My Millennial Daughter's Message on Voting for Hillary
I am posting this verbatim from my daughter's Facebook page:
This has been weighing on my mind a lot lately and I want to just put it out there. I won't vote for Hilary Clinton in the general election if she wins the democratic nomination. I can't speak for all Sanders supporters many of whom may not have the same opinion of Secretary Clinton that I do but for those who do you have a right to your own vote. No one can force you to vote for a candidate you don't believe in or that you don't trust. Some people will mock you or call you immature or a sore loser. Others will try to scare you of a impending Trump or Cruz presidency (which are both truly frightening) to get us to vote for her but in all honesty I don't want to vote for Secretary Clinton for many of the same reasons I won't vote for a republican candidate (though not all the same reasons). Our country is stronger than you think and a republican president, even a crazy one, can't destroy that strength. I think it may take a republican presidency for the DNC and the Democratic establishment to realize that it needs to change in order to get the support of Sander's supporters. My advice is not to let fear rule your decision because that is how democracy fails. I encourage people to vote for the candidate that they believe in and not just the lesser of two evils in the general election.
I had no idea she planned to make a public statement about not voting for Hillary Clinton, but I couldn't be prouder. She's right. Time to stop fearing the Republican Big Bad Wolf, when the Democrats have their own Big Bad Wolf who could very well do as much or more damage to the 99% as any Republican in the Oval Office.
After all, it wasn't Poppy Bush who got NAFTA through Congress, passed a Welfare Reform Act that harmed millions, and passed a crime bill that led the way to mass incarceration and the rise of the private prison industry. And it wasn't a Republican President that deregulated the telecommunications industry and then, for good measure eliminated the last of the New Deal securities laws that prevented banks from becoming "too big to fail" when he signed the bill killing The Glass-Steagall Banking Reform Act. That action alone is considered by many the root cause for the 2008 financial crisis.
No, it was a Democratic President, Bill Clinton, and other "New Democrats," who did so much to wreck the lives of millions of Americans over the past 20 years (unless they earn $300,000 or more per year). And now the Democratic Party wants to foist another Clinton on us, one backed by wealthy billionaires and Wall Street firms, for profit charter schools, online for profit colleges, Silicon Valley, Walmart, the Military Industrial Complex and the fossil fuel industry that is literally poisoning our planet in arguably the single largest human rights crime in history, among so many other bad actors.
So, I agree with my daughter. One. Hundred. Percent.
Great comment
you have summarized the main reasons why I refuse to vote for Hillary Clinton.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy