We could use a little levity.
Has anyone else made note of the fact that whatever the situation, whoever was involved, whenever it happened, Hillary was right in the middle of it? She did it. That person is a dear old friend. I know all about it, because I KNOW EVERYTHING!!!
It used to drive me crazy. Until it made me laugh. Why, you say, did I laugh? Because she reminds me of a product that I have enjoyed (and giggled about) for years. It's called Cat's Meow. It is a flat piece of wood with a building painted on it. The variety of buildings goes from the White House to old Victorians to (the one I copied when I was going to post this at GOS) Becky Thatcher's house. And in front of each building is a little black cat. Sometimes the cat is at the front door. Sometimes on the railing of the porch. Sometimes on a windowsill. But it's always there. And it always cracks me up.
Sorry I couldn't post one of the photos, but I'm technologically impaired, and I couldn't figure out how to do it. Here's the link to their site: https://www.catsmeow.com
I hope it tickles you as much as it does me. It's existence has probably saved my TV.
Note: I have no financial interest in this product.

I do this sorta thing in my paintings
There's always a kitty there somewhere, no matter the subject. Cats are far more lovable little tyrants than Hillary, but the principle is the same. In every scenario, one of them is always there somewhere, even in the background.
I just LOVE your picture
of the cat with the wig! The white cat with pink wig is cute too, but this one is just great. I love how her "hair" falls so naturally to the side of her laughing face!
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Isn't she great?
That photo makes me smile every time I see it. She's not mine, I can't remember where I found her, some Japanese Wigs for Cats site or something equally bizarre, no doubt. I switched to grumpy pink wig over at DK when I was getting so grumpy, but otherwise she has been my avatar for years across the internet.
Thanks for the Cat's Meow!
I have two black brothers who live inside with me, and one who lives outside (he was too old when he showed up at my back door to be made a pet, but I love him just the same). All three definitely see themselves as pashas in the howdah on the elephant, ferried from place to place as is their due...
ty for this
I serve not one, but two black cats. That pretty much says it. I looked at the site and love the idea of making a shelf out of an old ladder sideways. I have one and now it's not going in the garbage. Really need to think of something other than climate disruption and stolen elections. Ag!
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"Wait, did somebody say "steal" elections?"
"Then I'm just your
mancat. I've never kept a single promise in my whole life. A vote for me is a complete waste of time, but I promise to send all the mice back outdoors, and catnip in every banana."VOTE Pinky for
PreCatresidentThis message paid for by the Pinky for Catresident Committee - not affiliated with any other pet party. All proceeds go to the Pinky Catnip Fund - a Superduper PAC.
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Thanks, HappyinNM!
I just wanted to say that I think you and I chatted once on DKhaos about enchiladas. If so, I just want to say I made them your way and we loved them. Thanks for sharing!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
You are absolutely welcome to any recipes I have.
All has been learned while living in Las Cruces, the city with the best Mexican food in NM as far as I'm concerned. And it doesn't hurt that we're just 35 miles from Hatch.
I'm glad your family ate well and enjoyed. Red or green?
It was the red enchiladas.
I grew up in the north and you had a picture of yours, which are made differently from ours. You dip them in the chile. I made some and we were in heaven. Many thanks!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
That's so cute! Like Where's Waldo, if Waldo were a black cat!
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My invading kittens have started climbing me
If I sit down, they clamber up my back, if I lounge, they walk up to look me in the face (sometimes washing my cheek), and settle down under my chin. They're still so little,, and wobble around so fast, I have to check for them before I lean back. Or walk, or sit.
One of them approached a grown cat yesterday, who yowled at her, and the tiny thing yowled right back! Loudly! Hilarious.
Complicates movement right now, but they sure are cute.