DailyKos member since 2003, now banned in the middle of the night.
I have been a member of DailyKos since October of 2003. I joined way back during the Dean campaign and have been active ever since. I've been a trusted user for most of the history of the site and I've had a number of posts make the recommended, most notably, "Why the Great Experiment is Failing," which called out the decline in critical thinking and a variety of other ills in our society, which have only gotten wors since.
Yesterday, I posted a diary about a former paid pro-Clinton troll who claimed to have resigned in disgust after being repeatedly directed to go more and more negative in smearing Bernie Sanders. It quoted a fairly detailed post on Reddit that accurately mapped to the timeline and the character of the various attacks we have seen.
The veracity of the posters specific claims obviously cannot be verified as they were posted anonymously, and it is very likely that they are under an NDA (as I am for the Coders for Sanders team). If they came out publicly, they'd obviously be sued and the Clinton camp is well known for vindictiveness (they literally kept a spreadsheet of people who they felt did not support Clinton in 08 to target them for political retribution). I stand by the claims made even if this specific post is not real, because they square perfectly with many facts we do know.
At any rate, some time after I went offline last night (my boyfriend's sister arrived in NYC around 8, so we were on the subway or in Penn Station from 7:30 until 10:00), an admin left a notice that the story had been debunked and I was to unpublish the diary or face consequences. Needless to say, I did not see that until this morning, long after they added a disclaimer to the diary and banned me. I was given no reasonable recourse and was literally banned in the dark of night.
I have met Markos in person numbers times as well as a number of the other top posters on that site. I've been to YearlyKos when it was still called that in Chicago. I was at Netroots Nation when an acquaintance, Lane Hudson, famously heckled Bill Clinton. I worked for six and a half years in Democratic politics full time, designing and building over three hundred web sites for campaigns all across the country at all levels. I've met and worked with many of the people we read about in the news.
I can tell you that DailyKos generally, and Markos specifically are mere shadows of their former selves. I have no idea when arkos decided to stop "crashing the gate" and went all-in for the establishment, but it has been disgusting and disappointing to watch. I often wonder if his making the talkshow circuit on television has clouded his judgment. I do know that he and his ilk no longer represent the netroots. If I have a chance to meet him again, I will certainly ask him when he stopped believing in the things he wrote in his book (which he autographed for me).
I will not go down without a fight, not while Hillary is trying to do everything possible to lose my vote in November. I live in New York City - I do not have to vote for the lesser of two evils. And if the corporate-owned establishment of both parties and the media manages to suppress the political revolution, they'll have to deal with a physical one.

I 99.9% agree.
But I return because of LieparDestin's Bernie News Roundups (the original BNR!).
He puts so much blood, sweat and tears into that diary every single day. His passion is commendable -- not to mention his unparalleled research and reporting.
The fact that he refuses to yield to the shitshow that is DKos these days means I will continue to support his efforts. Plus, the more of us that Rec the BNRs and keep them on the top of the list, the more outside eyes they get, and the more we piss off the GOS's corporate overlords.
Yes I still support the Bernie diaries there and for 2 reasons:
1. the Berners at TOP deserve our support (IMHO)
2. Supporting the Berners who remain at TOP is a way of giving Boss Koss a poke in the eye!
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
Sean, thank you for posting that piece of truth on TOS
I take exception to one teeny tiny point you made in your diary:
Nope. Much to my horror, it appears that he is finally revealing his true self. The shadow is the act he put on before to con us all that he was a progressive and all that bs.
If you have not taken the 'red pill', and read this, do so now and it will tell you that Kos has been 'blogging for dollars' from the get go, while pretending to be a true progressive.
See more at:
( will some kind soul, pahleeze tell me how to do links? cannae figure it out...)
Sea Turtle
To add text to a link...
click the third icon from the left in the toolbar above the editor where you write your comments/essays. The icon is titled "Insert/edit link" when you hover over it with your cursor. Then paste or type the link URL in the top box that's titled "Link URL", then in the second box titled "Link Text" type the text you want to show. Then click OK and the text link will show up where ever your mouse cursor was in the editor.
It's really very easy once you've done it on time.
thanks so much! :-)
Sea Turtle
You can also...
Just highlight text in the comment that you have already typed, then click the link button, and add just the link...
The text will already be in the appropriate line...
This is handy if you are adding links to something you have copy and pasted...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
The Rabbit Hole
In case you didn't catch this above:
Certainly fills in a lot of gaps.
"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me
The appropriation of that metaphor by MRA's...
Is one of the great annoyances of our time, IMHO.
Considering they find the Wachowski Sisters to be worthy of contempt, the fact that they still steal their best ideas is just hypocrisy in action.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
yep, Boss Koss is now shining a big light on his true self
for all to see, and it ain't pretty.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
Daily Khaos
has turned into just that - chaos in it's purest form. I go there once, maybe twice, a day. I will not be bullied by the trolls anymore. This is an establishment web site with no humanity, any longer. I leave it to those who wish to hear themselves gush about HRC, although they cannot defend any of her policies or we would be reading that in the responses to our support for Bernie. It is nothing more than Daily Khaos anymore and I choose to participate less and less.
I also refuse to vote for HRC - EVER!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Daily K.A.O.S, I think
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Please save your energies for the important battles ahead
There is not much to be gained by staying over there. If you are active (are you in NY?) sign this petition here about recounting some of NY ballots. Use your disappointment/anger to help achieve your goals.
And good luck and welcome to a great place.
Wear the banning as a badge of honor.>>> I just slunk away 2 months ago, when the place started to stink... remember a fish rots from the head down.
Don't believe everything you think.
I TTFN'd on March 4
after The Grand Edict -- I reserve the right to go back and say "I told ya so" when things don't go according to plan for folks there. I've stayed pretty much true to my planned vacation -- I peek in but haven't posted or rec'd anything since my diary. A few people thought my TTFN should have been treated as a GBCW and I should be banned, but I guess my reputation for no drama (first time I've done anything like this) kept me in good standing, as well as being a longtime member who has formed connections (I do miss the SF Kossacks folks!) and didn't want people to worry.
I knew what Markos was back during the original Great Pie Fight, when he contemptuously referred to "the sanctimonious Women's Studies set" who protested sexist ads on the site -- he valued the money more than progressive social values. Got to wonder if now that he has a daughter if that's changed at all. I still participated there because it was a good way to reach a lot of people, plus there were still good people there -- still are though most of them are now here. He's not some sort of progressive Messiah; he tapped into the anger at George W. Bush and made money off of it. He's a marketer, not a journalist or a political pundit.
'Nuff said...
Stupid question
What are "TTFN" and "GBCW?"
Honestly, I feel I should know but I can't access that part of my intellect right now!
Good to be here, where I am happy to see some old, familiar faces and allies!
acronyms for Ta-Ta for Now and Goodby Cruel World
I believe TTFN is Ta-Ta For Now .. to say you'll be away awhile
but will be back.
GBCW is Good Bye Cruel World, meaning that's the end you are out of here. GBCW diarys are an auto-ban and the GBCW is the self banning method.
Personally I absolutely hate the GBCW crap, approved and pushed by the little bastard himself. It gives you an insight into his mentality.
Making light of suicide is despicable.
Suicide and quitting a blog are NOT anywhere near being in the same ballpark.
I'd much prefer KIAA instead of GBCW. Kos Is An Ass would be so much better and more accurate.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SX-HFcSIoU
Thank you!
I finally joined in ... 2013? ... after lurking for years. But I wasn't at the GOS during 2008 so missed much of the turmoil and resulting collective history. I can figure much of it out, including some acronyms, but this eluded me.
I agree with you on GBCW. And KIAA is much more appropriate.
ah yes the "womens studies" bs he spewed
he also doesn't like street protests
Never liked him. Loved the community though.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
2:45PM EDT
Petition site is DOWN. Later.
NY voter. 
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Great post! Bannable
Great post! Bannable offenses should be given 24 hours before the hammer drops. Near as I can tell there's no means to defend oneself from the admins' position anyway. There should be some sort of... "If you feel the admins have acted heavy handidly click here to respond." Sad that Markos has gone corporate. So much for crashing those gates. Guess that's been left to us. Maybe, too, why so little attention has been given to DK5.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
I'm on a TO OT
Only it's not for wondering about the shills. It's for going off on MB and referring to Kos as something I did not know was an ethnic slur towards Native Americans. That sucks, because I've always respected MB. I truly had never heard "little big man" used as a slur towards Native Americans.
Please tell me I'm not the only one ignorant of this. Is Kos Native American? I know MB is, and the comment was to him, but about shills, and Kos, and asking him, how the fuck he was still there.
Don't care about the 7days. I care that I offended MB in that type of way and could have offended any Native American who reads it.
at least I think not anyone knows the meaning
of "little big man" in its relation to being a slur towards Native Americans, but you should have linked to the exchange so that one can understand the context, imo.
isn't the phrase generally traced back to Napoleon?
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SX-HFcSIoU
I am not sure, I googled a little bit and it's not clear
to me. I think there was a Ogala Lakota Native American with that name, as mentioned here:
Crazy Horse
Facts, information and articles about Crazy Horse, Lakota Indian Leader and Native American Indian Chief
But I am sure Meteor Blades knows exactly what he is talking about, he is a true journalist and gets his sources always right and is a walking history encyclopedia, at least I heard other people saying so and when he writes he shows that too.
If this "little big man" quoted in above paragraph has anything to do with a slur, I doubt it. It would be hard to understand why it became a slur, as those men, Crazy Horse and his companion "little big man" were successful and admired warriors. So if it is a slur against the Native Americans, I don't know where it came from.
There was also a movie about Napoleon with the title "Little Big Man". Well, if that means the saying can be attributed to Napoleon or to the film maker, I don't know. But in this film the "little big man" was a clownish character, I believe. So, in books and essays "little big man" is related to Napoleon, but mainly in books and essays written afterwards.
It could be that this developed as an expression of "Schadenfreude" by the French. The Prussian king Friedrich Wilhelm I had a regiment of extra big guys (giants), which the Prussian population nick-named the "Lange Kerle" (long guys) ... They were defeated by Napoleon. So, I guess, as it was said that the "giants or long guys" were way to big to be good for combat, and the fact that they were defeated by the forces of a rather "short guy", Napoleon, may have created the saying that Napoleon was "the little big man". Who knows. I am not a history gal. I just googled for a while.
Just a quick correction...
"Schadenfreude" Is German in Origin.
Leave it up to the Germans to come up with a single word that describes such a concept.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
It was a 1970's Dustin Hoffman Movie...
That's about all I know...
I don't know how it is an indian slur...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
Little Big Man is a novel
by Thomas Berger.
The movie was based on the novel. The titular character is a white man (something Crabbe, by name, as I recall) who was captured by Plains Indians as a child, adopted their way of life, was adopted BY them, but gets kidnapped back into the white man's world as a teenager.
As a very very old man he tells his story to an earnest young academic, who takes it all down, resulting in the novel. Famous folks from history cross paths with Crabbe in his long life -- the novelist treats them all pretty satirically.
I never heard that the phrase "Little Big Man" was some kind of insult or slur. I thought the novel was pretty good, and the movie too.
I believe Napoleon was mocked with those words before
and after his fall.
It became a phrase of warning such as don't let your birches get to big for you.
The little big man is heading for a fall.
It may go further back of course. Trying to think of other short rulers. umm..
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SX-HFcSIoU
Whatever, MB gets all bent out of shape over your use
of "little big man," yet he has next to nothing to say about the US State Department's role, under Secretary Clinton, in Honduras which led directly to the repression of indigenous people's movements and the murder of Berta Caceres.
MB did write briefly about the murder of Berta Caceres but said nothing about the role played by the US State Department under Clinton. Wouldn't want to piss of Boss Koss, after all.
So the murder of an indigenous woman, an award winning activist, gets barely a mention while there is major outrage over the phrase "little big man."
Typical Daily Kos bullshit, to carry on about some phrase that nobody knew was offensive yet ignore human rights outrages whenever Democrats are in power. And MB is a part of that bullshit phoney outrage (very useful to distract from corruption of the Democratic Party).
I wouldn't worry in the least about upsetting MB. I find his great sense of outrage over this phrase, esp where you meant no offense, to be hypocritical considering the harm being done to the progressive movement by the outfit that he works for.
I'm surprised that I was allowed to write about the role played by the Democratic Governor of Colorado in the Ludlow Massacre.
This is where support for the lesserevilism gets us. Will we never learn? Is there really NO EVIL so EVIL that it cannot be called a lesser evil? MB works for a man who calls us idiots and assholes for daring to even ask that question.
I used to respect MB, but no more.
"Honduran Activist Berta Cáceres Died in Gustavo Castro Soto's Arms; Now His Life is in Danger" by JayRaye
How inconsiderate of Berta Cáceres to get herself assassinated while Hillary Clinton is running for President. by JayRaye
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
don't you think there could be a reason for these
contradictions that nobody of us know about?
I still have great respect for what he wrote on that site over the years and still do til today and I read it. It's imo ridiculous not to read his diaries and lists, just because we have come to understand that the site dailykos under the ownership of Markos and the editing forces of more and more one-sided PR, turns out not to be what we all might have thought of in the beginning?
If you disrespect Meteor Blades because he is writing for TOP, you throw out the baby with the bathtub water, imo. His writing and the site for which he writes are two different entities and you don't know what his personal (ie financial) situation is or other reasons he might have to stay there and write no matter what.
He has not sold out his convictions, I think. And does his job with which he earns a living very well. Who are we to disrespect him for that?
Long term damage is being done to working class and poor
people by that site, its stifling of progressive thought and voices, and MB is playing a big role in building up that site. He can't have it both ways. He can't get all outraged about a phrase, and then ignore the role played by a Democratic candidate in the murder of an indigenous activist in Honduras while that candidate was SOS. At least not without being a crass hypocrite.
I ignore everything that comes out of the pen of anyone capable of that degree of hypocrisy.
You are entitled to your opinion, of course, as I am entitled to mine.
I was personally aquatinted with a woman whose entire village was massacred by CIA supported death squads in Guatemala. It isn't just theoretical to me, it's real. There are better ways to make a living then by being associated with a blog that has any, any at all, connection to the murderous CIA.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
I am not in disagreement with what you are saying,
I read here, read Democracy NOW and pretty much all the links of the EB and content wise I stick with those journalists and publications. I do so for a reason. Because it's what I consider serious news digging and coverage.
It's just so annoying how much time, emotions and support I gave to the dailykos site, because, among others, of writers like MB. There were always questions in my mind about his positions, but never so serious as to disrespect his work.
The fact that I have so many questions and all the imo over-covered identity-based issues of many writers got me more dependent and upset with it. I didn't like that in myself and til today I don't know why it was so hard for me to keep my distance to that site. I guess, I am just struggling with myself, because I am angry about my past.
I understand fully what you are saying, I believe it makes lot of people frustrated, as so many would just wish he would cover stories you usually just get through Democracy Now and a couple of others regularly posted in the EB. I love the EB lists. It's the best thing that can happen to an unsophisticated news reading person with limited search capabilities and capacities to build such archives of news stories myself.
Well, I always get cranky, when I don't understand a person. I don't understand MB. That's for sure.
PS MB sold out his conviction when he failed to
write about the role played by the US State Department under Clinton in the events which led up to the murder of Berta Caceres, award winning indigenous activist. As an experienced journalist, he certainly could have covered the story. Amy Goodman, an actual journalist, covered the story on Democracy Now with interviews by women and men who worked with Berta Caceres.
Democracy Now also interviewed the daughter of Berta Caceres, a brave young woman who knows she could be the next to die. The daughter had a few things to say about the role of Clinton in her mother's death. But the voice of that young woman would not be permitted on the web site that MB chooses to work for. DK would ban her immediately for what she had to say about Hillary Clinton.
No true journalist ignores important stories because those stories are politically inconvenient to a certain blog owner. No true journalist would work for anyone who censors his writing to that degree.
No true journalist gets all bent out of shape by a phrase, were the speaker meant no offense, yet suppresses the details of story were a world-renowned activist was murdered by a repressive government which the Democratic candidate for President supported while working in a Democratic Administration.
True journalist are in the business of uncovering facts, not suppressing them.
Someone who gins up faux outrage while ignoring politically inconvenient facts is simply a political hack, not a real journalist.
[video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PhtNhfv0K60 width:500 height:315]
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
if your assumptions are true, ie
Meteor Blades did not cover the story, because they were too inconvenient to the site's owner and he had to cave in to the site's "political
incorrect bent", it would be a huge shame. I tried to follow up on what Meteor Blades writes about and what he doesn't write about. And the latter was to me always more interesting than the former. Of course I was wondering about it often. These last two years it has become a sad affair.I still have the feeling there must be more to it than meets the eye. But then this might be my general attitude to give a lot of people a lot of slack and my general bent to question any kind of extreme fixation to issues. Let's say I am half a sell-out and to a certain degree I can forgive others to be the same.
Little Big Man
Was a Lakota Brave the cousin and right hand man of Crazy Horse. He also very likely planned and was involved in Crazy Horses murder.
It's kind of like calling someone Benedict Arnold. Actually sounds like you were spot on. With out knowing it you perfectly described Kos.
If you are not aware I am Haida this is not a derogatory term for Indians it is literally an insult we use on each other where applicable.
who did you direct this response to?
Does that mean that the cousin and right hand man of Crazy Horse betrayed him? Oh my, wouldn't it have been nice, it weren't so?
Thanks for the explanation. That makes it more comprehensible now.
That is correct
Crazy Horse was murdered by his most trusted people on the suggestion of the military.
thanks, always the same shit, everywhere in the world /nt
Sean Robertson
I thought your source was credible.
They posted their descent into Hillary Smearville -- 5 months ago!
Long before the the CTR story broke. How did they get it so spot on, back then?
In any event you got a raw deal -- given your history and the whole way the ban-warnings came down.
It's not right. But then again that happens a lot with dictatorships.
I'm about done with my efforts there myself.
I've fought the good fight, only to be finally shunned by the Hillary-Packs-That-Be.
They are gonna to be one sorry sad bunch, when the Independents turn-away from Quid-pro-Quo Queen, in droves.
It will be quite amusing after the election...
when the 100's or 1000's of newly signed up Hillary supporters disappear from the site as soon as their paychecks disappear. When I look at the comment section of any diary over there, I no longer recognize even 10% of the commenters. I've been a regular participant on that site for well over a decade and recognize most of the old time posters. They're nearly all gone. Most are over here.
Come the end of November, TOP is going to be a virtual ghost town.
“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush
Thanks for uprating me last night when I got the "flag"
I don't expect to be there for long, but thanks to you, I get to fight for at least one more day.
Be a Friend of the Earth, cherish it and protect it.
Buck up. You are in good company with me.
Welcome to the club.
Your source was creditable I heard about the operation in October and remember thinking that the internet exemption was only for blogging done without compensation. the minute they paid people to respond and place posts on social media, they have a legal requirement to include a disclaimer that the post was paid for, and have to disclos by whom. Shillary's campaign is trying to say that disclaimers are only required for ads placed for money on another website. They are wrong.
DROS has always labled laying out a fact pattern as conspiricy theory.
I first got banned from Kos I don't remember when, 2003? for stating facts about the collapse of bldg 7 on 9-11.
I know a b it bout the comparative strength of materials at high temperatures and the temperatures atainable with various fuel sources.
I am a Metallurgical Engineer and have worked for the Dept of the Navy, the DOD, Rocketdyne, NASA among others.
Then I was banned for pointing out that the recount done in Ohio was a machine check and not a real recount and would not detect the actual manulipation that had occured. IE the header cards which indicated the candidate order had been switched in heavily Democratic precincts which lead to a 60 precent vote for Bush and a large number of inexpliable votes for empty spaces on the ballot. I said that if we just moved on, then it WOULD happen again. We needed to get to the bottom of it.
And got ban hammered
So yeah, this thing with DROS not new.
Iwrote a diary about th hyper acid stripes in the ocean caused by the burning of high sulfur bunker oil by the container ships going to and from China, and got attacked by Fish out of water whonI would never have expected, and someone that I had never seen comment before named War Admiral, who was evidently not Man O War's sire but a horse's ass none the less.
I read and listened to videos that explained the
engineering part of the collapse of the towers very late, many, many years after 9/11/2001, and was then a bit amazed, because the physical engineering based arguments seemed reasonable to me. I asked a polite question about it on dailukos and got a pretty tough warning and response by Meteor Blades. Apparently nobody could believe I had never heard about it before.
In any case the question was dismissed and considered a trouble making question supporting conspiracy theories. I remember being pretty shocked and pissed off about that. I also was such an obedient dkos reader to never, ever having read any diary about the I/P conflict. That came a little easier to me, because as a German it's not easy to have an opinion about it on a US blog. Later I could see that having closed my mouth over these issues was considered a coward attitude, enabling atrocities against Palestinians and refusing to stand up for their rights.
That made me again pretty angry. And their Godwyn regulations seemed to me ridiculous. But that's just me. I am the last person to compare anything to Nazis and Hitler, it usually is BS to do so.
You know, it gets really pissy at times. And the anger about it, is what keeps people attached to that dkos site, it's a sort of negative attachment. One day I will get clarity in my mind what it's all about from a psychological view point. But now I have better things to do.
Meanwhile I got used to the fact that almost nothing in US political affairs gets a truthful report. Everything is always "in the fog of something".
That is the most severe thoughtcrime there is
If you question the ability of a plane's worth of jetfuel to collapse a modern skyscraper, then you must also think the thousands of buildings that have been retrofitted against fire collapse, and all the building codes than have been rewritten are part of some giant propaganda exercise.
What kind of comment is that supposed to be ?
The fact that I ask a question about the arguments raised by some engineers, doesn't mean that I question the ability of a plane's worth of jetfuel to collapse a modern skyscraper.
That's a pretty insulting comment, to be frank. May be you question your own thought crimes along the way. Jeez. Thanks for the flowers.
If you will, just leave me alone, ok? My thoughts are free. Basta.
I was being snarky, sorry.
Calling something a thoughtcrime, straight from Orwell, is a way of mocking the entire enterprise of forbidding thoughts/topics/questions using violent authority (like banning at the democratic-whores' site).
I was also snarkily pointing out the fact that the entire building/engineering professions have actually ignored the 3 buildings that collapsed that day, rather than acting as if they had really discovered that skyscrapers could just collapse in on themselves if they caught fire. I guess my inability to make direct statements on the subject is part of my internalization of Big Brother and the thought police, which is disturbing, but I fear it is a useful survival skill in general.
ok, I don't understand a word you are saying, but
sometimes I think the comment "I was trying to be snarky" doesn't cut it. Anyhow, I understand the circumstances under which I asked a question online about the videos I saw back in the days without realizing that discussions of those videos was supposedly a move to enable conspiracy theories. Apparently some folks on dailykos can't or couldn't imagine that there are people out there who haven't read zillions of essays and were not aware of certain "regulations" of that holy place over there.
Really, I don't care. Your comment drew conclusions about my thinking that didn't sound snarky to me. I guess I am deaf on one ear.
Anyhow, your apology is accepted. Sorry too that I flipped out over your comment. All of it is way not worth it. And btw I read Orwell just once in in my life, in the sixties, ing the German language, and remember as much as nothing. So, I don't recognize often references to certain literature by their wording in English. It was my intention to read tons of books I gathered through the last ten years. They are all in boxes, packed. I fear sometimes I will not unpack them ever and read. I am way too tired of life and sick of this world.