Dear Senator Sanders

Dear Senator Sanders,

I congratulate you on your historic campaign and the inspired grassroots movement for progressive change you have generated. I am writing to see if you would consider joining me in a conversation to explore possible collaboration, in this hour of unprecedented crisis and potential for transformative change. At a time when the American electorate is rejecting politics as usual in vast numbers, I invite you to join me in pushing the boundaries of that system to a place where revolution can truly take root.

You have given voice to the oppressed middle class, workers and the poor in a system that serves the 1% and throws the rest under the bus. You have engaged youth in the political process, and lifted up the needs of communities of color, seniors and so many others who have been locked out.

You've proven that in today’s rapidly changing America, a populist progressive agenda covered by the media and the televised debates can catch on like wildfire and shake the foundations of a political establishment that seemed invulnerable just a few short months ago.

[... there's more ...]

In solidarity,

Dr. Jill Stein [Green Party nominee for President]

There's more here as well:

Jill Stein & Bernie Sanders Collaborating On A Political Revolution Would Be A Socialist Dream Come True
by Madhuri Sathish, -- April 28, 2016

Our votes, are our voice.

It should really be saying something ... besides "Grumble, grumble. Say Hello! ... to 8 years of 'more of the same'."

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jamess's picture

Key points of the Power to the People Plan:

A Green New Deal:

Create millions of jobs by transitioning to 100% clean renewable energy by 2030, and investing in public transit, sustainable agriculture, and conservation.

Jobs as a Right:

Create living-wage jobs for every American who needs work, replacing unemployment offices with employment offices. Advance workers rights to form unions, achieve workplace democracy, and keep a fair share of the wealth they create.

End Poverty:

Guarantee economic human rights, including access to food, water, housing, and utilities, with effective anti-poverty programs to ensure every American a life of dignity.

Health Care as a Right:

Establish an improved “Medicare For All” single-payer public health insurance program to provide everyone with quality health care, at huge savings.

Education as a Right:

Abolish student debt to free a generation of Americans from debt servitude. Guarantee tuition-free, world-class public education from pre-school through university. End high stakes testing and public school privatization.

A Just Economy:

Set a $15/hour federal minimum wage. Break up “too-big-to-fail” banks and democratize the Federal Reserve. Reject gentrification as a model of economic development. Support development of worker and community cooperatives and small businesses. Make Wall Street, big corporations, and the rich pay their fair share of taxes. Create democratically run public banks and utilities. Replace corporate trade agreements with fair trade agreements.

[... there's more ...]

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OLinda's picture

link to plan

As long as I'm dreaming, I'd like to see a guaranteed income.

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jamess's picture

still figuring out the editing tools, lol

... I am.

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would be to not be evil. The best a Jill Stein presidency could do would be saving our planet and changing the World into a much, much better and sustainable place. Bernie is showing more and more signs that he will be running for President in some capacity in November, but if he isn't, we have to more than make Jill Stein a protest vote option. We have to make her President. Both the Clinton campaign and The Trump campaign will use every dirty trick to keep her from getting Bernie like support. Jill Stein will lead the revolution if Bernie doesn't.

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Beware the bullshit factories.

I don't know why people just don't vote Green. Why on Earth would you just keep voting Democrat? It doesn't make sense.

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gulfgal98's picture

I have heard as to why many Democrats voted for Hillary Clinton. They think that a vote for Bernie or a vote for the Greens is a wasted vote. Personally, I have come to the conclusion that voting for the same neoliberal sh*t is a waste of my vote.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

SnappleBC's picture

Voting for a neolib is voting directly against my best interests and is arguably even worse than "wasting" my vote.

If more people would shake off the fear of "Ooooooh, scary Republicans" then we'd have a viable 3rd party in the US already.

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A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard

"is fear itself".

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Beware the bullshit factories.

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Twain Disciple

darkmatter's picture

I have been a yellow dog Democrat for my entire voting life. I am so done with that.

If Bernie is the nominee, I will happily vote for him.

I am done with lesser-of-two-evils voting. It's been one long con, looking back on it.

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PhilJD's picture

They could collaborate on a bipartisan bumper-sticker with the real message of that dreary GE "choice:"

Why bother?

I expect there'll be maybe seventeen votes cast nationwide; entire states will be 0-0. If Jill Stein can just drum up eighteen votes she's in!

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Hillary Clinton 2016: I'm a proud progmoderate!

at now, the only difference between a Donald and a Hillary is one has nicer hair. I wouldn't feel I "wasted" my vote one bit voting for, say, the Green candidate. If fact, I'd feel it was a vote well spent. On the other hand, voting for Trump or Hillary, should either obtain the presidency, will make one complicit in unleashing some evil shit upon this Earth and I'm just not into being even remotely responsible for that...

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jamess's picture

the way I feel,
voting for the corporate status quo,
is a waste of my vote.

Hope and Change

has a funny way for turning into:

Nope and The Same.

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Take me, for instance. I have been a yellow dog Dem since 72. I was a contributor. I was an "I will crawl miles over broken glass to vote AGAINST anything that calls itself a Republican" voter, and that involved voting for the candidate with the best chance to beat the Republican-- a Democrat. No more. The Dems are now Republicans without question, and my years of denial are over. Man, when Sherrod Brown came out for Her Majesty, spitting on labor with casual disregard, that was the last kick in the teeth I needed. There have to be more like me who will leave the party and vote Green when/if another damned Clinton is the nominee. R.I.P, Democratic Party.

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Twain Disciple

thanatokephaloides's picture

Man, when Sherrod Brown came out for Her Majesty, spitting on labor with casual disregard, that was the last kick in the teeth I needed.

Et tu quoque, Sherrod? Betrayest thou us with a kiss?

If I needed any more incentive to be an A.B.C. (Anybody But Clinton), this is it.



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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

However, in response to a pretty serious grilling by some reporter(I forget who) on Clinton, trade, and labor, he'd just say her "heart" is in the right place. Yeah. Right. As if she had one, regardless of placement.

Did you see Al Franken's video making fun of the people who'd contacted him begging him to endorse Bernie? That was another kick in the teeth moment.

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Twain Disciple

and I've always respected Sherrod. One of my UAW higher ups (very high up) who is now retired had no use for Brown when Brown was in the congress. I know it had something to do with job losses in Eastern Ohio that he held Brown responsible for. To this day he'd call Brown a snake. Maybe I'm starting to get a glimpse of what the old guy was talking about...

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Bisbonian's picture

When was that, 2004? He seemed pretty good for a thanks, now.

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"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

Mark from Queens's picture

I was so disgusted when he came out in October for Monarchy that I wrote up this diary at TOP:

Sherrod Brown Endorses Clinton? A Progressive Liberal's Rant.

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"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:


- Kurt Vonnegut

Roger Fox's picture

Than the Green Party in 16 years.

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FDR 9-23-33, "If we cannot do this one way, we will do it another way. But do it we will.

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gulfgal98's picture

IMHO, Bernie owes nothing to the Democratic party and Hillary Clinton, in particular.

My biggest concern about a collaboration with the Green party is that they are on the ballot in less than half of the states. I do not know which ones that they have qualified in, so maybe 20 or 21 big states would be enough. I do know that the Green party has qualified in Florida which is where I vote.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

other smaller Parties if The Green Party doesn't get on every ballot. I think all third parties share a common resentment against the Democrats and Republicans.

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Beware the bullshit factories.

ZimInSeattle's picture

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"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020

I am no genius but I spent about 5 minutes on the Google trying to find out if Jill stein was going to be on the Maine ballot. I gave up, I was disappointed that even the greens webpage didn't have this info, but like I said maybe it was there in front of me and I just didn't see it.

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“The longer we dwell on our misfortunes, the greater is their power to harm us”
― Voltaire

detroitmechworks's picture

Problem is that Bernie wouldn't be invited to any future debates by the MSM.

He crushed Hillary in every single one on the issues, and there's no way they will ever allow a third party candidate to do that to an establishment Politician, EVER again.

If this happens we seriously need alternative media to organize MAJOR events online that invite all the candidates, and publicly read from the position statements of the other candidates if they refuse to show. As sarcastically as possible. And if the candidate has taken multiple positions, all those positions must be aired.

Yes, this is essentially a Fuck You Hillary Debate. Heck, we could probably get the Republicans to sponsor it if we called it that, even IF we called them out on their bullshit too...

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

lotlizard's picture

That was before the Dr. Goebbelses of the two major parties got together and decided the process needed more cowbell Gleichschaltung.

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mouselander's picture

I am totally in favor of the idea of Sanders and his supporters fighting hard until the last primary vote is cast. Denying Clinton the number of pledged delegates necessary to win the nomination outright would be very meaningful, and a huge symbolic victory. But does anyone really think that even under the most optimistic scenario, Clinton's allies in the Democratic Party won't still be able to guarantee a first ballot victory via the super-delegates? The whole super-delegate system was created to deal with exactly this kind of scenario.

So how can a guy who has campaigned tirelessly on a platform of anti-militaristic foreign policy, anti-job killing "free trade" agreements, anti-for profit health care, anti-non regulation of Wall Street, and so many other anti-corporate, pro-average citizen positions turn around and endorse a candidate who, on virtually every major issue, favors the things Bernie opposes, and opposes the things he favors? It just doesn't make any sense. And to say that it's a two horse race, so you have to back one or the other does nothing more than reinforce and strengthen the corporate duopoly that is content, in election after election, to offer voters two barely distinguishable flavors of more of the same.

The contrast between Hillary Clinton and Jill Stein couldn't be clearer. The latter is a true progressive in the Eugene Debs, Robert LaFollette, Hiram Johnson mold. The former is a standard issue, right-wing neoliberal corporate tool. Yesterday Bernie asked the Democratic Party the question, "whose side are you on"? Well, the time is rapidly approaching when it will be appropriate for Bernie's supporters to ask him the same question.

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inactive account

jamess's picture

in a rare moment of candor:

DWS Unwittingly told us the 'Truth', according to the DNC
jamess -- 04/27/2016

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Szaephod's picture

Because the coverage and debates define "legitimacy." But when you look at the current situation, Sen. Sanders has effectively been denied the the coverage part of the equation, but despite that has effectively tied with the prime Deep State Establishment candidate.

Sen. Sanders, according to polls, brings about 33% of the vote with him a priori. And presumably, that brings with it audience, which means $$$.

So, the MSM will be faced with the choice of $$ now (from debate audience) vs. ensuring against possible lost $$ under a potential (but from their belief unlikely) Sanders Presidency.

We're really entering into uncharted waters, as the last marginally viable 3rd party candidate, Ross Perot, though he had a substantial following, had nothing remotely as large as Sen. Sanders.

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The spirit of party serves to enfeeble the Public Administration,
agitates with Jealousies and false alarms, and opens the door to corruption,
which finds access to the government itself through the channels of party passions.
George Washington

mimi's picture

are really useless. I don't think they will bring anything useful for Sanders. If he were to make the decision to continue to campaign as a Green Party/or newly created Party, Presidential candidate, which puts Independents and Greens together, that would really make all those HRC-Sanders debates completely superfluous. I don't think I have understood, if such a cooperation of Green and Independents should start before or after the convention. I still hope that he can get enough votes and can broker his win on the convention.

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Pluto's Republic's picture

Anyone with any geopolitical sense and awareness knows this to be true.

In recent years, international live coverage of US primary debates has broadened its reach. Tribes in remote villages from Afghanistan to Africa to Xinjiang are exposed to their vitriol. Last year, I started collecting editorials from foreign heads of state who were scrambling to explained to their agitated citizens that the American candidates don't really mean what they are saying. That they should consider the debate a reenactment of a mythical pre-historic American event. That they should remain calm and carry on.

Given that the US is the only nation in the world that roams the globe killing at will — I can imagine how hard it is for those exposed to the US political process to remain calm.

Domestically, it's another matter.

Although, sometimes I wonder if Americans are even aware that the primaries are simply a measure of "party-member preferences" and are not legally binding to the to the Parties or the Party leaders. The Party is perfectly free to throw the primary results away and select their own nominee. That's why nobody really cares if, or how, they are rigged. There is no legal risk, whatsoever. Even the candidates immediately move on to the next contest, without looking back.

So, when people talk about voting and Trump vs. Hillary…. I'm like… seriously? Party Leaders can nominate and select anyone they please to represent the Party as their Presidential candidate. And this time, they will certainly will The votes and caucuses and delegates are money-making, fund-raising, political kabuki. They mean nothing, contractually. Nor is there a social or legal "contract" binding on the candidates. Bernie can run forever if he wants to, and the Party can do nothing about it.

If Americans don't know that, then the Primaries are also an act of domestic terrorism. With a side-order of fraud.

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The political system is what it is because the People are who they are. — Plato

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Only connect. - E.M. Forster

Big Al's picture

have made it clear their primary goal politically is to prevent Trump from becoming President, meaning he will endorse Clinton and ask his supporters to do the same. He said even before he started he would not do a "Nadar" by going third party and siphoning off votes from the Dem party. He's said his revolution is about "revitalizing" the Democratic party. That's simply not going to be done with an alliance with the Greens.

It's going to be interesting to hear what he has to say at the convention regarding this because he knows it's out there hot and heavy regarding him running as a Green or an indie.

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mimi's picture

in the beginning of the campaign season, he would make himself a fool and would betray all of his followers.

I think he has to realize that a huge chunk of people in the population is ready for a new Party and want to see that happening. It should be an Independent-Green-Socialist-Social Democratic cooperation. And they should fight like hell to change crash the two party system, including the whole primary and electoral system.

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Big Al's picture

Clinton and the democratic party in the general 100 percent. From what I can tell he didn't actually say Hillary's name, which some are thinking means he's not, but there is no other way to fight 100% to stop Trump from becoming President except to support the only person that can beat him, Clinton.

So I don't think he'd be making a fool of himself, he's been clear the entire time. I think his supporters have gone a little overboard with what he was really saying about his revolution. You know I've been arguing all along that his revolution was nothing more than "more and better" democrats. That's proving true now with his statements about revitalizing the democratic party and working with it 100% to stop Trump.

The problem I have with the talk about a so called "progressive" party, however it's described, is it leaves out a helluva lot of disgruntled people in this country who will have nothing to do with socialist organizations or the greens. So we'll simply remain divided while the ruling class marches on. We talk about the 99%, but we divide ourselves by accepting these divisions because of this political system.

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mimi's picture

leaves out a helluva lot of disgruntled people in this country who will have nothing to do with socialist organizations or the greens.

Who are those disgruntled and what or whom do they want to see as candidate or as a party?

Are they disgruntled Libertarians? If yes, they should come out of the woods and commit to something they are FOR. Libertarians to me are like snakes with a forked tongue. You never know what they are for.

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riverlover's picture

I have thought of many "uncommitted" as similar to men who can't make a commitment. Yes, snakes.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

It might as well be called Toddlerism.

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The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.

lotlizard's picture

Each group is a tribe unto themselves and for themselves alone.

Keeps us divided by gender / ethnicity / heritage / grievance collection.

Apparently a lot of fund-raising at the billionaire level works that way. The billionaire leans back and says, “I’m a one-issue guy, and my issue is _______ [a parochial interest of his group]. What has your candidate got to offer?”

Whereas our constant sotto voce reminder to ourselves should be, “It’s the political economy, stupid.”

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lotlizard's picture

I would be delighted if Bernie would lead his admirers to make a break for freedom and defy the wrath of the establishment, but I’m not seeing it.

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thrownstone's picture

by supporting Clinton against Trump simply because he said he would. What I cannot see is anyone who can completely describe and discuss the corrupted state of our political system, accurately point out one thousand times how the actions of his opponent support that corruption and gain from it, and proclaim a "revolution" against the way things are could possibly support the very personification of the corruption and the entrenched power that nurtures it. That I cannot see for ANY reason. You either is or you ain't. And there ain't no two ways about it. It's not like he's got a career left in the Senate...they aren't gonna work with him there after this, are they? I won't hold it against him if he honors his word, but I'm not going to pay any attention if he tells me to vote for Hillary Clinton. What's happening is bigger than the both of us. If this wave don't sweep it away maybe the next one will.

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“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” Voltaire

lotlizard's picture

to explain to his friends and followers, “Well, we’ve made our point — now let’s get back to working with Herod and the Pharisees.”

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Not this time around. People are a lot less naive now than they were in 2000. I think that collaboration would win a 3-way race with Trump and Hillary. That might turn out to be the best option to beat the Republicans and Bernie would be staying true to his word.

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Beware the bullshit factories.

Lady Libertine's picture

re Green Party or third party. To be honest Im a little on the fence but mostly Im with Big Al here> It just ain't gonna happen. Bernie's been pretty clear on this.

I have more thoughts on the topic but they're still gelling (sp?)

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And I would vote for him if he did. He would have plenty of grounds to break his word, God knows. He didn't get anything resembling a fair shake from the corrupt Dem establishment. HOWEVER, I do think there would be something lost of the essential Bernie if he reversed himself on this issue. It's sad that he was so adamant on the subject, but he was. (Trump, on the other hand, kept his options open; he's been terrorizing the Rs into keeping their meddling to a minimum by threatening a third party run from the beginning. Very Trumpian. And it has pretty much worked. He'll get the nomination in the first round even if he falls short in the delegate count because he'll take his people and run indie and they know it.)

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Twain Disciple

mimi's picture

I understand what you are saying, but isn't the future of this country and its political leadership way too important and wouldn't it be justified on those grounds "to break a pledge", if you give the 99 percent the chance to fight for their goals and interests instead of accepting establishment policies of the two parties, who have done nothing for them?

If Trump should win the Presidency, I can't imagine that there would not be push back from overseas. So far most are not saying anything. The right-wingers are everywhere popping up in Europe and the European left is not strong or courageous enough to stem that coming right-wing flood. The US needs to lead on the left, so that the left of its supposed allied friends, get a spine and stand up for themselves against their own right-wing threats.

It would help a lot if the US would have a clear, consistent leadership under Sanders to fight those moneyed oligarchic networks and trends everywhere. Otherwise we see a world-wide right-wing renaissance. This will spell disaster all over the world. This time it doesn't seem to me like "politics as usual". Unusual behavior for an honest man like Sanders, might be just needed. It's just that bad.

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But one thing you said is truly terrifying- that the European left needs leadership from the American left. If that's so, the whole world can just pack it up. The left here is pathetic. We don't even have a real Democratic Party anymore, and God knows even the Democrats were never that far left.

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Twain Disciple

mimi's picture

need "help" from the US left, but I believe that is deceiving. I can't understand why the European left is so accommodating to the US centrists. They should be way more critical and fight, and they don't. Why not? If they had US social and social justice conditions in their own countries, they would be up in arms. But they aren't. Because they don't care, as long as they have their social services working properly for them. And now some of their social conditions will unravel and "the good old time" will be over and the "new very old times (right-wing fascist oligarch conditions)" will come out of it. I am stunned how people don't see that.

And btw. I think the whole world is on the edge of all "packing up". But where would you go?

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is that they're scared spitless of them. Do you realize what a danger we are to the world? Better to propitiate the tiger.

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Twain Disciple

I'm reminded of a certain international agreement done in Munich in 1938.

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Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.

Bisbonian's picture

Eventually, of course, all hell breaks loose.

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"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

maybe aren't so dissimilar.

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Beware the bullshit factories.

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Twain Disciple

mimi's picture

leader is that they know they are always in the middle of the two and are scared history repeats itself. They know there is no other solution for them than to try to accommodate both of them, which means, you always look like a spineless weakling to either the one side or the other. And it looks like we are already on the march toward it again.

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35 years ago i read a piece in the International Herald-Tribune about the irritating french resistance to -- indeed, obstruction of -- efforts to reunify Germany. the point of the piece was that whereas Americans took it for granted that a reunified Germany was a Good Thing, the french were more than happy with the status quo, given that their country had been overrun by Unified Germany 3 times within the memory of people they had known as children.

0 users have voted.

The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.

lotlizard's picture

the far Left, or the anarchists and nihilists, or the far Right in Germany to hear a simple truth expressed.

Namely, that — historical grudges being, it seems, part of human nature — France was not, is not, truly Germany’s ally and does not feel anything for the plight of even ordinary Germans.

All insistence by establishment politicians on the maintenance of convenient appearances, and all their professions of how French-German friendship is the foundation stone of the E.U., to the contrary.

Everybody knew France was totally against reunification of Germany, but no one was supposed to be impolite enough to point that out.

It seems that skill #1 of established politicians and their lapdog media is the ability to deny the obvious with a straight face.

Maybe that’s why they are paid so much. Telling the truth, that’s normal and expected, we learn that as kids and believe it insofar as we don’t all grow up to be manipulative sociopaths. Living the lies and propaganda of consensus reality 24/7, on the other hand, pays very well — it has to.

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The answer is that I am incapable of dissembling on the level that would be required in order to palatabilize me to the American voter.

0 users have voted.

The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.

mimi's picture

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mimi's picture

Everybody knew France was totally against reunification of Germany, but no one was supposed to be impolite enough to point that out

I rather believe that Germans know (even if some may still deny it in their minds) that there were enough just reasons to understand that the French and other European nations and the US can emotionally not be forgiving for the Third Reich and the Holocaust.

You may intellectually come to the conclusion that you can't punish a nation for generations to come for what their forefathers had done in the Holocaust and with their invasions of other countries (or other nations with slavery and tribal genocidal wars). But emotionally it seems to be impossible for most people to not count in the past in their current lives and people use their emotions to justify their current political view points on things that happened to their forefathers.

Just look how for generation to generation the sins of your forefathers follow the descendants into their own current political lives. It seems to be hard to accept that "forgetting the past" is as much a tool for future peace, as the "Never again" and "Remember, learn from you past" is a tool for the hopeful descendants of former victims to pursue and teach their kids and grandkids ot how to fight for a more peaceful future.

Just think about how we, in these days, fight for "The Right to be Forgotten" vs. "Right for transparency and access to all truthful facts" for decades and decades to come.

Look the way you fight political battles in the campaign. It's one digging into often banal and very personal things that someone happens to find in the archives, to use as a weapon against your opponent.

Just that today's online archives are neither public, nor secure from manipulation. What used to be archives that were able to prove facts, has become archives, that are able to deceive you in believing a fact that has been altered and manipulated (possible through the new technologies), and is actually not a fact.

I think we are designed for a reason with minds that can be overloaded and then shut down or with being able to memorize events, smells, sounds for your whole life ingrained in all details. At the same time we are destined to lose almost all of the other memories. What sticks to your mind and is remembered then, is measured against the public moral conscience in your current life and then either completely denied and not talked about, or it becomes a reason to fight and be active for your personal political convictions.

How can we not see both sides in this? imo, there is no other way than to see it all and accept it all as a given of the human condition, or not?

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lotlizard's picture

but sometimes dis ol' lady no can remember dakine vocaboolariez.

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lotlizard's picture

pretending to be “shocked, shocked! I tell you,” at discovering some obvious fact that almost everyone else had known to be true since forever.

"The perception has been growing in the German government that Netanyahu is instrumentalizing our friendship," says Rolf Mützenich, deputy floor leader for the Social Democrats (SPD) in parliament.

Gee, ya think?

News flash for the Foreign Ministry: the two-state solution is as vital as the blue parrot in the well-known Monty Python sketch.

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featheredsprite's picture

to get signatures on Green Party petitions in the states where they need help, then Bernie going with the Greens would be a viable option.

The earliest deadline for a party to register for the general election is in June in a couple of places [Indiana, North Carolina, and New Mexico]. The Greens are already registered in New Mexico. The deadlines for the other states are in July and August.

[about halfway down on the page, followed by some info for independents]

In some places, there are legal obstructions. The Green Party is still fighting the state of Georgia in the courts, for instance. But other states are open if you can get enough signatures in on time.

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Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.

Cassiodorus's picture

between Sanders and those of his supporters who say they're not voting for Clinton. And it needs to happen before the point at which Sanders will be expected to endorse Clinton. Are we ready for this?

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"the Democratic Party is not 'left'." -- Sabrina Salvati

and I say yes.

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PriceRip's picture

Let's pick a time and place and just do it.

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thrownstone's picture

if the OK corral is still up in Tombstone?

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“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” Voltaire

PriceRip's picture

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Lenzabi's picture

Well, in the last town hall they had at MSNBC, Bernie revealed he cannot make his supporters switch to Hillary no matter what. He recognizes the disgust with the neo-liberal policies she stands for, and that his supporters see through it all. He said she would have to earn their votes. She did not like that reveal one bit, her face went sour looking.

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So long, and thanks for all the fish

Just as I cannot see Hill second-guessing her base instincts and actually moving leftward in policy, I cannot fathom Bernie telling his supporters to vote for her. There's a promise and there's a travesty, and telling voters to vote for somebody they loathe and don't trust is a travesty and a betrayal. I hope that Bernie doesn't negate all he stands for and go there.

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PriceRip's picture

          I do not know where I will be voting in November. If I am in Nebraska, I will be writing in (or voting for) Bernie Sanders. If I am in Oregon, the question becomes more interesting because my experience of Oregon's political landscape is from the early 1970s. On the other hand, I really like the idea of a viable Green Party, to the extent that there seems to be no way to avoid the whole party thing in this (or any other) country.

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Ravensword's picture

Bernie is a man of integrity, and in his last debate he was asked about what he's doing to help the Democratic Party. Regardless of how you may feel about the Dem Party, he did say that he is helping down-ballot candidates, and later on he said that he would do all he could to get a Democrat into the White House.

I can see that Jill Stein wants to get some of that Bernie Sanders mojo working for her, and it wouldn't hurt for Bernie to have a meeting with Jill. Who knows? Maybe it'll make some superdelegates nervous of a potential Jill/Bernie ticket that could spoil their chances of electing a Democrat—though this is predicated on the assumption that many, if even any, of these superdelegates would want to have Bernie elected president, or if they're there to prevent that. However, probably the most important thing that sets Bernie apart from Hillary is integrity.

It's not a good look for him to stab the Dem Party in the back, regardless of how corrupt they are, if it means taking a shot as his own integrity.

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to justify a switch to the Greens and no real progressive will give a crap about the DNC.

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Beware the bullshit factories.