What Democracy?
Interesting article on Al Jazerra
A few outtakes.
American democracy is rigged Hamid Dabashi
Hamid Dabashi is the Hagop Kevorkian Professor of Iranian Studies and Comparative Literature at Columbia University.
This entirely undemocratic, arcane, draconian, and ipso facto rigged aspect of the US electoral system came to a crucial dead-end during the New York primaries of the Democratic and Republican parties on April 19, when Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump won their respective primaries
Now, consider the fact that according to reports, "only 19.7 percent of eligible New Yorkers cast a ballot, the second-lowest voter turnout among primary states after Louisiana, according to elections expert Michael McDonald".
It is not, therefore, accidental that much to the chagrin of Sanders and his massive supporters among independents, "Clinton has won every state so far that's held a closed primary".
And my personal favorite.
These two parties, Republican and Democratic, are today functioning like two identical but competing Orwellian Ministries of Truth - systematically, consistently, unabashedly disallowing any critical thinking or nonviolent democratic action to enter and disrupt the always-already rigged election.
They have steamrollered the process by the sheer weight of cash and influence whereby nobody else can compete. Yes, an extremely rich person can run for President, but they cant as yet afford the party apparatchiks down the ballot.
In another article to day the key quote
Throughout the US primary season we have seen plenty of examples of the American news media not only reporting political developments in the race for the White House but playing a central role in them - especially when it comes to the number of hours given over to Republican candidate, Donald Trump, or the tone of inevitability when it comes to the coverage of Democratic candidate, Hillary Clinton.
The media and the elite work hand in glove since the latter owns the former, from the first article
So crucial was this victory for Clinton that soon after this primary, the New York Times - which now openly, unabashedly, and against any norm of journalistic decency or professionalism acts as the official organ of Clinton's campaign - was so confident of her victory that it began to speculate about who her running mate might be
The Two Parties have become fundamentally corrupt, exclusion has become their byword to electoral success, either by exclusion or gerrymandering. I remember "Democrats" whining over Republican gains and the subsequent gerrymandering, only because they could not do the same. [Same goes for purely political appointments to SCOTUS]
The Clinton campaigns internet trolling is not to garner more votes but to suppress them., it's aim is not convince but to disgust. Voter suppression at its most insidious. When you profess to embrace democracy but your actions are contradictory to everything you say, then you are lying. The only objective is to maintain the already gamed system.
If Bernie decides to support this system by giving his backing to Hillary, then there is absolutely no point in talking about a revolution; it's called a rendition. Without campaign finance reform the system remains intact and this is why it is denigrated by the Party faithful on both sides of the aisle [as well as their tacit approval of Citizens United] is endangering any thought of a return to the Democratic process.
I am glad that many more people are waking up to the reality and quite frankly I don't care from which side of the aisle they are its about the principle of a fully functioning Democracy or an Oligarchy where two parties have but one face.
Yes! Today's front page NYT has early speculation
on who she will pick. Implied, if not stated, is that she has made the Turn to the GE, unlike she got to do last month.
I am no sports fanatic. The observation fits, however, that the DNC, after losing many political races, has bought the entire playbook of the RNC. Which is money, lies, suppression of votes, all for a Win.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Indeed, SCOTUS has become not what was intended it is
purely just another fully owned subsidiary of the two party system
Both excellent points
I was reflecting on how HRC has bought the Rovian playbook while I was reading the diary.
Maybe Roberts will spearhead a change in how SCOTUS justices are chosen? He doesn't think they should be political.
I wonder what it would take to convince PBO that it is in his own best interests and the best interests of his legacy to allow prosecution of HRC for mishandling/jeopardizing state secrets and breaking FOIA rules? I wonder what pressure he is under from HRC and her elite backers to let the whole thing slide?
Would it make him vulnerable, too?
If only for negligence in his management? He often doesn't seem to be in control of the executive branch.
There's also his argument that we can't let Americans sue Saudi Arabia for 9/11 terrorism because then people in others countries could sue also us for ours.
We also observed, during his tenure
as POTUS, abandonment of the position of Party Head. He walked away and delegated DWS to "run" the party. And did not decide, executively, after 2010 losses to fire her. Corporate Boards would have fired him as CEO.
I felt that he took hold and walked off from the Democratic Party and abandoned the Progressive portion of that completely.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Obama dumped the progressives before the
inaugeration! He shunned the progressive caucuses, including the progressive black caucus so he could play golf with Boehner. When Obamacare was having hearings, they literaly threw out supporters of single payer. I think the message was loud and clear from the get-go that Obama was in the pockets of big business.
Obama singlehandedly, well maybe some help from Little Debbie, orchestrated a Republican take over of the house. That made it so much easier to keep any progressive legislation from getting through, or for anyone to try to prosecute the Bush/Cheney/CIA cabal.
I don't think I'm overstating the case, many may think this is conspiracy stuff; but, in fact, it is a conspiracy. Anyone who hasn't connected the dots on why nothing good has happened for the American people since Reagan, needs to rethink the trajectory in this country. I think this makes us the "baddies" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VImnpErdDzA
I don't think you are over stating the case.
You make good points and I think the facts support you.
Jimmy Carter said that he, as president, would not be helping to build up the Democratic Party. And, he followed through on his promise.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
that's a really good point. I remember other Dems running away from Carter back then, when it came to their own election/re-election, he was like a pariah (and now we all know why, right?)
That goes rather nicely with the one point lafem made in the post, too:
If Bernie supports the system by backing Hillary, you'll know it's all over, IMO. And by "all over", I don't mean "the election", although you could make a case for that, too...
I remember Axelrod on Sunday news, happily saying, there's
no doubt we'll lose the House, and that will be OK. The Repugs will be reasonable then.
The tell for me was his financial team picks.
Does anybody remember the online what matters to you website?
In general, it was: legalize pot; go get the bankers and TBTF - jail; prosecute Bush torture, wherever it leads; high speed trains; environment - solar and residential wind; single payer. There were more but these were the top picks.
I screen capped all of this stuff because I thought it would go away. And at South X SW I talked with an Obama tech guy who said they would get that web site back up. I knew he didn't stand a chance.
You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again you did not know. ~ William Wiberforce
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The same pressure he was under to
put fucking Rahm Emanuel in the White House as his "right hand man" and the same pressure he was under to keep retreads from both W. Bush and Clinton in his Executive Branch.
I still say that TPTB let him sell Hope and Change believably because in 2007, the guy actually believed it. Sincerity sells. No way he sold that shit as a Bad Actor in that first run. It was not until after he was sworn in the first time that things went straight to Hell. Yes, I'm from that old school where IMO, some variation of the following took place: on January 21st, 2009, someone sat his ass down, put a gun in his mouth and started showing him pictures of his family, interspersed with clips from the Zapruder film. And here we are, eight years later, Barack Obama has been an excellent student. He's progressed very well on behalf of the real owners of this planet.
The only way we're going to beat that kind of thing is to stop trying to figure out their every move and get on with the bigger fight....Sanders is the next chapter in that fight. We have GOT to get it together pretty soon...
Obama's tone changed about two weeks before the election
as soon as it was clear that he was going to win. I do think he sold out earlier than his inauguration.
It may have
but it must have been kind of subtle and/or people just flat-out weren't expecting it anyway, so they weren't really looking for it. I think the word is duped--yes, weren't we all? At any rate, the flip-floppery was breathtaking, but you can still imagine that once he was Actually President, he could be told such things straight to his face, whereas until then, it could just be hinted at.
You gotta figure, the guy's not dumb, he probably caught on to the hints those last couple weeks, but something sure whipped his ass into line real quick, should he have ever thought about straying (or being a Hero and all that might entail).
Yes, it was subtle - tone and the people he was assembling
Easy to talk yourself out of, and I did. Then in his inauguration speech, there were some troubling sentences, although I was still giving him the benefit of the doubt then. I still did phone-banking for him for the ACA, but felt sick afterwards at what actually went through.
We worked so hard for him in '08, and watching the returns come in. I remember sitting on the floor with tears running down my face, I was so hopeful. Terribly disillusioning.
C'mon, we knew he was a sellout much sooner
Remember his obscene pandering to the homophobes by picking rabid homophobe Rick Warren for the invocation? Remember that the "good guys" (including Pete Seeger!!!) were all shunted off to the "pre-game show" so they "wouldn't matter"?
We had PLENTY of warning all along that Obama would agree with anything, compromise with anything, sell out anything and anyone that got in his way. The only hope was that he "could be pushed" - and it turned out to be like trying to push water.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Yes, I should have caught on sooner
But I still hoped - against hope, as it turned out.
His meeting with AIPAC
escorted by Rahm, was the turning point. I don't doubt the pictures of his kids bit, either...but he was doing their bidding well before the inauguration. Remember, Bush basically retired early, Obama started organizing his/Cheney/bush's cabinet in late 2000.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
8yrs. Clinton, 8yrs. Bush; Prez. Marshmallow seemed like fresh
Oh, what happens when Politics is only a hobby.
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I remember hearing something about Carter coming
out of his initial meeting after the inaugeration with tears in his eyes. I always wondered what the message was that he got.
I think they all get that "come to Jesus" moment when they find out they are not running the show.
Nixon actually thought that being president made him the boss. The Watergate burglary could well have been a set-up. From what I've read, Nixon really didn't know anything about the break-in, many say that it was a stupid thing to do, that there was nothing to be gained from it. It was such a ham-handed break-in, leaving tape on the door for the security guard to find, leaving identifying information there as to who broke in and WHERE THEY WERE STAYING - all leading back to Nixon. What Nixon was guilty of was trying to cover it up. That's where they got him. Nixon was too good a lawyer to have been sucked in to the initial break-in plan and too paranoid. John Dean "guided" Nixon through the scandal. Others went down, but Dean never did. I always thought he gave Nixon bad advise and guided him into the coverup. It was George HW Bush who ultimately told Nixon he would have to resign. The irony just never ends.
January 1973
Bush leaves the United Nations to become chairman of the Republican National Committee. A month later, the Senate Watergate Committee is established to investigate the administration's involvement in the Watergate break-in.
August 6, 1974
In a cabinet meeting on August 6, 1974, Bush tells President Nixon that Watergate is sapping public confidence. The next day, he sends a letter to the president suggesting that he resign. President Nixon announces his resignation on August 8, 1974.
What I remember is that after the family went very publicly to
the Grand Canyon, there was a lot of chatter about threats to his family. They got very, very quiet.
I hope one day we find out all that happened with this president and first family.
His choice of cabinet and advisors meant he was well vetted in advance or he would have been steamrolled by "establishment" dems. But there was more going on because of being black. What a mess.
Liberals couldn't condemn policies without feeding racists and Republicans/opo types looking to land a solid loss in his direction. This was a no-win.
We got a terribly compromised Democratic president. And a terribly compromised electorate.
You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again you did not know. ~ William Wiberforce
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Yes, the race card pretty much eliminated any
complaints from the Peace Movement, etc. Anyone on the left that wasn't happy with Obama was dubbed a racist. We criticized the crap out of Bush/Cheney, but when Obama not only continued their policies, but made them worse - crickets.
That is what all the talking heads are talking about...
Hillary's VP - who will it be? Sherrod Brown, Warren, or a whole bunch of other centrists I don't know. One more time, they are dismissing Bernie and pushing him into the past. What they can't push into the past is her and Trump's HIGH negative ratings. Gallop says she's hit a new low. Only 36% of voters including Democrats like her.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I wonder if Rahm is toxic enough for them
Boy is this a mouthful.
The only action is to vote third party. We need to kill both of the establishment's parties.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
That is the ONLY direction we have at this time
We have to go that way, IMO, no matter where it leads. It's the only road out of this mess.
Bernie can still get the D nomination
Let's not give up on him now.
True, that
after the convention, if he doesn't take the nomination for whatever reason, would be my frame of reference. But you're right, best not to perpetuate the idea that he's already lost or that everyone is giving up.
He just opened offices in California--he's damn sure not giving up, I was so happy to see that, I made another donation! Thing is, it's also become pretty apparent that there's massive, deliberate disenfranchisement going on, along with some questionable vote counting. To combat that, we have to turn out in huge, huge numbers in the rest of the primaries, I don't know how else to do that but canvass and make phone calls. But beyond that, we must also at least start thinking of alternative avenues of movement, particularly since the general news distraction levels sort of ramped themselves up naturally in the last week![Sad](https://caucus99percent.com/sites/all/modules/smiley/packs/kolobok/sad.gif)
Its over
After New York I realized the super-delegates will install Hillary as the nominee even if Bernie wins more delegates. Its time for Plan B.
Is that based on your crystal ball or your chicken bones?
With all due respect, you do not KNOW that. You might believe it, and you might be right. You do not KNOW. Are you probably right? I think so, but I'm not allowing that framing to take place. People still have to vote. There is the FBI. She could drop dead. And if she is elected, hopefully she will be impeached. Buck up. Look at all of these wonderful possibilities.![Wink](https://caucus99percent.com/sites/all/modules/smiley/packs/kolobok/wink.gif)
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
He can still get it, and even more so,
He can stop Hillary from having enough delegates to win without the superdelegates. No matter what, I just want to blow Hillary and the Democratic Party to hell and back so we can start over again.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
That is a major reason we must not give up on him now. Now, more than ever.
The campaign is much more
The campaign is much more than winning. He is huugely expanding the progressive base with each state he visits.
Which between the DWS and HRC will try and throw in a ditch
agree completely
people need to stop allowing Them to frame it and define it. MSM and DNC are trying desperately to say she has already won. She hasn't.
Look how many contests were close ties or outright ties. Because the way caucuses are done we dont have a solid number for actual total votes, a head count, but basically the popular vote overall by the time we get to the Convention should tell a very important story. And that 'story' is... the Party is most certainly split almost 50/50 and the Left wing of the Party, the Bernie side, is weighted BY LEAPS AND BOUNDS with the future, i.e. the "youth", while Hillary/Establishment is clearly both Past and Corporate Owned.
The short term goal is making sure Bernie has maximum leverage in this final stretch. After that, we'll see. But "over" it is not.
would fit right in with the Clintons,and has already been on their payroll but I think his political career is over with the cover up of the(alledged) Laquon McDonald murder.He did endorse her but did not campaign for her.Maybe a little to toxic!
i think so
agree. you can bet that he will give his supervote to her tho. not too toxic for that. ( I presume he is one ). So sick of these people.
Oh, heavens no
he's got to stay the course in wrecking Chicago some more. They went to too much trouble to get him re-elected for him to jump ship and go back to Washington.
And aren't we all the luckier for that? You gotta get those silver linings where you can, I guess ;-/
True, that.
But he has help from our governor.
Zephyr Teachout for Bernie's VP!
She'd be great in policy and most of the balancing criteria (except East Coast, and I think that could be worked with). And she's a great campaigner.
Original tell
When news of Ginny Thomas making a half million from "consulting" with groups with business before the Supreme Court didn't gain any traction from the media or the Dems it was the beginning of the end.
That really signaled to me that this was a system both the media and the Dems were more than happy to protect.
And why Bernie scares them both.
"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me
Sometimes New Yorkers forget
that there is a whole country outside of them, let alone a whole universe out there. They think that whoever wins NY rules the earth. This insular world view might explain some of the speculation on VP picks, without any collusion with the Clinton machine.
Of course, some of them ARE part of the Clinton machine.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
Many New Yorkers are unaware
that there is Another part of NY. More rural, and this time Sanders-leaning.
And Upstate extends beyond the Catskills and Adirondack Park.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
That helps sell it
for sure. NYC is where Media largely is HQ'd or at least operates from, so it's definitely a factor in this narrative. But the other thing is, yes, they've got to push that narrative and push it hard. If Clinton really can be indicted for anything serious, Comey is starting to get a little impatient by now.
Wouldn't it be neat if, once we have hindsight, we learned that the FBI agreed to let the primary play out first because they would have rather seen Sanders than Clinton? Maybe Trump scares the bejeezus out of them, too? I don't think either Mr. or Mrs. Clinton have any fans in that Bureau. Some Republicans want to see her do a perp walk because she's an actual perp, not because of some petty political vendetta....
Great piece here comparing "Correct the Record" with
The 4chan Gamergaters:
"Except where GamerGate is an utterly foolish expression of cultivated identity with a net result of harassing people (mainly women) online, “Correct The Record” is a SuperPAC with unlimited amounts of funding working in support of a candidate for President."
The Clintonites abuse of racism and sexism terminology has been
LaFem, remember when they got thousands of Kosers --
to sign these huge pledges to denounce anyone who called Obama racist names? Of course the folks at Breaking Brown and at Black Agenda Report would tell you that Obama hasn't really done anything for Black people outside of chiding them for their "inappropriate" behaviors while Black net worth vis-a-vis white net worth has suffered its worst hit since the Great Depression... so that's anti-racism at Daily Kos in a nutshell. if you're over there give Denise Oliver Velez my regards...
"A reminder: the US has the #1 most expensive healthcare system in the world, yet we rank roughly #42 in life expectancy." -- Luigi Mangione
And somewhere I read on the internet...
O recently chided BLMs because they needed to work through the system. I am not AA, I cannot speak for AAs, but as a white person I found that dismissing. Grow up. Much like the Bernie group.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Yvette Carnell, from back in 2013:
on Obama's speech at Morehouse College, a historically-Black college:
"A reminder: the US has the #1 most expensive healthcare system in the world, yet we rank roughly #42 in life expectancy." -- Luigi Mangione
I call them "kosaks" now
Rather than use the traditional "Kossaks." Or was it "Kossacks." I don't even remember anymore. Anyway, the reason I do so is that it is a form of Dwarvish http://www.stormnexus.org/Dwarven_Language
"Kos" meaning "Ugly," with a suffix of "ak," which "is attached to new words to show that they are abstract concepts, such as Kulak (blackness or darkness, literally 'abstract black')." So "kosaks" are "abstract ugly," or "ugliness." What do you think, does that fit?
If you're going to build words, how about...
hack. [very common]. 1. n. Originally, a quick job that produces what is needed, but not well.
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That makes it a little too obvious
When addressing them directly. I like being a little more sneaky when I'm deliberately insulting someone.
well, one thing's
for sure. clinton has done an excellent job of suppressing the vote. She suppressed any hope of getting my vote should she win the primary.
I've put yard signs up for almost every election since 72. McGovern, Carter, Mondale, Dukakis, Clinton, Obama. The almost was Bill Clinton's second term. By then I'd realized he was in corporate America's back pocket. And Obama's second term. By then I'd realized he was in corporate America's back pocket. But, more importantly, he was perpetuating the Middle East quagmire. I'll never support a candidate that is pro-war. I can look over a lot of shit but not that. Which leads to this paragraph in the article.
He should have added torture in that
It's called a Republic but really this political system is
an oligarchy (a small group of people making decisions for the whole) controlled by a plutocracy. Technically, that's called a plutarchy. So we live in a plutarchy. It doesn't matter if the voting machines weren't rigged or the electoral process wasn't corrupt, it's still an oligarchy, not democracy. Perhaps if the oligarchy we elect (Congress) wasn't corrupted and influenced by the plutocracy it would be a better situation but it would still be an oligarchy.
We do have direct democracy aspects in the states with the referendum and initiative processes where we can vote ourselves, without our masters making the decisions for us, to legalize weed, gay marriage, approve the building of bridges, raise taxes, build schools, etc. But everybody's too chickenshit to demand that at the national level. Excuses are made like it wouldn't work so the plutarchy can maintain control.
People can vote third party, hope Bernie goes indie, all that, but it's still not democracy. The question is, do the American people really want democracy? It appears the answer is no. So we, collectively, might as well quit bitching about it.
Can't want what you don't know
I return again and again to the media. They are misleading the people into supporting Hellery. The few citizens that try to be informed are misguided by the MSM. If you don't seek out progressive voices, you never hear the message...and you've got to seek them out.
Think of all the issues never discussed on MSM. TPP, Democracy Spring, OWS, the Clinton Foundation, etc. etc.
If and when people wake up. They try to vote...and are denied access or possibly have their vote flipped...and give up. Building an inclusive sustained movement isn't easy. Like many of you, I feel like it can't happen within the party structure.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
That's why it's up to ALL OF US to
keep bitching. "Giving up" is not an option.
I was just part of a discussion about "media" and "propaganda" this morning with a longtime friend (I wasn't alone in it, there were several of us); she's of the "no way are we being lied to" camp, that is, she can't imagine there are people that evil on our televisions, flat-out LYING to us. I think we managed to get her attention though, with the notion of "staying away from The News". That's where the vile propaganda lives, for the most part..
rational news?
Gotta go to youtube...it ain't on broadcast. We don't even have Bill Moyers anymore. Gotta help people find reasonable information. I like to stream Democracy Now, Hartmann's "big picture" (but I fast forward through the argue with republicans segment), TYT segments, etc
Here's my short list of sites for people to explore:
I'm a retired teacher. So I guess through my lens it is educate, educate , educate.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Oh, no doubt!
I've accessed all those sites and they're way more respectful of readers' intelligence than your average cable channel. For the most part, you get solid news and not a lot of op-ed disguised as news. It's actually great to have the juxtaposition available right now, for teaching purposes. My favorite lesson: read the front page of a cable outlet like MSNBC and then read the front page of Alternet. Describe and write down the differences you see. Do that for a week. See if you start seeing patterns.
Man, I love critical thinking but our schools have abandoned teaching small humans how to do that. It's so much easier to just turn on the television and half-listen while you're paying the bills or cooking dinner...
Have you also noticed
that op-ed pieces are no longer being labeled as such? I spend a lot of time in major media outlets posting comments pointing that out. = )
Old/retired teachers never die, we find other ways to educate. The gross inequity between teacher pay and that of a corporate hack ensure that only the most dedicated and the truly I-could-care-less teachers enter the field. The dedicated tend to get beaten down by the system. that leaves us with the don't-care group for a huge portion of he population, and those people generally do not have critical thinking skills themselves so cannot teach them.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
True story!
I'm old enough to remember a time when any kind of opinion whatsoever had to be clearly labeled, especially on television. Where I grew up, such things took place at the end of any given broadcast of the Six O'Clock News locally, by one of the three channels that had such news of their own. Always, there was a banner underneath the anchor making the commentary, superimposed over them throughout their opinion-making, and it said "Editorial" and the person's name. They got maybe 2 or 3 minutes to make the case for (or against) something once per week.
Now, the viewer (or listener, and sometimes even the reader) has to figure it out for themselves. And it's hard to say most are good at telling the difference sometimes. So I am glad there are still a lot of educators, former educators, former reporters, and other people who still give a shit enough to point it out--thank you![Smile](https://caucus99percent.com/sites/all/modules/smiley/packs/kolobok/smile.gif)
I remember the banners also = )
I can still find the occasional story marked as opinion, usually it is a Sanders' story. For some reason (like I don't know what that is), the HRC stories are rarely marked so most people just accept those as chiseled-in-stone truth. As the "news" stories are far, far from balanced, I tend to lump them in with opinion and that includes pretty much all television "news." It certainly was not the way I was taught to write, even in my first high school journalism class.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Thank you so much.
You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again you did not know. ~ William Wiberforce
If you can donate, please! POP Money is available for bank-to-bank transfers. Email JtC to make a monthly donation.
Shame on you!
You said "oligarchy"! Didn't Kos teach you that it's a dirty word?
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
It's like reverse psychology for me--if I see him espousing some POV, I can always, immediately, see how the opposite of whatever it is would be the actual way to think![Wink](https://caucus99percent.com/sites/all/modules/smiley/packs/kolobok/wink.gif)
The Racism/Sexism/Anti-Semitism Canard
So if I don't like turnips, that means I don't like vegetables?
HRC changing gears to VP mode? Go for it, you conniving C-word. Maybe you'll put all your eggs in the wrong basket like you did the last time you ran for POTUS! Wouldn't that be shweeet?
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Ha! :-)
Why can't I remember who she was going to pick? I vaguely remember something like that...
It's clear to me now.
It's Boaty McBoatface writ large.
"The real power is in the hands of small groups of people and I don't think they have titles. -- Bob Dylan"
Yes, in the world, we are now
Yes, in the world, we are now the Baddies, the Imperialistic Republic known with an honest name would be the Corporatist States of Oligarchia, and the DNC wants to anoint Hellery as the High Grand Plutarch of it all. If they do that, it is Greens come the GE
So long, and thanks for all the fish