So Ramping Up The Fear Begins In Earnest

If you don't vote Hillary you get Trump!

No progressive would allow Trump to win!

They say this without even trying to convince you what you would be voting for, just what you would be avoiding. Now if you reside outside of the US what would be the difference? US foreign policy has been a godsend to terrorist for decades, good grief and some people still ask why do the terrorists hate us, an absolute disconnect with the last 400 years or so of history. The US has merely been a continuation of physical warfare and economic war to enable asset stripping without responsibility. We call our war crimes a mistake thus rejecting culpability for our own actions, it was a mistake not a war crime we decree. We torture and then ignore the reality and move on. We invade and occupy and still we deny that we are to blame for the chaos.

Hillary, and I will remind you of the facts voted for this, oh it was a mistake, sorry that only works on the sheep. I suppose Honduras will be handled the same way, oops our bad. Libya, oopsey daisy, Syria, whoops. She is experienced they will cry, in making bloody messes I'll reply.

Trump wants to build a wall, yet Hillary helped install a brutal regime, she was merely following US foreign policy guidelines that have been in place since ever.

Our drones circle the world killing with a click. We decide without recourse who will die, when we fuck up we brush it off without even an "our bad" we will brush it off and send a few for counseling. I suppose we are the victims of our own exceptionalism the rest of the world should feel sorry for us.

Is electing Hillary going to change one iota how the individual States are run? Democrats have been steadily losing at a State level for decades. Why? Nobody wants to answer that one, vote Hillary and a magic wand will appear and assholes will become elbows.

The Democratic Party, the DNC and their new incarnation in a figurehead called Hillary have done so little for the people and so much for their sponsors that waving Trump's wig in our faces is not going to change the facts. Democrats really do suck.

Changing the party from within is the only way some will say, not one can give an example of this actually occurring, nor even point to a trend. The Overton window has been creaking ever rightwards since Reagan gave his first inaugural address. Progressive policies sure fire losers. The ACA based on a Republican idea for the insurance companies is hailed a success, indeed it has benefited quite a few, but then they turn around and mock unabashedly any attempt for single payer or universal health care. What the rest of the industrialized world has, we cant afford, complete and utter malarkey. Education, prisons and health care have become industrialized complexes under their leadership. Free trade, their mantra to a more perfect union with the corporations, but fuck we the people.

The one thing the Democrats and Republicans are doing really well is getting people to flee their respective parties. Moderate Republican "become" Democrats and are embraced, real Democrats become an object of ridicule, only to be courted in an hour of need, only then to be made fools of when the lobbyist come courting with cold hard cash. Big tent, my ass.

Change from within without the fear of electoral rejection won't work, it never has. It's time the Democratic Party had the fear of the voter put in them. Giving them succor, will only help them make suckers of us all. Americans as a whole when asked without party identification have some pretty progressive views, but the loyalty plays by both corporate wings prevents them from actually happening. Both parties are obstructionist where the will of the people is concerned. Voting for either is a statement that you believe that the system works, it doesn't. The next President of the US will be voted for by about 1 in 4 of the population and that proves the system is indeed fundamentally flawed, if not entirely broken.

You should have voted will be the mantra, for what exactly?

I'll vote in the election, but neither of the two main parties will be considered at the top of the ballot.

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lotlizard's picture

where the “Wolverines!” equivalent are actually fighting on the side of the rest of the world against the establishment.

The entire establishment, far larger than the candidates, or parties, or even the nation I'm sure, have realized we are not buying what they are selling any longer and it terrifies them to their very core. They are in full fight mode. It's life or death for them. All of them: the government, media, politicians, bankers, corporations, judges, NSA, CIA, FBI, DEA, CFR, IMF…… I could go on and on for pages probably about how many crooked institutions and even the foreign co-warmongering terrorist dictators doing what we all know amounts to genocide of monstrous proportions if we are honest; they know the terror alert is RED.

Bernie is the scariest monster of their nightmares. They see us feeling empowered and inspired to fight. Not just Americans either. The world has begun rising in unity and that, my friends, is the largest "Weapon of Mass Destruction" that exists on earth.

Every single institution in power today has multiple motives to steal our vote.

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I'm afraid that the two branches of the money party will rule the United States until the sham democracy is a real corporate dictatorship.

I'm afraid that if real leftists keep rewarding the Democratic party with votes/work/money, we will never build our own alternative.

I'm afraid that we will forget long term gain sometimes means short term pain.

Thus, Democrats, I'm afraid you're going to have kiss my ass.

See how fear works?

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“If there is no justice for the people, may there be no peace for the government.”

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Martha Pearce-Smith's picture

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snoopydawg's picture

There was a corporate coup decades ago, maybe when Kennedy was killed.
If the ship hasn't sailed yet, it will if they pass the TPP.
That is one reason why I think DES wasn't fired after the disastrous mid terms that saw both houses flip and the hop is in control of both of them.
Obama had gotten a lot of flack for pre caving and giving the republicans more than they were asking for and continuing to work with them. Especially after on day one they said that they wanted to make him a one term president. Now who in their right mind would think that they would work with him after they said that?
But with both houses in their control, he won't be able to get anything passed.
Except the TPP.
And if he doesn't get it passed, then Hillary will. No one spends 4 years working on something that big and then decides that they don't like it.
If she really felt the way about it as she stated, then she would have come out against it before the fast track bill was voted on.
But her supporters are taking her word for it that she's against it.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Turn our backs and go our own way. It wouldn't shock me at all if you were 100 correct.

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“If there is no justice for the people, may there be no peace for the government.”

darkmatter's picture

I suspect all the "high-information" HRC supporters know that she is lying about not supporting the TPP, and they're cool with it. Her winning comes first and nothing beyond that matters much.

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jorogo's picture

Fear to empower. Fear as a tool, not a weapon. Well done.
Does this place have top comments? Nominated!

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"If I sit silently, I have sinned." - Mossadegh

PriceRip's picture

          A short time ago I said, "If we vote for Bernie, he will win." and I was told I was being naïve.
          Now those same people are saying, "If I do not vote for Hillary, Trump will win." I don't understand the logic of this at any level. Could someone help by explaining this‽

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PastorAgnostic's picture

1. Ignore that man behind the curtain.

2. Dorothy is an angel, and she deliberately aimed her house onto that broom-riding hag.

3. If Hillary doesn't win, there is no doubt that some investigation somewhere, somehow, somewhen will connect the dots and find the true disgusting sell-out that she has been, and prove that she used her office for personal gain.

4. If we don't vote for her, it is our fault that her sole goal in life has been crushed. Destroyed. Erased. Cancelled. Eradicated. Folded. Mutilated. Spindled. Cut. Sliced. Ended. And just think how she is so entitled to that office.

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PriceRip's picture

          She certainly has my sympathies . . . crushed you say . . . wow I should be ashamed of myself . . .

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riverlover's picture

Ruefully, or snarkily? what's the key combo for the ?/! hybrid?

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

lotlizard's picture

and an interrobang — “‽” — will magically appear at that spot.

Again, that’s “‽” — without the quotes but with the semicolon.

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Bisbonian's picture

Gee, what I do wrong?

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"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

lotlizard's picture

For whatever technical reasons, the blog software treats “HTML entities” (that’s geek-speak for substitute character thingies that start with an ampersand) in the subject line differently from the way it treats them in the comment body — namely, it ignores them / doesn’t recognize them as such.

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PriceRip's picture

          I have tried using the Unicode with very little success. What works for me is to copy the Interrobang from the first line here and paste it into my comment. I also have a few copies in some local text documents for quick access.
          Warning‽ I interact via an array of MacBooks of various vintages and iPads so your mileage may vary. Not all key strokes work the same way on all computational devices.

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PriceRip's picture

          The Unicode &#x203d worked using my iPad ‽ At least it did today ‽ Hey, ain't coding fun ? ! ‽
          Don't mind the man behind the curtain, he's just an old burnt out coder from the 70s.

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lotlizard's picture

HTML entities have to end with a semicolon to be recognized as such.

Without the semicolon, the software is liable to give you a semi-colonoscopy.

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PriceRip's picture

          I do rueful all the time, and puns I do them too. I follow the scornful admonition of my favorite mentor: Never announce a pun, either you are bragging (rolls eyes) or you have indicated that the other listeners are of the non-cognoscenti (shutters). Either way it is an insult.

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thanatokephaloides's picture

I don't understand the logic of this at any level. Could someone help by explaining this‽

Go ask Alice.


(Yes, I am saying we've gone down the rabbit hole here!)


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

Raggedy Ann's picture

Bernie hasn't lost. The pushback needs to be reminders that there are states yet to vote. My state, for instance. I'm not on to the general yet. Neither are they.

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

Again today before the rec deadline so he could show that he could still put up $# and that WE have not given up. go CALIFORNIA!!!!

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jorogo's picture

Weaver says the donations are still pouring in. We launched this ship, and we're gonna see it through to one destination or another. If it's not this Party's nomination, maybe it will be a new Party. Keep an eye out for pirates! HMS Hill has some free oars and vacant shackled seating below deck.

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"If I sit silently, I have sinned." - Mossadegh

detroitmechworks's picture

Now they just feel free to speak their opinions openly.

It's always been about silencing dissenters. Course you couldn't SAY that without being called out on it. Now, it's just "Common Sense" which is a fancy word for Doctorate level Bullshit. (PHD: Piled Higher and Deeper)

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.



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Wink's picture

I added a comment to Sean's diary on the g.o.s. in answer to "Blue no matter who" that goes something like...
“Vote Blue No Matter Who?” That’s easy to say for #HillarySettlers with their gal ahead by 300 delegates, fully expecting their gal to blow out #Bernie for even having the gall to run against The Presumptive. How Dare he?! Just Who does he think he Is?! Rub his face in it, Hill !! Beat him like a drum!

But I don’t believe, the shoe on the other foot, #Bernie somehow pulling off the miracle upset to become the nominee, that #HillarySettlers would find it as easy to beller, “Vote Blue No Matter Who!” if “who” is #Bernie. Instead, finding it damn near impossible to vote for the mofo that stole their gal’s crowning from underneath her, snagging victory from the jaws of defeat. Would we then hear “Vote Blue No Matter Who?” Maybe. Maybe they’d hold their nose and pull the lever for #Bernie, no where else to go. And, maybe, just maybe, #HillarySettlers will get a better clue, having read this ditty, where #Berners find themselves. Becuz, for #Berners, it isn’t just a vote for HRC or a vote for someone else. It’s a vote for the DNC or the #Berniecrat party, and that’s an easy choice for many a #Berner to make. Many a #Berner won’t vote for the DNC, therefore won’t vote for HRC (who Totally represents the DNC), The Donald or the SCOTUS not mattering a twit. Now, #HillarySettlers can beller that #Bernie’s run didn’t amount to squat, didn’t matter jack, but that’s horse$h!t. What #Bernie’s run did was bring a TON of new voters to the shindig that never would have bothered if he wasn’t running. They didn’t come out to hear HRC. They came out to hear #Bernie. But, #Bernie’s run did Way more than that. It started a revolution of sorts. That may or may not go anywhere. May fizzle in July. Or November. Or not. And, even more than that revealed all the different colors of the Dem party and where all those colors stand in the grand scheme of things, which side they on. Which side they on. Becuz, #Bernie’s run has split the party some, revealed where those colors stand, which side they on. That’s what #Bernie’s run has done. That’s what historians will report. That, yeah, he was a terrible candidate for the Office, maybe, but he sure did start some $h!t ! So, forgive (or not) #Berners for ignoring “Vote Blue No Matter Who.” “Who” matters to many a #Berner, many out there rebuilding the progressive wing of the party regardless of who wins in July, November.
It likely gets me banned, but....

Vote Blue No Matter Who

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

and some have even returned to Kos

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stevej's picture

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“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire

Miep's picture

Misogynist, racist, generally xenophobic, shallow, and ignorant. And he has no experience. What could possibly go wrong?

I've recently seen him compared to as Reagan, as in that people didn't think Reagan would be a problem, just kind of a buffoon. I wasn't paying attention to politics in 1980, but I was when GWB was elected, and we got a lot of that then. Haha, what a joker.

What happens when you have somebody like Reagan or GWB or Trump in the Oval Office when some shit happens like 911? Do you have somebody with sufficient intelligence and experience to at least try to handle the situation in a nuanced manner? How about Hurricane Katrina? Do you have somebody familiar enough with how the government runs to at least know who to ask about how to put together a timely response?

No. You have some actor, some buffoon, some random media narcissist who can't be relied on to act responsibly in any sense. Clinton actually would do better in this sense. But she's a right-wing hawk.

The only way out of a double bind is to smash it.

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Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.

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Debbie the Sane Progressive makes a reasonably logical case that Trump may be the less evil of the two:

After all, Trump is a blustering buffoon of no known political conviction making obnoxious statements and offering ridiculous proposals to grab the Republican nomination - whereas Hillary is a well-practiced mass murderer. Trump wants to exclude refugees - Hillary manufactures them. (Like the dead Honduran children discussed elsewhere on this site, made possible by HIllary's support of the Honduran coup.)

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Mark F. McCarty

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The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.

Bisbonian's picture

WSNBM was my sig line until a few minutes ago!

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"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

Ender's picture

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Ravensword's picture

Convince disgusted Dems and Reps who don't like the possible match between Hillary and Trump to go vote for third party.

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thrownstone's picture

JayRaye memorializes martyrs on this site every single day.

"Change from within without the fear of electoral rejection won't work, it never has. It's time the Democratic Party had the fear of the voter put in them. Giving them succor, will only help them make suckers of us all."

If badems will not partake of the pleasure of doing the right thing, then goodems can but assist them to feel the pain of loss. The one thing that Americans will reject is something that doesn't work for them. If Hillary loses, then she will be gone forever...she will melt like the Wicked Witch (Martha, it's a proper noun) of the North. Then there will be a vacuum. It seems to me that the very first problem for the goodems is that of all dems: the Dem party. Yes, the planet will be in jeopardy and , yes, there will be nothing that the goodems can do til they take control of their party. Therefore, taking control of the party must come first. If there is a vacuum in November, then that is the time to start to take control: "Okay, you had your chance, now it is our turn". How can the goodems begin to take over the party in November?

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“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” Voltaire

Martha Pearce-Smith's picture

No issues there. Hell, just like Dorothy, I am from Kansas! Wink

However, I am not sure we can fix the Democratic party....I think we should let it die and build a newer, stronger, Progressive Party...Or a Progressive Green Democratic Socialist Party....or a People's Party.... but something NEW....not try and fix what is so broken and so damaged.

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First Nations News

thrownstone's picture

I am sure it ain't gonna be that easy. Bernie is a magic carpet ride in himself and got us off the ground. There are advantages to both approaches. A new party with a new name and a fresh, new start would usher in this new age just fine. Hey! Maybe something with Aquarius in stead of a donkey we could have a bottomless ewer. I'll go either way, but I got a feeling that it's gonna be now or never before we know it.

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“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” Voltaire

Oldest Son Of A Sailor's picture

Dear Democratic Party,

You done fucked up twice now the same damn way...

In 2000 this feller Ralph stopped by and said, "I'm running for President because we really need to get "Corporate Money" out of politics. This money is influencing the decisions of politicians that is screwing their constituency. It should be illegal but we have crooks writing the laws that make it legal." I believed wholeheartedly that Ralph was right, but you wouldn't have any of that, and told Ralph to get lost...

Well, That was pretty damn dumb. Because I followed Ralph and worked for his campaign, and I voted for him. In case you didn't know it, that Gore fella. His Daddy was so bought and paid for, that Armand Hammer of Occidental Petroleum said, "I've Got Al Gore Sr. right here in my back pocket." as he patted his wallet. Well, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree in politics. There was no way in hell that I was voting for his son...

That Gore fella ended up losing the election and we got another crooked weasel for President named Dubya. Instead of saying we done fucked up we shouldn't have run just another crook so we lost the election these idiots running the democratic party said I was the bad guy because I wanted someone honest to be president. That's just fucked up. There is nothing else you can say about it...

In 2008 that Obama fella came along, seemed like a pretty upstanding young fella, he had this whole Hope & Change thing going on. Seemed like he was going to take care of the little guy and shake things up. I worked on his campaign and voted for him.

Damn there was a whole lot of folks that were concerned about the color of his skin too. Truth be told I don't think much about skin color or, sex of a politician. When I was in the service my roommate was a black fella and we got along just fine. He's a damn good friend of mine to this very day, and lives about a 45 minute drive away from me. We've got a few stories we don't even tell our wives. LOL... Back in 1974 In the 1st election I participated in I voted for a woman to become governor of Connecticut. Ella Grasso became the 1st woman governor that wasn't preceded by her husband which is a pretty damn big deal as far as women go. Truth be told I worked with quite a few women in the service too. Pretty damn good friends with them too, one lives up in New Hampshire about a 3 hour drive away. I don't see her as often due to the distance but we stay in touch and see each other sometimes. If that isn't enough my wife is my best friend. Well I guess what I'm saying is my whole damn life I've worked alongside other sexes and races, I don't give damn about any of that stuff...

Back in 2008 in the primaries there was this Hillary gal, she sure seemed to be grabbing fistfuls of money from folks I didn't care much for, and then she started throwing the fact she was a woman and her opponent was black. Well no shit but that just rubbed me a bit the wrong way. Besides I really liked this Obama fells better than her. He seemed a bit more honest and he was going to take care of the little guy and make some changes. Well it came up a bit short but still better than I think that Hillary would have done...

So here we are in 2016 and we've got this fella Bernie running. I've been watching Bernie a long time hoping he would run. My daughter lived up in Burlington and it is a great city, much of what makes it great is because of what Bernie did there as Mayor. But the real deal is in Bernie's whole life he has worked for the little guy, and he's not one of those money grubbing lying weasel politicians. He's an awesome upstanding honest guy. I'm working on his campaign and I hope to vote for him in November.

Right now it doesn't look so good but I haven't given up and neither has Bernie. But, He's got that Hillary running against him and I can't quite figure out why the Democratic Party has stacked the deck so hard in her favor. She's impressed me as being one of the biggest crooks I've ever seen. In fact she's so crooked the FBI is investigating her while she's running. I'll tell you just like 2000 Bernie has my vote for sure no matter what. That Hillary isn't going to get it no matter what. She's even had the nerve to say I was against women...

Well Democratic Party I'm here to tell you that you are on the verge of fucking up a second time. I don't like crooks running for office especially racist crooks that accuse me of being anti woman. If I can't vote for Bernie I'll be voting for Jill Stein. Fuck Off! You are on your own and it was your choice, let the cards fall where they may it's not my fault. It's yours! You keep making the same stupid mistake over and over again. Good fucking luck with that...

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"Do you realize the responsibility I carry?
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."

~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
Pluto's Republic's picture

-- which I wish I could live in all the time — there is an America filled with people with instincts like yours. There may have been an entire country filled with people who wanted life to continue to bet better for everybody in the United States, with no exceptions.

Thanks for sharing your story.

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we have nothing to fear but fear itself! No longer will I vote for a party I will vote for a candidate but they will have to earn it.

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Lenzabi's picture

Agreed, it is time to abandon the party that abandoned us.
They have turned their backs on the poor, the hard working class and the lower middle class people the party used to embrace, help and support.

They really do act like the Republicans of the late 60's, early '70's, and I blame the Clintons for finalizing it playing Republicans in Democrat clothing to help push more what the DNC started with the super delegates and the the DLC/Third way nonsense. FDR would be rolling on his grave for the travesty they have been allowing to happen to his legacy. I think all that we have left is the Social Security and Medicare programs, and they are willing to bargain those away for more of the corporate/Billionaire crumbs they seek from the same bunch who feed the Reps.

The Reps who get 70% of that money leaving 30% for the Dems, a true loser formula, rather than go with what Bernie is wanting to do.

The Corporate FatCats tried to take over the US and un seat FDR in 1935, looks like they finally did it by buying their way to control, this Primary is showing more people the utter corruption and BS, at least those smart enough to recognize it or not be spoon fed the MSM collusion pablum that is, those went for Hillary.

Of course they will try to use that fear to get you to "Not throw away your vote" as it is called in our "2-party" system. BS, we also need to get away from that and make it harder for the corporates to have an easy leash on government. More than two parties would make it more expensive for them, and also make it more difficult to pin people down with more like Bernie in charge, and less of the crazy right wingers, or the corrupt who call themselves "Progressive".

Good thread, and always a pleasure to read La Feminista. Wink

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So long, and thanks for all the fish

Zinman's picture

Hillary is every despicable thing you called her, however, there was something wildly missing in your essay: Hillary is not the Democratic nominee, so we can avoid all of her horrific potential by helping Bernie win the Democratic Party nomination.

If you don't want Trump, and you don't want Hillary, then you should work and donate your butt off for Bernie Sanders! I don't give a hoot if some pundit says it's not likely, I won't be dissuaded from voting for, and working for, Bernie Sanders in our California Presidential Primary (which hasn't happened yet).

If enough of us get out there and work and campaign for Bernie in our neighborhoods, we can give Bernie a great big California boost toward his nomination. If you don't try: it won't happen --- if you do try: it might happen. So, let's go work for Bernie to make him our next President.

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Be a Friend of the Earth, cherish it and protect it.

no contest, he would also probably win 85% of the vote in a general election against Trump. It is for others to change their Democratic leadership locally, I will again vote for Peter Welch as he is more independent than the D suggests. I have quite liked a few of our R's [eg Jeffords] for the same reason. I value highly independent thinkers

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vote for HRC, if she was the only person on the ballot.

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