What next?

Bernie keeps battling for delegates in spite of Clinton's lead, winning many converts to a progressive view. Trump is riding a broad wave of discontent to the Republican nomination. The general election should break all records for nastiness. Whatever Bernie chooses to do this summer, he has earned my complete support and gratitude. I hope that he focuses the progressive movement on senate and house candidates who share its values, ignoring Clinton basically, casting his (Bernie's) presidential vote "against Trump."
Regardless, the struggle for balance between individual gain and the common good will never end (and shouldn't). People of good conscience will shift from one side to the other as circumstances change. To the extent that truth and transparency are valued, we will lurch forward in a positive direction. If "winning" justifies lying and cheating by various means, social disintegration is inevitable.
When, for instance, the Clinton campaign paid individuals to pose on the internet as independent while they proclaimed pre-written talking points against Sanders, the campaign was poisoning the well from which we all drink. "Who's paying you?" is now a valid response to disagreement on social networks. Distrust seeps in and corrodes the foundations of community. Who will trust paperless electronic voting after the 2004 presidential results in Ohio? Who will find elections legitimate after voter suppression by poll closings, ballot irregularities, onerous ID requirements, and party registration manipulations? Billions of dollars worth of misleading and dishonest advertisements have come to be accepted as natural. "Politics Ain't Beanbag." We are well down the road to collapse.
Truth, transparency, and good will can turn this around, but at some point repair becomes more difficult than starting over.

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WindDancer13's picture

can possibly get. If he does not get the nomination, it will give him (and Us) leverage at the convention and beyond. Then we pray for Karma and the FBI to kick in.

If he gets the nomination, we celebrate and then get down to the real work.

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We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass

PastorAgnostic's picture

suggests that there is not just smoke, but embers, coal, and fire in the ServerGate scandal. Even the Neanderthal dolts on the Deuce Trey Gowdey Doody committee could figure it out.

They hid a key document that would have led to disclosure of 30,000 more emails, before Teem Hillary electronically shredded them and wiped them with a rag.

Perhaps shortly after the convention, watch for a federal criminal filing against her.

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importer's picture

convention, how does that play out? Does it leave the DNC in a position to put anyone in they want (Biden) and ignore the fact that Bernie Sanders has run the gauntlet and garnered a lot of delegates? We would have the same problem the Republicans have. They don't want Trump, but they are looking at mutiny from the rank and file if they just stick someone else in on a second ballot who did not campaign.

P.S. I received a "survey" from the DNC today. They always call it a survey and REALLY want to know how I feel about things and can I chip in a few bucks to defeat the horrible Donald Trump when the time comes. Well, I told them. DWS can go F herself and that nasty skank she is trying to put in the Oval office. It is a pre-paid envelope, so I will gladly let them pay to hear what I think of them and their crooked operation.

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If she's indicted, then she'd be impeached.

But don't think we have to worry about that. If Shrillary is the nominee, we get President Trump. Did anyone really LOOK at the numbers he won by in New England states yesterday. Pretty amazing!

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importer's picture

election. I'm talking about after the convention in July, before the election in November.

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Right! Every delegate counts. I keep hitting the $27 button.

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Unabashed Liberal's picture

except the point about hoping that Bernie ignores Hillary.

If anything, I hope that he exposes even more of her and Bill's neoliberal stances. My observation is that many partisans (i.e., Dems) weren't even aware of some of FSC's more ergregious corporatist policy positions, until Bernie threw his hat in the race.

So, I hope Bernie keeps up the good work--and will do my best to assist him. I'm mostly waiting until the convention is over, before I start posting and Tweeting about many of the toxic policy positions enacted during WJC's Administration.

For example, I was surprised to find out, during the 'Grand Bargain' Debate a couple years ago, that we had a CPI 'cut' enacted during WJC's Administration. See below.

In January 1999, the BLS adopted a "geometric mean formula" in the calculation of most CPI basic indices.

The purpose was to reflect the demonstrated ability of consumers to shift away from products whose prices had increased relative to other products in the same basic CPI component--for example, away from apples whose prices had increased more than, or decreased less than, other apples in Chicago. (2) . . .

or, as the Chief Actuary of the Social Security Administration, Stephen C Goss, stated in an economic forum -- the geometric mean (CPI) reflects the ability of consumers to substitute hamburger for steak.

This CPI cut was approximately 2/3's the size of the cut that PBO has been trying to negotiate, in exchange for more tax revenue.

IMO, it's important to at least acknowledge that our most recent COLA cut was enacted by the husband of the (possibly) next Democratic President.

I agree that we should field truly progressive candidates (House and Senate), that we should continue to support Bernie as long as he's willing to lead his movement, and that we need to educate fellow progressives regarding the many harmful policies that corporatist Dems have supported and/or enacted since WJC's Administration.

But, as far as I'm concerned, one of the best motivations for change is knowing just how much you've been scr*wed over!


Thanks for the post! Have a good one.


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