Resilience: Could We Build a c99 Resilience Group?

Are there c99ers who would be interested in a resilience group? Along with conscientization, resilience is my major interest. I would be happy to provide regular content if more than 10 or so folks are interested.
I would propose we use minimal rules; maybe just a handful of identified tags and some kind of banner thingy to signify all Resilience posts. You're welcome to provide content, only if you wish, no pressure. My mac is stuffed with content :=)
I welcome your input: let me know in the comments if you'd be interested in reading and discussing Resilience topics. A bit more below:

Let me know the topics in which you are interested. Here's how I see it.
There are mainly two resilience categories for us, given the states of politics and climate change:

Personal Resilience
These are things like personal skills, training, family, resources, ideas, DIY, low-tech, how-to, etc.

  • Could I use a rotary phone?
  • What's a sickle?
  • Could I power my garage and tools with solar?
  • Could I grow and pickle veggies?
  • Could I teach my kids about resilience?

Any topic is welcome. I'm as happy to discuss finding a wind-up watch as I am discussing off-grid solar. In all posts, folks could ask questions. We could place them on a list and folks could write up something if they know about it.

Local Resilience
These are things about our street, neighbours, street block, neighbourhood, and local community

  • What could we neighbourly friends do together to make things happen?
  • Could our neighbourhood/block create it's own renewable energy local grid?
  • Could we neighbours talk about a community garden plot?
  • Could we start a tool library?
  • Could the mostly-empty local church become a neighbourhood resilience centre during the week?
  • Could we teach neighbours on a regular basis somewhere nearby how to cook from scratch, can, pickle, grow, sew, etc?
  • What if we made and sold things for a resilience fund through a workers cooperative?
  • Suppose we organized a tree planting party in the neighbourhood/block?
  • Let's get the local library onside: order in resource books, hold skills training workshops there, etc?
  • Could we neigbours discuss how to buy food locally?

The sky is the limit. I try not to reinvent the wheel. The global model for local resilience is the Transition Network, which began in the town of Totnes, England. We could use their experiences and work to kick off discussions.

Those are the only two categories of resilience topics in which I am interested for this group. Topics about regional, state, federal resilience are irrelevant. Discussion of those topics belong in the OTs and comm-page posts. In these times, personal and local resilience are all that matters to us and our families and neighbours.

Two last thoughts
There is no point in teaching me how to spell neighbour properly: I was raised British colonial :=)
I'm not big on "sustainability" any more. Our climate, environment, and politics ensure that very little of human creation can be sustained anymore. Except those things within us: consciousness, resiliency, skills, learning, will, mind, caring, love. Within our personal control lies only resiliency: personal and local.

Administrative points

  • If you folks think we could proceed somewhat in this manner, we could figure out a common banner thingy to announce resilience posts.
  • My habit is to announce every post title with "Resilience:" blah, blah.
  • If we could use these post tags as a start (and please help figure out tags and search on the site):
  • resilience,
  • local resilience,
  • personal resilience,

That seems like all the admin we need. Please let me know more.

Peace be with us, if we work towards resiliency,

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Gerrit's picture

I will respond to your comments then. Have a great day,

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Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.

Martha Pearce-Smith's picture

At least I am willing to try... Smile I could share a lot of my Green Witchery/Wizardry stuff.

edited to add: I like the term, Resilience. I also like the word "adapt"....

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Please help the Resilience Resource Library grow by adding your links.

First Nations News

Bisbonian's picture

The only chance for our grandchildren is adaptation.

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"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

Gerrit's picture

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Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.

mhagle's picture

I think this concept is really important and I'm thankful for all of your essays.

Resilience for introverts? I don't see myself doing any community organizing. Especially here in Texas where I don't fit it. But there are neighbors and close friends who are like minded in this regard. Most of us have teenage children, so we are busy with them right now. We care, but don't know where to begin. Also, we are doing things individually, but not collectively.

Some of it might be a matter of finding out what you can do first. Although I preach a lot about the fact that this cannot be incremental, maybe we find the thing we can do and have the courage to do . . . start there. But then we need to accelerate the hell out of it!

Rambling now . . . . Smile

There are some folks at DK I would like to invite. Surprised they are not here already.

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"Make dirt, not war." eyo

Gerrit's picture

Introverts unite.jpg

Us introverts could focus more on the personal side of resilience than the local side :=)

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Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.

I live in Texas. I strive to live green. I have dwarf fruit trees and thornless blackberries on my city lot. I grow herbs and veggies in my front yard (the dogs own the back yard.) I compost,collect rainwater, start fron seed, and grow antique roses that began as rooted twigs.
There is a way. Baby steps, and yard art.

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Alison Wunderland's picture

(No, not the Dreary Kaka,) we had a library of links; mostly book links.

Experience is incremental. It comes from doing, succeeding, failing, and doing again until you get it right. I never tire of stressing the importance of books. They never need batteries. Their software doesn't get unreadable.

Maybe someday c99p can have a pinned section devoted to resilience.

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Gerrit's picture

about how a pinned section would work It sounds good :=)

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Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.

Alison Wunderland's picture

I am not an admin. I don't know if this proposal meets with the site's general purpose. I don't know if it's practicable. I'm also not much of a ruminator of philosophical cud, though I admire and voraciously read those of us here who have that talent, and Thumb the living shit out of just about everybody here... with good reason.

I tend to run out of passion and ire fairly quickly, hence my [usually] content-free cartoons, and my limited comments. Also, I tend to lose track of my train of thought, or begin thinking tangentially, which, as one might imagine, leads off to... uh... somewhere in my head to which I have only limited access. ...Sorry, started thinking of something else while writing this comment.

What I am, and have been, is a "mechanic." I see the thing in my head and then go about making it happen, or making it be--more often than not--since I live in the physical realm of woods, metals, fabrics, in general... "materials."

OK, so, having gushed on for too long already, here's an outline for a Library.

The Whole Earth Link Library, or "WELL" (The acronyms are important. I'll explain below.)
The Resilience Resource Center, or "RRC"
C99P Link Library, or "C99PLL"
[or as may be discussed and agreed upon by this community]

To build a compendium of Resilience Links, predominately web links, sources of books, sources of tools, sources of like-minded communities and people. (and resource categories that don't spring to mind, atm)

[Poster] adds a link and a brief description of the link and resource.

Should the poster of the link wish to elaborate on the link, [Poster] initiates an essay on the link outside of the Library, in the main forum, thereby facilitating discussion.

[Poster] then titles the essay to include [WELL] in the title. (my hypothetical acronym for this exercise)

In my view, actual discussion within the Library should be discouraged or it will become completely unmanageable, unwieldy, and counter-productive. (It would like everybody going to the library and sitting around and discussing all the different books they'd each picked off the shelves in the library at the same time, and not putting the books back on the shelves. Now the "books" are scattered all over the place and impossible to find.)

Should [Another Poster] see a link and think a subsequent link is pertinent, [Subsequent Poster] appends the link as a Comment with brief description. This would have the effect of building Resource Trees--This is relevant to That--That is relevant to a Third Link, and so on, and so on.

Comment Titles: Should describe the link.

Example Title: Austin Community Gardens Group

[insert the link] [if a video link, insert the link to the video, not the video itself]

Example Text: A group of DFHs have been reclaiming abandoned lots and growing food organically since 1983. [/text]

And that's it. I would strongly advise not posting videos. We already have the problem of very popular essays that include videos taking forever to load. This, imo, should be like a card catalog.

Essay Titles: (just for example purposes)
[WELL] Austin Community Gardens Group

The developing discussion would no doubt reveal more links. Links could (should) then be appended to the Library beneath the original "Austin...Gardens..." link. to make this practicable.
The site already has Pinned essays. Those are the daily OTs.

If the Conqueroo was amenable, the Library could be pinned just the way the OTs are.
The structure of the library, and the "DOs" and "DON'Ts", in other words, "The Instructions", a permanent part of the initial launch of the library.

I'm rather exited about being able to concentrate all the good stuff we have to share in one place. Essays inevitably get shouldered aside by new essays, and if one isn't on top of the original essay with the resource links, they go off into that good night.

P.S. Should I make this an essay itself?

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Gerrit's picture

into such a system. And then I could find a topic again! And I could refer someone to content.
"Oh we talked about x last month, I think...
Ah, there's the topic at the Pinned Resilience Library:
Go here and read up and tell us what you think."

AB, please write up something on this for johnny and the poobahs to ponder. If we don't have such a Resilience Library, all the content just washes out to sea in the stream and we have no institutional memory.

To be honest, it's fine if the daily national topics wash out to sea, because there's F-all I can do with Clinton's latest outrage or whatever GOS outrage is today outraging folks. But I would really like to find the great stuff folks helped out with when we talked about growing and preserving food a while back.

Resilience topics are all about what's within our control and within our beings: skills, strength of mind, tools, how-to, DIY, local, cooperative projects, etc. It suits a Library real well. Resilience is about practicality: E.g.: how do I teach neighbourhood folks how to cook nutritious with locally sourced food from scratch and how to preserve food?

Thanks for this enlightening stuff, AB!

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Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.

It would be a good starting place for me, a place for getting ideas, questions answered, stories about successes and failures, everything I need to become a better steward, mother, and neighbor Smile

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Gerrit's picture

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Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.

detroitmechworks's picture

The old saying is : "If you can't repair a thing, you don't own it."

So I'm for learning whatever I can. At this point I'm comfortable with a lower tech existence, for the simple reason that my high tech one is tied to whether or not I have an income... Smile

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

Gerrit's picture

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Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.

Gerrit's picture

that we could? We need to get back to that mode of low-tech and just-enough-tech :=)

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Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.

detroitmechworks's picture

Was A Volkswagon Bus.

I wish I still had that car, but I stupidly sold it to go home on a disastrous trip.

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

Alison Wunderland's picture

She was my original "Ol' Nell" -- a '67 with the small pop-top. Two-piece windshield. Brown w/ cream upper half. She wasn't a race horse, but she certainly was a faithful plodder. For various reasons she had 4 engines in 4 years. After the first blown engine, I started keeping a short block under the sleeping platform in the back. By the last one I could change out a complete engine and be running again in 4 hours. LOL.

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detroitmechworks's picture

Which came in very handy when I actually had to live in it for 2 months.

(Looking back on my life, I'm amazed at the amount of times my folks totally abandoned me when I needed help, yet I still stupidly thought they supported me. Hindsight, 20-20, etc..)

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

Bisbonian's picture

And John Muir's book. Still puttering along.

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"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

Alison Wunderland's picture

I've got a date with Winkin' and Blinkin'.

I'd have many tales of adventure with Ol' Nell, but I'm crapped out for now.

Have you read my proposal up-thread?

Nite All...

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lotlizard's picture

In that far-distant punch-card era when IBM’s biggest machine had 16 MB, Poughkeepsie was the (civilian) software capital of the world.

I worked on IBM operating systems and lived in Bearsville, a beautiful woodsy area west of the town after which the Woodstock festival was named but in which it ended up not being held.

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gulfgal98's picture

I am open to learning new things even if I am an old dog. Wink

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Gerrit's picture

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Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.

There's a lot of good information out there, but I notice that practice still makes a big difference in learning new skills, however many books I read first. And paper records are more apt to survive disasters than digital ones.

I think permaculture is a good start, as far as possible in a given situation, although of course things will keep changing. Backups of backups of necessities. Some of the primitive survival skills sound like a good idea, too, for just in case: how to build a fire or a basic shelter, how to forage for food, etc. Things that were easy for our distant ancestors, or would even have been useful to hungry Katrina survivors.

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Gerrit's picture

skills you talk about sound like great topics.

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Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.

MsGrin's picture

When I read the term, something came to mine that I think is different than what you mean.
Thank you. Wink

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'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member

Gerrit's picture

I'm not big on real tight definitions, but like to work with rough definitions that allow lots of creativity at the margins.

Here's my rough definition:
Resilience covers all those practical, controllable things (skills, knowledge, training, practice, abilities, will, resourcefulness, etc.) within a person, or a small group of persons, that enables them to:
1) heal/recover faster - before events, or after setbacks, and/or
2) become more "elastic" - in that they return back to shape/form faster after setbacks.

The key is that resilience is about things within us or within our local group (family, neighbourhood).

For example, if you show me a good, practical, inexpensive way to grow potatoes and store them, then my family will be more resilient:
a) We learned new knowledge and skill (growing and storing potatoes);
b) We're freed from store-bought potatoes, so we don't eat poisonous chemicals and we have a bit more money in our pockets;
3) If this winter, potatoes are scarce in the supermarket, my family will have potatoes in storage.

Resilience is about us - personal skills etc. - and about our local neighbours/street block/neighbourhood.
We only have control over our selves and maybe our local groups. We have little control over our towns or cities or the national policy on fertilizer. Resilience is about things that we can control.

Let's take climate change as an example. I have zero control over climate change. So resilience is not about the Paris climate accords.
I do have some control over where and how I live. So, if I can, I should think about moving away from a development on a flood plain, or an isolated coastal community. But wherever I do live, I could do several things to become more resilient right where I am. I could learn to grow and pickle veggies to reduce my food bill, eat more healthy, get more exercise, meet neighbours who garden, make veggies last through winter. Those are skills I could learn that would make me more resilient in a number of good ways.

I do hope that helps. Resiliency is about practical things within that we can control, that would make us respond to life's difficulties better. Thanks for a great question eh :=)

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Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.

studentofearth's picture

The term keeps changing, but I like the lifestyle. My great-grandparents called it homesteading, my grand, victory gardens and my parents called it raising kids in the country. I tried living the modern, commercial lifestyle but never fully converted. My first back sliding was houseplants in the apartment. Then I stuck some chives in a pot next to the begonia, then came the basil and thyme. The tomatoes, lettuce and peas came with the first house I rented. The gradual transition back to basics was because I found out I was a food snob and fresh quality ingredients tasted better.
The older generation that was my support network has now passed and am working setting a framework for the upcoming decades. Trying to make a low input farm using the land and current buildings I have.

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Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

Gerrit's picture

be great to have you with us.

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Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.

Bisbonian's picture

I had a dream. In my dream, Enki (I didn't even know who Enki was, yet) came to me and said, "all droughts end with a flood. Build kayaks."

So I built two kayaks. I learned a lot, and made some mistakes, and now I am building a better kayak. It's almost done. I am in the midst of a ten day stretch of much job-related effort, but when that is done, I will write my kayak essay. It will be about building boats, but also about building things by tried and true methods that have worked for centuries, and can work in the future...about using simple tools, and especially about resilience. My new one is a resilient kayak.

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"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

Gerrit's picture

And seeing photos! Best wishes on your work trip, mate.

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Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.

I have a plastic kayak, which probably sounds horrific to you. Joy for me though, is paddling around on a lake in my plastic kayak.

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Bisbonian's picture

I fly airplanes for a living. When I overnight in San Diego, San Jose, or Austin, I hop on a rental plastic kayak, and go have fun.

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"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

I can just imagine the gentle rocking motion as you're sitting in that Yak. Thanks for the picture....makes me want to go out on the water.

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pswaterspirit's picture

I have been a farmer for 30 years, built my own house, have critters like chickens and so on. So I might be able to help folks out with some odd ball ideas from growing stuff in really small places and such.

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Gerrit's picture

I'm looking forward to having your help. See, a lot of our ideas will need to be met with hard-won experienced knowledge and wisdom. TY, my friend,

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Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.

Lookout's picture

Hey waterspirit,
We built our house 30 years ago too. Had a big house raising. We're somewhat self sufficient, heat our house and water with the sun, and capture water. I'm willing to offer my two cents. I was trained as a soil scientist, and taught earth science for decades.

Every area/spot presents it's own challenge. I'm here in NE Alabama. Where are you? It would be nice to have farmer types in several regions to offer advice.

All the best on your project gerrit

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

pswaterspirit's picture

Also have a bunch of Navaho gardeners I communicate with that have some great ways of growing in the dryer or drought stricken areas. Ones they have been using for thousands of years.

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Lookout's picture

Last fall we visited Mesa Verde, Chaco Canyon, and San Juan River area. Such a different world from our wet subtropical area. You live in a wet (and beautiful) place too I see.

We've started planting the summer garden. Still got a couple months left with lettuce and greens. You have a mild climate too. Can you garden during the winter?

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

pswaterspirit's picture

Different things in the winter. I also keep peppers and strawberries as house plants (more on that one day soon). This year I am going to try to keep a cherry tomato as well.

I am somewhat of an envelope pusher in that I don't take anyones word that something will not grow in my climate instead I try for myself. Variety is everything when it comes to growing plants in less than perfect climates. I am a big believer in open pollinated varieties and choosing for climate.

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riverlover's picture

I found that soil color shocking the first time I saw a new roadcut going NE out of Huntsville.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

Martha Pearce-Smith's picture

I have been hoping to find someone like you to help me with a project here. My church is doing outreach at a community center. I am planning on teaching the children of the neighborhood to grow food. They did a bit on their own last year, and did pretty well. Now they want to understand more.

I have been looking for a book or a lesson plan on turning dirt into soil...or something like that. Lots of pre-pubescent boys in that neighborhood and they would love to learn about all of the worms and bugs and such... I am already working on putting together the stuff needed for a worm farm. But I want to teach them the science of soil... but at the level of say 10 and 11 year olds...

Can you point me to something that could help me plan this out? Any and ALL help would be appreciated!

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Please help the Resilience Resource Library grow by adding your links.

First Nations News

Martha Pearce-Smith's picture


Is there a way to post documents here. Perhaps PDFs?

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Please help the Resilience Resource Library grow by adding your links.

First Nations News

Gerrit's picture

somehow have a collection with an index? We could then say to new-person-asking-old-question, "Go see post x." I dunno.

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Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.

Before your writings I'd never heard of "resilience" altho it is an exact description of my core being Smile

I'll be 56 in June and remain forever thankful to my Dad who was born and raised in East Oakland, CA and my wonderful Granny Smith who was a WWII widow and single mom. As a immigrant farmer's daughter she planted and maintained a Victory Garden on two lots and produced tons and tons of fresh food within a neighborhood that is historically known as a "food desert." No grocery chain has or will build/invest in urban neighborhoods like that with crime rates so high. But as a young dad, and altho quite academic, he remained true to his roots so thankfully I grew up with magazines like Rodale's Organic Gardening and Black Panther's Ramparts.

And thank you for your explanation on "sustainability." Like many things during the 90s, it was frustrating to see a scientifically legitimate term get hijacked by the pursuit of entrepreneur capitalism. The environmental hope of the Rio Summit burgeoned instead into a whole new political economy of NGOs parading as middlemen to Earth's answer to global warming. As a former/longtime Cooperative Extension Master Gardener I realized what joke "sustainability" had become, comfortably cloaked as an economy's "new bottom line" however extractive/detrimental the industry. Whenever I use it now, I make sure to clarify it's definition, passively educating while at it. This new terminology really helps in explaining by example ecology's interrelationships, thank you and LET'S DO THIS!

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Gerrit's picture

experience. We need your input - feel free to jump in anywhere :=)

I'm glad that "resilience" works: you're quite right - the corporatists stole "sustainable" to greenwash their BS!

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Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.

JayRaye's picture

community and working together for the good of all.

The whole survivalist movement was a turn-off to me because it seemed to reinforce the individualist bunker mentality.

I have some old-fashioned skills that might be helpful. For example I have cooked chicken from scratch, starting where the axe meets the neck of the chicken!

I still have my hand-cranked flour grinder. The only possession I have left from my days living at mountain commune. But it's been a long time since I actually ground wheat berries to make flour. Used cost me 9 cents to make a loaf of 100% organic whole wheat bread!

Can also chop wood and build a fire and manage it to cook or bake on a wood cook stove. And I know how to bank a fire in wood heating stove so that it last thru a long winter night.

Hey Gerrit, we need to preserve some of these skills!!

Don't know if Johnny has the group feature up and running. I seem to remember some talk about that at one point. But even if the group feature isn't available yet, we could still set up a time and a banner so that we feel more like a group.

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Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons

Gerrit's picture

from you. Agreed on all points. (Survivalism is for nutbars.) We're about cooperative local and personal skills-building. Big Ty my friend,

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Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.

mimi's picture

needed to get to the point to have your roof over your head and feed yourself of a little piece of land. And I know that whatever you do, you have to learn by doing and failing and getting up again and doing it again and getting over your last failure and on and on and on ... Yes 3

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Gerrit's picture

you say, it's about being willing to try, fall down, (giggle & cuss), then getting up, learning from it, and doing better. And working together. Thanks,

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Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.

mimi's picture

got the message that finally my son found a landlord who is willing to rent out a part of his house to him, separate unit within. That would mean I could visit him without having to shell out hundreds and hundreds of dollars for hotel. (Finger crossed, tomorrow he will sign the lease). The lot has a little greenhouse and he can use it. Smile So, there is a start. At least it seems I can sleep a little bit better with less worries. He can get out of sleeping in his truck in 9 days. I am so superstitious that talking about it would mean it could still end up to not happen. Sigh. Of course, we can make the rent only with two people, so it's sharing either with "Mom" or "the girlfriend". That makes half the rent for him and he can afford that from his salary.

That's an interestiing subject too: Why do people tend to believe in "signs" and other superstitious stuff. It's a specific kind of mind manipulation going on, when that happens. But where does it come from?

Cross your fingers it will come through. Living out of a truck, while being a full-time working guy, is a major destructive force on your psyche. Let's say he had resilience to live in his truck to survive. Oh boy, that and the primaries got me really down.

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Gerrit's picture

I would say he is a remarkably resilient young man. You must be real proud.

I am so happy for you, mimi. I know with our kids that, when something good or bad happens to them, it happens to me - right in my gut and head and heart. I go through what they go through. It can't be otherwise. We are blood after all and connected in all sorts of ways.

I am so happy that it means that visits from Mom can happen again. - that it is more affordable. I hope you can have a real good night's sleep tonight, my friend.

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Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.

Lenzabi's picture

I agree with Bisbonian, we are past the tipping point, adaptation is needed to keep life going for as long as possible.

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So long, and thanks for all the fish

Gerrit's picture

tipping point. Our focus now is properly on what we can control: personal and local resiliency=adaptability.

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Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.

Unabashed Liberal's picture

group member, if that's acceptable--IOW, more reading and cheering on, than writing--since I'm working on a blogging project of my own, and still traveling quite a bit, as well.

BTW, this tragic story came down on my cell phone last night. Recall that there were a record number of deaths in India, last year.

Heat wave kills more than 160 in southern , eastern India

HYDERABAD, India (AP) — Weeks of sweltering temperatures have caused more than 160 deaths in southern and eastern India, officials said Tuesday, warning that any relief from monsoon rains was still likely weeks away.
Most of the heat-wave victims were laborers and farmers in the states of Telangana, Andhra Pradesh and Orissa, though temperatures elsewhere in India have also hit 45 degrees Celsius (113 Fahrenheit). . . .

Weeks of sweltering temperatures have caused more than 160 deaths in southern and eastern India, officials said Tuesday, warning that any relief from monsoon rains was still likely weeks away. Most of the heat-wave victims were laborers and farmers in the states of Telangana, Andhra Pradesh and Orissa, though temperatures elsewhere in India have also hit 45 degrees Celsius (113 Fahrenheit).

Schools were closed last week in Orissa until at least April 26. Officials in Andhra Pradesh were giving out free water and buttermilk to help people stay hydrated. And everywhere, people have been urged to stay indoors during the hottest hours of the day.

Y.K. Reddy, a state meteorological official, said the temperatures were about 4-5 degrees Celsius (8-10 degrees Fahrenheit) hotter than normal for April. "Normally such high temperatures are recorded in the month of May," he said. . . .

Making matters worse, India is grappling with severe water shortages and drought affecting more than 300 million people — a quarter of the country's population. Thousands of distressed farmers have committed suicide, tens of thousands of farm animals have died, and crops have perished, with rivers, lakes and ponds drying up and groundwater tables sinking.

Scrambling to deal with the crisis, officials have sent tankers of water to parched farming communities in Maharashtra, banning people from drilling deep wells and ordering farmers to shift away from growing water-guzzling sugarcane crops.
The heat wave in India coincides with record-high temperatures across the globe. On Tuesday, the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said March's average global temperature of 12.7 degrees Celsius (54.9 Fahrenheit) was not only the hottest March, but continues a record 11-month streak that started last May.

For southern India, this is the second consecutive year marred by a deadly heat wave. Last year, around 2,500 people died in scorching temperatures before the monsoon rains began in the Indian subcontinent in early June.

Very much look forward to reading your posts.

Have a good one!


"I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me they are the role model for being alive."
----Gilda Radner, Comedienne

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National Mill Dog Rescue

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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

Gerrit's picture

well-deserved raspberries are very appropriate! I wanted to make sure there was enough interest before resuming the charge up the hill, and I wanted to ask for whatever help folks have time and energy to give. Eyeballs alone are wonderful. TY my friend :=)

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Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.

Cassiodorus's picture

Can we also get our membership list for c99% above 1600 people? The growth of this place seems to have slowed down a bit.

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"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad

elenacarlena's picture

read on the topic. It sounds very interesting to me. Suggest you agree on a day and time for regular posts, so we know when to check in.

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Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.

Gerrit's picture

that's a good idea, eh - regular slots. I could provide content on Saturdays and Sundays. I've been doing that lately. Then one or two days in the week: maybe Tuesdays and Thursdays?

I could provide content at first until some folks would like to jump in. Please don't be shy, anything on topic is welcome anytime :=)

If we do 4 days, we could focus on Personal resiliency on two days and Local on the other two. I would never remember anything more complicated than Personal resilience on weekends and Local during the week. But no one will care if we add something wherever :=) Thanks elena,

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Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.

Dhyerwolf's picture

I can't say that any of my skillset is really applicable, but I love the idea of gathering knowledge here so people like myself can learn.

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Gerrit's picture

us are just making it up as we go along. Seriously, most of us begin at zero. Some folks have travelled far and can really help with practical experience. The rest of us are trying various small things to build skills while we get ready for our opportunity to step up. Cheers mate,

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Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.

Alison Wunderland's picture

And do you concur with my proposal for the format of the repository?

What do you think of your writing the precis, as you did above, and taking my format suggestions as the "How to use this library" instructions?

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Gerrit's picture

Martha figured out this morning for the library headings. Could you copy and paste whatever I said above that's useful into your library instructions? I'd like to add the definition of resiliency I gave MrsGrin in the comments.

Then we could give it a bit of an editorial eye - Martha too - and you could pin it when you think its ready? (Seriously, mate, I'm a content provider: I am fairly useless at organizing technical info.)

I asked JtC for the instructions on how to set up a group and invite folks to become members. He's been busy with the comment redesign and said that he'd send me the info this afternoon. Then we could get the group up and running this weekend. w00t! :=)

I so appreciate your technical knowledge; we'd be lost without that! Cheers,

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Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.

I just saw this this morning, but want to throw in my support along with everybody else. This is a great project. I don't know what I can contribute, but I like this idea Gerrit, it's good.

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Gerrit's picture

participation. No worries about anything: we're all learning together. I would appreciate it if you would add questions.

Think of what types of info would be helpful to someone new to resilience. And slot them in whenever you wish. We could figure out how to keep everyone's questions in some list in the library. Then writers could take one and run with it and feed that back into the group: "Ah, there's a question about drip irrigation. I could show them how my system works." Cheers mate,

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Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.

Oh I have questions Smile
I look forward (and I have some catch-up reading from your past posts and others as well) to reading this and to contributing my bit. Best to you too Gerrit on this Friday. Here in south-central Texas we have a stunningly gorgeous northern breeze (thanks Canada) clear blue skies, butterflies, wildflowers, cactus in bloom and lots of green from all the rain.

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lotlizard's picture

and later CoEvolution Quarterly magazine and Whole Earth Review, which I did my part in supporting with a couple thousand dollars back before I fell off the financial roller-coaster.
(Too bad they — we — are now reduced to working through the kind of evil, one-plutocrat-at-the-top corporate monopolies we of that time always eschewed, in this case Jeff Bezos’ Amazon.)

Although Stewart Brand and successors had different words for it rather than “resilience,” that whole community would have “grokked” exactly what Gerrit is getting at here.

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Gerrit's picture

resiliency! What a wonderful word is grok, eh. TY also for the Whole Earth link: I've bookmarked it and we'll go digging there :=)

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Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.