What if Hillary was President in 1992?
Try to imagine if Hillary and Bill Clinton’s lives were switched. Hillary manages to get elected president in 1992 and Bill becomes First Gentleman.
Eight years later, Bill carpetbags it to New York to run for the Senate there and wins.
2008, he runs for president but can’t make headway against Senator Obama. The primary is just one big clash of charisma. Bill goes on TV and plays a mean sax. In the end, the primary is decided by a basketball game (because I said so and why the fuck not—can’t be any worse than having superdelegates). Obama is all the way down court, and with just two seconds remaining. Obama hurls the ball. It’s quite the lucky long shot, as he is able to make it. He ends up winning the game by one point. The crowd goes fucking nuts! PUMA is founded, and they complain that the game wasn’t fair because Obama is black and Bill is white. They'd still be the same assclowns as their real-world counterparts.
Obama makes Bill SoS, with the same crap-quality record as Hillary’s SoS tenure.
Now imagine what would happen when Bill runs against Bernie seven years later? He's not Hillary, but he still has the same level of name recognition, he is the spouse of a president, as well as a better campaigner and significantly more charismatic than his wife.
Make no mistake; having a woman become POTUS would be a big fucking deal. However, Hillary is not the right woman for that job, and the same goes for Bill if the situations were actually reversed. The people who support her have mythologized her—they’ve turned her into someone she’s not.
I doubt that Bill would be able to best Bernie. The Slick Willie charm wouldn't do it for him this time, as it probably wouldn't be enough to overcome a revolution and his own elitism. Bernie would handily defeat Bill in the primary. From then on, Bernie would fire Drumpf in the GE.
I do wish that Hillary had already been president during the 90’s, just to get her presidency out of the way, and not have to see her anymore. We wouldn't have to worry about the formation of a New Dem political dynasty.

Hillary would never have been elected in 1992
She has the charisma and charm of a stinging nettle.
And the Clintons would have fallen by the wayside, just like the Dukakis family.
from a reasonably stable genius.
I think a case can be made that Hill's candidacy is unconstituti
onal, because of Bill's two terms. They have pretty much said that if she's elected he'll be a major advisor. That's a little too close to unethical. I would think he'd have to be barred from that role. Since it can't be enforced then it should be avoided, in a legal way.
Every single thing they have ever done
is always just a little too close to unethical. (When it's not grossly over the line, that is.)
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
During Obama's first two years the "Some Women Are More Equal Than Others Act (SWAMETOA)" would have been passed allowing Hillary to run for a third term. The Supreme Court would split 4-4 and we'd be right back where we are now.
“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” Voltaire
Hillary has not been able to best Bernie, either.
Voter suppression and election fraud have bested Bernie.
You forget a few things.
The desire for a female president, the whitewashing of her dismal record as a politician and public servant, and all this media hype around her.