Science proves only Bernie supporters have any sense

Misperceiving bullshit as profound
a peer reviewed scientific study by Stefan Pfattheicher & Simon Schindler of Ulm University, Germany and Kassel University, Germany respectively has found that people who see bullshit statements as being profound are either more likely to be conservatives or support Hillary Clinton or Martin O'Malley. Bernie Sanders supporters basically saw through the bullshit.

Who'da thunk it?

What constitutes the scientific definition of bullshit?

bullshit is used as a technical term which is defined as communicative expression that lacks content, logic, or truth from the perspective of natural science. We used the Bullshit Receptivity scale (BSR) to measure seeing profoundness in bullshit statements.

And we're not talking any old bullshit here, like you might get from a used car salesman. No, we're talking two specific kinds of bullshit, psuedo-profound:

Various forms of bullshit exist [2]. The reader might think of sincere or insincere exaggerations, nonsense statements, or blatant lies. In this work we focus on a specific form of bullshit, namely, pseudo-profound bullshit. In doing so, we build on the seminal work of Pennycook and colleagues [1] who provide a detailed conceptual and empirical analysis of pseudo-profound bullshit. Consider the following sentence, which appears to be sound and have a deep meaning on first reading but is actually vacuous: “Hidden meaning transforms unparalleled abstract beauty.” (p. 549, [1]) As shown in this example, pseudo-profound bullshit statements have a correct syntactic structure and are not trivial. However, they lack content, logic, or truth from the perspective of natural science.

and mundane bullshit:

“A wet person does not fear the rain.”

The subjects were asked to rate both kinds of bullshit on a scale of 1-7 with 7 being most profound. They were also asked to rate themselves on a scale of 1 (Very Liberal) to 7 (Very Conservative). Finally, they were asked which candidate they viewed the most favorably: Sanders, Clinton, O'Malley, Trump, Cruz or Rubio.

It was found that those who considered psuedo-bullshit statements to be the most profound were conservatives, mainly Cruz supporters. There was no correlation whatsoever between psuedo-bullshit and liberal subjects.

It was found that those who considered mundane bullshit statements to be the most profound were Clinton and O'Malley supporters. There was no correlation whatsoever between mundane bullshit and Sanders supporters.

given that pseudo-profound bullshit statements are not easy to read and to understand, individuals need the ability to detect that bullshit statements are ultimately meaningless and lack truth [1]. As Pennycook and colleagues demonstrated, the ability increases the more individuals use reflective and critical thinking [1]. Congruently, accepting information as true rather than false increases when the intuitive, automatic thinking mode is stimulated [3,4]. In order to detect pseudo-profound bullshit, however, individuals need to process statements using a reflective and critical thinking mode [1]. Second, research has shown that conservative attitudes are related to relying on intuitive thinking styles [5] while cognitive complexity (i.e., the tendency to construct a variety of perspectives for viewing an issue) is avoided [6,7]. These findings correspond to results showing a negative relation between conservatism and need for cognition [8] and cognitive ability [9].

The only critical thinking people are Sanders supporters. There's a reason the Great Orange Satan is becoming more and more conservative in their way of thinking. Because they are conservatives.

Don't vote Hillary. If she wins, we lose. Do the smart thing: Let the Dem Party crash and burn so we can fill the vacuum with the revolution.

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Alison Wunderland's picture

Finally, empirical evidence of what's I've suspected all along.

By the way, for practical applications, I've noticed that if I use "research has shown" it gives the whole line of bullshit I'm about to lay down real authoritative strength.

Excellent, Scott. Thought of writing for The Onion?

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PriceRip's picture

          The study has almost 200 online participants, the researchers tabulated numbers, calculated statistics, and drew a bar graph. That piece of work should be worth a PhD or two, don't-cha-know.

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Mein Fuhrer! I can TALK!

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Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.

No, really.

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right out of my mouth.

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The part about critical analysis being necessary to discern bullshit brings up a good point about DKos: Their little gang of Flag Nazi's censor anyone who attempts to use critical analysis that might change their worldview. For this reason, that website needs to do away with flagging entirely. They won't, because Markos is CIA and it was built that way by design, to filter out the critical thinkers and just gather around the zombie bots, but webites where you can be banned for your thoughts are websites people need to start shunning.

There's more from this study to learn than you might think.

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