Photography Open Thread 05/06/2016
Friday Photography
Photography essays and photo series is today's subject. While the basic unit of photography is the single photograph a lot more can be done with multiples. We don't try to write an essay on a post it note so why should we try to capture everything in one photograph.
This weeks assignment is Indoors.
Please post any photos, comment about anything or ask any questions about photography (If I don’t know the answer someone here probably will)- Please treat this as a photography (and anything else for that matter) open thread.
Multiple Photograph Projects
The single photograph is the basic unit of photography. We see something we want to photograph, frame it to the best of our ability, make sure that the camera settings are OK (whether manual, automatic, or anything inbetween), and press the shutter. We then edit the photo and store it in a folder somewhere on a hard drive and/or the cloud.
This single image approach can be limiting. there is only so much that can be said with one image. While there are some iconic images that have become ingrained into the culture they are few and far between. It is very unlikely that anyone reading this will be lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time to capture such an image.
This brings us to todays subject which is multiple image projects. These projects can be anything from an hours work to a lifetime’s and can incorporate anything from a couple of images to thousands. Projects can be extremely serious or they can be lighthearted and quirky - or just about anything in between..
The two most popular type of projects are the photo essay and the photo series.
The Photo Series
A photo series is a type of project where the photographer chooses one thing that appeals and collects images of it. Unlike the photo essay it is often open ended in terms of time. Popular subjects for this type of project are architectural features such as doors or windows. Subjects can be more abstract such as specific colors or color combinations, or shapes such as triangles.
People can also make good subjects but there needs to be a common theme:
People with passions by Jack Daly. An off topic note - These photographs represent really good examples of environmental portraiture and use of an ultra wide angle lens. People use the series for different things. In the example linked Jack Daly has obviously spent a lot of time thinking about and crafting these images and it shows. The work is superb, especially considering that the photographer is in his teens!Others use the series to experiment and to see things in a different way. The images that I’ve used to illustrate this post are an example. They are all obviously traffic cones but there the commonality ends. The photographs were taken with whatever camera or phone I had on me at the time. There is no end goal, no perfect photograph and no over-thinking.
The Photo Essay
If you want to tell a story this is the way to go. The photo essay is the staple of the photojournalism world. Here are a few examples:
Exploring the Mawlids of Egypt by Mosa'ab Elshamy
The Last Blast Furnace in England's Capital of Steel by Simon Butterworth
This is one of my favorite recently posted photo essays - if you like unusual concrete architecture with a brutalist edge this is one should appeal:
Cité Rateau by Scott Benedict
A photo essay has to have some kind of structure otherwise it would be a series. The most conventional format uses a number of images interspersed with some text. The strongest photograph goes at the beginning and the next best at the end. There should also be what is called a key image used at any point in the middle. This key image should be different enough from the rest of the images to make the viewer stop scrolling or turning pages. Of course this is only a guideline and any format that works is good. Also the use of text is optional. Some essays just have title, some just caption the images while others have a similar amount of text to a traditionally written essay. I feel that the images should be the most important element and that the text should play a supporting role.
Last weeks assignment - Macro and close up
This weeks assignment - indoors
This can be anything at all - living, non living, everyday or exotic in any indoor space. Getting enough light on the subject is the major issue with indoor photography. An excellent light is provided by a window, the larger the better, where the sun isn't shining directly through it. North windows are always good while south one's tend to be the trickiest.
Where to post images
I'll put up a new thread tomorrow, around noon ET, specifically for the uploading of photos relating to the assignment. If you want to post them here and/or on tomorrow's thread that is fine.
Remember: It costs nothing to encourage an artist, and the potential benefits are staggering. A pat on the back to an artist now could one day result in your favorite film, or the cartoon you love to get stoned watching, or the song that saves your life. Discourage an artist, you get absolutely nothing in return, ever
-Kevin Smith
This is an open thread so have at it. Post photos, questions, thoughts etc. - anything whatsoever to do with photography or anything at all for that matter.

I think I published this early
by mistake - apologies to anyone who got the draft version.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
Glad it's Friday.
93 F. outside.......... apparently,
and it feels like it.
Found this while rummaging......... outside rather than inside.
Yes, I like clouds.
from a reasonably stable genius.
93F? - where are you
A rare sunny and 70 here today on NW Indiana - really pleasant. Spent much of the day working on my laptop on the porch.
Clouds are good - I like that shot.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
It's bloody hot............. and we're supposed to get a lot of air pollution, care of the forest fires in Alberta.
But I'm not closing up the house for ac until close to bedtime. Just being able to open windows and have the front door open, after winter, is a blessing.
from a reasonably stable genius.
That explains it
you've been on the warm side of the polar jet stream - we could use more of that this year. I was wondering if the Alberta fire was having any effect on this side of the border. The amount of crap that must have thrown into the atmosphere is unimaginable.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
I guess that means that for us in the East
sunsets should become more red over the next few days. I once did a 6 month series of sun-rises and-sets, taken looking out from windows situated appropriately. In the winter in central NY clouds prevail. I don't think I even sorted them into a folder on my HD. Life with disorganization as a planned feature.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Taken indoors = )
I could post the pictures I take standing indoors in my living room of the drug dealers in my front yard, but I usually just send them to the local enforcement group. So you have to settle for cantaloupe and grapes.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
ha! probably for the best :)
mmmmm melon and grapes. Am just about to have supper on the porch and grapes sound good - not just the ones in the wine bottle either.
Nice composition
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
Thank you. I was looking for
a contrast of textures and color. The color needs a bit of work though, I think--probably should have thrown in a couple of those bing cherries from last week. = )
Sounds like a nice relaxing evening.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass