And pronounced her a sex doll.
"It was checked by our team," said this chief, one Heru Pramukarno. "It was a sex toy."
The police, they confiscated the bidadari, and they took her away.
Of the Bengaii people, Pramukarno said: "They have no internet. They don't know what a sex toy is."
A while back here I wrote about how the humans, they used to think the wind, it was generated by blustery beings like Boreas, Njord, Fujin, or Stribog . . . or by a restless young god, sleeping in a cave, dreaming of a girl; and he sighs; and then, in the night, there is the wind, stirring, with his breath.
But, today, the humans, they are told, by the Science Men, and they thereby so Believe, that the wind, it is a "meteorological phenomenon." The flow of gases on a large scale. Movement of air in bulk. Generated by pressure differentials. Deflected by the Coriolis effect. Etc. Etc.
And, I wondered, then: why can't the wind, it be both? What is it, with all this dern either/or? And all the dern time?
Same with this bidadari. Who says she's a sex doll? Just because some police chief, he has looked in some tubes, and seen there some sex dolls, and so, he thinks, he knows one, when he sees one? The people of Bengaii—who, after all, are the people to whom the bidadari appeared—they say she's a bidadari. So who's to say they're wrong? And what, as ever, anyway, gives any Johnny Law, the right, to take her away?
People, they should let other people, regard things, as they wish. I learned this from my daughter.
She liked to walk on the beach. When still very wee. And gather in her bucket, some of the many treasures, she found there. Pebbles. Shells. Driftwood. Seaweed. The like.
Once, she picked up some sort of flotsam or jetsam, that some human somewhere had excreted into the ocean, and that had subsequently washed up on this beach, right here.
"You don't want that," I told her. "That's garbage."
"But daddy," she demurred. "It's pretty."
And then I shut right up. And stayed that way. Because she was absolutely right. I had, long before, been, robotically, conditioned, to regard any human effluvia, found washed up out of any ocean, onto any beach, as Bad and Wrong—even, a harbinger, of Imminent Planetary Doom.
But, my daughter, she was not constrained, by any such blinders. She was able to, clearly, regard: the thing itself. And so, she saw it, for what it was. Pretty.
These cats, they recurrently reintroduce this lesson. I rhythmically bring into their lair, here, various store-bought cat-toys. And sometimes these are appreciated. But, mostly, these cats, they prefer to develop their own toys. And these, they are not always anything, I might predict.
The one cat, for instance, his current favorite toy, it is Q-tips. Which he paws out of the waste-can in the bathroom. After I have used them to apply the Weldbond. To the glasses that I broke. In the winter. When I set them on the floor, while I was making a fire. And then stepped on them, when I got up, to turn off a lamp. I was going to buy a new pair, of glasses, like a Normal person, but, then, when I priced what They are charging for glasses these days, my aorta, it nearly blew, in Outrage. And so, I have decided, that, until the Socialism comes, and we all have universal health care, I will stick with the Weldbond. Thank you very much.
Anyway. These glue-used Q-tips. They, to the cat, are not trash. They are, instead, totally fun toys. As a waste can: it is not even a waste can. It is, instead, a receptacle of fun. Where might be found, all sorts of wonders. Like used filter-cartridges for the fish tank. These, the same cat, he pulls out of the little waste-can, in the bedroom. Then rolls around on them, in great pleasure, while we have the fish feed. Every morning. And every night.
Who am I, to say, that he is wrong?
I am also constantly finding, on the floor, transformed into cat toys, the little representations of the totem animals of here, that I purchase from the feed-people across the way, and then place in this charming little tri-level recessed shrine built right into the wall, there in the front room. Totem animals like cats. Birds. Deer. Raccoons. Roosters. Warthogs. That sort of thing.
The Q-tip cat, he must needs pass by this little zoo, frequently, as he walks atop the dragon tank, in order to travel over, to check on his frogs. Q-tip cat, he needs to stand atop their tank, the tank of the frogs, in order to Look at them. These, they are the famous fucking frogs, of which we have here spoke.
To pass by the light-contraption atop the dragon tank, in order to get to the frogs, the cat, he must brush against the little wind chimes, that hang above the first level of the shrine. This brushing, it makes a really lovely, little, ringing sound. And, since in the true-life documentary film It's A Wonderful Life, it is said, truly, that every time a bell rings, an angel gets her wings, this cat, he is making a lot of angels. Here, in this house.
This is why I feel proprietary about that bidadari, who appeared on the beach in Bengaii. This cat, here, he manifested that bidadari, there. And no sex-doll-on-the-brain law jockey, had the right, to take her away.
In the true-life documentary film Bells From The Deep, the extraterrestrial anthropologist Werner Herzog, he treats mysticism in Russia. Where it is all and everywhere. As it is, all and everywhere, all and everywhere, on this planet.
The film's title references the legend of the lost city of Kitezh. Of which Herzog has said this:
Bells From The Deep is one of the most pronounced examples of what I mean when I say that through invention, fabrication, and staging, you can reach a more intense level of truth. I took a fact—that for many people this lake was the final resting place of this lost city—and explored the truth of the situation to reach a more poetic understanding. I heard about the myth while I was out there; it's a very real belief of these people. As recounted to me, the legend is that the city was systematically ransacked and demolished by hundreds of years of Tartar and Hun invasions. The inhabitants called on god to redeem them, and he sent an archangel who tossed the city into a bottomless lake, where the people live in bliss, chanting their hymns and tolling the bells. During the summer, pilgrims crawl around the lake on all fours, saying their prayers. I was also there at the beginning of winter, because I wanted shots of them looking through the ice, trying to catch a glimpse of the lost city. Unfortunately there was no one around, so I hired two drunks from the nearby town and asked them to play pilgrims. One of them has his face on the ice and looks as if he's deep in meditation. The accountant's truth: he was fast asleep.
Who am I, to say, that these drunks, they were not, actually, pilgrims?
As it is not for me to say, whether, or not, the lost city of Kitezh, it is Real.
The humans, they are increasingly abandoning the pianos. Throwing them away. Treating them as trash.
This is unfortunate, on a number of levels. Not least of which is that there are gravitational waves, there in the pianos. As we discussed here, gravitational waves bend space-time. And you can reproduce the sound of those waves—and, indeed, the waves themselves—"by running your fingernails across the keys of a piano from the low end to middle C."
Roman Robroek, he is a man from the Netherlands, who is roaming around Europe, photographing abandoned pianos. There is a story about him here.
At story's end, there is a video of a refuse worker, one Glenn, playing an abandoned piano, at a Newcastle recycling center. Before the piano, it would receive the big chop.
I went over to the YouTube, to see if I could find the video, there, so that I could embed it, here. I could. And, so, here, it is.
I also found, there, on the YouTube, that, this, it had, well, struck a chord. For instance, somebody in Vietnam, s/he had felt moved, to affix different-one piano music, to images of this man. And the abandoned piano. And, here, is that.
The title, translated from the Vietnamese, reads:
hear his melancholy piano
spirit workers at the landfill
think twice, before throwing one item

Thank god
for all of Werner Herzog's exotic discoveries and revelations.
About rescuing pianos, and other things …
another wondrous artist. Jane Campion.
The voice you hear is not my speaking voice. But my mind's voice.
Truly a great film
So is, An Angel At My Table
Thank you for reminding me of that voice.
George has fashioned me a metal fingertip. I am quite the town freak. Which satisfies.
; )
At night, I think of my piano, in its ocean grave. And sometimes of myself, floating above it. Down there everything is so still, and so silent, that it lulls me to sleep. It is a weird lullaby, and so it is. It is mine.
"At night, I think of my piano, in its ocean grave ..."
so beautifully encompasses the essence of this stirring film.
One of your best ever, hecate!
Today's Open Sesame really touched me. I have been thinking about all the people who have had to flee the wildfires in Canada for the last several days. Most had to leave on very short notice and with very little of their possessions, knowing that in all likelihood, whatever they left behind would be gone forever. And yet the stories we are hearing of these climate refugees is one of great resilience. I wonder if I could be that resilient? I doubt it and yet it is just stuff. Something of which most of us have way too much.
Last night we attended an opening of an art exhibit at the local arts council. I have volunteered there in the past, mostly doing grunt work like painting or cleaning up the building (scrubbing floors, etc) or working in the yard. The building is a very old former church and was a white elephant of sorts because something was always going wrong. And the arts council operated on a shoestring budget so they had very little funding to cover emergency repairs.
Recently the state took a large portion of the front yard for a road widening and the money from the land acquisition was used to upgrade the building and purchase a new heating and cooling system to replace the one that was forever breaking down. Last night was the unveiling of new paint, new walls upon which to hang artwork and upgraded bathrooms, among other things. The once ugly and decrepit white elephant is now young again and a beautiful gallery.
I do not know how all this fits into today's Open Sesame, but for me it does.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
The stepping up
of the Syrian refugees in the tragedy of Alberta's wildfires is truly inspiring.
thank you
It fits, because just as this cat, here, ringing the bell, manifested the bidadari, there; so, too, have you, become with, and of, the people of the fires.
And yes. You are as resilient. Believe it.
I like old churches. Allowed to sit a while, all the Thanatos, generally, it bleeds away. And then, what remains, is the Eros.
That was beautiful, thank you
and that also,
is beautiful. So thank you. ; )
I'm glad you enjoyed it
The whole album (Officium) is beautiful.
This was an especially enjoyable Open Sesame for me too.
Thank you, hecate!
And as for “stuff,” having just gone through the process of moving over the past few months I have to admit to having said to myself more than once, “If only there’d been a tsunami or fire or something, I wouldn’t be burdened with all this junk.”
That's actually,
probably a good frame to consider using when reducing "stuff'. "What would I save in the ten minutes I had before all was lost".
The last couple of days
I have been doing that mental exercise too. It is probably a healthy thing because the things that have become stuff in my life are constantly reproducing in my house every day. LOL
But the serious part of this is that we humans are causing serious suffering to our fellow humans and all other living things on earth by our inability to vigorously get a handle on climate change. This is why I want the millennials to be in charge. They see it and know they must save their future.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I agree completely,
that the millennials should decide. I am trying to convince my mother and her friends that they (the millennials) are who should be supported. Considering that she has 5 millennial grandchildren who she loves dearly, I'm hoping she will be convinced, eventually.
I have done that exercise in real life.
That was pre-computer and the bunches of paperwork that we must haul around. Ten minutes is fine, you get to weigh very quickly what is important in your life. Last list was dog, purse, a clothing change and a TV(!!) dumped into my car for exit. I got a re-visit with the FD, they pulled out loaded dressers. It gets easier than one can imagine and we all have it in us to be survivors.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
cats, photo albums, recipes.
Purse with i.d. and $$. Hard drive if there's time. (I should be backing up more...)
At one time I had a bugout list that included things like water, food items, etc. but that would be if there were a couple hours to prepare. With only 10 minutes, I wouldn't bother with that list.
Clothing never occurred to me. I'd probably be escaping in my bathrobe.
thank you, ll
The problem, as the daughters and the cats teach us, is: what, exactly, is the "junk"?
This cat right now sitting here staring at me, wondering when there is going to be the bed, he, for instance, would be perfectly fine, if this computer smoked up in a fire, or washed away in a tsunami.
But he would be bummed. If the used Q-tips. From the trash can. Burned up. Or floated away.
The beauty of this essay
is that one being's junk is another's treasure. What really is junk is stuff that has no purpose in our own lives but can have beauty or purpose in another being's life. I have a lot of junk that might make someone or something else very happy. Letting go is the hard part.
My other half cannot part with his junk because he might need it one day. I once bought a book on clutter and the first thing I read was if you have something that your are keeping only because you might need it some day, then it is, by definition, clutter. So there you have it.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
We've had similar partners
I say "If you haven't needed it in 5 years or 10, then it's time to offer it to someone who needs it now". Hospice is my choice of recipients.
I had a similar partner. He grew up in NYC
but that never took. He was very big on keeping things Red/Green because they might come in handy later. I actually got into the spirit and could repurpose things like naked umbrella skeletons. I completely understand the farmer's "back forty".
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
some of the y-chromes,
they have this "tool" malformation, there in their brains. They believe they must accumulate, all and every tool, because, someday, they may "need" them.
I witnessed this with my father.
When once he was discharged from the war, which destroyed him, like all wars, destroy all those, who are sent into them, he was going to be an auto mechanic. But then he figured working for the phone company, that would be steadier work, and with the protection of a fine and feisty union. And in this he was correct.
But, he still had the auto jones. And so, over the years, he filled the garage, with all and every auto tool. Though he stacked and stored and arranged them, in a way so that they posed no menace, they still alarmed my mother, through their sheer volume, when she had to venture into the garage, to attend to the freezer, or the laundry machines.
"You will never need all these things," she would say.
"Oh, but I will," my father would reply.
Then, once, I had a Ford Falcon, and it suffered a steering-wheel mutation. My father, he examined the malady, and then, he positively beamed. "I have just the tool for this," he said. And he grubbed around in his gollum-hoard of y-chrome tools, and he pulled forth a special tool, designed only for the removing of steering-wheels. Jeebus knows how long he had possessed the thing. Or where he had obtained it. But he wrapped it around the wheel, and so, effortlessly, pulled it right off. He was, like, nearly, in ecstasy. "We must," he then said, "tell your mother."
My mother, she was brought forth, from out of the house, to observe the wonderment. She succeeded, in not appearing impressed.
I did not receive the tool gene: I cannot, without many hours, and much Medicine, successfully change a lightbulb. My brother, however, when, after his death, I looked after his remains, I encountered more tools, than have probably been possessed, by all the factories, in the entire history, of the Ford Motor Company, Chrysler, Toyota, and GM, combined.
This story cracked me up, hecate
What is more revealing about the difference in chromes, than one having 'the auto jones' while the other is totally unimpressed. In this case, I wish your father had received the appreciation his foresight and collection deserved.
it is
a totally true story. I have, certainly, been known to fudge. In the manner of Herzog. In the various different-one stories. But not in this one.
My father, he received the awe, for the magical wielding of the special steering-wheel-remover, from my brother and I. Fellow y-chrome brethren of the tool malformation. And I'm sure my mother expressed some sort of acknowledgement and appreciation. When we weren't around.
It's bedtime for me. Thank you for the fun.
right back,
to you.
It is good, for there, to be, every now and again, some fun.
Because, mostly, there is, more, more often, more something, like this.
As, even among the pop-people, they know, that no one, is to blame.
As for the water, here is a song, that is the river.
And here, is the three-note sonnet.
As for the man, of the mountains, who whistles, there in the moonlight, and who sees, and who knows.
He just doesn't leave tracks. There on the YouTube.
"He just doesn't leave tracks. There on the YouTube."
Oh but he does. They're right there in the mystery of that sublime Van Morrison song.
It is akin to the survival, in the foetal state, of gills.
There have been hard times. In my youth we were very impecunious. Before "reduce, re-use, recycle" was a thing, it was a way of life for many, and there are missing "r"s, like repair, repurpose and re-manufacture. As a small chiuld I straightened bent nails for re-use by my dad in making and fixing things, for example. It is the male equivalent of many of our mother's sewing, patching, darning and all that.
Though I have managed to get to the point fiscally where I no longer truly need to buy old wrecks, put them on the road and keep them going, I still possess mucho scrap, salvage, parts, materials, supplies and tools. In our case, much of what we have has been custom fabricated or customized to fit our specific needs and desires, so they do not sit idly. We have things that incorporate boards that are in their eighth or ninth re-utilization, lamps with components dating back decades and the like. We even had a fixture used in our wedding that contained wood which had been part of a cover for the bed of the pick-up truck we used to go camping in.
This is not to defend the practice, but simply to explain the anthropological antecedents whereby the tool and raw-materials fetish persists from generation to generation.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
I cried when my son, former FAA-certified engine mechanic
(former in that he has gone upward to QA, 5 year degree at a private aviation University) sold his toolbox and contents. Some of which were older tools from collector Dad. That he picked up after Dad died.
Meanwhile, here on the homefront, I am presented with a 2-story toolbox including things that involve bicycle chains.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
if you have no "need" for it,
find a y-chrome, with the tool brain malformation. Such a being, will love, the two-story box. Bicycle chains. And all.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
No more sultry leg flash?
Invite Y-chromosomes to see my tool box? I have sorta gotten that far in calculation. One prospect (Abe Lincoln clone) was missing his lower front teeth. Sigh. And had a DUI. Large sigh.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
The things with the bicycle chains are fiendishly clever
and capable of doing things otherwise nearly impossible. Tool users who never get exposed to them often weep in remembrance of many a curse filled afternoon full of battered knuckles when once they seem in use. They are a proof that ugly and beautiful are but two sides of the same die.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
My husband has the tool gene to extreme, I mean tons of tools of his own. He also has my grandfather's, my father's, his father's, and his uncle's tools, some of which are absolutely beautiful compared to today's cheap imitations. But he also has every nail, screw, brad, nut, bolt and other stuff guys use in the shop, much of it is to excess.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Previous Dog (RIP, Riley)
found used cloth handkerchiefs to be the best. Eventually handkerchief possessor gave up and went to Kleenex. Also yummy. The handkerchiefs would be swallowed whole, spend about 24 hours rolling in stomach juice, unable to exit by lower sphincter. Then, up it came, intact but no longer white, the olde parchment treatment. If human intervention was not quick the non-food product went for another bide in the stomach.
Qtips were also good.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
i am still
trying to find a Science Man explanation for why, when a cat vomits, s/he must do so while on the move. Why there must, always, be at least three separate heaves, and each must pour forth in a different location. Preferably, on three different rugs.
I don't know much about cats,
but I imagine the physical movement makes the process of regurgitation easier.
it's been many years,
since last I chundered. But, as I recall, the last thing I wanted, then, to do, was move.
But then, I'm not a cat. Sort of.
"But then, I'm not a cat. Sort of."
I think you've determined the difference, sort of!
can't tell the difference. That is why there is the lunging and the biting. They see me, and they see a really big cat. And so, they Attack.
I always thought
The moving while puking thing was because they would be harder to pick up and removed to an area that was not that fine handmade woolen rug
“The longer we dwell on our misfortunes, the greater is their power to harm us”
― Voltaire
My wonderful, wonderful cat,
her name was Maybe, would trot down to the basement and upchuck on the linoleum. Bless her heart! NO OTHER CAT we've had has that instinct to keep vomit off of rugs. They home in on carpeted areas. Yuch.
this Maybe cat,
was both evolved, and considerate & kind. There should be a shrine. And I mean that seriously.
yes, she has a shrine...
She's the only cat we've buried here, under a flowering shrub, with a little ceramic sign that says "friends are the flowers of life". She ran our household with an iron paw, for nearly 20 years. When her nemesis Pumpkin passed the rainbow bridge, I spread her ashes there too.
In those days, the kitties got to go in and out. Now it seems too dangerous (coyotes, etc) so my current cats are indoors only. I really miss having them come out in the garden with me...such fond memories, but it was also a lot of stress for us if they didn't come in at night and this is easier all around.
Thanks for giving me a chance to talk about Maybe. We have so many stories about her! She was intelligent and aware on a level you rarely see.
please feel free
to tell the stories. The name alone—Maybe—is completely fascinating. I want to sit around the fire. Like in the Old Days. And Hear. And, thereby, Learn.
Well it's not on the bed at 3am right next to your head. :) nt
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
I laughed!
Thank you Dammit Janet!
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I thought it was just the cats
That live with me that did the three separate pukes. It took awhile to learn this, now when I discover the large pile I look for the other 2 piles sos to avoid finding them by stepping in it.
Back when my cats were outdoor cats we had one amazing predator who I believe was just fascinated with any thing that moved. I live in a very rural place and like most with a clenis I pee outdoors more often than not. Once said cat saw the movement of leaves and grass resulting from said pee and proceeded to attack the stream. I not wanting a urine soaked cat on my bed tried to avoid this by spinning around and around with said cat chasing the stream. Of course this was before the you tube era.
“The longer we dwell on our misfortunes, the greater is their power to harm us”
― Voltaire
Ewww . . . TMI. n/t
Putting the Alberta fires into perspective
How much area the Fort McMurray wildfires cover compared to the GTA
Please help the Resilience Resource Library grow by adding your links.
First Nations News
That does give an analogous scale.
Some people understand analogies. Torontonians get the scale. Can we imagine a Toronto evacuation?
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Some of us can imagine it....
while others will not even try.
Published on May 6, 2016
Song written, recorded & produced by Mike Braniff aka 'The Party Hog' 2016
The intro is Fort McMurray Regional Fire Chief Darby Allen.
His words "We are here...we are strong" made it an easy song to write...
Please help the Resilience Resource Library grow by adding your links.
First Nations News
Maybe it's just me
but I can't use the embed code to FB now. Solidarity, friends.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Drip, drip..
re: CNN article "Sanders leaves door open to being Clinton's VP"
Article is here. H/t to dkmich.
So Robert is about as tall as Danny Devito. That would be an awesome front line for the Knicks. Hahaha.
PS. hecate, I always enjoy your Open Thread content (even if I don't understand it all).
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
i don't understand
it all either. It just comes out. Loggerhea.
Just want to post this Sanders interview here !
so that I will find it easier later. It's a long Sanders interview with Rachel Maddow I saw on TOP's diary by WB Reeves in the comments. I think it's worth to listen to, even if it is very long. Make sure you get what he said about a outside demonstrations at the Philadelphia convention and his pov on interrupting events inside and demonstration outside. And the interview is something to keep, imo. I just wonder if Sanders has a spine of steel or of bamboo. (You know bamboo is stronger than steel, but can bend a little and withstand hurricane winds and earthquakes that break all other foundations...Bamboo can bounce back, steel, once bent, can't, at least that's what I heard) . Have fun.
Sorry haven't read through your OT yet, Hecate. Will say thanks before-hand, because I don't know what I read next and wherever I will get lost along the way. But my eyes caught the Venus on the waves of the ocean and got a little stuck on her. You can't say God didn't know what he created with a female body.
what is a
"Sanders"? Is she a bidadari?
Darn, Sanders is a democratic socialist and
is therefore in alignment with the services a Bidadari Cemetery offers to its citizens.
Sanders stays for peace between Christians and Muslims beyond their death. Only a Jew can really be that humane and generous.
Darn, don't make me google stuff, if it looks like google is not that 'almighty being' who knows everything and all from alpha to omega. I hate google. I reveals how dumb I am. That sux.
Sanders, he is in a defunct cemetery? That is sad. ; (
She would have been better off, as a bidadari.
I am outta here, you are killing me with your smartsnark /nt
i am
completely serious.
Humans like Sanders, they come, and they go. Bidadari, they, like the earth herself, abide.
But their air escapes
and at some point their skin gets brittle, I think, with no personal knowledge.
------did you ever associate morels with penii? I have quite the crop this spring, expanding into the dogless dog yard. Pup is not interested in such delicacies.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Maddow has been a total D-Bag toward Bernie
Definitely she's in the bag for Clinton (faux and unbalanced reporting). But I suppose if Bernie only picked Fair reporters, he would have no one to choose from.
Thanks for this video. Listening to it now.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
I never understood the adoration for Maddow
Amy Goodman of Democracy Now... now there's an actual journalist.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
Amy Goodman is Awesome!
Maddow and most of the other "progressive" journalists built audiences when they were railing against Bush. But once Obama got elected it became clear it was not "progressive" thought, rather it was "partisan" thought. No thanks.
Even PBS sucks now. Judy Woodrift interviewed Bernie last night. IMO she was a total bitch to him. Maybe I'm biased.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
I gave up on NPR when Howard Zinn died
they had a fucking rebuttal of his obituary.
But as to Maddow. The adoration she gets reminds me of this old "Lead Assistant" we had at one of my old jobs. The title "lead asst" meant she didn't do much all day but keep an eye on the rest of us peasants so she could go tattle on us. Managers little Narc.
But many felt she could be trusted and liked. She MUST be a progressive because she's a lesbian and has short hair and dorky glasses. I never bought into that. Hell, to me, she just looked like the hipster crowd we have here in PDX. I never cared much about people's appearance or judged them by it.
Man were they all bowled over when they found out she was a right wing stomping major ass conservative who had something to prove to the corporate office.
We killed our cable years ago. We stream Hulu and Netflix... We get our news elsewhere. I refuse to tune in to anything America calls "news".
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
Keith brought her on and gave her the sign of approval
and once they disappeared him she seemed more than happy to toe the party line.
No bias, PBS has been Hillary all the way for months.
That's when I stopped watching. But there's Thom Hartmann and Ed Schutz on RT America weeknights.
Just because Rachel did the interview doesn't
mean I adore Rachel Maddow. Just saying in case your comment was related to me. I stopped watching MSNBC a long time ago. Rachel was good to have back in the days of the Bushman. She has talent. I stopped watching since Keith Olberman had left.
I mean ... I listen to Amy every morning since years and I tried to get my former msm colleagues to listen to her as well, unfortunately not with much success. Just saying. I know I am defensive, because I happen to adore Amy's work and I wanted to make that clear.
Either I need more coffee or I'm super, super confused
I've reread my post and I can't find anything that sounds like I'm relating anything to, you, the
essaycomment writer. But my comment was to another. (edit)I was just posting about how I don't like Maddow, which I gather you don't either. And how I love Amy, which I gather you do, too.
So... I'm confused. We seem to be agreeing but you have a point you want to make to me about something if it was related to you(?)
I'll chalk this up to early morning lack of coffee on my part and a reason I should turn off my computer and go outside. (edited) But I probably won't for another hour. Thank you!
I hope everything's okay Mimi. Take care.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
so sorry, I am always confused and mix things
the wrong way. I still haven't read hecates actual OT. I feel the thingies here get over my head. I am apparently overly sensitive and don't get much of the language used here in the right way and I have difficulties to attribute comment's content to the right persons or not attribute them at all.
So my apologies. I think I should log off now and do something else.. Have a great weekend too and take care as well.
No worries :)
Don't even think on it. My son is autistic so I try to mindful of how I "say" things. But that falls away when I type/internet. It's super easy for anyone to get confuzzeled on the intertoobs.
Have an awesome day, mimi.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
redacted - damn double posts happen and I don't know why/nt
So that we can see more of your comments :)
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
I do that, too
think I'm replying to one post and my reply comes out as a comment.
New site, new ways of mucking it up.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
Mimi just to be clear
I am glad you posted the Maddow video. My disgust for Maddow in no reflection on you. We're still BFFs I hope.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
of course we are BFFs ...
I googled BFF just to be sure I got its meaning right.
It is now dawning on me, mimi, that you might be ESL
or EQL or somesuch. This modern American typed language is difficult even for older modern Americans, and Goog must be used as a reference for acronyms. I still owe you photos from the Berlin Zoo. I just printed out my 2015 tax statements yesterday, after money has flowed in two directions. Not in my favor with the Feds.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Yes, she's German
But I'm not, and I'm constantly trying to figure out what I call "ABCs" online. has a section called Parents Shouldn't Text and there I saw one where the mom sent out a group text announcing the death of a relative. She ended it with lol. The child was shocked, and asked what was so funny about it. Mom was confused and child explained laugh out loud. Mom thought it meant lots of love.
have fun with the lol and don't do the loh thingie or else ...
when I still was working (can't believe I was so stupid to retire, btw) my American colleagues (news producers) and my German colleagues had their little competition game telling each other who is better at what.
The results were always: the Americans have much more humor and are way more funny (very true) and the Germans are actually lazy, but when it's absolutely needed, they pull together and do their thing on time and - in the words of Sanders - pretty well.
Then I asked, when is it ever needed? And they chased me out of the room into the basement with the order to find the answer to that question in the archives.
Yeah, I miss my work. But then with that kind of brain who could still work with me? I even can't stand myself anymore.
Ok and don't search for the meaning of LOH, it's not in the free dictionary unless I add my version...
Inquiring minds want to know, mimi!
What does LOH stand for?
And for what it's worth (fwiw), I love your mind!
it's the antonym to lol - mom's version -
what's your avatar image - a chicken with three dimensional mega google glasses, or is it a goat with ... mini drones in an eye-sized silo?
How are you all doing multitasking reading four essays at the same time and chasing after comments in between? I am doing miserably.
My avatar is a chicken wearing photoshopped sun glasses.
I generally watch the comments, except like now I checked to see if I had any responses to my comments, and found your reply.
Read the comment thread on WB Reeves' diary now
I would say it's a total meltdown over there. I pity the good writers who still feel they should write for the site and have to deal with such reactions. May be Markos is letting that all happen, because he wants to get rid of his site. He did cash out before, didn't he? May be what is left of it he just let degrade and flush it down the toilet.
What a horrible experience to see that happen, especially for all those who gave so much to the site. I need a smiley for crying.
Crying smiley
Without spaces : ' (
You're welcome
Something I did not know
I know possums are in my neighborhood. I know this because their poor dead bodies are usually alongside the road. Sadly, I never really gave them much thought. What I did not know is that they are helpful little neighbors.
And listen up all you Pacific Northwest peeps... Possums also eat SLUGS!
I like Bats (big time pollinators!!!! that need protection!!!) and Possums.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
they have a really rough life. I have communed some with possums. And I know, for sure, from that, that they're spooked creatures. Just about anything can, and will, kill and eat them. And they know this. So, they live a life of Fear.
Back at the Old Place, I was sitting out on the deck one night, having a smoke, when a tiny little possum came skittering onto the deck, hugging close to the wall. I softly said "hello." As I usually would. To whatever rat, bat, skunk, deer, coon, snake, or fox, might amble, onto the deck. And this possum, he leapt high into the air; when he came down, he stood stock-still, frozen, shivering. I thought he would have a heart attack.
Sometimes, the humans, they mistake possums, for cats.