So Ramping Up The Fear Begins In Earnest
If you don't vote Hillary you get Trump!
No progressive would allow Trump to win!
They say this without even trying to convince you what you would be voting for, just what you would be avoiding. Now if you reside outside of the US what would be the difference? US foreign policy has been a godsend to terrorist for decades, good grief and some people still ask why do the terrorists hate us, an absolute disconnect with the last 400 years or so of history. The US has merely been a continuation of physical warfare and economic war to enable asset stripping without responsibility. We call our war crimes a mistake thus rejecting culpability for our own actions, it was a mistake not a war crime we decree. We torture and then ignore the reality and move on. We invade and occupy and still we deny that we are to blame for the chaos.
Hillary, and I will remind you of the facts voted for this, oh it was a mistake, sorry that only works on the sheep. I suppose Honduras will be handled the same way, oops our bad. Libya, oopsey daisy, Syria, whoops. She is experienced they will cry, in making bloody messes I'll reply.
Trump wants to build a wall, yet Hillary helped install a brutal regime, she was merely following US foreign policy guidelines that have been in place since ever.
Our drones circle the world killing with a click. We decide without recourse who will die, when we fuck up we brush it off without even an "our bad" we will brush it off and send a few for counseling. I suppose we are the victims of our own exceptionalism the rest of the world should feel sorry for us.
Is electing Hillary going to change one iota how the individual States are run? Democrats have been steadily losing at a State level for decades. Why? Nobody wants to answer that one, vote Hillary and a magic wand will appear and assholes will become elbows.
The Democratic Party, the DNC and their new incarnation in a figurehead called Hillary have done so little for the people and so much for their sponsors that waving Trump's wig in our faces is not going to change the facts. Democrats really do suck.
Changing the party from within is the only way some will say, not one can give an example of this actually occurring, nor even point to a trend. The Overton window has been creaking ever rightwards since Reagan gave his first inaugural address. Progressive policies sure fire losers. The ACA based on a Republican idea for the insurance companies is hailed a success, indeed it has benefited quite a few, but then they turn around and mock unabashedly any attempt for single payer or universal health care. What the rest of the industrialized world has, we cant afford, complete and utter malarkey. Education, prisons and health care have become industrialized complexes under their leadership. Free trade, their mantra to a more perfect union with the corporations, but fuck we the people.
The one thing the Democrats and Republicans are doing really well is getting people to flee their respective parties. Moderate Republican "become" Democrats and are embraced, real Democrats become an object of ridicule, only to be courted in an hour of need, only then to be made fools of when the lobbyist come courting with cold hard cash. Big tent, my ass.
Change from within without the fear of electoral rejection won't work, it never has. It's time the Democratic Party had the fear of the voter put in them. Giving them succor, will only help them make suckers of us all. Americans as a whole when asked without party identification have some pretty progressive views, but the loyalty plays by both corporate wings prevents them from actually happening. Both parties are obstructionist where the will of the people is concerned. Voting for either is a statement that you believe that the system works, it doesn't. The next President of the US will be voted for by about 1 in 4 of the population and that proves the system is indeed fundamentally flawed, if not entirely broken.
You should have voted will be the mantra, for what exactly?
I'll vote in the election, but neither of the two main parties will be considered at the top of the ballot.

I'll keep it simple what that message generates for a reply...
Fuck Off!
That is all... I'm not voting for a candidate that is against everything I stand for..
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
Shorter than my FO then ;-)
Yet both offer so much.
Yours is heart-felt, informative, and convincing.
OL's is heart-felt, terse, and direct.
They both work well in their own ways. And means.
It will be interesting to see the reaction when the first down
ballot Dem says, but, but I'm not Hillary
The establishment will not get my vote.
The fear-spreading is rampant. My mind is made up. Can nothing change it? Let's see. Hmmmmm... Ok, what if we're in nuclear war? That may be what they resort to in order to get us to change our minds.
Ok, we suffer a major earthquake, chaos ensues, the financial markets are in free fall, Americans become refugees, since everyone has guns, the Wild West is resurrected with wild abandon. Will that change our minds? My mind is made up.
I feel they just don't get it. We're done. They've pressed their thumb down on us so hard and for so long, we're finally ready to bite that thumb and free ourselves. I am, anyway.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
It has become all they have
So my choice is
between A. Trump and B. Trumpette.
Hmmmm...Lets see..there's no gun at my head...are these my only choices? No. Oh well shit, that's easy, how about C....
We need "none of the above" on the ballot
and if no candidate can poll better than none of the above it's a fail and the parties have to come back with someone else.
I can think of a few things that would change my mind
Someone I respect might convince me that I'm wrong. Sanders himself is the logical contender for that. I could be convinced I'm wrong in one of three ways:
Perhaps the oligarchy isn't real or as powerful as I think it is? Perhaps the corruption isn't nearly as systemic as I think it is? Perhaps there are people in the Democratic party who are trying to do the right thing? Perhaps our entire government isn't bought & sold as it appears to be? I have no idea how someone would convince me of that but it could happen.
This seems even more problematic to me. I have watched her campaign of lies and deception. I have measured her words very carefully. I have looked at her history even more carefully and done my research with diligence. I have no idea how someone would convince me that Hillary wasn't a lying, war-mongering, corporate shill but it could happen.
As unlikely as that might seem to me, I think it's the most likely of these three options. If I could be convinced that a populist takeover of the Democratic party was actually in motion and was likely to succeed then putting in Hillary as opposed to Trump/Cruz/Kasich might make sense as a stalling tactic even as I acknowledge that Hillary and the party are both corrupt to the core. But I see no particular reason to believe a populist takeover is nearing completion so it makes sense to weaken the party as much as possible.
I always try to keep an open mind and as I've said all along, Bernie has earned enough street-cred that if he is willing to talk then I'm willing to genuinely listen. I find it unlikely he'll be able to come up with a compelling argument but I feel strongly I owe him that opportunity.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
I'll need rock solid data to be convinced
Oh, I completely agree
I've done a lot of research and I didn't take to my current view of reality either casually or easily. So while I acknowledge that I can be convinced it isn't going to be an easy task. It won't happen through appeals to fear or emotion. It will need to be a well reasoned, well supported train of logic that can be verified independently.
But... you know.... wouldn't be the first time in my life that I was pretty damned certain of something and I turned out to be pretty damned wrong.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
Salon article
Thought provoking.
Would be what I call a twofer: Trump destroys the Republican party. Takes the Democratic party out of the clutches of the criminal Clintons. No more Clintons in the White House.
Next step. Summit in Chicago. People's Progressive party created b4 the Conventions.
Best choice, President Sanders. If only the FBI would do it's job and indict her.
In all the talk about who is worse, it is critical to remember
that the bride and groom come with their family baggage. When the groom was in charge and tried to cut Social Security, the bride's family fought him. When the bride was in charge and offerred to cut Social Security, the brides family supported her and so did the groom's family because it was always what they wanted anyway. Same is true for TPP, NAFTA, etc. In other words, don't ever forget that it takes a Democrat to screw a Democrat. I would prefer Trump to Hillary.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
All good points.
I would welcome Bernie's reasoning. After what she's put him through, I'm very curious to hear his reason to advocate for her. However, after what she's put him and the American people through, I feel compelled to reject her at every turn.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
I still think Sanders can take it
IF not, it seems like we have a choice between 1%ers with or without T-Rump's explicit, outspoken racism, xenophobia, misogyny, incitement to violence, enthusiasm for torture, willful ignorance and hucksterism: PT Barnum with hate sauce.
I figure if Hillary's in charge, there will continue to be at least a veneer. For example Hillary probably won't disappear my Muslim neighbors into internment camps, encourage racist bullying in our diverse local schools, or embolden right-wing vigilantes into vandalizing my car, house or body because I had the wrong bumper stickers.
Realizing that this is no comfort to people already suffering under drone bombs, or seeking refuge and finding none, or locked up in for-profit prisons...nevertheless the immediate safety of family and friends is one serious consideration.
remember who condoned pre-emptive war and torture
who orders drone strikes and who is deporting tens of thousands anyway
I do remembr n/t
Think Trump is a reality TV act
He is a business person, with an MBA from Wharton. Not dumb. He is doing his reality TV act to appeal to the celebrity culture crazed public. Effective too. Makes me sick, but then I've never watched reality tv, very little tv at all now, and couldn't name a celebrity if I had to. Other than my favorite folk singers.
I too, would vote for Trump over Clinton. Think he's less dangerous. From their first day in the White House, the Clintons schemed for their own benefit. Once out, made a literal fortune, talking/speeches, and funneling money (laundering, yes in many cases) through their foundation.
Think Bob Herbert, New York Times described it best years ago, paraphrase now: "Cut THEM Loose"
I will never vote to put the Clintons back into the White House. NEVAH.
Think Trump is a reality TV act
He is a business person, with an MBA from Wharton. Not dumb. He is doing his reality TV act to appeal to the celebrity culture crazed public. Effective too. Makes me sick, but then I've never watched reality tv, very little tv at all now, and couldn't name a celebrity if I had to. Other than my favorite folk singers.
I too, would vote for Trump over Clinton. Think he's less dangerous. From their first day in the White House, the Clintons schemed for their own benefit. Once out, made a literal fortune, talking/speeches, and funneling money (laundering, yes in many cases) through their foundation.
Think Bob Herbert, New York Times described it best years ago, paraphrase now: "Cut THEM Loose"
I will never vote to put the Clintons back into the White House. NEVAH.
Think Trump is a reality TV act
He is a business person, with an MBA from Wharton. Not dumb. He is doing his reality TV act to appeal to the celebrity culture crazed public. Effective too. Makes me sick, but then I've never watched reality tv, very little tv at all now, and couldn't name a celebrity if I had to. Other than my favorite folk singers.
I too, would vote for Trump over Clinton. Think he's less dangerous. From their first day in the White House, the Clintons schemed for their own benefit. Once out, made a literal fortune, talking/speeches, and funneling money (laundering, yes in many cases) through their foundation.
Think Bob Herbert, New York Times described it best years ago, paraphrase now: "Cut THEM Loose"
I will never vote to put the Clintons back into the White House. NEVAH.
Think Trump is a reality TV act
He is a business person, with an MBA from Wharton. Not dumb. He is doing his reality TV act to appeal to the celebrity culture crazed public. Effective too. Makes me sick, but then I've never watched reality tv, very little tv at all now, and couldn't name a celebrity if I had to. Other than my favorite folk singers.
I too, would vote for Trump over Clinton. Think he's less dangerous. From their first day in the White House, the Clintons schemed for their own benefit. Once out, made a literal fortune, talking/speeches, and funneling money (laundering, yes in many cases) through their foundation.
Think Bob Herbert, New York Times described it best years ago, paraphrase now: "Cut THEM Loose"
I will never vote to put the Clintons back into the White House. NEVAH.
PS I also think Hillary will be a liability down the ballot
Yes, even so n/t
You might be right.
Those things might not come to pass under hrc. However, will she continue deporting children back to their countries to be slaughtered? Will she send countless more troops to the Middle East - whose children will she send? Yours? Your brother's? You're sister's ? Your neighbor's? When will it be enough?
It's already enough for me. I'm not succumbing to their fear tactics any longer.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Those are some damn good questions
For Hillary supporters to answer.
Or read their excuses for her when she does. Just like they have done for Obama. Except the ones that keep saying he's ended the two wars.
Even after all of his betrayals, people don't see them.
No filibuster of the FISA vote
No veto of the health care bill that didn't have a public option in it,
No importing drugs from Canada
No renegotiating nafta.
No comfortable walking shoes
No closing the revolving door
And countless other broken campaign promises.
Just blinded adoration of the best president ever
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
You're forgetting one thing:
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
You're right
all these things will continue and get worse under Hillary, I think.
Yet we would have a little more time to organize before the total social meltdown in our own home neighborhoods.
Woops! Inadvertent repeat comment deleted
I live in a Illinois
There is absolutely nothing that she or anyone can say or do to get me to vote for her. Stein will get my vote. People in states like Illinois, New York, California, etc, owe it to everyone in swing states who are holding their noses. If elected, she will have to prove herself to get my vote in 2020.
It's true right now like it was back then. The old devils are at it again. When I say devil you know who I mean these animals in the dark malicious politicians with nefarious schemes charlatans and crooked cops. - 'Old Devils' William Elliot Whitmore
I live in Nebraska and the Democratic Party went for Sanders
Yep. The state who's official song involves the refrain E-I-E-I-OOOOO and our governor tries to smuggle in death penalty drugs. We nominated the SOCIALIST. That in itself should tell people something.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
I'm also in Illinois
I'm also in Illinois and HRC will not get my vote because she has not earned it.
You missed one...
a lobotomy (mine, not hers--although...) would be the only way you could get me to vote for her.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Yup, lobotomy would be quicker than any effort at persuasion...and more likely to succeed. Conversion will not be achievable through rhetoric or logic.
"Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible." 14th Dalai Lama
Not the wild west
Since any town that had a sheriff or marshal almost always had a "check yer guns at the door" policy.
It's only the wild, wild west in these peoples sick, sick minds.
The more people I meet, the more I love my cats.
Billy the Kid
didn't check his guns at any doors. That is the type of behavior I'm referring to.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Can't Vote for Evil
We have to free ourselves from the unacceptable environment in which we're strapped. The road can only lead to disaster and we work for another path. Thanks to all here leading the way.
Avid Agnostic
Don't forget Obama's
Don't forget Obama's bipartisan trillion dollar nuclear weapons modernization program. Because what else could we possibly do with a crummy trillion dollars?
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
Heaven forbid spending it on something everyone needs
For example the infrastructure and making it less polluting
or healthcare for everyone! - n/t
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First Nations News
If government spending
doesn't help the 0.1% "makers", it's wasteful: just taxpayer dollars thrown down the drain to help the lazy, shiftless and idle "taker" class. /sn
There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know.
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First Nations News
Nuclear weapons don't sound all that Hopey/Changey
to me.
But then I got sick of that man a LLLLLOOOONNNNNNGGGGG time ago. Around the time I found out he was meeting with the Healthcare Insurance people and Billy Tauzin/Big Pharma secretly during the healthcare coverage negotiations/frauds.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
One would think --
that the Democratic Party's repression of the Sanders candidacy would have led to a moment of truth for his supporters -- "Aha! We're only Democrats for the time being!" I guess it's not too late for them to recognize this now.
Oh, and as for:
Right on LaFem!
Anyhoo, I'm imagining some sort of confrontation between Sanders and his supporters. The Sanders endorsement of Clinton needs to be prevented if it's at all possible. Perhaps it can be prevented by a Sanders victory -- he's certainly ahead in the remaining states. As for a Sanders defeat, well, there has to be a confrontation.
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
Sanders: Not a real democrat was their implication from day one
Well, they would know n/t
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
FDR or Clitonite
Depends what is meant when you say Democrat
It depends on your definition of "fish"
In one part of the multi-verse, Pi*Fish= 2(x-Z•∞-17R((r))+17xº¡-¡*3.1415)/Y+Z-W.4(∑=3Pi/ iII*)- R+Z*X
In other multiverses, Fish = Belgium
Thank goodness if...
the Third Way or New Democrats is their definition of Democrat. It is not mine.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Way more than an implication
and they're still at it.
You know, it's part of the "disqualifying" of the opposition.
Goes along with the mockery and condescension.
Way to poison the well.
Tad Devine
Tad Devine certainly is a "real" Democrat. He's been a good friend to Bernie for years, BUT, BUT, BUT - I don't think he'd advocate Bernie fighting mano a mano against the Clintons at the Convention. Just hope Bernie finds a way to be SO offended by something, that he is very "soft spoken" in his acknowledgement of not being the nominee.
I still shudder remembering Clinton's last interview with Rachel Sellout. When Clinton did literally scream "I'm winning." Then went on to explain how she behaved at the 2008 convention, strongly supporting Obama because "that is what one does." Such BS, not to mention hubris, she knew she was going to run for POTUS again, and she HAD to stay with the party.
"That is what one does." The Clintonian version of "we are not amused."
I'm beginning to think that adherents of the Democratic Party
enjoy their cult-like bubble.
I've never been a Democrat. I have voted for Democrats who subscribe to a set of values that I can appreciate.
There's a whole world out there far beyond the rubbish that is Democratic orthodoxy (see That Foul Site).
from a reasonably stable genius.
Oh I believe they are party loyalists, I'm not and now for
some reason that is a problem when a Republican is not in the WH.
So sick of the internet
Every news site, every discussion site, it's Democrats mocking Bernie supporters.
Knowing what people think about me and people like me is not good for my mental health.
prog - weirdo | dog - woof
Don't worry you are hardly alone, the talking heads have been
paid for 10 times over
The fact they are mocking
doesn't speak well for THEIR mental health.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
They only mock because they're worried.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
they also mock because they're nasty individuals
threats have worked before, bullying us to vote for the D has worked but won't this time. Many of us no longer care what happens to the Democratic Party and its candidates.
If I don't vote for Hillary and she loses I won't care. If Trump wins and is horrible I won't think "gosh, it would have been better with Hillary".
This is where, I believe, those people make their mistake. They think we're part of their coalition. We might have been but we're not now. There's just no reason for us to be taken in by threats.
I've pretty much voted Democrat all my life
Now I see nothing but corruption, dishonesty, and moral weakness. OK I get it, maybe it's better to die from a debilitating disease than from on oncoming train. At least you get more time that way. But I'm choosing life and that would be Bernie or Jill Stein, so I can live with myself afterwards.
Beware the bullshit factories.
How long have we heard it's about the
Supreme Court if we don't elect a democrat?
That's off the table now after Obama put Garland up for nomination.
There were at least 3 other people he could have picked instead of another corporate insider.
The guy with the unusual last name. I think it's 2 letters long?
The two women he picked have been okay so far, but one used to work for Monsanto and I don't remember what I didn't like about the other woman.
But Garland, seriously? Guess who else threw his name out there?
Orrin Hatch.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
How long?
Since I can remember. If I had the stomach for it, I'd look up my old evil orange comments from 2008, 2012, and everywhen in between warning that a President who hires Goldman Sachs in his administration would never dare replace a right-winger justice with even a moderate. It's a fear tactic full of holes and without any basis in reason. But it sure was a well-used hammer on those who got out of line with the Party. I told them so!
"If I sit silently, I have sinned." - Mossadegh
They can regard me as an opponent for all I care
They should regard me as an opponent
prog - weirdo | dog - woof
Great rant, La Fem
I have always believed not voting was a loss to complain about election results. Now, not voting is more akin to having nobody to vote for.
If Hillary beats Trump, and that is a big IF, the only way she will "get things done" is to cave to the right wingers. If I had a desire to see right wing policies get enacted, I would be a republican.
I will not be persuaded to vote for her out of fear. I do not accept fear as a motivator in a fucking voting booth.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I'm going to enjoy the triangulating and watching some who
should know better try and justify them
Hillary is already laying out the strategy
to use fear to get us to vote for her. She will not have to pay her strategists any more big bucks for big ideas. Talk about a 1 trick pony!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Another way to look at it is, you vote for it you own it.
Those voting for Clinton own it, let's play it that way. They own the wars and imperialism and backstabbing of the American people. Voting gives consent to be governed. I would never give my consent to be governed by Clinton.
It's not caving if
that's what she really wants in the first place.
This shit is bananas.
Yeah, we are starting to see
some of that fear mongering creeping in over here...
Well written just proved again why I have always enjoyed your writing... well done.
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First Nations News
Thank you, fear enabled us to invade and occupy and
a majority at one time agreed with those idiotic decisions.
Martha, just stand up and say it
loud that you are not afraid, that you are not a coward, that some intellectual appeal for your vote is required to get it.
I hope that sort of crap doesn't ruin this site, which is sheer joy. I am so happy to be here.
On the other hand, I do know very solid Dems who will cast that fear vote as fast as their finger tips can touch the screen.
Just don't even attempt to get me to follow suit.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Thanks OtC
I don't plan on being afraid. There is no time to be afraid. We have work to do!
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First Nations News
What are we gonna do now?
No man born with a living soul
Can be working for the clampdown
Is that all you're asking of me Hillary? Well I'm sorry, it's just a little bit too much...
Hey, hey!
The kingdom is ransacked
the jewels all taken back
and the chopper descends
they're hidden in the back
with a message on a half-baked tape
with the spool going round
saying I'm back here in this place
and I could cry
and there's smoke you could click on
What are we gonna do now?
Taking off his turban, they said, is this man a Jew?
'Cause they're working for the clampdown
They put up a poster saying we earn more than you!
When we're working for the clampdown
We will teach our twisted speech
To the young believers
We will train our blue-eyed men
To be young believers
The judge said five to ten, but I say double that again
I'm not working for the clampdown
No man born with a living soul
Can be working for the clampdown
Kick over the wall 'cause government's to fall
How can you refuse it?
Let fury have the hour, anger can be power
D'you know that you can use it?
The voices in your head are calling
Stop wasting your time, there's nothing coming
Only a fool would think someone could save you
The men at the factory are old and cunning
You don't owe nothing, so boy get running
It's the best years of your life they want to steal
You grow up and you calm down
You're working for the clampdown
You start wearing the blue and brown
You're working for the clampdown
So you got someone to boss around
It makes you feel big now
You drift until you brutalize
You made your first kill now
In these days of evil presidentes
Working for the clampdown
But lately one or two has fully paid their due
For working for the clampdown
Ha! Gitalong! Gitalong!
Working for the clampdown
Ha! Gitalong! Gitalong!
Working for the clampdown
Yeah I'm working hard in Harrisburg
Working hard in Petersburg
Working for the clampdown
Working for the clampdown
Ha! Gitalong! Gitalong
Begging to be melted down
Gitalong, gitalong
(Work) And I've given away no secrets - ha!
(More work)
(More work)
Who's barmy now?
inactive account
A Great album
Since I have a beef with this particular meme
I'm going to excerpt a comment I just made here:
So, yes. Donald Trump is this month's Osama bin Laden, whose name is used to terrorize you and whip you into compliance.
Hey, LaFem. Always fun to see you.
Yr friend,
Hey Pluto good to "see" you again
The Parties do that here, however there tends to be more choice
hell both the GOP and DP would be in the Sarkozy wing
People hate Trump, but were they upset when Tom Friedman said
on TV that the whole point of the Iraq war was saying “Suck on this” to the Arab and Muslim world?
Did they say, oh, that man is a buffoon? Did they protest and get him fired, or at least refuse to pay money to read his words anymore?
No, Tom Friedman is still earning buckets of cash writing drivel for the New York effing Times.
Trump has said bad things about Muslims? Well, so does Bill Maher, and lots of so-called progressives eat it up and will defend Bill Maher against all criticism.
So, yeah, the outrage against Trump, at least on the part of New York Times “liberals,” is hypocritical and fake.
Excellent points. eom
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Here in Chi-town, (or a sodden sub urb)
Suden Suburb? Southern Sunburn, I received three calls in the last week from Hillarians seeking to push me to vote her her. They knew I was a Bernie fan, and they tried the same silly tactic mit mois.
And for the third weak, the DNC sent me a (ahem) survey, a paper version of a pushpoll.
I suspect that they know that they still haven't won this thing. And Bernie may take 6 states coming up, including Californication.
Does anyone know if they read those polls?
Do they publish the results?
Those things remind me of the prayer requests to televangelists that immediately go in the dumpster after the money is removed.
I guess it's the circular file, too
But some may be processed (maybe only the ones with money) to give them "friendly" internal polls.
The sad thing is that many people could not give you an example of a push-poll, have never learned that description.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I've seen worse examples of push polls
I got one in the eighties from my republican member of Congress that asked, "Should we support the Contra freedom fighters in Nicaragua or should we let them die?"
At the time, I thought that the Contras were a roaming band of criminals much like the Boko Haram of today.
I got a call from a pollster a few years ago who didn't know what a push poll is. It was Quinnipiac so I took the poll.
Independents in California who want to vote for President
must use a Democratic ballot (or third party ballot). The Republican primary is closed. Independents can't get Republican ballots. Republicans can't use Democratic ballots. I don't know how many independents there are in California who will be voting, but I think its safe to say that any Trump supporting independent who votes for President, will be voting for Bernie.
Beware the bullshit factories.
"Semi-closed" primary
How many variations of the rules can we have?
I wonder if the poll workers are really going to enforce the rule. In the past they just asked me what ballot I wanted.
People say that I have a sick sense of humor. For example I think that it is funny that so many people registered in a racist political party and they don't even know it:
There is a real problem with the senatorial ballot though. Since it is on two pages, a third of the people will pick a candidate from each column and thereby invalidate their vote:
I've got no more Hillary mailings since just one early in the primary race. I returned it asking for an explanation of why the Clinton Foundation accepted money from Victor Pinchuk, and if that influenced Hillary's pushing Ukraine into the EU and NATO. Must have caused some internet searches for ignorant campaign workers.
"If I sit silently, I have sinned." - Mossadegh
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
You know
If we don't get our act together one day soon the rest of the world is going to get together and do us in for their own safety. Just a thought......
If history follows the usual patern it's a given
I'm okay with that. . .
. . . just as long some of us are allowed to surrender allegiance and submit to re-education.
All I need are some tasty waves, a cool buzz, and I'm fine. -- Jeff Spicoli
Been saying that for at least four years, now.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X